January 18, 2010 - Minutes
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Regular Council Meeting for Public Hearings
Monday, January 18, 2010
Place: |
Council Chambers Richmond City Hall 6911 No. 3 Road |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie Councillor Derek Dang Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt Councillor Ken Johnston Councillor Bill McNulty Councillor Harold Steves Gail Johnson, Acting Corporate Officer |
Absent: |
Councillor Linda Barnes Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt Councillor Greg Halsey-Brandt |
Call to Order: |
Mayor Brodie opened the proceedings at 7:00 p.m. |
1. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8435 (RZ 08-438376)(8571 Heather Street; Applicant: NKS Enterprises) | |
Applicant’s Comments: | |
The applicant was available to answer questions. | |
Written Submissions: | |
(a) |
Steve Coventry, 8571 Heather Street, Richmond, (Schedule 1). |
Submissions from the floor: | |
Steve Coventry, 8571 Heather Street, explained he resides to the north of the subject site, and while he was not opposed to the subdivision of the property, he expressed concern with the potential size and placement of the proposed residential unit and its impact on his property in terms of drainage and shading. | |
Following a response by staff to Mr. Coventry’s questions, it was suggested he contact the developer to discuss possible flexibility in the building plans. | |
PH10/1-1 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8435 be given second and third readings. | |
2. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8557 (RZ 09-484669)
(3951, 3971, 4071, 4111 Boundary Road, Portions of 23660 River Road, No Address Parcels (P.I.D. 003-693-805, 003-693-996, 003-694-143,003-693-899) and Portions of Existing Surplus City Road Right-of-Way; Applicant: South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority (TransLink)) | |
Applicant’s Comments: | |
Phil Christie, Vice President of Real Estate, Translink, provided an overview of TransLink’s proposed bus operations and maintenance facility in Hamilton, noting in particular: | |
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the facility will be similar to the existing bus maintenance facility operating at Steveston Highway and Shell Road; |
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up to 350 diesel buses will eventually be accommodated; |
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approximately 600 TransLink staff will be employed at the facility; |
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the location is logistically desirable in terms of transportation delivery and land use; |
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the required traffic study will include developments that have recently occurred on the New Westminster side of the proposed development; and |
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TransLink strives to be a good neighbour and will continue to address outstanding issues raised by parties such as the City of New Westminster, Tree Island Steel Industries and residents of the Hamilton Community. |
Brian Jackson, Director of Development, provided an update on the Public Open House that was hosted in Hamilton on January 13, 2010, and summarized the main concerns raised by attendees, which included: the impact of traffic in the area (80% of the questions); pedestrian safety, namely the provision of walkways/sidewalks (10% of the questions); the design and location of park land; and the need for, or provision of, a daycare (10% of the questions). Mr. Jackson also referenced the concerns related to access to Tree Island Industries. | |
Written Submissions: | |
(a) |
Memorandum dated December 18, 2009 from the Director of Development providing additional information, (Schedule 2). |
(b) |
Stephen Ogden, VP Operations, Tree Island Industries , letter dated January 8, 2010, (Schedule 3). |
(c) |
Stephen Ogden, VP Operations, Tree Island Industries , letter dated January 12, 2010, (Schedule 4). |
(d) |
Memorandum dated January 15, 2010 from the Director of Development providing additional information, (Schedule 5). |
(e) |
Letter from Mayor Wayne Wright, Corporation of City of New Westminster, (Schedule 6). |
(f) |
Phil Christie, Vice President, Real Estate, TransLink, (Schedule 7). |
(g) |
Terryl Plotnikoff, 147 Phillips Street, New Westminster, (Schedule 8). |
Submissions from the floor: | |
Bev Grieve, Manager of Planning, accompanied by Catherine Mohoruk, Transportation Engineer Specialist, both from the City of New Westminster, stated that the City supports the proposed land use; however, concerns were raised regarding: the lack of time necessary to review the proposed development in order to address concerns of New Westminster residents; the impact on traffic patterns at the Westminster Highway and Howes Street intersection; and, the lack of communication regarding the functional design of Boundary Road. The City requested that Richmond Council not give final reading to the Bylaw until these concerns have been addressed. |
Ed Wilson, Tree Island Industries Ltd, referenced the history of the land sold to TransLink and the severe impact the proposed development will have on access to Tree Island Industries Ltd. Although discussions have taken place with TransLink, the issue has not yet been resolved to the satisfaction of Tree Island Industries Ltd. Mr. Wilson requested that Council not approve the rezoning until an agreement has been reached to provide a private registered access over portions of River Road and Boundary Road parcels. |
Dick Chan, President of the Hamilton Community Association (HCA), accompanied by an HCA representative, expressed support for the development; however, questions were raised regarding the location of the childcare facility at this location, due to health and safety concerns. In addition, Mr. Chan suggested that there might be higher priorities for the community than a daycare, such as a library or fitness centre, and that the Hamilton community would like to provide input into the proposed site development, as well as the benefits derived from it. |
Gavin Palmer, President of the Queensborough Residents Association expressed support for the project, stating it would be positive for the community; however, Mr. Palmer expressed concerns regarding: increased traffic congestion; recent developments in the immediate area, such as a new industrial park; increased air pollution in Queensborough, and that an air quality test should be done prior to opening of the facility to establish a base line; the impact of oil and fuel waste on fish habitat; a flawed public consultation process where no notice was given to local businesses; and, the wisdom of locating a childcare centre on Boundary Road. |
Robert Howie, 625 Hamilton Street, New Westminster, agreed that an additional transit facility was needed to meet transportation demands of the region; however, he expressed concern that the proposed facility would increase traffic flow through New Westminster as well as exacerbate existing congestion on local bridges. |
The Mayor acknowledged the conclusion of the opportunity for first time presentations, and the following speaker addressed Council for the second time with new information: |
Ed Wilson, Tree Island Industries Ltd, explained that this project could be supported if the access issue is addressed by TransLink going back to the Province seeking restitution of the original ownership of the road. |
During discussion, members of Council expressed support for the proposed development, believing it was appropriate for the site. It was also believed that Tree Island Industries access difficulties would be addressed satisfactorily, based on TransLink’s stated willingness to seek a solution. Further, the provision of funding for a childcare facility was believed to be in the best interests of the community; however, discussion as to an appropriate location would still be required. |
PH10/1-2 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8557 be given second and third readings. |
PH10/1-3 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the matter of the potential childcare facility and the required funding, be referred to staff for further consultation with the Hamilton Community Association and other stakeholders. |
3. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8558 (RZ 07-401012)(8140 Heather Street; Applicant: Rav Bains) |
Applicant’s Comments: |
The applicant was not in attendance. |
Written Submissions: |
None. |
Submissions from the floor: |
None. |
PH10/1-4 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8558 be given second and third readings. |
4. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8560 (RZ 09-490139)
(251 Douglas Crescent; Applicant: Anjali Chawla & Hamish MacDonald) | |
Applicant’s Comments: | |
Written Submissions: | |
(a) |
Greg Laing, 91 Douglas Crescent, Richmond, (Schedule 9). |
(b) |
Candace Mayes, 6960 Miller Road, Richmond, (Schedule 10). |
(c) |
Ingrid and Jake Trouw, 2160 Handley Avenue, Richmond, (Schedule 11). |
Submissions from the floor: | |
None. | |
PH10/1-5 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8560 be given second and third readings. | |
5. |
Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 8561 (City Centre, Burkeville and West Cambie; Applicant: City Of Richmond) | |
In accordance with Section 100 of the Community Charter, Councillor Derek Dang declared himself to be in a potential conflict of interest as he has an interest in property that is the subject of Item 5, and left the meeting at 8:46 p.m. | |
Applicant’s Comments: | |
Staff was available to answer questions. | |
Written Submissions: | |
(a) |
Memorandum dated December 7, 2009 from the Manager of Policy Planning providing new information, (Schedule 12). |
Submissions from the floor: | |
None. | |
PH10/1-6 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That OCP Amendment Bylaw 8561 be given second and third readings. | |
It was moved and seconded | |
PH10/1-7 |
That OCP Amendment Bylaw 8561 be adopted. | |
Councillor Derek Dang returned to the meeting at 8:48 p.m. |
6. |
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8562 (RZ 09-497547)(6411 Blundell Road; Applicant: Ajit Thaliwal) | |
Applicant’s Comments: | |
The applicant was available to answer questions. | |
Written Submissions: | |
(a) |
Brian and Susanne Galloway, 6500 Chelmsford Street, Richmond, (Schedule 13). |
(b) |
Sih Jen Yang, 6395 Blundell Road, Richmond, (Schedule 14). |
(c) |
Huamin Li, 6355 Blundell Road, Richmond, (Schedule 15). |
Submissions from the floor: | |
None. | |
PH10/1-8 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8562 be given second and third readings. | |
PH10/1-9 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (8:50 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting for Public Hearings of the City of Richmond held on Monday, January 18, 2010. |
Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie) |
Acting Corporate Officer, City Clerk’s Office (Gail Johnson) |