February 16, 2009 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Regular Council Meeting for Public Hearings


Monday, February 16, 2009



Council Chambers

Richmond City Hall

6911 No. 3 Road


Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie

Councillor Linda Barnes

Councillor Derek Dang

Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt

Councillor Greg Halsey-Brandt

Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt

Councillor Ken Johnston

Councillor Bill McNulty

Councillor Harold Steves


Gail Johnson, Acting Corporate Officer

Call to Order:

Mayor Brodie opened the proceedings at 7:00 p.m.





Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8447 (RZ 08-439125)

(10660 Williams Road; Applicant:  KNS Enterprises Ltd.)



Applicant’s Comments:



The applicant was available to respond to questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:






It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8447 be given second and third readings.







Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 8465

(7631, 7651, 7671, 7691, 7711, and 7731 Ash Street and 7680, 7700, and 7720 Heather Street; Applicant:  School District No. 38 (Richmond))



Applicant’s Comments:



Eric Thorleifson, Manager of Facilities, School District No. 38, provided background information regarding the acquisition of the subject lots and noted the lots were originally purchased in order to construct an elementary school.  Mr. Thorleifson spoke of differences in projected enrolment since the lots were acquired, and changes in funding for additions to existing elementary schools; therefore, the lots are now considered a surplus.



Mr. Thorleifson highlighted the benefits the amendment proposed such as the expansion of Paulik Park, the development of affordable housing units, and the development of a childcare facility.



Written Submissions:




Memorandum dated February 11, 2009 from the Manager, Policy Planning providing supplementary information;




Edmond Yau, #18 – 9308 Keefer Avenue (Schedule 1); and




Dr. John Rose, #10 – 9288 Keefer Avenue (Schedule 2).




Submissions from the floor:




Beth Kitts, 7580 Ash Street, was opposed to the proposed Official Community Plan OCP) amendment.  Ms. Kitts stated that when the McLennan South Sub-Area Plan was developed, it was with reluctance she accepted the density of townhouses, and the current amendment proposes a five storey apartment development, which is even more cause for concern.  Ms. Kitts also questioned the rationale behind the purchase of these lots for the development of a new elementary school when there are four existing elementary schools in close proximity.  She was of the opinion that five-storeys would be an eyesore and the increased density would further create traffic congestion.




May Williams, Richmond resident, spoke in opposition to the proposed OCP amendment citing concerns regarding traffic congestion, and the height of the proposed development.




Lynda Clark, 7740 Ash Street, spoke in opposition to the proposed application and stated the following concerns (i) Blundell Road is very difficult to access by car; (ii) the recent high density housing has caused considerable congestion in the neighbourhood; and (iii) due to the narrow width of Ash Street, vehicles must pull over in order to allow other vehicles to pass as parking is permitted on both sides of the street.




Ms. Clark further commented on concerns regarding potential additional traffic congestion and the height of the proposed development.  She was of the opinion that the proposed daycare facility was redundant as local elementary schools are currently under utilized and could be used as daycare facilities.




Roland Hoegler, 6560 No. 4 Road, was concerned with the proposed OCP amendment and was of the opinion that there should be continuity of expectations, as people purchased in this neighbourhood with the thought that the subject area would be public and open space use.  He believed that the City should purchase these lands from School District No. 38 (Richmond) to develop a city centre park.  Mr. Hoegler also felt it was unfair that the School District does not pay property taxes and he questioned the allocation of Development Cost Charges.




Michael Popelianksy, Richmond resident, spoke in opposition to the proposed OCP amendment and was concerned with the proposed massing and density of the application.




Eva Chan, #18 – 9308 Keefer Avenue,  was opposed to the proposed application and advised that she recently purchased her property with the understanding that the area only allowed for low density, and no condominiums.  Ms. Chan spoke of traffic problems currently in the area and believed that the proposed four-storeys over one level of parking was not in character with the rest of the neighbourhood.



In response to concerns raised, Mr. Thorleifson advised that the School District is not motivated by profit; it is a public body that strives to provide the best public education possible.  He stated that the proposed sale of these lands are a direct result of unforeseen decline in enrolment: a new elementary school is no longer essential.  He reiterated that the proposed amendment attempts to balance the neighbourhood’s needs with the School District’s needs by offering to expand Paulik Park, providing affordable housing, and developing a publicly owned daycare facility. 



Peter Reese, Architect, representing the School District, mentioned that the proposed amendment sought the same floor area ratio (FAR), except where a childcare facility is constructed, as described in the OCP, however, on smaller lots.



It was moved and seconded



That Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 8465 be given second and third readings.



The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued regarding the concerns expressed by the delegations and in the correspondence, related to neighbourhood expectations, traffic congestion, additional density, and the height of the proposed apartment block.  As a result of this discussion, the following referral motion was made:



It was moved and seconded



That Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 8465 be referred back to staff to further consider massing, density, height, parkland, and other issues related to this application.











It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (8:04 p.m.).







Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting for Public Hearings of the City of Richmond held on Monday, February 16, 2009.




Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie)


Acting Corporate Officer,

City Clerk’s Office (Gail Johnson)