February 1, 2021 - Minutes
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General Purposes Committee
Date: |
Monday, February 1, 2021 |
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie, Chair |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on January 18, 2021, be adopted as circulated. |
1. |
Minoru Aquatic Centre – Facility Condition, Program and Costing Update |
Staff provided additional information and noted that (i) due to the age and hazardous condition of the building it is not recommended that the building be repurposed, (ii) the options provided in a submission by a Council member are not feasible with the Minoru Aquatic Centre as the buildings are made of a different material, and (iii) the cost to repurpose the west portion of the Minoru Aquatic Centre would be approximately $8.8M and the east portion of the building would be boarded and fenced for safety. |
In reply to queries from Committee, staff advised that (i) should the building be used for programmable space, upgrades to the floor, washrooms, roof, and separation of electrical and mechanical systems would be required, (ii) removal of hazardous materials is necessary for safety purposes, (iii) only general assembly use was considered, (iv) demolishing the building would reclaim green space that was used for the construction of the Minoru Centre for Active Living, and (v) due to high costs of repurposing the building, it would be more efficient to build a new building that can be used for a variety of services. |
Councillor Steves entered the meeting by teleconference (4:17 p.m.). |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That staff be authorized to proceed with Option 1, Demolition of the Minoru Aquatic Centre as described in the staff report titled “Minoru Aquatic Centre - Facility Condition, Program and Costing Update” dated January 5, 2021 from the Director, Facilities and Project Development and the Director, Recreation and Sport Services; and |
(2) |
That a capital project in the amount of $2,700,000 funded by the Rate Stabilization Account to demolish the Minoru Aquatic Centre as described in the staff report titled “Minoru Aquatic Centre - Facility Condition, Program and Costing Update” dated January 5, 2021 from the Director, Facilities and Project Development and the Director, Recreation and Sport Services be approved and included in the Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2021 – 2025). |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion took place on reclaiming green space and limited use of the building if it was repurposed. |
As a result of the discussion, the following referral motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That the staff report titled “Minoru Aquatic Centre - Facility Condition, Program and Costing Update” be referred back to staff to examine alternate uses for the building, and report back. |
The question on the referral motion was not called as discussion took place on finding other alternatives for repurposing the building. |
The question on the referral motion was then called and it was DEFEATED with Mayor Brodie, Cllrs. Au, Loo, McNulty, and McPhail opposed. |
Discussion further took place on recycling demolition materials and as a result the following amendment motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That 99% of the materials from the demolition of the Minoru Aquatic Centre be recycled. |
The question on the main motion was then called and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. Day, Steves and Wolfe opposed. |
2. |
Draft New Soil Deposit and Removal Bylaw |
In reply to queries from Committee, staff noted that (i) a maximum security deposit was recommended as there is language in the proposed bylaw that denotes that should there be any damage or other issues, it is the property owners’ responsibility, (ii) the City’s security deposit is in addition to the deposit required by the Agricultural Land Commission, (iii) the proposed bylaw outlines that permits are not required for fill less than 14 cubic metres as long as it does not raise the level of the property, (iv) requirements for zoning and flood protection are not covered in this bylaw, (v) exemptions for volumes under 100 cubic metres may be allowed with approval from the General Manager, and (vi) suggestions for increased security deposits can be incorporated in the proposed bylaw when brought forward for readings. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the report titled “Draft New Soil Deposit and Removal Bylaw”, dated January 11, 2021, from the General Manger, Community Safety, be received for information; and |
(2) |
That staff be directed to consult with the Food Security and Agricultural Advisory Committee and report back with a proposed bylaw for adoption; and |
(3) |
That further options and rationale for potential security deposits be provided. |
3. |
2021 Arts and Culture Grant Program |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the 2021 Arts and Culture Grants, less the proposed grant to the Caravan Stage Society, be awarded for the total recommended amount of $116,815, as identified in Attachment 1 of the staff report titled “2021 Arts and Culture Grant Program,” dated December 3, 2020, from the Director, Arts, Culture and Heritage Services; and |
(2) |
That disbursement of grant funds be issued once the Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2021-2025) is adopted by Council. |
In accordance with Section 100 of the Community Charter, Cllr. McPhail declared to be in a conflict of interest as her husband has business interests in the Caravan Stage Society, and Cllr. McPhail left the meeting – 4:51 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the grant to the Caravan Stage Society for the recommended amount as identified in Attachment 1 of the staff report titled “2021 Arts and Culture Grant Program” dated December 3, 2020 from the Director, Arts, Culture and Heritage Services, be approved. |
Cllr. McPhail returned to the meeting – 4:52 p.m. |
4. |
2021 Parks, Recreation and Community Events Grants |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the 2021 Parks, Recreation and Community Events Grants, less the proposed grant to KidSport, be awarded for the total recommended amount of $86,800, as identified in Attachment 1 of the staff report titled “2021 Parks, Recreation and Community Events Grants,” dated December 8, 2020, from the Director, Recreation and Sport Services and the Director, Parks Services; and |
(2) |
That disbursement of grant funds be issued once the Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2021-2025) is adopted by Council. |
The question on the motion was not called as in reply to a query from Committee, staff noted that a portion of the grant submitted by the Richmond Winter Club was for building maintenance and repair, which is ineligible under grant guidelines. |
Discussion took place on distributing the remaining funds between City Centre Community Association, Richmond Food Security Society and the Richmond Pickleball Association. |
As a result of the discussion, the following amendment motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That the balance of the remaining funds from the 2021 Parks, Recreation and Community Events Grants, in the amount of $2,028, as identified in Attachment 1 of the staff report titled “2021 Parks, Recreation and Community Events Grants,” dated December 8, 2020, from the Director, Recreation and Sport Services and the Director, Parks Services, be distributed and added to the recommended grant amounts with $500 distributed to the Richmond Pickleball Association, and the remainder distributed evenly ($764 each) for City Centre Community Association and Richmond Food Security Society. |
In reply to further queries from Committee, staff noted that they liaise with the Sharing Farm on a regular basis to support their programs at Terra Nova Park and if they are short on funds, the City will work to assist them to find those resources. |
The question on the main motion which reads as follows: |
(1) |
That the 2021 Parks, Recreation and Community Events Grants of $110,800, as identified in Attachment 1 of the staff report titled “2021 Parks, Recreation and Community Events Grants,” dated December 8, 2020, from the Director, Recreation and Sport Services and the Director, Parks Services, be adjusted to remove the proposed grant to KidSport of $24,000 and add the balance of the remaining funds, in the amount of $2,028, with $500 distributed to the Richmond Pickleball Association, and the remainder distributed evenly ($764 each) for City Centre Community Association and Richmond Food Security Society, and that the adjusted total recommended amount of $88,828 be awarded; and |
(2) |
That disbursement of grant funds be issued once the Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2021-2025) is adopted by Council. |
was then called and it was CARRIED. |
In accordance with Section 100 of the Community Charter, Cllr. Loo declared to be in a conflict of interest as she is involved in KidSport fundraising activities, and Cllr. Loo left the meeting – 5:04 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the grant to KidSport be awarded and a cheque disbursed for the amount of $19,000; and |
(2) |
That $5,000 be held back and allocated to sports groups not recognized by KidSport and that this be administered by staff, and at the end of the year any remaining funds be given back to KidSport. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to the recommended grant to KidSport and it was suggested that $5,000 from the proposed grant of $24,000 be allocated for sport not recognized by the KidSport organization. |
In response to a query from Committee, staff advised that the $5,000 from last year still remains, as applications were not received in 2020 due to Covid-19. |
The Chair requested clarification via staff memorandum on the motion and status from last year on this grant before the Council meeting on Monday, February 8, 2021. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED. |
Cllr. Loo returned to the meeting – 5:09 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff review the possibility of a new grant category which is related to the environment and provide options, and report back. |
5. |
2021 Child Care Grants |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the Child Care Capital Grants be awarded for the recommended amounts and cheques for a total of $45,519 be disbursed as per the staff report titled “2021 Child Care Grants,” dated December 3, 2020, from the Director, Community Social Development only if the proposed 2021 Child Care Grants capital budget is approved as part of the 2021 budget process and once the Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2021-2025) is adopted by Council; and |
(2) |
That the Child Care Professional and Program Development Grant be awarded for the recommended amount and a cheque for a total of $1,500 be disbursed only if the proposed 2021 Child Care Grants capital budget is approved as part of the 2021 budget process and once the Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2021-2025) is adopted by Council. |
The question on the motion was not called as in reply to queries from Committee, staff noted that this grant stream relies heavily on in-person events in order to utilize the funds, and due to Covid-19 organizations were unable to reimagine those events virtually; therefore, sending out a subsequent call for applications would not likely elicit any further allocations. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED. |
6. |
2021 Health, Social & Safety Grants |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the 2021 Health, Social and Safety Grants be awarded for the total recommended amount of $621,864 as identified in Attachment 1 of the staff report titled “2021 Health, Social and Safety Grants,” dated January 18, 2021, from the Director, Community Social Development; and |
(2) |
That disbursement of grant funds be issued once the Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2021-2025) is adopted by Council. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion took place on allocating the remaining funds to St. Albans Parish. |
In response to queries from Committee, staff noted that (i) the Parish of St. Albans Shower Program has been canceled due to Covid-19, (ii) there is an increased demand for funds due to financial instability, (iii) this year double the amount of grant requests were received; therefore, many grants were not fully funded, and (iv) a cost of living increase was not received this year; therefore, it was not provided to agencies as it was in the past. |
Staff advised that they would reach out to the Richmond Mental Health Consumer and Friends Society. |
As a result of the discussion the following amendment motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That the balance of the remaining funds from the 2021 Health, Social and Safety Grants in the amount of $5,106 as identified in Attachment 1 of the staff report titled “2021 Health, Social and Safety Grants,” dated January 18, 2021, from the Director, Community Social Development, be awarded to the Parish of St. Albans. |
The question on the main motion which reads as follows: |
(1) |
That the 2021 Health, Social and Safety Grants of $621,864 as identified in Attachment 1 of the staff report titled “2021 Health, Social and Safety Grants,” dated January 18, 2021, from the Director, Community Social Development be adjusted to include the balance of $5,106 for the Parish of St. Albans, and that the adjusted total recommended amount of $626,971 be awarded; and |
(2) |
That disbursement of grant funds be issued once the Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2021-2025) is adopted by Council. |
was then called and it was CARRIED with Cllr. Au opposed. |
7. |
Sister City Advisory Committee Policy and Procedures Update |
It was moved and seconded |
That the updates to the Sister City Advisory Committee Policy and Procedures, as outlined in the staff report “Sister City Advisory Committee Policy and Procedures Update”, dated January 5, 2021, from the Manager, People Development, be approved. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion took place on clarifying the definition of an unofficial visit and in reply to a query from Committee, staff noted that information regarding remaining funds in the City account can be provided. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (5:26 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, February 1, 2021. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie |
Sarah Goddard |