General Purposes Committee Minutes - October 4, 2004

City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

General Purposes Committee



Monday, October 4th, 2004


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie, Chair
Councillor Linda Barnes
Councillor Derek Dang
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Rob Howard
Councillor Bill McNulty
Councillor Harold Steves


Councillor Kiichi Kumagai

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m.









It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on Monday, September 20th, 2004, be adopted as circulated.











Ms. Nora A. Wright, President, and Mr. Balwant Sanghera, representing the East Richmond Community Association, to provide an update on the East Richmond Healthy Community Project.
(File No.:  01-0060-01)  (REDMS No. 1336478)




Ms. Nora A. Wright, President, and Mr. Balwant Sanghera, representing the East Richmond Community Association, thanked Council and staff for their support.  They then reviewed their submission (a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk’s Office) with the Committee.



During their submission, they asked that (i) the installation of street banners be extended further out from the intersection of No. 5 Road and Cambie Road; (ii) the City endeavour to seek a major grocer for the area; (iii) with respect to King George Park, that the trees be trimmed to provide better visibility throughout the park; that park visitors have access to an emergency telephone; that there be more frequent and visible police patrols, and that bigger and more frequent special events be held in the park; and (iv) consideration be given to the extension of operating hours at the Cambie Library.  Information was also requested on the status of the former Mitchell Elementary School building.



Reference was made to the request for the extension of the Cambie Library operating hours, and the suggestion was made that a letter be written to the Chair and members of the Library Board about the request.  Information was also provided that very preliminary discussions were being held with the School District about the future of the former Mitchell Elementary School property. 



Reference was made to the need for a major grocery store in the area, and the delegation indicated that the Association would be willing to work with anybody on this matter. 



Discussion continued on the provision of social services and other services in East Richmond and the need for a facility to provide a home to these services.  Reference was made to the report prepared by CHIMO Crisis Services regarding crime and safety in King George Park.  Also discussed was (i) the need for a review of the East Richmond Area Plan to determine if the plan required an update; (ii) the Association’s proposal to hold a Lantern Festival in April of 2005; and (iii) the request to develop a community garden within King George Park.



At the conclusion of the discussion, the following referral motion was introduced:



It was moved and seconded







the request to expand the street banner program further out from the intersection of No. 5 Road and Cambie Road be referred to staff and to the Corporate Sponsorship Committee for review;




the need for a grocery store in the East Richmond area be referred to staff for investigation and comment;




the possible redevelopment of the former Mitchell Elementary School be discussed with the Richmond School Board;




a letter be written to the Richmond Health Department about their facilities in East Richmond;




the provision of an emergency shelter in East Richmond be referred to the Richmond Community Services Advisory Council for comment;




staff comment on the East Richmond Area Plan and on whether the Plan should be reviewed;




a letter be written to the Chair and members of the Library Board, regarding (i) the request of the East Richmond Community Association for an extension of hours at the Cambie Library, and (ii) the possibility of a new permanent location for this facility;




the Beautification Team provide an update on King George Park, with consideration being given to safety within the park and to the feasibility of establishing a community garden within the park boundaries; and




staff obtain and review a copy of the CHIMO Crisis Services report.











(Report:  Sept. 21/04, File No.:  01-0060-MIAS1) (REDMS No. 1332893)



It was moved and seconded



That Andrew Nazareth be appointed as the voting delegate and Glenn McLaughlin be appointed as the alternate voting delegate for the purpose of representing Richmond and voting at meetings of the Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia.







(Report:  Aug. 24/04, File No.:  12-8275-30-001-2004 Vol 01) (REDMS No. 1325678)



The Supervisor, Zoning & Signs Bruce Murray, advised that he had nothing further to add.



In response to questions, information was provided that the recommendation being proposed by staff was consistent with other restaurants in the same area, with it being noted that some restaurants had longer hours of operation.  Information was also provided on how liquor licences had been approved prior to the enactment of the new Provincial Government legislation and the resulting hours of operation which restaurants were now permitted to be open.



Reference was made to the statement received from the RCMP which indicated that ‘we have no concerns at this time …’, with it being noted made that the RCMP were generally opposed to extended hours of operation.  Information was provided that the RCMP were seeking consistency in operating hours, as they did encounter problems with those establishments which had extended hours.



Discussion continued on the issues of (i) whether the hours of operation should be extended, and (ii) how the City could alter a liquor licence once the hours of operation had been extended.  The suggestion was made that staff could provide information on the number of restaurants currently in the area and their hours of operation, as well as to clarify the process which would have to be followed to revoke the extended hours of operation for a restaurant, prior to the October 12th, 2004 regular Council meeting.  The opinion was expressed however, that the report should be referred to staff to provide the information referred to previously prior to making a decision, and as a result, the following referral motion was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That the report (dated August 24th, 2004, from the Supervisor, Zoning & Signs), regarding an application from the Wet Restaurant for an extension of hours to sell liquor, be referred to staff to provide information on (a) the number of restaurants in the area which (i) can now serve liquor, and (ii) could apply for a similar extension to serve liquor until 2:00 a.m.; and (b) the number of restaurants in the area which were causing problems for the RCMP.






OPPOSED:  Mayor Brodie
Cllr. Barnes
E. Halsey-Brandt




It was moved and seconded



That the application from Mr. Eugene Ng operator of the Wet Restaurant at unit 165 – 8460 Alexandra Road for the following hours of operation:




Monday through Wednesday 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.,




Thursday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 2 a.m., and




Sunday 11 a.m. to midnight,



be supported (for the reason outlined in the staff report dated August 24, 2004 from the Supervisor, Zoning & Signs.)



Prior to the question on the motion being called, staff were requested to provide information to the October 12th, 2004 Council meeting on (i) the hours of operation which the existing restaurants in the area were permitted to be open (the request was made that this information be provided on a map to show the location of the applicant’s restaurant in relation to these other restaurants), and (ii) the process to be followed by the City in the event that Council wished to alter a liquor licence after the hours had been extended.



The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. S. Halsey-Brandt and McNulty opposed.




(Report:  Sept. 21/04, File No.:  01-0172-04) (REDMS No. 1336618)



It was moved and seconded



That the appointment of Jim W. Bruce as Chief Licence Inspector (undertaken by Council on February 24, 1997), be rescinded, and that Anne Stevens be appointed as the Chief Licence Inspector, in accordance with Section 60 of the Community Charter and Business Licence Bylaw No. 7360.







(Report:  Sept. 7/04, File No.:  12-8060-20-7808/2004 – Vol 01) (REDMS No. 1303428, 1322307)



It was moved and seconded



That Bylaw No. 7808 which amends Business Licence Bylaw No. 7360 by adding new categories and licence fees for casino operations and farm-based wineries, be introduced and given first, second, and third readings.



Prior to the question on the motion being called, as a brief discussion ensued on the rationale for the recommended casino licence fee.  Reference was also made to a business tax charged by Burnaby, and staff were requested to determine if Burnaby was still charging this tax as part of the upcoming review of Richmond’s business licence fee structure.



The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED.








It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (5:01 p.m.).







Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, October 4th, 2004.



Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie

Fran J. Ashton
Executive Assistant, City Clerk’s Office