General Purposes Committee Meeting Minutes - April 17, 2001




Tuesday, April 17th, 2001


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Mayor Greg Halsey-Brandt, Chair
Councillor Linda Barnes
Councillor Malcolm Brodie
Councillor Derek Dang
Councillor Lyn Greenhill
Councillor Kiichi Kumagai
Councillor Ken Johnston
Councillor Bill McNulty
Councillor Harold Steves (4:08 p.m.)

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m.



It was moved and seconded

That the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on Monday, April 2nd, 2001, be adopted as circulated.


2. (1)

VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY - To apprise Committee of the Authoritys plans for 2001, as well as to provide updates on several on-going airport initiatives.

Mr. Mel Goodwin, Director and City representative, introduced the members of the delegation - Larry Berg, President and Chief Executive Officer; Anne Murray, Vice President, Community & Environmental Affairs; Michael OBrien, Vice President, Strategic Planning & Legal Services; and Craig Richmond, Vice President Airport Operations. He then spoke briefly about the upcoming Annual General Meeting and about the presentation to be made to the Committee this afternoon. He also commended the City for its excellent working relationship with the Authority.

Mr. Berg reviewed the 2000 operations of the Vancouver International Airport.

Ms. Murray spoke about the environmental challenges which faced the Airport.

Mr. Berg then addressed the economic challenges confronting the Authority, during which he provided information on efforts being made by the Authority to reduce the amount of the ground rent paid to the Federal Government for airport property.

(A copy of the presentation made by the delegation is on file in the City Clerks Office.)

Discussion then ensued among Committee members and the delegation on what assistance the City could provide to the Authority regarding its lease with the Federal Government. Also discussed were such matters as:


future airport expansion


the possibility of expansion for the airports existing cargo carriers as a result of increased accessibility created with the completion of construction of the new airport connector route


use of the north runway periodically by departing aircraft due to congestion on the south runway and if the resulting noise might impact those residents living under the flight path


late night departures of aircraft, and the use of Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 aircraft.

As a result of the discussion, the following motion was introduced:

It was moved and seconded

That the City be proactive in providing assistance to the Vancouver International Airport Authority in its efforts to obtain an improved financial deal with the Federal Government, including correspondence to the City's local Members of Parliament and to the Minister of Transport, the Honourable David Collenette.


The delegation was thanked for their presentation and they then left the meeting.


KWANTLEN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE - To present an overview of Kwantlens growth management plan, as well as a number of other issues, and to request a letter of support for the proposed plans.

Mr. Skip Triplett, President. of Kwantlen University College, advised that during his presentation he would be reviewing the challenges and priorities of the College. (A copy of Mr. Tripletts presentation is on file in the City Clerks Office.)

Mr. Triplett then reviewed with the Committee, the following matters:


quantitative challenges, including the high number of students on waiting lists for various courses


qualitative challenges, including (i) program approval requests for funding; (ii) contractual obligations; (iii) services and infrastructure; (iv) operating capital; and (v) impact of funding shortfall.

Mr. Triplett concluded his presentation by indicating that the College would most likely be requesting a letter of support from Council for the proposed expansion of the college.

Discussion then ensued among Committee members and the delegation, during which in response to questions, Mr. Triplett provided information, and commented on, such matters as:


the funding received by the College, as well as expenses, and the expansion which might be possible if the College could obtain funding for a full year


the number of students being turned away by the College and whether any of the applicants for nursing might have been accepted elsewhere


the requested letter of support and what the City could be expected to provide


how the College determined which applications would be accepted, and whether acceptance was based on the date the application was received or the grade point average of the student in question


how the College established its programs


whether the College, if sufficient demand and funding was available, would consider locating in other areas of Richmond


the partnerships which the College had entered into with the Richmond School District.

During the discussion, the request was made that when the request for support was submitted by the College, that information be provided which specifically related to the various requirements of the Richmond campus.

Mr. Triplett was thanked for his presentation and he then left the meeting.

(Councillor Greenhill left the meeting at 5:14 p.m., and did not return.)


(Report: Apr. 6/01, File No.: 6060-01) (REDMS No. 329316, 212697)

It was moved and seconded

That the report (dated April 6th, 2001, from the Director, Engineering) regarding Ageing Infrastructure Replacement Costs, be deleted from the agenda and referred to staff.



(Report: Apr. 10/01, File No.: 2025-20-008) (REDMS No. 340979)

The Manager, Facilities Planning & Construction, David Naysmith, reviewed his report with the Committee. During his review, he circulated photographs of the building which showed the damage to the pilings.

Discussion then ensued among Committee members and staff on the proposed repairs, during which concern was expressed about the possibility that the value of the restoration work could exceed $300,000 and that a building code review might require the installation of a sprinkler system under the deck area. Questions were raised about whether staff should be considering whether the net loft use was the most viable and best use of the facility, or whether the facility should be relocated to the Phoenix net loft.

In response to further questions, advice was given by staff that the Scotch Pond Heritage Co-operative would be a major contributor in any decisions made on the future of the building. Further advice was given that it was not staffs intention to become project manager, but rather to process the request so that the Co-operative could manage the restoration.

Staff were cautioned during the discussion to ensure that the structure was not totally replaced but retained some heritage aspects. The comment was made that if that could not be done, then the building should be demolished. A further suggestion was also made that the pilings could be replaced one at a time.

It was moved and seconded


That emergency repairs to stabilize the Scotch Pond net loft and wharf proceed at an estimated cost of $20,000;


That funding for the above stabilization project be approved from the year 2000 Building Improvements Minor Capital program account #1501-40-000-BLDIM-0000-45000;


That staff prepare a detailed restoration plan with cost estimates for the continued development and safe operation of the Scotch Pond heritage site; and


That staff work with the Scotch Pond Heritage Co-operative to develop a funding and restoration schedule to address the permanent restoration of the site within a defined period of time.



(Report: Apr. 10/01, File No.: 1085-01) (REDMS No. 318150, 295592)

The Manager, Customer Services, Anne Stevens, briefly reviewed the report with the Committee.

Councillor Brodie, Chair of the Casino Funding Task Force, reviewed the recommendations made by the Task Force. As the result of a suggestion made by Cllr. Brodie, the following referral motion was introduced:

It was moved and seconded

That the application from the Richmond Alcohol and Drug Action Team for the Youth Outreach Prevention Workers (RADAT) be referred to staff to meet with the Board of RADAT to discuss various internal matters.


Cllr. Brodie continued, indicating that although the Child Care Development Board had requested $125,000, the Task Force was recommending $50,000. He noted that the Board would be making a presentation to the Planning Committee on April 18th, 2001 on its 2001 - 2002 work program and to request $25,000 to undertake a needs assessment. Cllr. Brodie stated that any decision made at the Planning Committee meeting which impacted the recommendation now being considered, could be addressed at the April 23rd Council meeting. He referred to the initiatives proposed by the Crime and Drug Task Force and the Richmond Chinese Community Society relating to community policing and suggested that these proposals should be referred to the Community Safety Committee for review.

Discussion then ensued among Committee members and staff, during which information was provided that the addiction program for people with disabilities proposed by the Richmond Committee on Disability would not be a duplicate of the programs offered by RADAT.

Reference was made to the Child Care Development Board application, and a question was raised about whether the request should be delayed until after the Planning Committee meeting. Advice was given that the Planning Committee could make a recommendation that a needs analysis be undertaken with funding to be taken from the $50,000 now being recommended for approval.

Clarification was sought on whether the grants being recommended for approval would be one time only, and advice was given that the applicants were aware that the grants would allow the operation of their respective programs for one year. It was noted that only grant being recommended for approval for a longer period than one year had been received from RADAT which was for a two year time frame. The suggestion was also made that this information be included in the correspondence to the successful applicants.

It was moved and seconded

That one time grant expenditures from the Casino Funds be approved in the amount of $322,100 for Community Groups (identified in Attachment 1 in the report dated April 10,2001 from the Manager of Customer Services), and the cheques disbursed.


It was moved and seconded

That expenditures from the Casino Funds be approved in the amount of $559,500 for City Initiatives (identified in Attachment 1 in the report dated April 10,2001 from the Manager of Customer Services), and the cheques disbursed, subject to referrals to the Community Safety Committee of $230,000 and later allocations by Council of $100,000.



(Report: Apr. 10/01, File No.: 1085-01) (REDMS No. 314358)

Anne Stevens briefly reviewed the report with Committee members.

A brief discussion ensued among Committee members and staff on the proposed recommendation, during which concern was expressed that because of the diversity of the local non-profit groups, it might be difficult to obtain a majority of organizations who would be interested in the workshop. The suggestion was also made that a fund-raising manual should be prepared which could be passed on to subsequent financial organizers.

As a result of the discussion, the following amended motion was introduced

It was moved and seconded


That staff organize a financial sustainability workshop, (as identified in the report dated April 10, 2001, from the Manager of Customer Service) if a poll of Richmond based non-profit groups determines that there is a general interest in such a session.


That $2000 be paid from Casino Funds for these sessions, if a significant number of the groups polled confirm their participation.



(Report: Apr. 17/01; File No.: 0985-01) (REDMS No. 353517)

The Director of Finance, Danley Yip, reviewed his report with the Committee.

A lengthy discussion then ensued among Committee members and staff on issues relating to the proposed financial plan, including:


the fact that the property tax figures shown in Schedule A (5 Year Financial Plan (2001 - 2005)) attached to Bylaw No. 7225, reflected an increase of over 6% in 2002


the fact that ways to reduce the proposed 4.84% property tax increase for 2001, such as using the surplus, revolving fund payments or waiving the interest on revolving fund payments, were not being considered


the rationale for including an increase of 6% for estimates and projections for growth for the Public Works Department

During the discussion reference was made to the April 12th, 2001 meeting of the Finance Select Committee and to the recommendations passed at that meeting. and Chief Administrative Officer George Duncan provided an explanation of the adopted recommendations. He noted that these recommendations would be considered by Council at its April 23rd meeting.

Questions were also raised about the impact of using operating reserves or revolving fund payments to help reduce the 2001 property tax increase, and information was requested on how much revenue from these funds would be available.

Discussion also took place on whether there was sufficient time to review the proposed 2001 budget and property tax increase in greater detail, if the matter was referred to the next meeting of the General Purposes Committee.

Advice was given that a Special Meeting of Council could be held on May 8th, 2001, following the May 7th General Purposes Committee meeting, to introduce and give the bylaw first, second and third readings, with adoption taking place on May 14th, 2001.

As a result of the discussion, the following referral motion was introduced:

It was moved and seconded

That 5 Year Financial Plan (2001 - 2005) Bylaw No. 7225 be referred to the May 7th, 2001 meeting of the General Purposes Committee, and that staff provide information on:


the amount of interest and payments made by the City to its revolving fund, and whether payments could be suspended temporarily;


the use of surplus funds and statutory reserves;


the use of operating reserves;


the impact on this years property tax increase if (a), (b) or (c) above were implemented.

Prior to the question being called, the General Manager, Finance & Corporate Services Jim Bruce, commented on the use of surplus funds to help reduce the proposed 2001 property tax increase and the impact which this action could have on the 2002 budget.

The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED.


It was moved and seconded

That the meeting adjourn (6:40 p.m.).




Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, April 17th, 2001.



Mayor Greg Halsey-Brandt

Fran J. Ashton
Executive Assistant

07.16.04 14:40