August 11, 2021 - Minutes
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Development Permit Panel
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
3:30 p.m.
Remote (Zoom) Meeting
Cecilia Achiam, General Manager, Community Safety, Chair
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.
It was moved and seconded
That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on July 28, 2021 be adopted.
1244013 BC Ltd. (Khalid Hasan)
4226 Williams Road
Permit the construction of two duplexes at 4226 Williams Road on a site zoned “Arterial Road Two-Unit Dwellings (RDA)”.
Applicant’s Comments
Bradley Doré, Brad Doré Residential Design, with the aid of a visual presentation (copy on file, City Clerk’s office), provided background information on the proposed development, highlighting the following:
a shared internal drive aisle is located in the middle of the two duplex buildings;
the form and character of the duplexes fits well with the predominantly single-family neighbourhood;
the massing between the front and rear units of each duplex building has been minimized to enhance sunlight access to adjacent properties;
the two rear units are convertible units and the two front units are provided with aging-in-place features;
the shadow study indicates that adjacent properties will not be impacted by shadowing;
all duplex units will be provided with either a front or rear yard; and
a significant amount of permeable pavers is proposed for the subject development.
Staff Comments
Mr. Craig noted that (i) there is a Servicing Agreement associated with the project for frontage works along Williams Road, (ii) the project is required to achieve Step 3 of BC Energy Step Code, and (iii) one visitor parking stall is proposed for shared use of all duplex units.
In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Craig acknowledged that (i) on-site tree retention and removal were determined at rezoning, (ii) there are landing areas for garbage and recycling pick up in the front of the property, and (iii) the waste bins will be stored in the garages of duplex units during non-collection days.
Panel Discussion
In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Doré noted that (i) permeable pavers and concrete curb are proposed for the drive aisle, (ii) permeable pavers will also be installed on the auto court, visitor parking stall and along the west and east side yards of the subject site, (iii) soffit lighting is not proposed on the east and west elevations of the duplex buildings to avoid light pollution on adjacent properties, and (iv) the side yards on either side of the subject site are not accessible to the public.
Discussion then ensued regarding potential schemes to break up the massing along the west façade of the west duplex building including introducing different colour tones and slightly pushing the garage inward into the auto court.
As a result of the discussion, staff was directed to work with the applicant to provide articulation to the west façade of the duplex building either through architectural detailing and/or introducing different colour schemes and materials.
Gallery Comments
Panel Discussion
The Panel expressed support for the project, noting that its proposed architecture provides a good example for future duplex developments in the City.
Panel Decision
It was moved and seconded
That a Development Permit be issued which would permit the construction of two duplexes at 4226 Williams Road on a site zoned “Arterial Road Two-Unit Dwellings (RDA)”.
Open Road Auto Group Ltd.
13251 Smallwood Place
Vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce the required minimum setback from the west property line from 3.0 m to 0.96 m. This would permit the retention of an existing detached car wash building at 13251 Smallwood Place on a site zoned “Vehicle Sales (CV)”.
Applicant’s Comments
Aziz Bootwala, Kasian Architecture, with the aid of a visual presentation (copy on file, City Clerk’s Office), provided background information on the proposed development variance permit application, noting that the approved zoning text amendment and development permit application associated with the ongoing construction of a new dealership on the adjacent property to the west (13171 Smallwood Place) of the subject site (13251 Smallwood Place) required a lot line adjustment.
Mr. Bootwala added that as a result of the new shared lot line for the two adjacent properties, part of the existing car wash building on the subject site would encroach on the required three-meter side yard setback from the west property line, therefore the applicant is requesting a setback variance in order to retain the existing car wash building.
Staff Comments
Mr. Craig noted that prior to forwarding the subject development variance permit application for Council consideration, the applicant is required to confirm that the existing exterior wall on the west side of the car wash building will meet all applicable BC Building Code requirements in fire separation.
Gallery Comments
Panel Decision
It was moved and seconded
That a Development Variance Permit be issued which would vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce the required minimum setback from the west property line from 3.0 m to 0.96 m. This would permit the retention of an existing detached car wash building at 13251 Smallwood Place on a site zoned “Vehicle Sales (CV)”.
Minoru View Homes Ltd.
5740, 5760, and 5800 Minoru Boulevard
Permit the construction of high-rise mixed use development, comprising an office tower, ground floor retail, non-profit social service replacement space, and 429 dwellings including 88 low-end-of-market-rental (LEMR) units at 5740, 5760, and 5800 Minoru Boulevard, on a site zoned “High Density Mixed Use and Affordable Rental Housing (ZMU46) – Lansdowne Village (City Centre)”; and
Vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, as amended by zoning amendment Bylaw 10138, to reduce the minimum balcony setback from 2.0 m to 1.5 m above the second storey along the Minoru Boulevard frontage of the southwest residential tower and the east street frontage of the affordable housing building.
Applicant’s Comments
Gwen Vose and Tony Wai, IBI Group Architects, with the aid of a visual presentation (copy on file, City Clerk’s office), provided background information on the proposed development, including among others, its site context, parking plan, entries to towers, indoor and outdoor amenity spaces, building elevations, floor and roof plans, façade treatments, proposed exterior building materials, and signage plan, highlighting the following:
the proposed development consists of four towers on a podium and four midrise elements;
entrances to the towers have been designed to provide interest;
the combined habitable unit area for the proposed 88 affordable housing rental units is 20 percent of the project’s total residential area, which is higher than the 10 percent minimum requirement for affordable housing;
market strata and affordable housing residents will have access to the common outdoor amenity areas on Level 3 podium rooftop;
an indoor amenity space is provided for shared use of market strata and affordable housing residents as well as separate indoor amenity spaces dedicated for the exclusive use of each group of residents;
the exposed podium wall along the south side will be articulated to provide visual interest; and
mechanical screening will be installed on the southeast residential tower rooftop for the low-carbon energy plant equipment.
Peter Kreuk, Durante Kreuk Ltd. Landscape Architecture, provided an overview of the main landscape features of the project, noting that (i) street frontages include bicycle lanes, boulevards, street trees and sidewalks, (ii) a new linear park will be installed for the Lansdowne Road frontage, (ii) the common outdoor amenity area on Level 3 podium rooftop is accessible from the indoor amenity spaces and has multiple uses, including social and recreational, and (iii) plantings, extensive green roofs and outdoor amenity spaces are proposed to be installed on some upper levels of the building.
In reply to queries from the Panel, the applicant’s design team noted that (i) the affordable housing units consist of 43 percent studio and one-bedroom units and 57 percent two to three-bedroom units, (ii) commercial tenants will be involved in the design of exterior business signage, (iii) the existing lane on the east side will become a new street and is treated as a street frontage, (iv) the south and north children’s outdoor play areas on Level 3 have been designed for younger and older children, respectively, (v) irrigation will be provided for street trees and in all planted areas on-site, (vi) the applicant will provide voluntary cash-in-lieu contribution to the Public Art Program Reserve, (vii) an art structure at the corner of Lansdowne Road and the new street will provide an opportunity for temporary displays of public art, (viii) there will be no on-street loading area along the new street, and (ix) the project meets the City’s Zoning Bylaw parking requirements.
In reply to a further query from the Panel, Mr. Kreuk reviewed the scheme to separate the private patios of townhouse units along Minoru Boulevard from the public realm which includes installation of raised patios, retaining walls, hedges, guardrails, stairs and entry gates.
Discussion ensued regarding the limited articulation on the top floors of the residential towers and whether further improvement to differentiate them from the lower floors was possible given the limited variation of materials for soffits on the uppermost balconies.
As a result of the discussion, staff was directed to work with the applicant to investigate opportunities for further articulating the top floors of the three residential towers.
Staff Comments
Mr. Craig noted that (i) there is a substantial Servicing Agreement associated with the project for frontage improvements along the three roads as well as for the construction of the new linear park along Lansdowne Road, (ii) the stand-alone affordable housing building was approved through the rezoning process and is consistent with the City’s Affordable Housing Strategy, (iii) a non-profit operator based on-site will manage the affordable housing building, (v) extensive green roofs will be installed on several levels, (vi) non-profit social service replacement space will be provided for two former non-profit tenants on the subject site, (vii) the two non-profits will be granted the first right of refusal for the replacement space and there will be legal agreements to limit rents to 50 percent of market rates, (viii) the office tower will be subject to a legal agreement limiting the subdivision of the office space to a maximum of one strata lot or air space parcel per storey, (ix) there is a significant package of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures associated with the project, and (x) the project has been designed to achieve the City’s aircraft noise sensitive development requirements and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) internal noise standards.
Gallery Comments
Panel Discussion
The Panel expressed support for the project, noting that the project is consistent with the City’s Affordable Housing Strategy. In addition, the Panel expressed appreciation for the provision of replacement space for two non-profit agencies.
Panel Decision
It was moved and seconded
That a Development Permit be issued which would permit the construction of a:
high-rise mixed use development, comprising an office tower, ground floor retail, non-profit social service replacement space, and 429 dwellings including 88 low-end-of-market-rental (LEMR) units at 5740, 5760, and 5800 Minoru Boulevard, on a site zoned “High Density Mixed Use and Affordable Rental Housing (ZMU46) – Lansdowne Village (City Centre)”; and
vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, as amended by zoning amendment Bylaw 10138, to reduce the minimum balcony setback from 2.0 m to 1.5 m above the second storey along the Minoru Boulevard frontage of the southwest residential tower and the east street frontage of the affordable housing building.
Date of Next Meeting: August 25, 2021
It was moved and seconded
That the meeting be adjourned at 4:33 p.m.
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, August 11, 2021.
Cecilia Achiam
Rustico Agawin