October 15, 2020 - Minutes
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Development Permit Panel
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Time: |
3:30 p.m. |
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Joe Erceg, Chair |
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.
Minutes |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on September 30, 2020 be adopted. |
1. |
Oris (Dyke Road) Development Corp. |
6091 and 6111 Dyke Road |
1. |
Permit the construction of a mixed use development containing 13 dwelling units and approximately 128 m2 (1,378 ft2) of commercial space at grade at 6091 and 6111 Dyke Road on a site zoned “Commercial Mixed Use – London Landing (Steveston)(ZMU 40)”; and |
2. |
Vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to not require an on-site loading space. |
Applicant’s Comments |
Paul Dmytriw, Oris Development Corp., provided a brief introduction to the project. |
Greg Andrews, The Andrews Architects, Inc., with the aid of a visual presentation (copy on file, City Clerk’s Office), provided background information on the proposed development including its site context, floor plans, and building elevations, highlighting the following: |
§ |
the form and character of the mixed use four-storey building respond to its location; |
§ |
the scale of the building is compatible with existing residential developments to the east and west of the subject site; |
§ |
the potential redevelopment of the adjacent property to the north has been considered in the design of the building; |
§ |
the building height and massing step down towards the east to provide an appropriate interface with the adjacent residential development to the east; |
§ |
on-site parking is located below grade and hidden from the street; |
§ |
a three-meter pedestrian walkway along the north property line is proposed to provide pedestrian connection to the courtyard area on the northeast corner of the site and will be part of a future widened public pathway that connects Dyke Road and Princess Street; |
§ |
two elevators are proposed to provide accessibility to the private roof decks of residential units underneath; and |
§ |
the residential units have been designed and sited to allow natural lighting and ventilation at least on two sides of the building. |
Yiwen Ruan, PMG Landscape Architects, briefed the Panel on the main landscape features of the project, noting that (i) the landscape design for the project respects the environment and maximizes the view to Steveston Harbour to the south, (ii) low planting is proposed along the south edge of the building and only one tree will be installed at the southwest corner, (iii) a landscaped berm provides transition to the Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area (SPEA), (iv) saw cut concrete paving treatment is proposed along the west edge of the site, (v) a wood-looking paving treatment is proposed for the three-meter wide pedestrian walkway along the north property line, (vi) a terraced allan block retaining wall with picket fence on top is proposed along the eastern edge of the property, (vii) the common outdoor amenity area at the northeast portion of the site has been designed to allow maximum sun exposure and easy access for residents, (viii) the two play equipment within the common outdoor amenity area have multiple play values, and (ix) trees, shrubs and ornamental grass are proposed to be planted on-site. |
In reply to an earlier query from the Panel, Mr. Dmytriw noted that the project’s Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) has advised that Pacific Willow trees will be planted on the SPEA in lieu of the proposed Black Cottonwood trees. |
In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Andrews acknowledged that (i) the Black Cottonwood trees were originally proposed to be planted within the SPEA, (ii) surveillance for the courtyard area is provided by residential units along the west and south sides of the courtyard area that overlook the space, (iii) the north and east edges of the courtyard area face the walls of adjacent buildings, (iv) the proposed three-meter wide pedestrian walkway along the north edge of the site will be widened when the adjacent property to the north will redevelop in the future, (v) the applicant will consider the proposal to install a gate at the entrance to the pedestrian walkway along the north property line to provide security to the courtyard area, and (vi) the applicant will work with City staff to determine the appropriate size and number of Pacific Willow trees that will be planted on the SPEA in lieu of the Black Cottonwood trees. |
In reply to a query from the Panel, Suzanne Smith, Program Manager, Development advised that there is a legal agreement secured through rezoning that the strata management will provide maintenance to the on-site SPEA/Riparian Management Area (RMA). |
Staff Comments |
Ms. Smith noted that (i) the restoration and enhancement works within the on-site SPEA/RMA was determined through the project’s QEP report, (ii) restoration and enhancement works for the off-site SPEA/RMA located within the City’s Dyke Road allowance are subject to the Servicing Agreement secured at rezoning, (iii) the Servicing Agreements associated with the project include road and frontage improvements along Dyke Road to the west of the subject site including construction of sidewalk, boulevard, and street lighting, (iv) there will be a future on-site public pedestrian walkway within the right-of-way along the north edge of the site, (v) a landscaped berm will be installed to secure and enclose the common outdoor amenity area, (vi) staff support the proposed variance to not require an on-site loading space as provision for a loading area lay-by will be incorporated into the Dyke Road frontage improvements to the west of the subject site and will be completed through a Servicing Agreement, and (vii) the proposed variance to not require an on-site loading space was identified at rezoning and no concerns were noted. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Correspondence |
Roy Oostergo, 503-6168 London Road (Schedule 1) |
Ms. Smith noted Mr. Oostergo’s support for the provision of an off-site loading area lay-by for the project along Dyke Road; however, Mr. Oostergo expressed concern regarding the illegal commercial parking along Dyke Road. She added that there is an on-site loading space provided for the existing development to the west of the subject site. |
Amanda and Rick Hansen, 401-13251 Princess St. (Schedule 2) |
Kathy Stoessl, 303-13251 Princess St. (Schedule 3) |
Diane and Derek Blackstock, 104-13251 Princess St. (Schedule4) |
Angela Tsang, 13251 Princess St. (Nakade) (Schedule 5) |
Jacqui Oostergo, 6160/6168 London Road (Schedule 6) |
Liz Mangotich, 13251 Princess St. (Nakade) (Schedule 7) |
Ms. Smith noted that six pieces of public correspondence expressed a common concern regarding the proposed planting of black cottonwood trees on the SPEA as they pose potential health and safety risks to residents of neighbouring developments and could give rise to other concerns such as causing the clogging of window screens and air filters. |
She further noted that in order to address the neighbouring residents’ concerns, the project’s QEP has advised that an alternative tree species is proposed (i.e., Pacific Willow tree) in lieu of the Black Cottonwood trees and that staff will work with the applicant to ensure that the project’s landscape plan will be updated prior to Development Permit issuance. |
Panel Discussion |
The Panel expressed support for the project, noting that (i) the proposed size of residential units is family-friendly, (ii) the form and character of the building provides a good transition from the form and character of developments to the west of the subject site, and (iii) the architectural style of the building successfully breaks down the massing and fits well with its neighbourhood context. |
Direction was then given to staff to work with the applicant to (i) finalize the change of tree species on the SPEA including their location and number, and (ii) clarify the responsibility for maintenance of on-site SPEA and the remaining SPEA located within the City’s Dyke Road allowance prior to the application moving forward for Council consideration. In addition, direction was given to Planning staff to work with Engineering staff regarding the SPEA maintenance arrangements. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Development Permit be issued which would: |
1. |
permit the construction of a mixed use development containing 13 dwelling units and approximately 128 m2 (1,378 ft2) of commercial space at grade at 6091 and 6111 Dyke Road on a site zoned “Commercial Mixed Use – London Landing (Steveston)(ZMU 40)”; and |
2. |
vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to not require an on-site loading space. |
2. |
The Andrews Architects Inc. |
8240 No. 5 Road |
Vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce the minimum rear yard setback from 7.5 m to 0 m to permit the construction of an addition to the existing dormitory building at 8240 No. 5 Road on a site zoned “Assembly (ASY)”. |
Applicant’s Comments |
Greg Andrews, The Andrews Architects, Inc., with the aid of a visual presentation (copy on file, City Clerk’s Office), provided background information on the subject development variance permit application, highlighting the following: |
§ |
the east edge of the existing two-storey dormitory building sits on the boundary between the “Assembly (ASY)” and “Agriculture (AG1)” zones of the split-zoned property; |
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the proposed addition to the existing dormitory building is located on two wings of the west side of the building and will increase the total number of bedrooms from four to six in order to accommodate additional resident nuns; and |
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the proposed addition is consistent with the form and character of the existing dormitory building. |
In reply to a query from the Panel, Mr. Andrews acknowledged that (i) the proposed addition will not increase the requested variance, (ii) there are currently three existing trees in the courtyard and the tree on the northern edge of the courtyard will be removed as it will be impacted by the addition to the dormitory building, and (iii) as much as possible, the other two existing trees in the courtyard will be retained. |
Staff Comments |
Joshua Reis, Program Manager, Development, noted that (i) the proposed addition to the existing dormitory building is consistent with the existing “Assembly (ASY)” zoning of the split-zoned property except for the proposed rear yard setback variance, (ii) the subject application is also consistent with the previous Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) non-farm use approval for the subject site, (iii) the “Agriculture (AG1)” zoned portion of the site is currently being farmed by the congregation, (iv) the property owners of the subject site have agreed to register a four-meter wide Statutory Right-of-Way (SRW) along the eastern edge of the property to provide for a future north-south farm access across the Backlands, as per City policy in the area, and (v) minor landscape changes are proposed by the applicant to improve pedestrian access to the subject site and are secured through the Development Permit process. |
In reply to a query from the Panel, Mr. Reis confirmed that the SRW to be registered is located along the eastern edge of the property. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Development Variance Permit be issued which would vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce the minimum rear yard setback from 7.5 m to 0 m to permit the construction of an addition to the existing dormitory building at 8240 No. 5 Road on a site zoned “Assembly (ASY)”. |
3. |
AJ Williams Architect Ltd. |
9751 Bridgeport Road |
Permit exterior renovations to the existing building at 9751 Bridgeport Road on a site zoned “Auto-Oriented Commercial (CA)”. |
Applicant’s Comments |
Brenda Jones, Stoever Jones Design, provided background information on the subject application, noting that (i) the proposed exterior renovation for the existing building is intended to match the interior renovations already done, (ii) the existing stucco on the front elevation of the building would be repainted to visually break down the building into smaller components, (iii) the images on the front façade of the building will not be lit, and (iv) PVC wood finish planks are proposed for cladding of the front façade of the building. |
Staff Comments |
Mr. Reis noted that (i) the proposed exterior renovations are only limited to the front facade of the building, (ii) the applicant will voluntarily provide two additional bicycle parking racks for a total of eight new bicycle parking stalls on the site, (iii) staff have visited and reviewed the landscaping on the site and has been found to be in good condition and consistent with the original Development Permit for the site, and (iv) no proposed variances are associated with the subject application. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Development Permit be issued which would permit exterior renovations to the existing building at 9751 Bridgeport Road on a site zoned “Auto-Oriented Commercial (CA)”. |
4. |
Date of Next Meeting: October 28, 2020 |
5. |
Adjournment |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting be adjourned at 4:24 p.m. |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Thursday, October 15, 2020. |
_______________________________ |
_____________________________ |
Joe Erceg |
Rustico Agawin |