September 26, 2018 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes




Development Permit Panel

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


3:30 p.m.


Council Chambers
Richmond City Hall


Joe Erceg, Chair 
Cecilia Achiam, General Manager, Community Safety 
Peter Russel, Senior Manager, Sustainability and District Energy

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.




It was moved and seconded


That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on September 12, 2018 be adopted.




(REDMS No. 5967186 v. 4)



GBL Architects Ltd.




6340 No. 3 Road






To permit the construction of a 15-storey, 53,794 m2 (579,027 ft2), mixed-use development at 6340 No. 3 Road on a site zoned “High Density Mixed Use and ECD Hub (ZMU37) – Brighouse Village (City Centre)”.



Applicant’s Comments


Thomas Lee, GBL Architects, with the aid of a video presentation (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 1) provided background information on the proposed development, including its site context and lay-out, location of pedestrian and vehicle access into the site, and the proposed commercial, residential, office and Early Childhood Development (ECD) Hub uses of the development.


In addition, Mr. Lee noted the following:



the office tower and public plaza are proposed to be located at the prominent No. 3 Road and Cook Road intersection;



a new north-south pedestrian mews will be constructed on the east side of the site and will provide pedestrian connection to the Bus Mall to the north of the site;



the project’s proposed low-carbon energy plant will be integrated with the City’s overall District Energy Utility (DEU) system in the future;



the Early Childhood Development (ECD) Hub will have its own entry lobby, elevator and outdoor amenity space;



the ECD Hub interior space is designed to achieve a higher sustainability rating, i.e., LEED Gold certification, than the rest of the project;



a large indoor amenity space is provided adjacent to the residential outdoor amenity space;



a restrained material palette is proposed, consisting mainly of metal panels and glass; and



sun shading elements are integrated into the office tower façade.




Grant Brumpton, PWL Partnership Landscape Architects Inc., with the aid of a video presentation (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 1) briefed the Panel on the main landscaping features of the project, noting that (i) the proposed enhancements to the public realm along No. 3 Road and Cook Road include, among others, treed and planted boulevards, off-street bicycle lanes, buffer strips and widened sidewalks, (ii) the substantial building setback from No. 3 Road allows for a wide range of active uses, (iii) urban agriculture is proposed on a mid-rise roof top area, (iv) a small  extensive green roof is provided over a portion of the ECD Hub, (v) interior spaces for various age groups in the ECD Hub have corresponding outdoor spaces as well as shared outdoor spaces, and (vi) the residential common outdoor space will be separate from the ECD outdoor space.


Panel Discussion


In reply to queries from the Panel, the project’s design team acknowledged that (i) there is no vehicle access to the Bus Mall to the north of the subject site from the “kiss and ride” area at the northeast corner of the site, (ii) there are retail spaces at both ends of the north-south pedestrian mews and parkade wall and service rooms in between, (iii) frontage and Public Right of Passage Statutory Rights of Way (PROP SRWs) improvements on all sides of the development are part of a Servicing Agreement which is currently in process, (iv) the applicant is seeking a relaxation of the Flood Plain Designation and Protection Bylaw provisions along part of the Cook Road frontage; however, all the habitable spaces in the building will be above the highest point of the sidewalk, (v) sound mitigation measures will be recommended by a professional acoustic consultant for the commercial and residential uses adjacent to the Bus Mall, (vi) a vehicle backup area is proposed on the “kiss and ride” parking area as a loop would require a significant amount of space, and (vii) additional parking spaces on the “kiss and ride” area will be provided in the future as the adjacent property to the southeast redevelops and the lane access from Buswell Street is widened.


In reply to a further query from the Panel, Janet Digby, Planner 3, confirmed that an off-street bicycle lane is proposed along the No. 3 Road frontage.


Staff Comments


Wayne Craig, Director, Development noted that (i) there is an extensive Servicing Agreement which will deal with frontage works including the lane, construction of the pedestrian mews and “kiss and ride” area, (ii) the coordination of the No. 3 Road frontage, both the public and private spaces, will be further looked at through the Servicing Agreement, (iii) a General Compliance application may be forthcoming with respect to the No. 3 Road frontage depending on the design revisions as a result of the Servicing Agreement, (iv) 157 units with Basic Universal Housing (BUH) features and 27 low end market rental housing units are proposed, (v) the project’s proposed low-carbon District Energy System will be transferred to the City in the future, (vi) there are two portions of the building where public art is contemplated, including part of the façade along the corner of Cook Road and No. 3 Road and along the pedestrian mews on the east side of the site, (vii) façade changes resulting from the installation of public art will be subject to  General Compliance, (viii) a preliminary report from the project’s acoustical engineer states that the residential units will comply with CHMC noise standards considering bus traffic, Canada Line, and aircraft noise, and (ix) a final acoustical report will be required prior to the subject Development Permit application being forwarded for Council consideration.


In reply to a query from the Panel, Mr. Craig confirmed that the proposed mechanical equipment will be located on the office tower rooftop.  


In reply to a further query from the Panel, Ms. Digby advised that the towers are addressed from No. 3 Road; however, a fire access is provided from the Bus Mall immediately adjacent to the north of the site and that Richmond Fire-Rescue was consulted as part of the application review process.


Gallery Comments


Jenny Shao, 6288 No. 3 Road, expressed concern regarding the site preparation noise generated on the subject site early in the day and posed a query regarding the construction period for the proposed development.


The Chair noted that construction hours are subject to the City’s Noise Regulation Bylaw and are outside the Panel’s jurisdiction.


With regard to the construction period for the project, Anthony Lo, Senior Vice-President, Keltic Canada Development Co. Ltd., advised that the proposed development will be constructed over a period of approximately 36 months.


The Chair then suggested that Ms. Shao coordinate with the applicant regarding her concern and contact the City with respect to information on or complaints related to the applicant’s compliance with the Noise Regulation Bylaw.






Panel Decision


It was moved and seconded


That a Development Permit be issued which would permit the construction of a 15-storey, 53,794 m2 (579,027 ft2), mixed-use development at 6340 No. 3 Road on a site zoned “High Density Mixed Use and ECD Hub (ZMU37) – Brighouse Village (City Centre)”.




New Business


Mr. Craig advised that there are no agenda items for the next scheduled meeting of the Panel on Wednesday, October 10, 2018.


It was moved and seconded


That the meeting of the Development Permit Panel scheduled on Wednesday, October 10, 2018 be cancelled.




Date of Next Meeting:  October 24, 2018




It was moved and seconded


That the meeting be adjourned at 4:05 p.m.




Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, September 26, 2018.



Joe Erceg 

Rustico Agawin 
Committee Clerk