August 26, 2015 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Development Permit Panel

Wednesday, August 26, 2015 


3:30 p.m.


Council Chambers
Richmond City Hall


Joe Erceg, Chair
Robert Gonzalez, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works
Dave Semple, General Manager, Community Services

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.




It was moved and seconded


That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on July 15, 2015, be adopted.




General Compliance Ruling
Development Permit 11-564405
(File Ref. No.:  DP 11-564405)  (REDMS No. 4615191 v. 2)



Dava Development Ltd.




10011, 10111 & 10197 River Drive and a portion of 10199 River Drive (formerly 10011 & 10111 River Drive and a portion of 10199 River Drive)






That the attached plans involving changes to the design of building “B” (addressed as 10013 River Drive) be considered in General Compliance with the approved Development Permit (DP 11-564405).


Applicant’s Comments


Patrick Cotter, ZGF Cotter Architects Inc., highlighted proposed changes to building “B”, noting that:




the proposed roof height would be lowered;



the proposed modifications to the building’s interior layout would improve flow and functionality;



the building would retain similar architectural form and character previously proposed;



outdoor space would be relocated from the rooftop to ground level; and



additional glazing would be provided.


Panel Discussion


In reply to queries from the Panel with regard to proposed changes to building “B”, Mr. Cotter and Joseph Lau, ZGF Cotter Architects Inc., advised that (i) the proposed lower roof height would improve the views from adjacent reside nt buildings, (ii) the proposed outdoor amenity deck would be lowered to ground level and would provide better access to residents, (iii) a proposed green roof would utilize the space formerly proposed for the outdoor amenity deck, and (iv) the proposed pitch of the roof would be reduced.


Discussion ensued regarding the proposed green roof and in reply to queries from the Panel, Joseph Fry, Hapa Collaborative, noted that drought resistant plants would be utilized for the project.


Staff Comments


Wayne Craig, Director, Development, commented on the proposed changes to building “B”, noting that staff are confident that the proposed changes are consistent with the intent of the original application. He added that the proposed outdoor amenity deck was a private amenity space for development residents.






Gallery Comments




Panel Decision


It was moved and seconded


That the attached plans involving changes to the design of building “B” (addressed as 10013 River Drive) be considered in General Compliance with the approved Development Permit (DP 11-564405).




Development Permit 14-672830
(File Ref. No.:  DP 14-672830)  (REDMS No. 4630289)



JM Architecture




10019 Granville Avenue






Permit the construction of a licensed child care facility for a maximum of 88 children with an accessory residential caretaker unit at 10019 Granville Avenue on a site zoned “Child Care (ZR8) – McLennan.”


Applicant’s Comments


Joe Minten, JM Architecture Inc., referred to a video presentation (copy on file, City Clerk’s Office), and provided a brief overview of the proposed daycare facility development with a residential caretaker unit regarding (i) urban design, (ii) architectural form and character and, (iii) landscape and open space design.


Mr. Minten spoke of the residential character of the proposed design and noted that parking will be located on the north-east portion of the subject site with vehicle access along Granville Avenue and one-way vehicle exit through to No. 4 Road. He added that the second floor of the facility will feature a rooftop garden.


Meredith Mitchell, M2 Landscape Architecture, briefed the Panel on the proposed landscape and open space design, noting that (i) the meandering perimeter hedging and fencing will be approximately four to five feet in height, (ii) landscaped areas will include play areas, shaded areas, artificial berms, a water feature, picnic tables and benches, (iii) the proposed development will incorporate a mix of deciduous trees in the parking area and will be drought tolerant, (iv) the proposed development will include bike racks on-site, and (v) accessible parking will be adjacent to the main entry.


Panel Discussion


In reply to queries from the Panel with regard to grading of the site, Ms. Mitchell noted that there will be retaining walls with fencing along the north and east side of the site with transitional landscaping between the parking area and fencing. Ms. Mitchell commented on the screening of the adjacent properties along the north and east portion of the site, noting that there will be six feet perimeter fencing with hedges.


Discussion ensued with regard to the conditions of adjacency and in reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Minten noted that properties to the north and east of the site are single family homes. He added that the parking area will be gated during evening hours.


Staff Comments


Mr. Craig spoke of the proposed development, noting that the proposed development will use an on-site septic field and that there is a servicing agreement for frontage improvements along Granville Avenue and No. 4 Road.


In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Craig noted that the on-site septic field will be located below the parking area. He added that the septic system will utilize contained concrete treatment areas unlike traditional septic systems.


Gallery Comments


Sylvia Merces, 6680 No. 4 Road, expressed concern regarding the proposed development with respect to (i) the on-site septic field, (ii) potential for increase in traffic, and (iii) the historical rezoning of the site.


The Chair advised that the proposed septic field will be located underneath the parking area and was approved by Vancouver Coastal Health. Also, he noted that the parking lot will be gated. He added that historically, the site was zoned for some commercial use however, was rezoned for childcare and congregate housing. Furthermore, he noted that the proposed development should have a minimal effect on traffic in the area.


In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Craig noted that as part of proposed frontage improvements, sidewalks will be upgraded and the north side of Granville Avenue will be widened. He added that access to the site will be along Granville Avenue and that there will be a one-way driveway right-turn only exit to No. 4 Road.






Panel Discussion


Discussion ensued with respect to the proposed development’s design and daycare programming.


Panel Decision


It was moved and seconded


That a Development Permit be issued which would permit the construction of a licensed child care facility for a maximum of 88 children with an accessory residential caretaker unit at 10019 Granville Avenue on a site zoned “Child Care (ZR8) – McLennan.”




New Business


Date of Next Meeting: September 16, 2015




It was moved and seconded


That the meeting be adjourned at 4:02 p.m.




Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, August 26, 2015.



Joe Erceg

Evangel Biason
Auxiliary Committee Clerk