July 15, 2009 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes




Development Permit Panel

Wednesday, July 15, 2009



3:30 p.m.


Council Chambers

Richmond City Hall


Joe Erceg, Chair

Robert Gonzalez, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works

Cathryn Volkering Carlile, General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services

The meeting was called to order at 3:35 p.m.






It was moved and seconded


That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on Wednesday, May 27, 2009, be adopted.





Development Permit 09-464198
(File Ref. No.:  DP 09-464198)   (REDMS No. 2603504)



Kasian Architecture Interior Design and Planning Ltd.



7820 Williams Road





Permit alteration of the façades of the east wing and improvements to the portion of the surface parking lot fronting onto No. 3 Road at 7820 Williams Road on a site zoned “Community Commercial District (C3)” and “Neighbourhood Pub District (NHP)”; and



Vary the provisions of the Zoning and Development Bylaw No. 5300 to:




reduce the rear yard (south) setback from minimum 6 m to 5.7 m for decorative architectural elements on the east wing of the building and permit a maximum 1.8 m projection for pedestrian weather protection canopies; and




reduce the manoeuvring aisle width from minimum 7.5 m to 6.9 m for the portion of the surface parking lot fronting onto No. 3 Road.



Applicant’s Comments


Blaire Chisholm, urban planner with Brook + Associates, a member of the First Capital Realty’s consultant team for Broadmoor Mall, addressed the Panel and advised that other team members in attendance were: Ralph Laser, Architect, Kasian Architecture Interior Design and Planning Ltd. (the DP applicant), Gary Pooni, President, Brook + Associates, and Patricia Campbell, Landscape Architect with DMG.


Ms. Chisholm explained that First Capital Realty is a Canadian company, and is an owner, developer and operator of over 170 neighbourhood and community shopping centres, including two in Richmond: the Terra Nova Shopping Centre and the Broadmoor Mall (located at the corner of No. 3 and Williams Roads). She noted that First Capital purchased Broadmoor Mall in 2005.


Ms. Chisholm stated that First Capital views the renovation of the facade of the east wing and the parking lot facing No. 3 Road as ‘phase one’ of its long term revitalization plans for Broadmoor Mall. She advised that First Capital is investigating the site’s redevelopment potential through rezoning and Development Permit applications for the potential future redevelopment of the overall site, in the context of the Neighbourhood Service Centre and an existing rear lane.


She noted that: (i) Kasian Architects, on behalf of First Capital, has consulted with the Broadmoor community to solicit their feedback, and (ii) the consultant team has worked closely with City staff to ensure the enhancement of the pedestrian environment,  improved landscaping and the creation of an attractive building façade.


Ms. Chisholm highlighted the proposed changes to the pedestrian environment:



the tired and inconsistent fabric awning would be replaced with a solid canopy that would provide continuous weather protection;



the covered addition to the Pioneer Pub, previously used as a smoking area, would be removed to provide an unobstructed perimeter walkway;



a raised pedestrian walkway would connect No. 3 Road to the southeast corner of Broadmoor Mall, on the south property line;



a new pedestrian connection to the north would be lined with trees, a landscape island, and two new crosswalks to connect No. 3 Road with the northeast corner of the mall;



the waste enclosure would be relocated from No. 3 Road to the rear of the Petro Canada station, and would be clad with materials that match the mall’s exterior cladding; and



bicycle parking would be provided.


Using display boards, Ms. Chisholm added the following information:



the parking lot would be re-striped to allow the introduction of: (i) small car parking stalls, and (ii) significant landscaping elements;



planned landscaping would: (i) be drought-resistant and (ii) provide greater canopy coverage; and



three elements of the enhanced landscaping are: (i) nine landscape pockets, (ii) 16 trees, and (iii) a refreshed shrub and landscaping treatment along No. 3 Road.


Ms. Chisholm noted that the site, parking lot and landscaping improvements as described, would enhance the pedestrian environment and would create an attractive shopping experience for mall tenants, surrounding neighbours, and other users of the mall.


She stated that during consultation with the mall’s surrounding residents, the consulting team had heard that the 30-year-old mall needed updating. The planned renovation would start to address this need by providing the following contemporary architecture to unify the building’s façade:



maintain the durable brick exteriors while incorporating new windows into storefronts;



new window treatments would match the existing windows and would unify the look of the building;



a feature element is integrated at the northeast corner of the building;



several new arch elements would be introduced to highlight individual storefront entries and to provide articulation and interest;



concrete used to ground the archways at the entries and coloured metal panels would be integrated to provide accent colours; and



the canopies have been designed to support channel letter signage.


Ms. Chisolm explained that the intent of bringing contemporary architectural features to the building’s façade is to break up the building elevation by integrating articulation and by creating a smaller scale, and a more intimate retail experience.


Ms. Chisholm then reported on the work done by City staff and members of the First Capital team to formalize the following two conditions: (a) cross-access and (b) road widenings:



Cross-Access: First Capital would ensure that the informal cross-access that exists between neighbouring sites (the Richlea Shopping Centre and Petro Canada) is formalized with cross-access easements for the benefit and convenience of neighbourhood shoppers; and



Road Widening: two-metre wide road dedication is required along the No. 3 Road frontage and along the Williams Road frontage for future road works. First Capital has worked with Planning staff as well as staff in the City’s Law department and Transportation Division to define the appropriate approach to secure the road widenings. Staff has expressed support for the applicant’s request to replace DP conditions 1 and 2 with a Road Reservation Agreement (RRA). A RRA is a section 219 covenant that would appear on title, and would achieve the same ends of the dedication and license agreement.


Ms. Chisholm noted that First Capital continues to work with staff to finalize the terms of the RRA. She distributed a letter signed by First Capital (Broadmoor Mall) Corporation Vice President, Development & Acquisitions, to the City of Richmond, that requests that DP conditions 1 and 2 be replaced with an RRA (the letter is attached to these Minutes as Schedule 1), and noted that it is expected that the RRA would be signed prior to the submission of the Development Permit application to a July, 2009 Council meeting.


Ms. Chisholm concluded her presentation by re-iterating that the proposed renovation provides an important immediate investment in the community that would: (i) enhance the pedestrian environment, (ii) provide improved landscaping, and (ii) create an attractive shopping service area. She added that it is First Capital’s desire to see the commercial viability of the mall improved.



Staff Comments


Brian J. Jackson, Director of Development, stated that the applicant has advised staff that it wishes to move ahead quickly with the application that is limited to façade improvements to the east wing of the existing building and improvements to the surface parking area. With regard to securing road widening, Mr. Jackson noted that staff has looked at an alternative way to secure road widening, and that the applicant proposes the RRA. The RRA approach is supported by the Law department. By the terms of the RRA, the road dedication would be required: (i) either in two years or (ii) prior to a rezoning of the property. Mr. Jackson stated that these conditions meet with the City’s Transportation department’s support.


Mr. Jackson added that Planning staff supports the requested variance to reduce the rear yard setback for decorative architectural elements on the east wing of the building, and staff also supports the proposed maximum projection for pedestrian weather protection canopies.


Mr. Jackson noted that the request to reduce the manoeuvring aisle width for the portion of the surface parking lot fronting onto No. 3 Road is also supported by staff.


In response to a query from the Chair regarding road widening, Mr. Jackson advised that there is no intent to immediately widen No. 3 Road at the corner of Williams Road, and that the RRA was a different way to secure the road dedication so it would happen in the future through either a two year period or a rezoning application.



Gallery Comments


Margaret Allen, Mayfair Court Apartments, No. 3 Road, stated that in recent years some store owners have vacated their units at Broadmoor Mall and she was concerned that even more mall tenants would vacate during the time First Capital worked to alter the façade of the Mall’s east wing and worked to improve the surface parking lot.


Gary Pooni of Brook + Associates responded that the First Capital team has spoken with all existing tenants to make them aware of the renovation plans. He stated that during the renovation phase, mall tenants may have to suspend business but only for a short period.


The Chair clarified that the Broadmoor Neighbourhood Service Centre was composed of three separate owners: (i) the Petro Canada Station, (ii) the Richlea Shopping Centre with the Safeway grocery store, and (iii) the subject Broadmoor Mall.


Architect Ralph Laser addressed the concern stated by Ms. Allen, and advised that during renovation First Capital would work with existing tenants to minimize any disruption to their business. He stated that if tenants had to close it would be for a matter of days only, in order for work on windows and the façade to be done. He added that the internal functions of the tenants would not change.


Natasha Vandenberg, 12151 Gilbert Road, spoke in support of the application. She noted that it was important that the Broadmoor area be cleaned up to enhance the safety of the area, especially for school age children who live in the area. Ms. Vandenberg welcomed the renovation of the mall and stated her belief that it would attract new business to the area and deter any unwanted illegal activity.


Loreen Long, 7500 Barkerville Court, spoke in support of the application. She advised that she lives in the Broadmoor area, and is Co-Chair of Maple Lane Elementary School’s PA Committee.


She commended the First Capital consultant team for coming to the school to make a presentation of the plans for the improvement of Broadmoor Mall. She stated that she looks forward to the development of the mall and that safety for residents, both children and adults in the area, is an important issue.


Ms. Long remarked that new businesses would be attracted to the renovated mall, and that with the strengthened pedestrian environment, she foresees more people enjoying walking to and from the mall. In conclusion, she noted that other parents in the area had expressed their support for the renovations and that the desire to beautify the area is high.


In response to a Panel query regarding new streetlights for the surface parking area, Mr. Laser responded that at present the design does not include new lighting elements.


The Panel advised that when the lighting elements were replaced in the future, the architect could give consideration for such elements as hanging baskets, banners and festive lighting in order to improve the appearance of the mall.





The Occupant, #205-10100 No. 3 Road (Schedule 2)



Panel Discussion


In response to a query regarding the status of the Pioneer Pub’s patio, advice was given that at present the smoking patio built alongside the Pub would undergo renovation to remove it and that the sidewalk would be brought back to its previous condition, and the Pub’s façade would be returned to its previous location. Mr. Laser added that as much of the existing brick as possible would be retained in the renovation.


When asked whether a new main pedestrian path to be introduced would be in addition to the current pedestrian path, Mr. Laser responded that after the completion of the renovation, there would be two pedestrian paths onsite.


In response to a query regarding the cross-access agreement, the applicant advised that the intent is to have the existing internal driveway connections formalized in cross-access agreements and to provide cross-access in the future for potential redevelopment of the corner property to ensure a specific distance from the intersection required to be maintained for safety.


The Chair remarked that he appreciated the proposed improvements, including landscaping elements, to the pedestrian environment and to the mall building. He added that the upgrade was worthwhile, and he noted the work the applicant was doing with City staff on a master plan for the site.


In conclusion the Chair stated that he appreciated the dialogue the First Capital team had undertaken with the community.



Panel Decision


It was moved and seconded


That a Development Permit be issued which would:



Permit alteration of the façades of the east wing and improvements to the portion of the surface parking lot fronting onto No. 3 Road at 7820 Williams Road on a site zoned “Community Commercial District (C3)” and “Neighbourhood Pub District (NHP)”; and



Vary the provisions of the Zoning and Development Bylaw No. 5300 to:




reduce the rear yard (south) setback from minimum 6 m to 5.7 m for decorative architectural elements on the east wing of the building and permit a maximum 1.8 m projection for pedestrian weather protection canopies; and




reduce the manoeuvring aisle width from minimum 7.5 m to 6.9 m for the portion of the surface parking lot fronting onto No. 3 Road.





Date of Next Meeting


The next meeting of the Development Permit Panel is at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 29, 2009.



New Business


It was moved and seconded


That the Development Permit Panel meeting tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, August 12, 2009 be cancelled.







It was moved and seconded


That the meeting be adjourned at 4:00 p.m.





Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, July 15, 2009.



Joe Erceg


Sheila Johnston

Committee Clerk