December 14, 2005 Minutes

Development Permit Panel
Wednesday, December 14th, 2005
Time: |
3:30 p.m. |
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Joe Erceg, Chair |
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. |
1. |
Minutes | ||
It was moved and seconded | ||
That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on November 30th, 2005, be adopted. | ||
2. |
DEVELOPMENT PERMIT DP 04-286809 | ||||
Richmond Rosedale Gardens Ltd. |
| ||
22311 Westminster Highway |
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| |||
1. |
To permit the construction of a 43 dwelling unit development at 22311 Westminster Highway on a site zoned Comprehensive Development District (CD/156) with 35 townhouse units and 8 duplex units; and | |||
2. |
To vary the provisions of the Zoning and Development Bylaw No. 5300 to: | |||
a) |
reduce the required front yard setback to Westminster Highway from 6 m to 1.5 m for a recycling enclosure; | ||
b) |
reduce the required front yard setback to Sharpe Avenue from 4.5 m to 0.65 m for project signage and mailboxes; | ||
c) |
permit 16 tandem parking spaces within the 8 duplex units. | ||
Applicant’s Comments |
Mr. Wayne Fougere, Project Architect, advised that the variance being requested for the setbacks related to the mail structure along Sharpe Avenue and to a fenced garbage and recycling enclosure along Westminster Highway. |
Staff Comments |
Mr. Holger Burke, Acting Director of Development, advised that Council adopted the rezoning bylaw for the project on November 28th, 2005. He stated that it was proposed to develop the site in two phases starting with the duplexes and some of the townhouses on Sharpe Avenue. He noted that there was a cross-access agreement to 22331 Westminster Highway secured during the site rezoning. He further stated that a cross-access agreement for the adjacent site to the east (22351 Westminster Highway) was not deemed necessary as this site could get access from Sharpe Avenue when the road is extended as part of the subject development. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Panel Discussion |
In response to a question from the Chair on the amenities being provided, Mr. Fougere advised that there would be a large triangular space between buildings, which included outdoor play areas and passive areas. Using a model of the proposed development, Mr. Fougere described where the play areas would be located, and advised that some play equipment for tots would be installed in the central play area. Mr. Fougere then responded to questions on the finishes and colours of the units. He stated that there would be vinyl siding, and using coloured renderings he explained that a storm grey had been chosen for the overall colour with strong-coloured accent colours for the trim and doors. In addition, there would be coloured hardi-plank shingles and coloured wood trim painted a dark colour. The front doors would also be painted in strong colours. In response to a question from the chair, Mr. Fougere confirmed that staff had approved the proposed finishes and the Design Panel had not made comments on the finishes. |
Panel Decision | |||
It was moved and seconded | |||
That a Development Permit be issued which would: | |||
1. |
Permit the construction of a 43 dwelling unit development at 22311 Westminster Highway on a site zoned Comprehensive Development District (CD/156) with 35 townhouse units and 8 duplex units; and | ||
2. |
Vary the provisions of the Zoning and Development Bylaw No. 5300 to: | ||
a) |
reduce the required front yard setback to Sharpe Avenue from 4.5 m to 0.65 m for project signage and mailboxes. | |
b) |
reduce the required front yard setback to Sharpe Avenue from 4.5 m to 0.65 m for project signage and mailboxes. | |
c) |
permit 16 tandem parking spaces within the 8 duplex units. | |
3. |
DEVELOPMENT PERMIT DP 05-293524 | ||||
Lawrence Doyle Architect Inc. |
| ||
7360 Elmbridge Way |
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| |||
1. |
To permit the construction of 3 high rise residential towers with approximately 310 dwelling units, including 12 townhouses, with a 3 storey parkade, at 7360 Elmbridge Way on a site zoned Downtown Commercial District (C7); and | |||
2. |
To vary the provisions of the Zoning and Development Bylaw No. 5300 to: | |||
a) |
permit 63 parking spaces in tandem (126 total parking spaces) | ||
b) |
reduce the manoeuvring aisle width from 7.5 m to 6.7 m; and | ||
c) |
Increase the maximum height (of the elevator penthouse only) from 45 m to 45.5 m. | ||
Applicant’s Comments |
Mr. Larry Doyle, architect and Mr. Chris Evans, representing the applicant were in attendance. Using drawings and a model, Mr. Doyle described the proposed development, which would be located at the corner of Elmbridge and Alderbridge Way. He advised that there was an existing residential tower on the adjacent site to the east and a proposed 3-tower residential development by Cressey on the adjacent site to the south, which has just been approved. He stated the site was zoned C7 allowing for a 3.0 FAR which was well fitted to development of 3 towers. |
Mr. Doyle explained that since Alderbridge Way was a main street vehicle access was discouraged so vehicle access was provided from a lane at the south end of the site. The lane would be upgraded and also provide the main pedestrian entrance to the southern tower. The towers would be located so that they would be at least 80 feet apart from each other along with the existing tower to the east. In addition, he noted that the proposed easterly tower was designed to minimize the visual impact on the existing tower to the east. He added that the proposed towers were also 80 feet away from the Cressey development to the south. |
Mr. Doyle stated that, as in most City Centre developments in Richmond, the parking would be located above grade In a 3 level parking structure with townhouses units incorporated to screen the parking area from the street. There would be 3 entrances to the towers, however, the only parking entrance would be from the lane. The 4th floor would be completely landscaped and the applicant had worked with planning staff and the landscape architect to develop a useable, interesting space. There would also be an amenity space within the third tower with a lounge, change rooms, outdoor swimming pool and hot tub. |
Mr. Doyle then referred to the variances being requested, and stated that the variance for the height was to allow an extension of the elevator machine room, but this would only be about 1.5 feet above the allowable height. The other variances being requested related to the parking. He stated that the applicant was requesting a 22 feet drive aisle but would maintaining the 8 feet 8 inch wide parking spaces. In addition, some tandem parking spaces were being requested. Mr. Doyle stated that total parking provided would be 530 spaces, and that the tandem parking requested was not 126 spaces as shown on the City’s notice but rather approximately 163 tandem parking spaces were being proposed. |
A brief discussion ensued between the Panel, staff and applicant and it was determined that the incorrect information had been advertised in relation to the number of tandem parking spaces being requested for this development. Because of this discrepancy, the Chair explained that the application would have to be re-advertised and that the current hearing could not proceed. Staff advised that in all likelihood this application could be re-advertised in time for inclusion on the agenda of the Development Permit Panel meeting scheduled for January 11, 2006. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Development Permit DP 05-293524, for the property at 7360 Elmbridge Way be referred to staff for clarification of the parking spaces being requested, and subsequent re-advertisement, for consideration at a future meeting of the Panel. |
4. |
New Business |
There was no new business |
5. |
Date Of Next Meeting: |
The next meeting of the Development Permit Panel meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 11th, 2006. |
6. |
Adjournment | |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting be adjourned at 4:00 p.m. |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, December 14th, 2005. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Joe Erceg, Chair General Manager, Urban Development |
Valerie Wilmot |