February 23, 2015 - Minutes
![]() |
Regular Council
Monday, February 23, 2015
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie |
Call to Order: |
Mayor Brodie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. |
R15/4-1 |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That: |
(1) |
the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015, be adopted as circulated; |
(2) |
the minutes of the Regular Council meeting for Public Hearings held on Monday, February 16, 2015, be adopted as circulated; and |
(3) |
the Metro Vancouver ‘Board in Brief’ dated Friday, February 13, 2015, be received for information. |
R15/4-2 |
It was moved and seconded |
That “2015 Japan Best Practices and Ship Recruitment” be added to the Council Agenda as Item No. 16A. |
Suzanne Bycraft, Manager, Fleet and Environmental Programs, highlighted that the City has been presented with the Silver Leaf Award from the International Association of Business Communicators of Canada (IABC) in recognition of the City’s successful communication program developed to support the launch of the new Green Cart recycling program. Also, Ms. Bycraft stated that the Green Cart program is now being considered for an IABC Gold Quill Award, which is an internationally recognized awards program. |
Ms. Bycraft then presented the Silver Leaf Award to Mayor Brodie. |
Mayor Brodie thanked Ms. Bycraft and all those involved in achieving this award. |
R15/4-3 |
2. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to hear delegations on agenda items (7:09 p.m.). |
3. |
Delegations from the floor on Agenda items – None. |
R15/4-4 |
4. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Committee rise and report (7:10 p.m.). |
R15/4-5 |
5. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Items No. 6 through No. 13 be adopted by general consent. |
6. |
That the minutes of: |
(1) |
the Community Safety Committee meeting held on Wednesday, February 11, 2015; |
(2) |
the General Purposes Committee meeting held on Monday, February 16, 2015; |
(3) |
the Planning Committee meeting held on Tuesday, February 17, 2015; |
(4) |
the Public Works and Transportation Committee meeting held on Wednesday, February 18, 2015; |
be received for information. |
7. |
2015-2016 RCMP Annual Performance Plan – Community Priorities |
That Council adopts the priorities as listed in the report titled 2015-2016 RCMP Annual Performance Plan – Community Priorities, dated January 19, 2015, from the Officer in Charge, Richmond RCMP, for inclusion in the Richmond Detachment 2015/2016 Annual Performance Plan. |
8. |
Request for Proposal 4989P – Supply and Delivery of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus |
(1) |
That Contract 4989P, for the supply and delivery of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus, be awarded to Guillevin International Co., at a total cost of $590,986.01, including taxes; and |
(2) |
That the Chief Administrative Officer and General Manager of Law and Community Safety be authorized to execute the contract with Guillevin International Co. for the purchase and delivery of the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus identified within RFP 4989P. |
9. |
Business Licence Bylaw No. 7360, Amendment Bylaw NO. 9212 |
That Business Licence Bylaw No. 7360, Amendment Bylaw No. 9212, that increases the maximum number of Class A Taxicabs to 107 and Class N Taxicabs to 41, be introduced and given first, second and third readings. |
10. |
Richmond Intercultural Advisory Committee (RIAC) 2014 Annual Report and 2015 Work Program |
That the Richmond Intercultural Advisory Committee (RIAC) 2014 Annual Report and 2015 Work Program be approved. |
11. |
Application by Ecowaste Industries Ltd. for an Agricultural Land Reserve Non-Farm Use (Continuation of Landfill Activities and Relocation of Soil Processing Operations) for the lands bounded by the Granville Avenue, No. 7 Road, Blundell Road and Savage Road allowances |
(1) |
That the Agricultural Land Reserve non-farm use application (NF 14-654364) by Ecowaste Industries Ltd. for a non-farm use to allow the continued operation of the existing landfill activities for a period of 20 years to achieve a finished elevation as outlined in the current Design Operation and Closure Plan approved by the Ministry of Environment on the lots bounded by the Granville Avenue, No. 7 Road, Blundell Road and Savage Road allowances be endorsed and forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission; |
(2) |
That the endorsed Agricultural Land Reserve non-farm use application (NF 14-654364) be forwarded with the staff recommendation that the Agricultural Land Commission incorporate all prior conditions specified in its original approval granted on April 23, 1993 under ALC resolution #173/93; and |
(3) |
That the Agricultural Land Reserve application (AG 14-654361) by Ecowaste Industries Ltd. for a non-farm use to allow the location of four (4) soil processing operations on the lots bounded by the Granville Avenue, No. 7 Road, Blundell Road and Savage Road allowances for a period of 20 years be endorsed and forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission. |
12. |
Application by JM Architecture Inc. for a Zoning Text Amendment to Congregate Housing and Child Care – McLennan (ZR8) Zoning District at 10019 Granville Avenue |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9209, to amend the “Congregate Housing and Child Care - McLennan (ZR8)” zoning district to remove “congregate housing” from the permitted uses, reduce the maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and increase the maximum number of children permitted in a licensed child care facility from 37 to 88, be introduced and given first reading. |
13. |
ICBC-City of Richmond Road Improvement Program – Proposed Projects for 2015 |
(1) |
That the list of proposed road safety improvement projects, as described in the staff report titled ICBC-City of Richmond Road Improvement Program – Proposed Projects for 2015, dated January 23, 2015, be endorsed for submission to the ICBC 2015 Road Improvement Program for consideration of cost sharing funding; and |
(2) |
That should the above applications be successful, the Chief Administrative Officer and General Manager, Planning and Development, be authorized to negotiate and execute the cost-share agreements, and the 2015 Capital Plan and 5-Year (2015-2019) Financial Plan be amended accordingly. |
14. |
Minoru Complex Public Realm Concept Design |
R15/4-6 |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the Minoru Complex Public Realm Concept Design as outlined in the staff report titled Minoru Complex Public Realm Concept Design dated January 9, 2015, from the Senior Manager, Project Development and Senior Manager, Parks, be endorsed; and |
(2) |
That staff provide more information on (i) the trees on the east side of the Minoru Complex, (ii) the placement of the multipurpose room and how to optimize it, (iii) the seating plans in the vicinity of the Minoru Complex, and (iv) the plans and configurations for the parking and bike path along Granville Avenue and report back. |
15. |
Sports Wall of Honour Nomination Committee Requests |
R15/4-7 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the “Sports Wall of Honour” be renamed the “Sports Wall of Fame.” |
16. |
Liquor Licence Amendment Application Pioneer’s Pub Ltd. – 10111 No. 3 Road Unit 200 |
R15/4-8 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the application from Pioneer’s Pub Ltd., for an amendment under Liquor Primary Licence No. 030591, to increase the hours of liquor service from Sunday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m., and Friday and Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., to Monday through Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., be supported only for earlier service at 9:00 a.m., Monday through Sunday, and that a letter be sent to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch advising that: |
(1) |
Council supports an earlier service time but does not support later service hours; |
(2) |
Council’s comments on the prescribed criteria (set out in Section 53 of the Liquor Control and Licensing Regulations) are as follows: |
(a) |
the potential for additional noise and traffic in the area were considered; and |
(b) |
the impact on the community was assessed through a community consultation process; |
(3) |
as the operation of a licenced establishment may affect nearby residents the City gathered the view of the residents as follows: |
(a) |
property owners and businesses within a 50 metre radius of the subject property were contacted by letter detailing the application, providing instructions on how community comments or concerns could be submitted; and |
(b) |
signage was posted at the subject property and three public notices were published in a local newspaper. This signage and notice provided information on the application and instructions on how community comments or concerns could be submitted; and |
(4) |
Council’s comments and recommendations respecting the views of the residents are as follows: |
(a) |
that based on the letters sent and having received only one response from all public notifications, Council considers that the amendment is acceptable to the majority of the residents in the area and the community. |
16A. |
2015 Japan Best Practices and Ship Recruitment |
Discussion ensued with regard to the 2015 Japan Best Practices and Ship Recruitment and commend were made regarding (i) the proposed budget, (ii) the selection process, (iii) the use of funds from the Council Contingency account, and (iv) the source of sponsorship funding. |
In reply to queries from Council, Councillor McNulty spoke on the anticipated economic benefits to the City as a result of the proposed Japan Best Practices and Ship Recruitment program. |
The Chair requested that the proposed budget for the Japan Best Practices and Ship Recruitment program be circulated to Council and form part of these minutes as Schedule 1. |
Also, the Chair spoke in favour of the proposed Japan Best Practices and Ship Recruitment program, noting that such a program advances the interests of the community. |
R15/4-9 |
It was moved and seconded |
That an amount of up to $12,000 be approved for 2015 Japan Best Practices and Ship Recruitment for major events from the Council Contingency account. |
R15/4-10 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the following bylaws be adopted: |
Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 8805 |
Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 9000, Amendment Bylaw No. 9052 |
Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7100, Amendment Bylaw No. 9053 |
Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9054 |
Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9069 |
Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9133 |
Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9176 |
R15/4-11 |
17. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the minutes of the Development Permit Panel meeting held on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, and the Chair’s report for the Development Permit Panel meeting held on Wednesday, November 12, 2014, be received for information; and |
(2) |
That the recommendations of the Panel to authorize the issuance of: |
(a) |
a Development Permit (DP 14-663402) for the property at 3200 Sweden Way; and |
(b) |
a Development Permit (DP 14-666057) for the property at 3200 Sweden Way; |
be endorsed, and the Permits so issued. |
R15/4-12 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (8:20 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular meeting of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, February 23, 2015. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie) |
Corporate Officer (David Weber) |