June 13, 2005 - Minutes

Regular Council Meeting
Monday, June 13th, 2005
Time: |
7:00 p.m. |
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie Director, City Clerk’s Office – David Weber |
Absent: |
Councillor Derek Dang |
Call to Order: |
Mayor Brodie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. |
R05/11-1 |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on Tuesday, May 24th, 2005, be adopted as circulated; and that the TransLink “Board in Brief” dated May 20th, 2005, be received for information. |
R05/11-2 |
2. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to hear delegations on agenda items (7:02 p.m.). |
R05/11-3 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the order of the Council Agenda be varied to hear the delegation on a non-agenda item at this time (7:03 p.m.). |
Terry McPhail, Chair, Olympic Oval Steering Advisory Committee, Kathleen Beaumont, Chair, Olympic Oval Building Advisory Committee, and Cheryl Taunton (Chair of the Olympic Oval Stakeholder/User Advisory Committee, came forward, and reported on their recent ‘best practices’ trip to Lillehammer and Torino to view Olympic venues. (File No.: 01-0100-20-ROOP1-01) |
3. |
Delegations from the floor on Agenda items – |
Bylaw Adoption – Animal Control Bylaw No. 7932 and Dog Licencing Bylaw No. 7933 |
Mr. Tom Lawrence, of #201 – 3391 Springfield Drive, expressed concern about his dog, an American Pit Bull Terrier, and its designation as a ‘dangerous dog’ because of its breed. He also voiced his objections to the increased fee to licence such a dog. He spoke about Council’s attitude towards these dogs, and suggested that more information should have been obtained from experts on the ‘Pit Bull’ breed prior to designating these dogs as ‘dangerous animals’. Mr. Lawrence also commented on other breeds of dogs, such as the Cocker Spaniel, which he felt were more dangerous and had a more vicious bite than a Pit Bull. |
(Councillor Kumagai entered the meeting at 7:33 p.m.) |
Ms. Joanne Whitbright, of 9771 Gilhurst Crescent, and the owner of three dogs, indicated that she was speaking on behalf of a professional dog walking business licenced to operate in the City, and voiced concern about the proposal to limit the number of off-leash dogs per person to three dogs at any one time. She questioned why consultation had not been undertaken with professional dog walkers about the proposed amendments prior to making any changes. She spoke further on this issue, during which she suggested that a user fee could be implemented for non-Richmond residents and dog walking businesses. In conclusion, she urged Council to reconsider the proposed amendment. |
Ms. Tracy O’Dell, the owner of Ruff Stuff Dog Services, a Vancouver dog walking business licenced to operate in Richmond, expressed her opposition to the adoption of Animal Control Bylaw No. 7932 because the bylaw did not address commercial dog walkers in any manner. Ms. O’Dell commented on action being taken by other municipalities with respect to dogs and dog walkers and she offered a number of suggestions which she felt could address the current problem. Ms. O’Dell requested that professional dog walkers be consulted to create a bylaw which would allow such dog walkers to operate in Richmond with certain established criteria. |
Ms. Carol Day, Seahurst Road, spoke in support of the three dog off-leash limit per person. |
Laura Beecham, Lismer Avenue, expressed concern about the lack of consultation with the users of dog parks and professional dog walkers, and about the need for additional education before making any decisions. |
Mr. James Day, 11631 Seahurst Road, commended Council for their action in addressing the needs of the average dog owner in Richmond. He cited problems which he had observed between dog owners and professional dog walkers, and expressed concern about the inability of dog owners to file complaints against dog walkers because of the lack of visible identification. |
Item No. 13 – Application for Rezoning (With Official Community Plan Amendment) - Kabel Atwall |
Mr. Robert Swatzky, of Pintail Drive, and representing the Richmond Christian School, stated that while his facility was not opposed to the proposed temple, there were concerns about the overall size and height of the proposed development which would profoundly affect the viewscape of his church. He urged Council to consider the needs of the residents and users to ensure that all would have equitable enjoyment of their properties. |
Ms. Jane Chu, of 5840 Linscott Road, expressed concern about the height of the proposed development. A copy of her presentation is on file in the City Clerk’s Office. |
Ms. Carol Day, of 11631 Seahurst Road, expressed her objections to the height of the proposed temple. She noted that other church facilities in the area were much shorter in height, and suggested that the shadowing created by the proposed temple could result in traffic accidents on Highway 99. Ms. Day also spoke at length about the impact which the proposed development would have on the surrounding area. She asked that the application be rejected and that the developer be requested to redesign the facility to reduce the height of the proposed temple. |
Mr. Kabal Atwall, representing the Lingyen Mountain Temple, asked that the Committee recommendations be adopted by Council and that the application be forwarded to a Public Hearing. He also commented on the issues raised by previous speakers with regard to shadowing of the temple on Highway 99, the provision of parking, and the impact of the proposal on the surrounding area. |
Mr. Euginie Tsang, of 10231 Lassam Road, spoke about whether the Buddhist religion required the proposed temple to be the height proposed, and commented that the proposed facility should not be taller than Richmond City Hall. |
Mr. Elvyn Wittensleger, of 10631 Hollymount Drive, spoke about the parking to be provided for the proposed temple, and he referred to the parking situation on No. 1 Road in the area of Francis Road on Sunday mornings. He also expressed concern about the removal of the property from the Agricultural Land Reserve, landscaping and the removal of trees. |
Mr. Jacob Wagner, of 10491 No. 5 Road, questioned the rationale of the planning process and asked who would have determined whether the application now being considered should be submitted to Council |
Mr. James Sun, of 134 - 3880 Westminster Highway, spoke about the historical landmark which would result from the construction of the proposed temple, and the resulting tourism and economic benefits to the City. |
Mr. Edward Leung, of 9539 Thomas Drive, spoke in opposition to the height of the proposed development, stating that the developer should be required to obey the laws of the City. |
Ms. Miriam Chen, of 7651 Sunnymede Crescent, expressed concern about the increased traffic which would result from the construction of the temple, and the resulting road maintenance which would be required. She also questioned how the height of the proposed temple could be four times higher than the height permitted by City bylaws. |
Mr. Warren McKenzie, of 10940 Seamount Road, talked about a recent event which took place at the existing temple property, and the resulting traffic congestion which occurred on Seahurst Road, No. 5 Road and the Bethel Church parking lot. |
Mr. Doug Symons, of 8191 Pacemore Road, commented on the removal of property required by the temple from the Agricultural Land Reserve. |
Mr. Kacee Chow, commented on the growth of Richmond since he had first arrived in the City, and the rules and regulations of City bylaws which made the City what it was today. He spoke about the impressive design of the proposed development which he felt would become a focal point of the City, and the benefits which this structure would have, not only on Richmond, but also regionally, and the attraction of this building to people world wide. He urged Council to consider the project in light of what it could mean to the City. |
(Cllr. Evelina Halsey-Brandt left the meeting - 8:54 p.m.) |
Mr. John Hamada, of 8811 Roselea Place, urged Council to make its decision based on common sense and practicality. He commented on the height of the proposed development, the resulting traffic congestion and suggested that the subject property was not suitable for such a large building, based on the traffic congestion caused by the existing facility. |
Mr. Chad Ekren, of 8920 Ash Street, referred to the staff report, and noted that staff could not rationalize or justify the placement of such a large, imposing structure on the subject property, and had recommended a facility 30 metres in height. He questioned how Council was now considering a proposal which would have a maximum height of 49 metres. Mr. Ekren also requested that the public hearing be held in the Fall rather than during the summer months. |
R05/11-4 |
4. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Committee rise and report (8:59 p.m.). |
R05/11-5 |
5. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the General Purposes Committee meeting held on Monday, May 30th, 2005, be received for information. |
6. |
PROPERTY MAINTENANCE & REPAIR (GROW-OP) BYLAW (Report: May 25/05, File No.: 12-8060-20-7897) (REDMS No. 1548110, 1521620) | |||
R05/11-6 |
It was moved and seconded | |||
(1) |
That Property Maintenance & Repair (Grow-Op) Bylaw No. 7897 be introduced and given first, second and third readings. | ||
(2) |
That staff develop a communication and education strategy. | ||
(3) |
That letters be sent to the Richmond Members of Parliament and to the Federal and Provincial Solicitor Generals regarding the possibility of funds resulting from the seizure of the proceeds of crime being remitted to the City. | ||
(4) |
That staff: | ||
(a) |
review and report on funding and cost implications which could result from the adoption of Bylaw No. 7897; and | |
(b) |
examine and report on the feasibility of (i) creating an additional “green team” and the cost of such implementation; and/or (ii) other community safety strategies. | |
(Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt returned to the meeting – 8: 59 p.m.) | |||
| ||
7. |
(Report: May 2/05, File No.: 12-8275-30-001/2005-Vol 01) (REDMS No. 1490989) |
R05/11-7 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the application by 738 Oakview Holdings Ltd (dba Gingeri Chinese Cuisine), located at unit 323-5300 No. 3 Road, to amend their Food-Primary Liquor Licence to include patron participation entertainment be supported (for the reasons outlined in the report dated May 2, 2005, from the Manager, Customer Services). |
8. |
(Report: May 11/05, File No.: 12-8275-30-020/Vol 01) (REDMS No. 1585192) |
R05/11-8 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the application by Vancouver Airport Hilton, located at 5911 Minoru Boulevard, to temporarily extend the licensed area to the patio be supported (for the reasons outlined in the report dated May 11, 2005, from the Manager, Customer Services). |
9. |
R05/11-9 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That the August and September 2005 Council and Committee meeting schedule be revised (as outlined in the report dated May 18, 2005 from the Director, City Clerk’s Office) in accordance with the following specific changes: | |
(1) |
That the August 8, 2005 Regular Council Meetings be cancelled, in accordance with the provisions of the Council Procedure Bylaw, together with the General Purposes Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 2, 2005, the Planning Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 3, 2005, and the Community Safety Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 9, 2005; |
(2) |
That the August 22, 2005 Regular Council Meetings be rescheduled to Tuesday, September 6, 2005, and that the August 15th meeting of the General Purposes Committee, the August 16th meeting of the Planning Committee, the August 17th meeting of the Public Works and Transportation Committee and the August 23rd meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee be rescheduled two weeks later to August 29, 30, 31 and September 7, 2005, respectively; |
(3) |
That the August 15, 2005 Regular Council Meeting for Public Hearings be rescheduled to Monday, August 29, 2005; and |
(4) |
That the September 12, 2005 Regular Council Meetings be cancelled, in accordance with the provisions of the Council Procedure Bylaw, together with the General Purposes Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 6, 2005, and the Planning Committee meeting scheduled for September 7, 2005. |
R05/11-10 |
10. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Wednesday, June 1st, 2005 and on Tuesday, June 7th, 2005, be received for information. |
11. |
(Report: May 20/05, File No.: 08-4105-00/Vol 01; xref: 10-6360-00) (REDMS No. 1564039,1575899, 1576211) (Public comments received during the public consultation process.) | ||
R05/11-11 |
It was moved and seconded | ||
(1) |
That the results of the public consultation process in the Granville Avenue and No. 1 Road area outlined in the report (dated May 20, 2005 from the Director of Development), be received for information; | |
(2) |
That Granville Avenue, between Railway Avenue and No. 1 Road, be removed from the Lane Establishment and Arterial Road Redevelopment Policies; | |
(3) |
That the following recommendations be forwarded to Public Hearing: | |
(a) |
that Single-Family Lot Size Policy 5411 for the westerly portion of the Granville Avenue and No. 1 Road area (Section 11-4-7) permitting existing Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E) be reconfirmed; and |
(b) |
that Council adopt a new Single-Family Lot Size Policy for the easterly portion of the Granville Avenue and No. 1 Road area (Section 11-4-7) and for the lots on the south side of Granville Avenue between Railway Avenue and No. 1 Road (Section 14-4-7) restricting rezoning and subdivision to the Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E); and |
(4) |
That notice of the Public Hearing on both Single-Family Lot Size Policies be sent to the area notified of the Granville Avenue and No. 1 Road public open house on April 27, 2005 at the Thompson Community Centre. | |
12. |
APPLICATION FOR REZONING - MEDINA CONSTRUCTION (RZ 05-299525 - Report: May 19/05, File No.: 12-8060-20-7957) (REDMS No. 1563254, 1563267, 1563268) |
R05/11-12 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Bylaw No. 7957, for the rezoning of 8391 No. 1 Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District (R1 - 0.6)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
13. |
APPLICATION FOR REZONING (WITH OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT) - KABEL ATWALL (RZ 02-213318 - Report: May 30/05, File No.: 12-8060-20-7913/7914) (REDMS No. 910286, 222141, 1469005, 1441998, 1433534, 1433416, 1433612, 15982885, 1434218, 1590868) | ||
R05/11-13 |
It was moved and seconded | ||
That, (as per the report dated May 30th, 2005 from the Manager, Policy Planning and the Development Co-ordinator), regarding an application by Kabel Atwall for property at 10060 No. 5 Road: | ||
(1) |
authorization for Kabel Atwall to use the west 250 m (approximately) of 10060 No. 5 Road, (as illustrated in Attachment 2 of the report dated May 30th, 2005, from the Manager, Policy Planning and the Development Coordinator), for a non-farm use, be approved (subject to the proposed Official Community Plan amendment and rezoning conditions outlined in the report); | |
(2) |
the City send a letter to the Agricultural Land Commission expressing strong concern that the expanded area for non-farm use was approved without City input; | |
(3) |
Bylaw No. 7913, to redesignate a portion of 10060 No. 5 Road from “Agriculture” to “Community Institutional” and to redesignate a portion of 10320 No. 5 Road from “Community Institutional” to “Agriculture” (in Attachments 1 and 2 to Schedule 1 of Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7100 - Generalized and Specific Land Use Maps), be introduced and given first reading; | |
(4) |
Bylaw No. 7913, having been considered in conjunction with: | |
(a) |
the City’s Financial Plan and Capital Program; |
(b) |
the Greater Vancouver Regional District Solid Waste and Liquid Waste Management Plans; |
is hereby deemed to be consistent with said program and plans, in accordance with Section 882(3)(a) of the Local Government Act; | |
(5) |
Bylaw No. 7913, having been considered in conjunction with Section 882(3)(c) of the Local Government Act, be referred to the Land Reserve Commission for comment and response by July 13, 2005; | |
(6) |
Bylaw No. 7913, having been considered in accordance with the City Policy on Consultation During OCP Development, is hereby deemed not to require further consultation; | |
(7) |
Bylaw No. 7914, | |
(a) |
for the rezoning of 10060 No. 5 Road from “Agricultural District (AG1)”, “Roadside Stand (Class C) District (RSC)” and “Assembly District (ASY)” to “Comprehensive Development District (CD/165)”; and |
(b) |
to permit a maximum height of 49 metres (160 ft.) for one building and 30 metres for all other buildings, |
be introduced and given first reading; and | |
(8) |
the Public Hearing Notification Area be expanded to an area bounded by King Road, Shell Road, Steveston Highway and Highway 99 (Attachment 15 of the report dated May 30th, 2005, from the Manager, Policy Planning and the Development Coordinator). | |
The question on Resolution No. R05/11-13 was not called, as the following amendment was introduced: | ||
R05/11-14 |
It was moved and seconded | ||
That the following be added as Part (9) to Resolution No. R05/11-13, “That the following information be provided to the Public Hearing to be held on this matter: | ||
(1) |
a map of the current building height limit throughout the City; | |
(2) |
the calculation as to the loss or gain of farmland resulting from the application; | |
(3) |
the submission of a parking plan which showed, among other things, the access and egress to the subject property; and | |
(4) |
a large event/festival traffic management plan for the proposed facility, including information on the number of days which would comprise each event. | |
The question on Resolution No. R05/11-13, as amended by Resolution No. R05/11-14, was called, and it was CARRIED. |
OPPOSED: Cllr. Barnes Steves |
R05/11-15 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the Public Hearing on the Application for Rezoning (With Official Community Plan Amendment) submitted by Kabel Atwall for property at 10060 No. 5 Road, be held at 7:00 p.m., on Tuesday, September 20th, 2005, in the Council Chambers, Richmond City Hall, 6911 No. 3 Road. |
(Councillor Howard left the meeting – 9:57 p.m.) |
R05/11-16 |
14. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee meeting held on Wednesday, May 25th, 2005, be received for information. |
15. |
2010 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY CHALLENGE (Report: May 12, 2005, File No.: 11-7000-01/2005-Vol 01) (REDMS No. 1474925) | |
R05/11-17 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That the City: | |
(1) |
join the 20 by 2010 challenge and work with the Provincial Government and 2010 LegaciesNow to help meet the target of increasing physical activity amongst its citizens and employees by 20% by 2010; and, |
(2) |
formally register this commitment to the 20% Physical Activity Challenge with 2010 LegaciesNow. |
16. |
EAST RICHMOND GATHERING PLACE PROJECT (Report: May 9/2005, File No.: 11-7000-09-20-050) (REDMS No. 1500764) |
R05/11-18 |
It was moved and seconded |
That, (as per the report dated May 9, 2005 from the Manager, Policy Planning), an allocation of $45,000 be endorsed from the 2003 Public Art Project Account and the 2001 Public Art Project Account for the development of the East Richmond Gathering Place Project. |
17. |
PUBLIC ART COMMISSION 2004 ANNUAL REPORT AND 2005 WORK PLAN (Report: April 25/05, File No.: 01-0100-20-RPAR1-01) (REDMS No. 1435879) | |
R05/11-19 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That, (as per the report dated April 25 2005 from the Manager, Policy Planning): | |
(1) |
the Richmond Public Art Commission 2005 Work Plan be approved; and |
(2) |
$125,000 be transferred from the Public Art Provision Account (#2441) to Public Art Project #40853, to be used for foreseeable future public art projects. |
(Councillor Howard returned to the meeting – 9:59 p.m.) |
18. |
GVRD REGIONAL PARKS SERVICE CONVERSION (Report: May 13/05, File No.: 01-0157-01) (REDMS No. 1541878) |
R05/11-20 |
It was moved and seconded |
That consent be given to the Greater Vancouver Regional District supporting the GVRD regional parks service conversion and amendment Bylaw No 1024, 2005. |
19. |
ESTABLISHMENT OF MOSQUITO CONTROL ADMINISTRATION AND COORDINATION SERVICES – GVRD BYLAW APPROVAL (Report: June 7/05, File No.: 10-6125-04-14/2005 – Vol 01; xr: 0157-01) (REDMS No. 1589938) |
R05/11-21 |
It was moved and seconded |
That participating area approval be given to the adoption of the Greater Vancouver Regional District Mosquito Control Administration and Coordination Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1032, 2005. |
20. |
R05/11-22 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That the City’s entries in the Union of British Columbia Municipalities’ 2005 Community Excellence Awards, be supported, including: | |
(1) |
Best Practices/General: RAV Public Consultation; |
(2) |
Best Practices/Website: Redesign and re-launch of City of Richmond Website; and |
(3) |
Best Practices/Best Annual Reporting: City of Richmond 2004 Annual Report. |
21. |
See Page 2 of these minutes for action taken on this matter. |
R05/11-23 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the following bylaws be adopted: |
Zoning & Development Bylaw No. 5300, Amendment Bylaw No. 7814 (8271 Francis Road, RZ 04-270789) |
Zoning & Development Bylaw No. 5300, Amendment Bylaw No. 7936 (11780 Seaton Road, RZ 04-278153) |
R05/11-24 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Animal Control Regulation Bylaw No. 7932 be adopted. |
R05/11-25 |
It was moved and seconded | |
That staff report to Council, through Committee: | |
(1) |
on the issue of commercial dog walkers; |
(2) |
on the feasibility of allowing muzzled ‘dangerous dogs’ into off-leash areas; |
(3) |
with input obtained through a survey of people using off-leash areas, determine how compatible off-leash commercially-walked dogs were in these areas |
(4) |
on the number of (i) professional dog walkers who have their businesses located in Richmond; (ii) professional dog walkers who are licenced to operate in the City; and (iii) the number of unlicenced dog walking businesses in the City; and |
(5) |
on the feasibility of restricting the number of licenced commercial dog walkers that would be allowed to exercise their dogs in a particular off-leash area at any one time. |
R05/11-26 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Dog Licencing Bylaw No. 7138, Amendment Bylaw No. 7933, be adopted. |
Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw No. 7321, Amendment Bylaw No. 7934 |
R05/11-27 |
It was moved and seconded |
That second and third readings of Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw No. 7321, Amendment Bylaw No. 7934 (given on May 24, 2005), be rescinded. |
R05/11-28 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw No. 7321, Amendment Bylaw No. 7934, be given second reading. |
The question on Resolution No. R05/11-28 was not called, as the following amendment was introduced: |
R05/11-29 |
It was moved and seconded | ||||
That Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw No. 7321, Amendment Bylaw No. 7934, be amended to: | ||||
(1) |
correct Bylaw Section citations in Section 3; |
| ||
(2) |
correct Headings in Section 2 and Section 4; and |
| ||
(3) |
to correct the list of Designated Bylaws in Schedule A, |
| ||
(as outlined in the revised Bylaw as circulated). |
| |||
| |||
The question on Resolution No. R05/11-28, as amended by Resolution No. R05/11-29, was called, and it was CARRIED. | |
R05/11-30 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw No. 7321, Amendment Bylaw No. 7934, be given third reading. |
R05/11-31 |
23. |
It was moved and seconded |
| ||
(1) |
That the minutes for the Development Permit Panel meeting held on Wednesday, May 25th, 2005, and the Chair’s report report for the Development Permit Panel meetings held on January 12th, 2005, March 16th, 2005, May 11th, 2005 and on May 25th, 2005, be received for information. |
| |
(2) |
That the recommendations of the Panel to authorize the issuance of Development Permits for the properties at: |
| |
(a) |
7171 Steveston Highway (formerly 7051, 7071, 7091, 7131, 7171, 7191 and 7211 Steveston Highway) (DP 04-287638); |
(b) |
5660 Parkwood Way (DP 05-297562); |
(c) |
8560, 8680 and 8600 No. 3 Road (DP 04-279379); |
(d) |
7591, 7611, 7631, 7671, 7691, 7731 and 7771 No. 4 Road (DP 04-280617); and |
(e) |
8271 Francis Road (DP 04-279616), |
be endorsed, and the Permits so issued. |
| |
The question on Resolution No. R05/11-31, was not called, as the request was made that Part (2)(a) of Resolution No. R05/11-31 be dealt with separately. | |||
The question on Part (1) of Resolution No. R05/11-31, was called, and it was CARRIED. | |||
The question on Parts (2)(b) through (e) of Resolution No. R05/11-31, was called, and it was CARRIED. | |||
The question on Part (2)(a) of Resolution No. R05/11-31, was called, and it was CARRIED with Cllr. Sue Halsey-Brandt opposed. |
R05/11-32 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (10:29 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, June 13th, 2005. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie) |
Corporate Officer (David Weber) |