December 13, 2005 Minutes

Community Safety Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, December 15th, 2005 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Rob Howard, Chair Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt (4:08 p.m.) Councillor Bill McNulty Mayor Malcolm Brodie |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the matter of the proposed banning of handguns be added to the agenda as an additional item. |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee held on Tuesday, November 15th, 2005, be adopted as circulated. |
2. |
The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, January 10th, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room. |
3. |
POLICE CHIEF BRIEFING (Oral Report) (30 Minutes in duration) |
(Cllr. Barnes entered the meeting – 4:01 p.m.) |
Items for discussion: |
Supt. Ward Clapham provided information on a crime symposium, hosted by the BC Crime Prevention Association, to be held in Richmond from September 21st to 23rd, 2006. He spoke about possible opportunities which might exist to showcase the City’s successful policing model, and about the Association’s request for speakers and presentations. In response to questions, Supt. Clapham advised that until now, the primary function of the Association had been to act as a clearing house for initiatives and ideas, including training and education. He added, however, that the Association was endeavouring to ‘rediscover itself’ and that it was hoped that the symposium would provide an opportunity to focus on more specific projects. |
A brief discussion ensued on the contributions which the City might make to the symposium and whether opportunities existed to involve the public. The suggestion was made during the discussion that the symposium could offer a number of sessions on different topics which would be interest to the public. The discussion ended with Supt. Clapham indicating that he would contact the BC Crime Prevention Association about the suggestion. |
4. |
FIRE CHIEF BRIEFING (Oral Report) (30 Minutes in duration) | |
Items for discussion: | |
(1) |
Grow-Op Status – Sandra Pearson. |
The Manager, Operational Support, Richmond Fire Rescue, Sandra Pearson reported to the Committee on the work being done by staff to address issues relating to the City’s grow-op and meth lab problem. She advised that the City’s SOS Team had been reviewing the Property Maintenance & Repair Bylaw to examine administrative processes, and that ‘question and answer’ sessions were being held with staff to provide clarification on specific issues. | |
(Cllr. Evelina Halsey-Brandt entered the meeting – 4:08 p.m.) | |
Ms. Pearson then spoke about the action being taken by neighbouring municipalities to deal with grow-ops and meth labs. She also reported that (i) staff were reviewing the feasibility of restricting the sale of hydroponics, and (ii) ‘Freedom of Information and Privacy Act’ regulations would soon be changing, which would result in BC Hydro being required to report any major change in power usage at residential dwellings and other buildings. Ms. Pearson indicated that a report on this matter would be submitted to the Committee in early 2006. | |
Questions were raised about whether meth labs were part of the review by staff, and information was provided that the Property Maintenance & Repair Bylaw dealt with both grow-ops and meth labs. However, further information was provided that the Richmond Safe Communities Alliance was in the process of developing a ‘meth lab’ watch program which was separate and distinct from any action being taken by the City. | |
Discussion then ensued among Committee members and staff on the need to lobby the Federal Government for more restrictive controls on the production of meth labs, and staff were requested to prepare a resolution for submission through Council to the FCM on this matter. | |
On a different matter, Mayor Brodie referred to the hotel fire which occurred earlier this year, and to the formation of a task force to address legislation and jurisdictional issues regarding the mandatory installation of sprinkler systems in all hotels. In response, information was provided that Fire Chief Jim Hancock was a member of that task force and that he would be submitting a report to the Committee in January, 2006. |
*********************************** |
5. |
IMPLEMENTATION OF AN RCMP FULL TIME EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (Report: Dec. 7/05, File No.: 09-5350-01/Vol 01) (REDMS No. 1715602) |
Discussion ensued among Committee members and the Manager, Policy Development & Corporate Programs, Shawn Issel, on the proposed Emergency Response Team (ERT), and the lack of communication between the Lower Mainland District of the RCMP and the City on this matter. |
Questions were raised about whether any consideration had been given to using the Mayor’s Consultative Forum to address this issue, as had been undertaken in the past. Concern was expressed during the discussion about the RCMP contract which expires in 2012. The comment was made that the City would be expected to absorb the cost, and pay a part, of the ERT, and it was felt that a discussion forum should be available to address the proposal prior to its implementation, along with a number of other issues which would be arising over the next few years. |
Questions were also raised about what the ERT would be doing when the officers were not responding to an emergency. Advice was given that at the present time, the Richmond detachment did not have any members on the ER team. Discussion continued, with it being noted that the City had no knowledge of the impact of the ERT on the City and that the City should be requesting a fuller description of the exact operational impact on the local detachment, together with a description of the utilization of the members and the associated cost. The comment was also made that the City needed to determine whether it was receiving total services for its share of the cost of the ERT, especially if the team was based in another municipality. |
Discussion continued, with advice being given that the City did not have a choice on whether it wished to participate in the ERT initiative. Questions were also asked about whether a dispute mechanism was in place to allow the City to appeal. Concern was expressed during the discussion about the lack of communication with the City on this matter, and questions were raised about whether other municipalities had similar concerns. |
As a result of the discussion, the following amended motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded | |||
(1) |
That the Mayor and Council send a letter to Deputy Commissioner Bev Busson to: | ||
(a) |
express the City’s concerns about the lack of a consultative process used with regard to the implementation of the full time Emergency Response Team; | |
(b) |
request that any other integration initiatives being contemplated by the LMD be shared with the City as soon as possible; | |
(c) |
request that a standing consultative process be used with the City in the future; | |
(2) |
That staff request further information prior to implementation of the Emergency Response Team, on: | ||
(a) |
the operational details, such as: | |
(i) |
utilization of the members between emergencies; and |
(ii) |
a comparison to the existing ERT including those of private forces; and |
(b) |
the cost allocations and equity thereof; | |
(3) |
That staff explore cost recovery for the ERT from YVR; | ||
(4) |
That staff investigate and report on the status of the Mayor’s Consultative Forum; | ||
(5) |
That staff request that the LMMA and the UBCM on behalf of the City and other municipal jurisdictions, approach the Provincial Government to include those cities and municipalities with RCMP detachments in the discussions and negotiation of a new policing contract to be negotiated for 2012; and | ||
(6) |
That staff request an extension in implementation until consultation has occurred on the Emergency Response Team initiative. | ||
*********************************** |
6. |
FIRE HALL CONSTRUCTION AND SEISMIC UPGRADE UPDATE (Report: Nov. 22/05, File No.: 06-2052-02) (REDMS No. 1703515) |
It was moved and seconded |
That the report (dated November 22nd, 2005, from the Director, Engineering), regarding Fire Hall Construction and Seismic Upgrade Update, be received for information. |
The question on the motion was not called, as discussion ensued with the Manager, Facilities Planning & Construction, David Naysmith, about whether the budget for the new fire halls would be reviewed. Advice was given staff were hoping to submit the program for the new Bridgeport fire hall for construction in 2007 and that the budget for that facility would be established at that time. Further advice was given that the proposed community safety headquarters building was currently under review, and that the results of that review should be available in early Spring, 2006. |
In response to a question about the opening of the Sea Island Fire Hall, staff confirmed that the opening of this facility was on schedule and would take place in the Spring of 2006. |
A brief discussion ensued on the amount of the financial contribution from gaming revenue to the fire hall construction projects, during which information was provided that gaming revenue in the amount of $1.7 Million was contributed on an annual basis, along with $1.5 Million through the Operating Budget and Capital Reserve Infrastructure accounts. |
(Mayor Brodie left the meeting at 4:50 p.m., and returned at 4:55 p.m., during the above discussion.) |
The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED. |
7. |
EMERGENCY PLANNING – PROGRAM PRIORITIES (Report: Nov. 22/05, File No.: 09-5125-01/Vol 01) (REDMS No. 1688302) |
The Manager, Emergency & Environmental Programs, Suzanne Bycraft, accompanied by the Coordinator, Emergency Social Services/Volunteer Management, Derrick Lim, briefly reviewed her report with the Committee. |
In response to questions, Ms. Bycraft provided information on the requirements which the City had to fulfill to comply with Provincial guidelines. She advised that an area of weakness was the Emergency Plan, and that staff were currently working to complete the parent document for submission to the Committee in June, 2006. |
Reference was made to a 2006 priority initiative – Emergency Notification System, and Ms. Bycraft explained how this system would work to notify residents of an issue which had arisen in an emergency situation. |
The Chair commented briefly, advising that he was concerned about the possibility that the City might not be meeting Provincial requirements, however, he indicated that this could be a topic for a future meeting. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the report (dated November 22, 2005, from the Manager, Emergency & Environmental Programs), regarding Emergency Planning – Program Status, be received for information. |
The question on the motion was not called, as questions were raised about whether staff had addressed the concerns of some volunteers about access to emergency reception centres if the individuals responsible for the keys to these facilities were not within the City at the time of an emergency occurring. |
The Chair also requested that in the next report to Committee, that information be provided on how the current volunteer network functioned within the City’s Emergency Plan. |
The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED. |
8. |
BYLAW DISPUTE SYSTEM / MUNICIPAL TICKETING (Report: Dec. 1/05, File No.: 12-8080-01, xr 0150-01) (REDMS No. 1710481) |
The Manager, Community Bylaws, Wayne Mercer, advised, with reference to the number of tickets being mailed to parking violators, that 5% of the total tickets issued had been served through the mail, and that in 2004, the percentage had been 10%. He added that a majority of the patrols took place around local schools. |
Reference was made to the Bylaw Dispute System and to the requirement that hours ‘must be conveniently scheduled during the day as is the case with the Courts’. Staff were requested to consider establishing evening hours to allow those individuals who work during the day to participate in the adjudication system without having to take time off from their jobs. In response, Mr. Mercer indicated that staff would include that option in the cost benefit analysis which was to be undertaken. |
(Cllr. Sue Halsey-Brandt left the meeting at 5:07 p.m., during the above discussion, and did not return to the meeting.) |
It was moved and seconded |
That the report (dated December 1st, 2005, from the Manager, Community Bylaws), regarding the Bylaw Dispute System / Municipal Ticketing, be received for information. |
9. |
Mayor Brodie advised that he had attended a press conference held with Prime Minister Paul Martin regarding his “Canada Handgun Ban and Safer Communities Strategy. He then provided members of the Committee with a copy of the materials circulated at the press release, (a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk’s Office), and he commented briefly on the proposed strategy. |
10. |
Reference was made to the proposed Soils Management Bylaw, and in response to questions, Mr. Mercer advised that he had made a brief presentation to the Agricultural Advisory Committee on this matter. He indicated that he would be providing a draft copy to the Committee to seek input from the farming community. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (5:13 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, December 13th, 2005. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Councillor Rob Howard |
Fran J. Ashton |