April 12, 2005 Minutes
![City of Richmond Meeting Minutes](/__shared/assets/Header_Meeting_Minutes6032.gif)
Community Safety Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, April 12, 2005 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Linda Barnes, Chair |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee held on Tuesday, March 15th, 2005, be adopted as circulated. |
2. |
The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Tuesday, May 10th, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room. |
3. |
POLICE CHIEF BRIEFING (Oral Report) (30 Minutes in duration) | |
Supt. Ward Clapham reported on the following matters: | |
(1) |
the Detachment’s vision to deal with domestic violence, and the formation of a Domestic Violence Response team; |
(2) |
the formation of an Integrated Service team between the City and the RCMP to deal with youth; and the re-establishment of the “Community Watch” program; |
(3) |
the “On-Side” program – a community-based initiative to build bridges with the community; and |
(4) |
discussions being held with the Lower Mainland District and others regarding the formation of a “Public Safety” team. |
Supt Clapham also provided brief DVD presentations on the Detachment’s efforts with the “On-Side” program, the “Positive Ticketing” program and Team IZZAT to reach local youth, which had been highlighted on recent television news broadcasts. |
(1) |
Youth Intervention Program and Restorative Justice – Ruth Hahn. |
Youth Intervention Coordinator Ruth Hahn introduced the new counsellor, Kasim Al-Mashat, to the Committee. Ms. Hahn then provided an update on the Program and talked about Restorative Justice. A copy of her presentation is on file in the City Clerk’s Office. | |
Supt. Clapham also spoke briefly about the Youth Intervention Program. | |
The Chair thanked Ms. Hahn for her presentation and the delegation then left the meeting. | |
Supt. Clapham then introduced to the Committee, Assistant Commissioner Gary Forbes, Chief Superintendent Bud Mercer, and Insp. Wayne Rideout. |
4. |
INTEGRATED HOMICIDE INVESTIGATION TEAM REVIEW (Report: Mar. 4/05, File No.: 09-5000-01) (REDMS No. 1446235) | |
The Manager, Policy Development & Corporate Programs, Shawn Issel, accompanied by Insp. Rideout, provided a brief overview of the report. | |
Discussion then ensued among Committee members, staff and the delegation on: | |
§ |
the reporting structure of the IHIT Team to work directly for the municipality or city in which a homicide had occurred |
§ |
the efficiencies which had been attained since the implementation of the IHIT Team, and the rationale for the anticipated increase in costs |
§ |
the importance of allowing homicide teams to have cross-jurisdictional availability which could help to solve murders in other areas |
§ |
whether the IHIT Team reviewed unsolved ‘cold case’ files |
§ |
possible initiatives to integrate specialized police functions, such as a Dog Squad and Forensic Identification, into the IHIT Team. |
During the discussion, Ms. Bycraft was congratulated on the preparation of an excellent report. | |
Also during the discussion, Assistant Commissioner Forbes provided information on discussions which were being held among various agencies, including the Federal and Provincial Governments, to deal with Internet crime. | |
Asst. Commissioner Forbes also spoke about the support given by City Council and staff to RCMP initiatives. He stated that the City should be proud of the IHIT Team as it was the best in Canada and was being examined as a model at a world-wide level. The Chair commented in response that the Committee looked forward to discussing future initiatives with the RCMP. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the report (dated March 4th, 2005, from the Manager, Policy Development & Corporate Programs), regarding the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team Review, be received for information. |
A brief discussion ensued on the issue of ‘identify theft’ and Supt. Clapham was requested to address this matter and provide information at the next meeting of the Committee on how ‘identify theft’ could be prevented. The comment was made that a joint venture between the City and the RCMP should be undertaken, with a public forum being held at City Hall. In response, Supt. Clapham advised that he would prepare a report on this subject for the next meeting. |
5. |
Chief Administrative Officer George Duncan, accompanied by Shawn Issel, provided background information on this matter and spoke about concerns which he had had in the past about the RCMP’s operation in the City. He also spoke about the Richmond Detachment and its turnaround in dealing with City issues, which he felt resulted from a better understanding of the needs, culture, and limitations of both the Detachment and the City. Mr. Duncan noted that two other important factors – the quality of leadership and cultural exchange within the Detachment, had made a difference, and expressed pleasure at working with a detachment which had such pro-active leadership. |
Discussion ensued among Committee members, staff and the delegation on the excellent working relationship which now existed between the City and the Detachment. Comments were made about the major shift which had occurred in the community with respect to the provision of police services, and the Detachment was congratulated for its efforts in helping to make Richmond the safest community in North America. |
The Chair also congratulated the RCMP and City staff on their hard work and success, and highlighted the efforts of Sandy Pearson, the former General Manager, Community Safety, Chuck Gale, and Shawn Issel as being instrumental in providing motivation and support at an operational level. She also thanked Supt. Clapham and George Duncan for their efforts in achieving a new level of cooperation between the two agencies. In concluding the discussion, the Chair reiterated her earlier comments that the Committee would be more than willing to discuss anything which the Detachment felt would improve the relationship even more, as well as proposed initiatives. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the report from staff regarding the changes in the relationship between the City and the City’s RCMP Detachment be received for information and forwarded to the Lower Mainland District Officer and the Commanding Officer “E” Division. |
6. |
VEHICLE FOR HIRE BYLAW AMENDMENTS (Report: Mar. 8/05, File No.: 12-8060-20-7924/7925) (REDMS No. 1368399, 1436886, 1436458) | ||
The Manager, Community Bylaws, Don Pearson, advised that he had nothing further to add. | ||
Concern was expressed about the amount of the fine ($100) proposed for ‘obstructing or attaching a vehicle which is occupied’ and ‘towing a vehicle which is occupied’, and discussion ensued among Committee members on this issue. | ||
As a result of the discussion, the following amended motion was introduced: | ||
It was moved and seconded | ||
That the following bylaws each be introduced and given first, second and third readings: | ||
(1) |
Vehicle for Hire Bylaw No. 6900, Amendment Bylaw No. 7924, which corrects inconsistencies in the bylaw with respect to sign requirements; and | |
(2) |
Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw No. 7321, Amendment Bylaw No. 7925, as amended to delete the figure “$100” and substitute “$500” for the following offences: | |
(a) |
Obstructing or attaching a vehicle which is occupied; and |
(b) |
Towing a vehicle which is occupied. |
The question on the motion was not called, as the Chair requested staff to review the proposed fine level to ensure that the amount was at the highest level allowed by the Act, and to provide a memorandum on this matter to Council prior to the next Council meeting. | ||
The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED. |
7. |
(Report: Apr. 4/05, File No.: 10-6125-04-14-01) (REDMS No. 1459362) |
The Manager, Emergency & Environmental Programs, Suzanne Bycraft, accompanied by Dr. James Lu and Steve Chong, briefly reviewed the report with the Committee. |
Discussion ensued among Committee members and the delegation on when the West Nile Virus might appear in Richmond. Questions were raised about when the usefulness of the briquets would expire, and information was provided that the manufacturer guaranteed a shelf life of two years. Concern was expressed about the complacency of the public regarding the virus because the virus had not appeared in British Columbia since health agencies had first begun to warn the public about the virus two years ago. The comment was made that steps should be taken to re-educate the public about this disease. |
The Chair spoke about the complacency of residents in general and asked that staff raise this matter with the GVRD. |
A question was raised about possible environmental impact resulting from the use of the briquets, and advice was given that as long as the briquets were used according to the label directions, there should be no adverse impact on the environment. |
It was moved and seconded | ||
(1) |
That Richmond Health Services be retained to undertake a Proactive Larviciding Program, (as per their proposal dated March 24, 2005, “2005 West Nile Virus Program Proposal”). | |
(2) |
That the Provincial Crown Land Assessment option outlined in the Richmond Health Services proposal be authorized at an additional cost of $20,000, with funding provided from the provincial grant. | |
(3) |
That for the mosquito control program for catch basins: | |
(a) |
The purchase of the larvicide briquets be authorized as a pre-cursor to potential treatment, and |
(b) |
Staff be authorized to implement the mosquito control treatment program for catch basins if so ordered by the Health Authority. |
(4) |
That the Chair, GVRD Board of Directors, be advised that Richmond Council supports the establishment of a GVRD Mosquito Control Administration and Coordination function and will participate in this service. | |
8. |
22000 BLOCK RIVER ROAD – SAFETY AND TRAFFIC CONCERNS (Letter: Apr. 6/05 File No.: 6450-02) |
It was moved and seconded |
That the correspondence (dated April 6th, 2005, from Marilyn Oswald), regarding safety and traffic concerns in the 22000 block of River Road, be referred to staff for comment and investigation of the excessive speed of vehicles along this road. |
9. |
Mr. Pearson provided statistics on the implementation of the 2005 Dog Licence Program by the City. A copy of this material is on file in the City Clerk’s Office. The Chair requested that copies of this material be provided to those members of Council who were not on the Committee. |
Cllr. Sue Halsey-Brandt referred to correspondence received from K. Kosolosfki of Vancouver regarding the dust and air pollution caused by the Columbia Bitulithic Ltd. asphalt/concrete crushing plant on Mitchell Island, and staff were requested to provide an update. |
Cllr. Sue Halsey-Brandt also referred to correspondence received from Farrell Estates Ltd., regarding the condition of the house at 8140 Garden City Road, and Mr. Pearson indicated that he would review the situation. |
The Chair referred to the Corporate “Council Referral System” and thanked staff for dealing with the referrals from the Community Safety Committee so efficiently. She noted that there were only a few referrals which had yet to be completed. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (5:45 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, April 12th, 2005. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Councillor Linda Barnes |
Fran J. Ashton |