Community Safety Committee Meeting Minutes - July 15, 2003



Community Safety Committee





Tuesday, July 15th, 2003


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Councillor Linda Barnes, Chair
Councillor Derek Dang, Vice-Chair
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Bill McNulty


Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.











It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee held on Tuesday, June 10th, 2003, be adopted as circulated.












Advice was given by the Chair and Cllr. E. Halsey-Brandt that they would not be available to attend the next scheduled meeting of the Committee on Tuesday, September 9th, 2003, and the Chair asked the General Manager, Community Safety, Chuck Gale, to find an alternate date for the meeting. 




The Chair advised at this point, that a presentation to Steve Fernandes, a student of Cambie Senior Secondary School, and the winner of an AirCare AirWaves Scholarship, would be added to the agenda as an additional item.








Doug Allan, Project Manager, and Allan Galambos, Manager Bridges and Structural Engineering MOT, representing the Joint Emergency Liaison Committee.
(Letter:  June 30th, 2003; File No.:  5125-01)  (REDMS No. 1035820)  (PowerPoint presentation)



The Manager, Emergency & Environmental Programs, Suzanne Bycraft, introduced the delegation to the Committee.  She then advised that the matter had been tabled by the Public Works & Transportation Committee on April 8th, 1988, to a future meeting.  Ms. Bycraft explained that the delegation would like to make a presentation to the Committee to determine if there was any interest in pursing the matter.  



Mr. Allan and Mr. Galambos then gave a PowerPoint presentation to provide an update on the implementation of the Disaster Response Routes Program in the Lower Mainland.  A copy of the presentation is on file in the City Clerks Office. 



Discussion then ensued among Committee members and the delegation on (i) the Disaster Response Routes Program, and (ii) the request of the delegation that the new signs be posted at designated locations with Richmond.  In response to questions, information was provided that:




the proposed signs were manufactured by the Ministry of Transportation under copy right, at a cost of $300 per sign; erection of the signs would be the responsibility of the City




if the road signs were erected as part of the City's regular road maintenance program, the cost of erecting the signs would be $60 per sign.



Comments were made during the discussion that the proposed new wording made it clear to motorists that the roads were for emergency vehicle use when an emergency occurred.  However, concerns were also expressed about (i) designating the Abbotsford Airport as key site for the delivery of supplies and evacuating residents, and (ii) whether motorists would still use the Disaster Response Routes in spite of the signs.  Discussion ensued among Committee members, the delegation and staff on the rationale for selecting the Abbotsford Airport.  Advice was also given that a Disaster Response Route could be considered the same as motorists pulling over to allow ambulances or other emergency vehicles to pass.



Information was also provided to the Committee during the discussion that:




any bridges located on Disaster Response Routes had been retrofitted to be seismically sound in the event of an earthquake;




many of the routes had been chosen specifically to avoid bridges




the routes designated within Richmond had been done so in consultation with the Fire, Transportation and Public Works Departments




the new bridge to the Vancouver International Airport, along with the No. 2 Road Bridge, were both seismically sound.



Also addressed briefly during the discussion was the status of the Richmond Hospital building and whether this building would be available for use if an earthquake should occur.



As a result of the discussion, the following referral motion was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That the matter of placement of Disaster Response Route signs in Richmond be referred to staff for the preparation of a report to the September meeting of the Community Safety Committee on:




the cost of obtaining and erecting the signs;




the number of signs which would be required;




the positioning of the signs on the routes, and to what the signs would be attached; and




whether or not the erection of the signs could be phased in over a number of years; and



that the report provide information from the City Clerk on the process to follow to lift the matter from the table.



The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED.








It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee Advisory Task Force Public Forum held on June 10th, 2003, be received for information.











Police Chief Briefing
(30 Minutes in duration)



Supt. Ward Clapham, Insp. Renny Nesset and Insp. Tony Mahon came forward.



Sgt. Davis Wendall also came forward and thanked the Committee for their support of the Community Policing Program.  He advised that he had been promoted to Inspector and that he and his family would soon be moving to Ottawa.



The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, wished Sgt. Wendall the best of luck in his new position, and thanked him for his participation in the Community Policing Program.



Items for discussion:




Events at Garry Point on July 1st, 2003.
(Memo:  July 10/03; File No.:  5000-01)  (REDMS No. 1035785)



Insp. Mahon provided additional information to the Committee about the problems which occurred at Garry Point Park during the evenings July 1st celebrations.



It was moved and seconded



That staff:




report on whether Garry Point Park should be used as a festival venue;




identify sites and locations which would be suitable for festivals, events and gatherings, taking into consideration the enjoyment, safety and security of the public who might attend these events;




seek input from the stakeholders and the public on this matter;




refer the matter to the Community Safety Advisory Task Force; and




report to the Community Safety Committee on this matter by December, 2003.



The question on the motion was not called, as the suggestion was made that the referral also be forwarded to the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Division for input. 



The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED.








Supt. Ward Clapham provided an update on the community policing philosophy as it related to partnerships with individuals and organizations within the community, and the promotion of a safe community.




richmond substance abuse strategy
(Report:  June 19/03, File No.:  3000-09; 0100-20-RSAB1-01) (REDMS No. 1027117)



The Manager, Communication & Public Affairs, Ted Townsend, introduced the members of the Task Force who were present at this afternoons meeting. 



Mr. Townsend then reviewed the report with the Committee, during which he advised that Parts (2) and (3) of the staff recommendation had been combined and amended to read as follows, That the issue of a dedicated staff resource and the finalized Terms of Reference for the Richmond Substance Abuse Task Force be referred to the September meeting of the Community Safety Committee



The Chair referred to the changed staff recommendation, and advised that she had had concerns about some of the wording and the proposed membership in the Terms of Reference.  Cllr. Barnes stated that it was important that the Terms of Reference reflected the ability to increase the size of the membership as more stakeholders were invited to participate. 



Discussion then ensued among Committee members and staff on the proposed Strategy, during which, in response to questions, the following information was provided:




the proposed Awareness Campaign, at an estimated cost of $25,000, would be developed as part of the work program; would be broadly based on a campaign developed by the City of Vancouver, and would involve newspaper supplements and educational materials being distributed throughout the community to communicate how people could access available services




the $25,000 estimated cost to the City would be for contract fees and staff time; it was possible that the cost of the campaign could be more, however, partnerships with other organizations and media groups should provide any additional funding which might be required




the campaign would be primarily conducted by the Task Force, working with the support of the City, subject to the outcome of the September staff report on the possible coordinating position; Mr. Townsend, in his position of Manager, Communication & Public Affairs, would provide support to develop the campaign.




During the discussion, however, concern was expressed about approving the Strategy without having the final version of the Terms of Reference in front of the Committee, and not knowing what the decision would be on the request for a part-time dedicated staff resource to the Task Force.  The request was made during the discussion that an organizational chart accompany the September staff report.  Questions were also raised about the role of parents and schools in the proposed Awareness Campaign as the Strategy did not seem to address this issue.



At the request of the Chair, and in response to the concerns expressed, Mr. Townsend provided information on the implementation of the next phase of the proposed Strategy. 



Mr. Townsend explained that the decision on the future of the staff position had been delayed because of the need to clarify specifically what the duties of that individual would be.  He added that adoption of the Strategy would allow the Task Force to develop a work plan which would result in, among other things, establishing the duties and responsibilities for the part-time staff position.  He noted that the proposed membership included representatives of the entire community, including parents and the School District.  Mr. Townsend added that some of the questions being asked could not be answered until the Task Force and the support groups began working towards implementing the proposed recommendations.



Additional information was provided by Mr. Gale that the Strategy recognized that there were other steps to be initiated, the first being the creation of the work plan and then implementation of this plan as part of the Terms of Reference.  With reference to the staff position, Mr. Gale stated that there had been general agreement that because of the absence of several Councillors, that the request would be referred to the September Committee meeting. 



The question of potential overlap, if any, with the survey being completed by the Richmond Community Services Advisory Council on the services being provided by social services agencies throughout the community was raised, and a brief discussion ensued among Committee members and staff on this issue. 



It was moved and seconded







the Richmond Substance Abuse Strategy (attached to the report dated June 19th, 2003, from the Manager, Community Safety Planning), be approved; and




That the issue of a dedicated staff resource  and the finalized Terms of Reference for the Richmond Substance Abuse Task Force be referred to the September meeting of the Community Safety Committee.











(Report:  June 11/03, File No.:  5125-03-02) (REDMS No. 1007672, 986254)



The Manager, Emergency & Environmental Programs, Suzanne Bycraft, accompanied by the Manager, Engineering Planning, Siu Tse, provided background information on the need for the report.  Mr. Tse then provided a brief overview of the report with the Committee. 



It was moved and seconded




That the report entitled City of Richmond Emergency Water Supply in the Event of an Earthquake (attached to the report dated June 11th, 2003, from the General Manager, Engineering & Public Works), be endorsed.




That staff investigate the recommendations in detail and report on an implementation strategy in June, 2004.



The question on the motion was not called, as a comment was made about the importance of having the appropriate resources available to meet the needs of the community in the event of an emergency occurring.  During the discussion, the Chair thanked staff for a job well done in addressing the needs of the community to ensure that resources were available in the event of an emergency.



The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED.








(File No.:  0370-01)  (REDMS No. 1033484)  (PowerPoint presentation.)



Ms. Bycraft advised that the format for presenting the Divisions quarterly report had been changed in response to the comments following the presentation of the last report.  She stated that the Divisional report would now be presented semi-annually, and she asked that the Committee provide comments and suggestions on any improvements which could be made.



The Divisional Semi-Annual report was then presented in PowerPoint to the Committee, a copy of which is on file in the City Clerks Office.



Following the presentation, a brief discussion ensued on the format, during which Committee members expressed general support for the new format but asked for time to think about it.  The request was also made that because of the speed of the presentation, that a paper copy be provided to Committee members.  The request was also made that the print quality of the paper copy of the presentation be addressed.  In concluding the discussion, the Chair asked that Committee members forward any further suggestions or comments to Mr. Gale.









Deputy Fire Chief Dave Scorgie reported on the delay in the transfer of dispatch operations from Richmond to E-Comm as a result of the YVR litigation, and issues relating to training and the installation of equipment at the new No. 8 Fire Hall. 




Discussion then ensued among Committee members and staff who used E-Comm, during which Cllr. E. Halsey-Brandt reported an incident which had occurred where she had been put on hold after dialing 9-1-1.  She was asked to provide information on this incident to Mr. Gale and to Cllr. Kumagai, the City's representative on the Board of Directors of E-Comm.




Deputy Chief Scorgie reported on the status of the Departments Records Management System, and provided information on a proposal which could result in a partnership between multiple agencies to undertake a joint records management system.  He stated that a report on the proposal would be submitted to Council for approval, possibly by October of this year.




Discussion ensued among Committee members and staff on the proposed cost of the new system, and whether there would be sufficient time to include the cost in the 2004 budget. 








Ms. Bycraft introduced Mr. Steve Fernandes, a student at Cambie Secondary School.  She advised that he was the recipient of an AirCare Airwaves Scholarship for the 30-second radio/spot commercial which he had created, which linked vehicle emissions with air quality, personal health and climate change and the role which AirCare played in reducing harmful vehicle emissions.  The 30-second clip was then played to the Committee.



The Chair thanked Mr. Fernandes for attending the meeting, and she then presented him with a small token of appreciation on behalf of Council and the City for his efforts.








It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (5:50 p.m.).






Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, July 15th, 2003.




Councillor Linda Barnes

Fran J. Ashton
Executive Assistant, City Clerks Office