May 28, 2013 - Minutes
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Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Harold Steves, Chair |
Also Present: |
Councillor Chak Au Councillor Linda McPhail |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee held on Tuesday, March 26, 2013, be adopted as circulated. |
Tuesday, June 25, 2013, (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room |
1. |
With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation (copy on file, City Clerk’s Office), Erika Simms, Community Gardens Coordinator, Richmond Food Security Society, highlighted the following information regarding the Society’s programs: |
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community gardens provide access for all Richmond community members to grow food; |
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there are 300 plots at eight community garden sites, with approximately 350 to 400 gardeners; |
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in 2013, the waitlist for a community garden plot was reduced significantly due to people moving or no longer interested; |
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garden workshops run from April to September and teach participants to garden from the beginning of the season to its end; |
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the Incubator Farm program is in partnership with the City of Richmond and Kwantlen Polytechnic University; |
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the Stir It Up youth program teaches youth at risk food skills; |
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in 2012, ten food preservation and food skill workshops were held; over 200 pounds of food from the Sharing Farm and local farmers were preserved; and |
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in 2012, twenty fruit gleaning picks were completed, gleaning approximately 3,130 pounds of fruit. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Ms. Simms advised that (i) the majority of gardeners grow food, however there are some that grow flowers; (ii) the Stir It Up youth program is provided through the Steveston Community Centre; (iii) volunteers glean excess fruit donated from local farmers, in addition to gleaning fruit from trees in residential backyards; (iv) the Society is in the planning stages of developing a Food Charter; and (v) four of the nine farmers utilizing the incubator farms are non-Kwantlen Polytechnic University farmers; these farmers sign the same agreement as those utilizing community garden plots. |
2. |
(File Ref. No. 01-0060-20) (REDMS No. 3829134) |
It was moved and seconded |
That the City enter into a partnering agreement with the Richmond Food Security Society for the administration of community gardens that have been designated by the City on lands owned or controlled by the City on the terms and conditions set out in the staff report titled Agreement with Richmond Food Security Society for Community Gardens Administration, dated May 6, 2013 from the Senior Manager, Parks. |
3. |
(File Ref. No. 11-7143-01) (REDMS No. 3832159) |
David McBride, Manager, Aquatic, Arena & Fitness Services, introduced Karen Jones, Coordinator, Minoru Aquatic Centre, and Grant Nishi, Aquatics Supervisor. |
With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation (copy on file, City Clerk’s Office), Mr. Nishi highlighted the following information regarding Richmond’s Aquatic Services: |
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a broad range of Aquatic Services opportunities are offered to everyone, ranging from public swimming, water-based exercise classes, aquatic sports teams, swimming lessons, and special events at all four facilities – Minoru Aquatic Centre, Steveston Pool, South Arm Pool, and Watermania; |
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Minoru Aquatic Centre and Watermania have fitness centres; patrons can work out, and use the pool, sauna, or whirlpools during the same visit; |
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Steveston Pool and South Arm Pool are outdoors and are open from late Spring to Labour Day; |
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swimming lessons are offered for people of all ages, from those just learning to swim to those who would like to lifeguard; |
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Watermania is home to the Richmond Rapids swim club; Steveston Pool is home to the Richmond Kigoos swim club; |
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participation in all Aquatic Services programs continue to grow steadily; a total of 915,000 visits were recorded in 2012; |
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swimming lessons are a significant contributor to overall visits; as an island city, water safety education and the basics of swimming are important life skills; and |
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a number of different swimming lesson options are offered in a manner that strives to accommodate busy family schedules, maximize pool space, and provide the public with swimming lessons at the most popular times. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Nishi advised that (i) swimming lesson waitlists are managed daily; (ii) older adults may register for adult swimming lessons; (iii) aquasize remains popular among older adults; and (iv) swimming lessons are at full capacity at approximately 90%. |
Discussion ensued regarding swimming lessons offered during school hours, and Ms. Jones advised that City has an existing joint operating agreement with the Richmond School District No. 38. However, due to financial implications, swimming lessons during school hours are now offered through individual schools, whereby they used to be offered district-wide. |
In reply to a query from Committee, Mr. McBride commented on the City’s Recreation Fee Subsidy Program, noting that the program enhances access to recreation and is available for admissions and program registration in Richmond's community centres, cultural centres, aquatic facilities, and arenas. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the staff report titled Swimming Lesson Update dated April 23, 2013, from the Senior Manager, Recreation Services, be received for information. |
4. |
(File Ref. No. 11-7200-01) (REDMS No. 3821165 v.2) |
In reply to comments made by Committee, Paul Brar, Coordinator, Parks Programs, provided clarification differentiating several separate initiatives offered by various agencies related to hiking and walking trails. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond’s participation in the National Hiking Trail, as described in the staff report titled National Hiking Trail, dated May 7, 2013 from the Senior Manager, Parks be approved. |
5. |
(File Ref. No. 06-2345-20-MNOR1) (REDMS No. 3845135 v.3) |
With the aid of various artist renderings, Mike Redpath, Senior Manager, Parks, provided background information and reviewed the proposed bike terrain park concept plan. |
Mr. Redpath commented on the public consultation process, noting that approximately 140 letters of invitation were mailed to those that reside in close proximity of the park. Response to the proposed project was well received. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Redpath provided the following information: |
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the proposed concept plan includes a comprehensive set of tracks, jumps and skill features that are scaled to provide for a range of riding skill levels; |
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the park has been designed to maximize safety of riders; safety features include a fence, a landscape buffer, berms, and bollards along the park’s perimeter; also, the orientation of the park is such that all activity is directed away from traffic; |
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benches and picnic tables along the park’s perimeter will act as observation areas; and |
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bike terrain park users may access restrooms located in the Garden City Community Park. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Garden City Community Park be approved as the site of the bike terrain park as detailed in the staff report titled Garden City Community Park – Bike Terrain Park Consultation Process, dated May 13, 2013 from the Senior Manager, Parks. |
6. |
(i) |
Parks Division Updates |
Mr. Redpath spoke of the upcoming Garden City Lands Ideas Fair scheduled for June 1, 2013 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. |
Also, Mr. Redpath commented on the progression of the Railway Avenue Greenway project and noted that property owners that are encroaching on the City’s property along the Greenway must remove their structures in the immediate future. |
(ii) |
Branscombe House |
In reply to a query from Committee, Mr. Redpath provided an update on the Branscombe House restoration. |
Jane Fernyhough, Director, Arts, Culture and Heritage Services, commented on the potential types of community use suitable for the first floor of the Branscombe House. |
(iii) |
Partners for Beautification |
In response to comments made regarding corporate social responsibility, Serena Lusk, Manager, Parks Programs, advised that there is an opportunity for community involvement through the City’s Partners for Beautification program. It was noted that the City’s communication pieces related to the Partners for Beautification program should be enhanced in an effort to maximize these opportunities. |
Discussion ensued regarding the Vancouver Heritage Foundation ‘salvage sale’ and staff was directed examine the potential for the Foundation to hold its next sale in Richmond. |
(iv) |
Online Events Approval System |
Gregg Wheeler, Manager, Sports and Community Events, referenced a memorandum dated May 24, 2013 (copy on file, City Clerk’s Office) regarding the online events approval system and commented on its success. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (5:16 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, May 28, 2013. |
_________________________________ |
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Councillor Harold Steves |
Hanieh Berg |