July 27, 2010 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes





Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee





Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Anderson Room

Richmond City Hall


Councillor Harold Steves, Chair

Councillor Ken Johnston

Councillor Bill McNulty

Mayor Malcolm Brodie


Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt, Vice-Chair

Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt

Also Present:

Councillor Linda Barnes

Councillor Greg Halsey-Brandt

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m.








It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee held on Tuesday, June 29, 2010, be adopted as circulated.











Tuesday, September 28, 2010 (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room.









Annual Update from Sharon Bulger from the UBC Boathouse



Sharon Bulger, Facility Manager, UBC Boathouse, reviewed the Boathouse’s activities and the following information was presented with the aid of a PowerPoint (copy on file, City Clerk’s Office):




public access to the Boathouse is provided through (i) community rowing and dragon boating programs; (ii) community sporting events; and (iii) event hall rentals;




from November 2008 to November 2009, the Boathouse had 2,625 program participants, and 2,430 sporting event participants and spectators;




over 50% of participants in the community programs are Richmond residents;




there are three rowing programs: the Junior Rowing program, the Community Corporate Rowing Challenge, and the Adult Rowing League; and




Dragon Boating programs include kids summer camps and Low Asset Youth teams.



Ms. Bulger highlighted that the Boathouse had 131 bookings last year, with over 16,000 people visiting the site, and noted that the Boathouse is a popular venue for weddings.



She commented on the Boathouse’s goals for 2009 – 2010, and advised that the Boathouse has designated a staff member to focus on community programming as they hope to expand programs and events.  Also, she remarked that the Boathouse will continue to focus on water safety and public education.



In reply to a query from Committee, Ms. Bulger advised that there are a range of rental rates depending on the type of event being booked.



It was moved and seconded



That the Annual Update from the UBC Boathouse be received for information.







Lulu Bog Inventory Report – Richmond Nature Park Society



Brenda Bartley-Smith, member of the Richmond Nature Park Society introduced Neil Davis, Biologist, and provided a brief biography.



With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation (copy on file, City Clerk’s Office), Neil Davis provided the following information regarding the biophysical inventory of the Lulu Island Bog:




bogs are unique ecosystems hosting many unique species not found in other environments;




bogs cover 4% of the earth’s surface, but contain 25% of the earth’s soil carbon;




bogs are threatened globally, largely due to habitat alteration or destruction;




the inventory assessed the three primary bog remnants: Richmond Nature Park (east and west) and the adjacent Department of National Defence (DND) property;




the objectives of the inventory were to (i) document the wildlife, vegetation, and conditions as they exist; (ii) determine the bog’s regional role in supporting biodiversity; and (iii) make recommendations on bog preservation and restoration;




the results of the inventory found that the bog supports several rare or endangered species; and




the two primary threats to the bog are interrelated; firstly, the hydrological regime has been altered by fragmentation and drainage, leading to drying, and the invasive species are spreading further through the bog as it dries.



Mr. Davis spoke of the results of the inventory and emphasised that without active measures, the bog will continue to evolve away from a bog ecosystem structure and function due to drainage and invasive species.  In an effort to conserve the bog, the following are recommended:




stronger protection mechanisms are necessary, including the establishment of protection for the DND area;




the development of an ecosystem management plan;




the establishment of an environmental impact assessment process for activities in the bog and its surrounding area; and




the establishment of a planning process to discuss and implement the first three recommendations.



It was moved and seconded



That the biophysical inventory of the Lulu Island Bog be referred to staff for comments.












Updated Public Art Program Policy

(File Ref. No.:  11-7000-09-00) (REDMS No. 2936157)



In reply to queries from Committee, Eric Fiss, Public Art Planner, advised that (i) an inventory of Richmond’s public art will be made available on the City website and will document and record every piece of public art; (ii) the Richmond Public Art Commission will be renamed to the Richmond Public Art Advisory Committee and will continue to provide input on proposed pieces of public art, however, the selection of such art remains as Council’s purview; and (iii) new single-family dwellings are not required to contribute to public art, however, a subdivision of single-family dwellings would be required to contribute.



Mr. Fiss remarked that the proposed Public Art Program Policy has been condensed, roles have been clarified, and key policies reaffirmed.



Discussion ensued regarding developments exempt from contributing to the Public Art Program and Committee commented that perhaps some contribution be considered, regardless of its form.  Also, Committee expressed concerns regarding the language used under section 4.1.3 of the Administrative Procedures of the proposed policy.



Willa Walsh, Chair of the Richmond Public Art Commission, remarked that the Commission was consulted throughout the development of the proposed Public Art Program policy and that the program’s main elements remain.



It was moved and seconded







Council Policy 8702 - Public Art Program, adopted June 23, 1997, be rescinded; and




the updated Public Art Program Policy and Terms of Reference for the Richmond Public Art Advisory Committee as outlined in the staff report dated July 21, 2010 from the Director, Arts, Culture and Heritage Services, be adopted.



The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued and Committee agreed that section 4.1.3 of the proposed Public Art Program Policy Administrative Procedures be amended to read as follows:




“The city will only normally acquire an artwork as part of the City’s public art inventory with prior review by the Public Art Advisory Committee.”



Discussion further ensued and Committee also agreed that section 6.2.2 (c) “Industrial developments focusing on non-retail warehouse and industrial storage uses of the proposed Public Art Program Policy be removed from the proposed policy and referred back to staff for a review of whether a lesser contribution should be assessed rather than none.



The question on the motion, as amended by Committee, was then called and it was CARRIED.




Richmond Oval Precinct Public Art Plan Implementation: Lulu Suite (Phase II) Public Art Work

(File Ref. No.:  11-7000-09-20-074) (REDMS No. 2934978)



Discussion ensued and in reply to queries from Committee, Deanne Achong and Faith Moosang, artists of the proposed Lulu Suite public art provided the following information:




the images will be projected on the east and west windows in the south lobby of the Richmond Olympic Oval;




the images can be seen from the inside and outside, however the exhibit will be silent;




the images will be saturated and clear;




there will be some text on the projections, however, an explanation of the images is not anticipated to be included; instead, a brochure may be considered; and




text on the projections is problematic as it would be reversed for those viewing the images from outside the lobby.



Discussion ensued and Committee stressed the importance of including some type of description of the images being projected, as most visitors would not know what the images represent.



Ms. Moosang spoke of several themes of images that are anticipated to be projected and listed the following as subjects that will tell the Richmond story: bogs, fires in Steveston Village and the former City Hall, boating, fishing, net building, the early history of City Council, speed skaters, the Brighouse race track, Lulu Sweet, etc. 



It was moved and seconded







the concept proposal prepared by the artists Deanne Achong and Faith Moosang for the “Lulu Suite (Phase II) Public Art Work: Projections on Windows in Front Lobby of Richmond Olympic Oval”, as outlined in the staff report dated July 14, 2010 from the Director, Arts, Culture and Heritage Services, be endorsed; and




The Chief Administrative Officer and the General Manager, Community Services, be authorized to enter into a contract with the artists for the detailed design, construction and integration of the artwork into the Richmond Olympic Oval.











Professional Dog Walking Report – Response to Referrals

(File Ref. No.:  11-7375-00) (REDMS No. 2910972)



Dave Semple, General Manager, Parks and Recreation, introduced Dee Bowley-Cowan, Acting Manager, Parks Programs and provided background information.



In reply to a query from Committee about the potential difficulty of obtaining the required $5 million liability insurance, Glenn McLaughlin, Chief Licence Inspector & Risk Manager, noted that this amount was chosen because regulating professional dog walkers is new to the City, and in the absence of information, staff are unaware of the potential risks associated with the proposed regulations.  Mr. McLaughlin noted that the amount of liability insurance can always be revisited at a later time.



It was moved and seconded







the staff report responding to referrals from Council related to the proposed Professional Dog Walker Program, dated July 13, 2010 from the General Manager, Parks and Recreation, be received for information;




the proposed Professional Dog Walker Program be endorsed;




Animal Control Regulation Bylaw No. 7932, Amendment Bylaw No. 8598 be introduced and given first, second and third reading; and




the Business License Bylaw No. 7360, Amendment Bylaw No. 8619 be introduced and given first, second and third reading.







Richmond Yacht Club – Future Expansion

(Report:  July 7, 2010, File No.:  01-0060-20-RYAC1) (REDMS No. 2934962)



It was moved and seconded



That the City provide a letter of support to the Richmond Yacht Club for its proposed Phase 1 expansion (additional floats into Port Metro Vancouver waterlot DL 3542 on the Middle Arm) as identified in the staff report, dated July 7, 2010, from the General Manager, Parks and Recreation, entitled  “Richmond Yacht Club – Future Expansion”.











Snow Geese



The Chair referenced two articles (copy on file, City Clerk’s Office) regarding actions being taken by other cities in an effort to mitigate bird problems, in general.



It was moved and seconded



That the articles, “Nuisance Canada geese help feed hungry people in Oregon” from the July 4, 2010 Montreal Gazette, and “Cull of Canada geese planned” from the July 24, 2010 Vancouver Sun, be referred to staff to be considered in conjunction with the City’s Snow Geese Management Strategy.







Richmond Maritime Festival



Jane Fernyhough, Director, Arts, Culture & Heritage Services, spoke of the 4th Annual Richmond Maritime Festival and noted that it will be taking place from Friday, August 20 to Sunday, August 22 at the Britannia Heritage Shipyard National Historic Site.




Lubzinsky Collection



Ms. Fernyhough commented on the status of the Lubzinsky Collection and noted that work was underway.




Giant Hogweed



Lesley Douglas, Manager, Environmental Sustainability, provided background information and noted that the City is aware of fourteen instances of hogweed, two of which are on private property.



In response to a query from Committee, Ms. Douglas advised that the City does not have the authorization to require property owners to remove the hogweed, however staff notify the owners immediately and use pressing language.




Skate Park



In response to a comment made by Committee, Jamie Esko, Acting Manager, Parks – Planning & Design, noted that the second phase of the Thompson Youth Park includes the creation of a skate park.




Recreation Infrastructure



A letter dated July 15, 2010 from the BC Recreation and Parks Association (copy on file, City Clerk’s Office) was referenced and Mr. Semple advised that a staff report on the matter is forthcoming.









It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (5:18 p.m.).







Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, July 27, 2010.



Councillor Harold Steves


Hanieh Floujeh

Acting Executive Assistant

City Clerk's Office