June 26, 2007 - Minutes
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Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, June 26, 2007 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Linda Barnes, Chair Mayor Malcolm Brodie |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee held on Tuesday, May 29, 2007 be adopted as circulated. |
2. |
Tuesday, July 24, 2007 (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room. |
Staff was requested to explore available dates for the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee meeting to be scheduled before the July 23, 2007 Regular Council meeting. |
3. |
2008 Artificial Turf Site Selection and Community Consultation Process (Report: June 11, 2007, File No.: 06-2345-00/Vol 01; xr 2345-20-KGEO1; xr 2345-20-SARM1) (REDMS No. 2243215) | |
Dave Semple, Director of Parks and Public Works Operations and Mike Redpath, Manager, Parks - Programs, Planning & Design were available to answer questions. | |
At this point, Councillor Harold Steves entered the meeting (4:02 p.m.) | |
Jim Lammond, Chairperson, Richmond Sports Council addressed the Committee regarding the Minoru Oval, stating that due to it’s seating capacity, Minoru is considered as the City’s only stadium. He spoke about improvements and installation of artificial turf, and stressed the importance of time. He further stated that installation of two new artificial turf fields within 2008 would increase participation in sports activities within Richmond. | |
In answer to a question regarding the South Arm Park Master Plan, Mr. Semple advised that staff have been informed that Whiteside School may be rebuilt, and possibly even relocated; and a needs assessment has been completed by the South Arm Community addressing placement of youth activities on the site. City staff need to take these factors into consideration, and work through the community consultation process. | |
Discussion ensued about the South Arm Park Master Plan, back up plans, criteria, timelines, the need for further study, and alternate sites for installation of artificial turf. During the discussion, staff advised as follows: | |
in the event that South Arm is not a suitable site for artificial turf, London and field three at Minoru have been included in the options report for consideration; |
the Minoru Oval is not recommended at this time due to outstanding processes concerning the facilities; |
ensuring that each side of the community has an artificial turf field is an important criteria, and placement of artificial turf at King George Park is a step in the right direction; |
a deadline of March 2008 for the completion of the South Arm Master Plan would allow ample time to identify and determine the most appropriate alternate site; |
South Arm Park has many constraints, including a displacement factor, and proximity and introduction of lighting to a residential area; and |
it is advisable to undergo a public community consultation process for the South Arm Park to ensure due diligence. |
Staff was questioned if they could guarantee completion of two artificial turf fields by the end of 2008, if the Committee granted a deadline of March 2008 for the South Arm Master Plan. In response, Mr. Redpath advised that funding towards the proposed turf field projects will be confirmed upon the 2008 budget approval. If approved, the anticipated completion timeline is for October, 2008, prior to Thanksgiving. | |
In answer to questions regarding the constraints for placing artificial turf at the Minoru Oval, Mr. Lammond advised that he felt the issues are solvable by introducing a controllable fence along the parking lot, that could be open for public use, and closed off to the public during events. | |
Mike Redpath indicated that staff have consulted the Kajacks Track and Field Club regarding the concerns with respect to the Minoru Oval. Fencing on the inside of the field is hazardous for the runners, and obstructs the visibility of spectators. A conflict between Kajacks and the public has been identified, as runners and walkers treat the track as a community facility. | |
Serj Sanghera of the Richmond Sports Council, and Area Director for BC Minor Baseball expressed concerns regarding (i) lack of consideration given to Richmond for provincial programs and tournaments due to a shortage of fields; (ii) loss of many of Richmond’s top youth performers to other communities; and (iii) restrictions and difficulties associated with playing on fields shared with other groups. Mr. Sanghera stressed the need for sites with dual baseball diamonds and storage facilities, so that they could become dedicated sites to the teams. | |
Discussion took place about possible sites that could be dedicated to baseball, and it was noted that the soccer community has indicated that upon completion of the artificial turf fields, they could give up the site at Blundell. It was further noted that the Blundell site could host two baseball diamonds, and accommodate a storage area for equipment. | |
Mr. Redpath advised that a plan for displacement of baseball is part of the Council approved Soccer Alliance proposal, and Blundell could become dedicated to baseball. | |
Roger Barnes from the Richmond Soccer Alliance, joined Roy Oostergo of Richmond Girl’s Soccer. Mr. Barnes spoke about (i) benefits resulting from the introduction of the Soccer Alliance Proposal of June 2005; (ii) increased registrations due to the improved facilities; (iii) smaller sided teams resulting in changes such as six micro-fields instead of two larger fields; and (iv) the positive effect completion of the artificial turf fields will have on baseball and football. | |
In conclusion Mr. Barnes indicated that he felt Minoru Oval, being 30 square feet larger than South Arm Park, is the most appropriate site for the installation of artificial turf, and should be developed without any delay. Mr. Oostergo urged the Committee to dedicate a timeline to the proposed staff recommendations. | |
Discussion ensued amongst Committee members, staff and the delegation on: | |
site constraints for Minoru Oval with respect to installation of artificial turf; |
undergoing a public community consultation process at Minoru Park to ensure due diligence; |
the possibility of an enclosable facility at Minoru for multi-sports events; |
introduction of traffic fencing at Minoru for minimization of conflict between the Kajacks Track and Field Club and members of the public who walk and jog during track practices; and |
the possibility of a parallel process for both South Arm Park and Minoru to be presented in March 2008. |
Peter Mitchell, 6271 Nanika Crescent, questioned the continuity of the Annual City Centre Community Association Event at Minoru Park if artificial turf is installed, and talked about the importance of having a public community process. Mr. Mitchell highlighted several challenges and complications that would result from hosting the event at another site, or in a different part of Minoru Park. | |
Further discussion ensued about a consultation process for Minoru and timing, with advice being provided that before a conclusion is presented, consideration needs to be given to elements surrounding Minoru, including the facilities located south of Minoru such as the Community Safety Building, for which the footprint size will be determined when it comes forward in the Civic Plan; the aquatics centre; and senior’s facilities. | |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That an artificial turf field at King George Park be approved for consideration in the 2008 Capital Budget; |
(2) |
That a Park Visioning and Master Plan process be initiated for South Arm Community Park and that the most appropriate configuration for an artificial turf at that site be determined as part of the Master Planning process; |
(3) |
That the South Arm Park Master Planning Process with a recommended final plan, including a potential location/configuration for a potential turf field at South Arm Community Park be completed and presented to Council by March 2008; and |
(4) |
That the findings of a study on the condition of the infield of Minoru Park be reported back to Council. |
The question on the motion was not called, as further discussion took place, as a result of which the following amendment was introduced: | |
That a public consultation process be carried out regarding replacement of the infield of the Minoru Oval with artificial turf to make it a competitive facility.” |
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OPPOSED: Cllr. Linda Barnes | |
The question on the main motion, as amended, was then called: | |
“(1) |
That an artificial turf field at King George Park be approved for consideration in the 2008 Capital Budget; |
(2) |
That a Park Visioning and Master Plan process be initiated for South Arm Community Park and that the most appropriate configuration for an artificial turf at that site be determined as part of the Master Planning process; |
(3) |
That the South Arm Park Master Planning Process with a recommended final plan, including a potential location/configuration for a potential turf field at South Arm Community Park be completed and presented to Council by March 2008; |
(4) |
That the findings of a study on the condition of the infield of Minoru Park be reported back to Council; and |
(5) |
That a public consultation process be carried out regarding replacement of the infield of the Minoru Oval with artificial turf to make it a competitive facility.” |
4. |
(Report: June 15, 2007, File No.: 10-6510-05-01) (REDMS No. 2244637; 2234365) | |
Peter Mitchell, 6271 Nanika Crescent, questioned the decision to have the Tram in a stationary position, and identified several locations that he felt would be suitable to offer a transportation service such as between the Oval, Terra Nova, and the Casino. | |
In answer to a question, Suzanne Greening, Coordinator of Leisure Services clarified that although a static display is currently planned, the four locations identified in the report will provide the capability to operate and move the Tram if necessary. | |
Dave Fairweather, a resident of Steveston spoke against locating the Tram at the Britannia Heritage Shipyard site, and expressed his opinion that the Tram should be located in a more public area with a laminated glass enclosure. Mr. Fairweather also spoke about difficulties related to volunteer recruitment and retention at the Britannia site. A copy of his submission is attached as Schedule 1 and forms part of these minutes. | |
Bryan Klassen, Britannia Site Supervisor advised that the Britannia Heritage Shipyard Advisory Board has discussed moving the Tram to Britannia, and the main concern was regarding the impact on the current plans for the site. He also indicated that it was his understanding, that the Board generally agreed to support moving the Tram to Britannia, as long as an appropriate location within the site is chosen; necessary resources are supplied; and a proper method to move the Tram is used. The Chair requested that Mr. Klassen ensure this issue is presented for discussion on the Board’s next meeting. | |
Discussion ensued, and questions were raised about why staff recommended Britannia Heritage Shipyard when Steveston Park and No. 1 Road is number one in the ratings presented in Attachment 3 to the report. | |
It was advised that although Steveston Park and No. 1 Road rated in first place, there are concerns associated with the logistics of the park, and space limitations during special events. Further, the Steveston Society Board has stated that they do not support locating the Tram at Steveston Park and No. 1 Road. | |
Further discussion ensued about design details for the Tram barn and annual staffing costs. | |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That the Steveston Interurban (Tram) be permanently located in the Historic Zone of Britannia Heritage Shipyard site. |
(2) |
That the detailed designs of the Tram Barn be prepared using funds from the Tram project number 40886. |
(3) |
That the construction cost of the Tram Barn and relocation and restoration of the Tram at $1.3 million be included for consideration in 2008/09 capital budget requests. |
The question on the motion was not called, as reference was made to two submissions: (i) a map of the Trites property (attached as Schedule 2); and (ii) a copy of the Richmond Record dated March 1926 (attached as Schedule 3), both providing support to the Britannia Heritage Shipyard site as being the original historical location for the Tram. | |
The Chair requested staff to ensure that the report for this item, and other supporting material be forwarded to the Britannia Heritage Shipyard Advisory Board to provide members with all aspects on this matter. | |
A request was made that the recommendations be voted on separately. | |
The question on Part (1) of the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED with Cllr. McNulty opposed. | |
The question on Part (2) of the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED. | |
The question on Part (3) of the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (6:02 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, June 26, 2007. |
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Councillor Linda Barnes |
Shanan Dhaliwal |