January 23, 2007 - Minutes

Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, January 23, 2007 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Linda Barnes, Chair Mayor Malcolm Brodie (4:38 p.m.) |
Also Present: |
Councillor Rob Howard (4:23 p.m.) |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee held on Tuesday, November 28, 2007 be adopted as circulated. |
2. |
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room. |
3. |
Parks Recreation & Cultural services 2006 – THE YEAR IN REVIEW (Power Point Presentation) | |
Vern Jacques, The Manager, Projects and Programs, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, gave a PowerPoint presentation - Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, Highlights – 2006 At Its Best (a copy of which is attached as Schedule A and forms part of these minutes). | |
The presentation highlighted projects and experiences of 2006, and summarized priorities for 2007 for the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department and its community partners. | |
Following the presentation, discussion took place about priorities for 2007 facing the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department: | |
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Building Community Capacity – Walking for Health: grant approval was received in late 2006, and the project will be implemented in 2007. Richmond Health has added funding to the program, and staff is currently working with partners. |
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Community School Connections (Hamilton and City Centre): a stakeholders meetings are intended for the end of February 2007. |
§ |
Childcare facility Hamilton: funding has been received by the Richmond Society for child care centres, the site is close to the canal, and has faced delays due to environmental regulations. |
§ |
Memorial Park – Phase 3: a report to Council resulting from a previous staff referral is expected in the next couple of months. |
§ |
Terra Nova Slough: an application has been submitted, and design detail is underway with the intent to finish by the end of the 2008 construction season. |
4. |
Steveston Water Park – Response To New Health Regulations (Report: January 11, 2007, File No.: 06-2345-20-STEV2/Vol 01) (REDMS No. 2060319) | |
Discussion took place between Committee members, staff and the Steveston Community Society Chair, Ben Branscombe on accessibility provisions for the Steveston Water Park project, including the feasibility of an accessible family room. | |
During the discussion the following was noted: | |
§ |
funding is available from the Rick Hansen Foundation; |
§ |
improvements to the two exterior washrooms are being explored, with a goal of fully accessible washrooms; |
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approximately $65,000 is available for adaptability of the changing rooms, a draft plan has been drawn up but not pursued; and |
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consultation should take place with the Committee on Disability. |
Councillor Howard arrived at this point in the meeting. | |
Further discussion ensued about the increased cost for the water system and it’s impact on the budget and maintenance costs. Advice was provided that there will be additional onsite weekly maintenance, however, the original maintenance budget is not expected to be impacted, and the increased cost for the project will be made up by developer contributions. | |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That the 2007 Capital Budget be amended for the new capital submission “Steveston Park Water Play – Additional Funding” in response to new Vancouver Coastal Health regulations; |
(2) |
That the 2007 Characterization – Neighbourhood Parks submission be decreased by $208,730 in order to fund this new 2007 capital submission; and |
(3) |
That the Contribution Agreement dated January 9, 2006 be amended to reflect the additional $30,000 contribution by the Steveston Community Society. |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff work with the Steveston Community Society to create an accessible washroom and family room in the Steveston Water Park. |
5. |
Middle Arm Open Space Master Plan Concept (Report: January 8, 2007, File No.: 08-4045-20-10 / XR 08-4060-01) (REDMS No. 2066804) | |
Mike Redpath, Manager, Parks, Programs, Planning & Design and Chris Phillips, Phillips Farevaag Smallenberg gave a PowerPoint presentation on the concept plan for the section of the Middle Arm Open Space, from Holly Bridge to the Casino, on the Lulu Island side (a copy of which is attached as Schedule B and forms part of these minutes). Renderings of an updated map originally found on page 19 of the Master Plan Concept were displayed. | |
Mayor Brodie arrived at this point in the meeting. | |
Highlights of the presentation included City Centre Area Plan guiding principles, middle arm planning principles, the overall concept, and the implementation focus. | |
The concept focuses on providing key open space for the City Centre, a key catalyst for City Centre redevelopment, a series of great places, continuous pedestrian and cyclist paths, a high quality pedestrian link from Cambie to the Oval, an ecologically productive fore-shore, a hub of social, cultural and recreational activities and dyke improvements. | |
The implementation focus consisted of (i) endorsement of the concept, (ii) park acquisition strategies, (iii) riverfront improvements from 2007 to 2009 and (iv) the Middle Arm Open Space Development 2010 to City Centre Build-Out. | |
Post 2010, the Middle Arm Open Space Development 2010 to City Centre Build-Out will address the following: | |
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assembling lands for the Middle Arm City Park and construction of upland facilities; |
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relocation of River Road to the CP right-of-Way and improvement for pedestrians and cyclists on the old road alignment; |
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implementation of the Aquabus system, including support facilities; and |
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building the pedestrian bridge from the end of Cambie Road to Sea Island. |
A discussion took place among staff and Committee members on: | |
§ |
themes and promotion of urban villages; |
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the financial impact of approximately $12 per capita; |
§ |
raising the dyke due to the impact of global warming and climate changes; |
§ |
loss of industrial land and whether farm land would be affected; |
§ |
the feasibility of a incorporating a sail training centre in the middle arm; |
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the time frame for build out, with advice given that upon the plan’s approval, implementation to the upland will be a short to long term project, and a link between Aberdeen and Holly Bridge will be immediate; |
§ |
the public input process, with advice provided that public input opportunities will begin with the Phase 3 Open House and the March 2007 Capital Projects Open House. |
A discussion also took place about estimated costs and time frame required for acquisition of the park lands and the following points were made: | |
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the 20 acre land parcel will cost approximately 40 to 50 million dollars to acquire, and approval of the Middle Arm Open Space Master Plan Concept will give a better indication of the availability of properties; |
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a land acquisition report will be presented at an in camera General Purposes meeting in the near future; |
§ |
a recommendation to replace the industrial lands in the Fraser Port will be addressed within the City Centre Plan. The Planning Department will need to produce a report upon investigation of these issues. |
It was moved and seconded | |
That staff investigate the options for replacement of the industrial lands in the City Centre and elsewhere throughout the City. | |
The Chair invited delegations from the floor to address the Committee. | |
Ryan Lake, Director of R-Dog, a responsible dog owner’s group, inquired if consideration has been given to dog related facilities within the provisions of the Plan. Mr. Redpath advised that companion animals and dogs would be an integral part of the design. | |
Mr. Kush Panatch, 3080 Granville Avenue expressed appreciation for the plan, noting that as one of the seven industrial property owners of the area, he felt that a concrete timeline should be implemented, and copies of this plan should be sent to the owners to avoid uncertainties when making future business decisions. | |
In response to Mr. Panatch’s comments, Mr. Redpath advised that Robert Kates, Manager of Real Estate Services has begun contacting property owners. | |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That the Middle Arm Open Space Plan Concept be endorsed as the long-term vision for the City Centre Waterfront; and |
(2) |
That the Middle Arm Open Space Plan Concept be included in the City Centre Area Plan and Implementation Strategy and the Official Community Plan update to be completed in 2007/2008. |
6. |
Sustainable Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Infrastructure (Report: January 11, 2007, File No.: 03-1090-01 / XR 11-7000-01) (REDMS No. 2063114) |
The Chair referred to a letter addressed to the Mayor from Minister George Abbott, received as a follow up to the meeting of October 24, 2006, at the annual convention of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) regarding ActNow BC, the Province’s partnership based health promotion initiative (a copy of which is attached as Schedule C and forms part of these minutes). |
A discussion ensued during which Mr. Jacques advised that the Federal Minister responsible for transportation infrastructure in communities will be at a Richmond Chamber of Commerce luncheon on February 9, 2007, and this may present an opportunity for Council members to attend. |
The Chair indicated that arrangements will be made to have Council members meet with the appropriate Ministers to further address the Sustainable Sport Recreation and Physical Activity Infrastructure. |
It was moved and seconded |
That a letter be written to the federal minister responsible for Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity, for the Mayor’s signature, requesting a commitment to provide a significant national funding program for sport, recreation, and cultural infrastructure and that copies of the letter be sent to the ministers responsible for Finance, Health, Culture and the Arts. |
7. |
(Report: January 11, 2006, File No.: 03-1087-01) (REDMS No. 2055625) | |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That an application be submitted to the Province of British Columbia Spirit Square Program to facilitate the enhancement of the Riverside Waterfront Park on the Middle Arm adjacent to the Richmond Oval. |
(2) |
That an application be submitted to the Province of British Columbia Spirit Square Program to facilitate the installation of the Minoru Park Plaza Sculpture and Gathering Place. |
(3) |
That an application be submitted to the Province of British Columbia Local Motion Fund for the City Centre and Middle Arm Greenways connecting the Canada Line to the Richmond Oval. |
8. |
Richmond Art Gallery Association – BarrIE Jones |
Mr. Jones accompanied by John Richardson, Board member of the Art Gallery circulated a variety of marketing material (on file City Clerk’s Office), and reported on (i) exhibitions and programming, (ii) facilities, (iii) partnership talks, (iv) funding initiatives, and (v) staffing needs. | |
Mr. Jones stressed that work loads have increased due to the number of grants and fundraising opportunities. The board has recently submitted a grant application to a local agency seeking three years of funding for a full time Development Officer position. | |
He further stated that the largest challenge facing the gallery is with respect to the Director/Curator of the gallery having been on personal leave since September 2006. Having one person fill both roles of Director and Curator is not feasible due to high work loads. Mr. Jones concluded by advising the Committee that a request is being submitted for a full time Curator and a full time Director. | |
Jane Fernyhough, Manager of Heritage and Cultural Services advised that the request for additional staffing needs has been submitted. | |
9. |
Gordon Barstow, Manager, Parks Operations referred to numerous photographs and reported about the damage and loss of trees during the recent winter storm conditions. Approximately 150 locations were impacted and further assessments will be required by arborists to identify potentially hazardous trees. The tree replacement funds collected during the development permit process are not available to the Parks Department, and the budget for the Parks Department will need to be increased. | |
Councillor Howard left the meeting at this point. | |
Dave Semple, Director, Parks and Public Works advised that trees on both sides of the Richmond Nature Park have suffered severe damage from the winter storms. | |
Mr. Redpath reported on the following upcoming events: | |
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January 26, 2007 - 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. – Richmond City Hall - public open house for feedback on the Garden City Park Play Environment; |
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February 10, 2007 – 2007 Winter Festival – display of VANOC 2010 banners in celebration of the Countdown to 2010 Olympic Winter Games, and |
§ |
February 12, 2007 - Council meeting – unveiling of street banners. |
The chair requested that staff provide a memo to Council members outlining the expectations and activities of the Countdown to 2010 Winter Festival Event to be held on February 10, 2007. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (6:19 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, January 23, 2007. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Councillor Linda Barnes |
Shanon Hamilton |