April 18, 2023 - Minutes
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Planning Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 |
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Councillor Bill McNulty, Chair |
Also Present: |
Councillor Laura Gillanders (entered the meeting at 4:01 by teleconference) Councillor Michael Wolfe (by teleconference) |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on April 4, 2023, be adopted as circulated. |
1. |
(File Ref. No. RZ 17-782750) (REDMS No. 7177484) |
Staff provided a brief overview of the application highlighting that (i) the report is in response to a December 2022 Public Hearing referral made by Council, (ii) the report presents revisions to the proposed development in response to lane traffic impacts and concerns raised by residents of the neighbouring development Ora, and (iii) the overall mixed use development proposal related to commercial and hotel uses and residential units remains consistent to those presented at Public Hearing in December 2022. |
In response to queries from Committee staff advised that (i) a requirement for of the project is to undertake upgrades to River Road in the form of frontage improvements, (ii) there will be an additional curb lane of travel implemented along the River road frontage, (iii) the final design of the turn restriction along River road has not yet been determined but could include signage in addition to actual physical turn restrictions, and (iv) the provisions on the east and west side of the new west road will allow for parking on either side and facilitate for passenger pick up and drop off. |
Arno Matis, Architect from Arno Matis Architecture, presented a redesign of their proposal, provided to address concerns made by neighboring residents. (attached to and forming part of these Minutes as Schedule 1) |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10423 to create the “High-Density Mixed Use (ZMU52) – Oval Village (City Centre)” zone, and to rezone 6851 and 6871 Elmbridge Way from “Industrial Business Park (IB1)” to “High-Density Mixed Use (ZMU52) – Oval Village (City Centre)”, be forwarded to the May 15, 2023 Public Hearing. |
2. |
Staff provided an overview of the report highlighting that (i) the report was in response to a July 2022 Planning Committee referral, (ii) a comprehensive review was conducted of the heritage-related application review processes, (iii) staff identified areas for improvements and streamlining the application processes by reducing required permits, introducing new permit criteria, expanding staff’s delegated authority, updating Development Permit guidelines, and establishing new development notification sign and meeting notice requirements, (iv) staff propose to reorder items in the Heritage Procedures Bylaw to make the bylaw more user friendly, and (v) staff propose to update the fees to better reflect the scope of work that is associated with a complex Heritage Alteration Permit or Heritage Revitalization Agreement applications. |
In response to queries from Committee staff advised that (i) the overall timeline for processing applications can be reduced by about 50 percent, and (ii) 17 buildings and landmarks are designated as Heritage in Steveston. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100 and 9000, Amendment Bylaw 10039, which amends: |
(a) |
Schedule 1 (Official Community Plan) to revise the general Development Permit exemption criteria for protected heritage properties; and |
(b) |
Schedule 2.4 (Steveston Area Plan) to revise the Development Permit exemption criteria for properties located in the Steveston Village Node, and the Steveston Village General Guidelines |
be introduced and given first reading; |
(2) |
That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100 and 9000, Amendment Bylaw 10039, having been considered in conjunction with: |
(a) |
the City’s Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan and Capital Program; and |
(b) |
the Greater Vancouver Regional District Solid Waste and Liquid Waste Management Plans |
is hereby found to be consistent with said program and plans, in accordance with Section 477(3)(a) of the Local Government Act; |
(3) |
That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100 and 9000, Amendment Bylaw 10039, having been considered in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act and the City’s Official Community Plan Bylaw Preparation Consultation Policy 5043, is found not to require further consultation; |
(4) |
That Development Permit, Development Variance Permit and Temporary Commercial and Industrial Use Permit Procedure Bylaw 7273, Amendment Bylaw 10451, to add matters that can be handled by delegated authority be introduced and given first, second and third reading; |
(5) |
That Heritage Procedures Bylaw 8400, Amendment Bylaw 10040, to: |
(a) |
introduce the Heritage Alteration Permit exemption criteria; |
(b) |
clarify matters that can be handled by delegated authority; |
(c) |
establish the development notification sign and meeting notice requirements for Heritage Alteration Permit and Heritage Revitalization Agreement applications; and |
(d) |
remove the attached Heritage Alteration Permit template, and Heritage Alteration Permit and Heritage Revitalization Agreement application forms |
be introduced and given first, second and third reading; |
(6) |
That Consolidated Fees Bylaw 8636, Amendment Bylaw 10041, to amend the fee structures for Heritage Alteration Permit and Heritage Revitalization Agreement applications be introduced and given first, second and third reading; and |
(7) |
That Development Application Fees Bylaw 8951, Amendment Bylaw 10450, to add a fee requirement for mailed meeting notices for Heritage Alteration Permit and Heritage Revitalization Agreement applications be introduced and given first, second and third reading. |
3. |
2017–2022 CHILD CARE NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND STRATEGY – 2022 UPDATE (File Ref. No. 07-3070-01/) (REDMS No. 7140721) |
In response to queries from Committee staff advised that (i) the City of Richmond has child care space for 35.6 percent of children in Richmond (ii) there are ten childcare facilities in Richmond that are charging $10/day (iii) a decrease in large scale private daycare facilities is anticipated, (iv) child care needs are quantified specifically through child population in comparison to daycare spaces, (v) staff are in the early stages of developing a new child care strategy to determine the current and future child care needs in Richmond, and (vi) staff will include in their recommendation the distribution of the 2017–2022 Child Care Needs Assessment and Strategy – 2022 Update to the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, BC Minister of Education and Child Care, and Richmond School District No. 38. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the 2017–2022 Child Care Needs Assessment and Strategy – 2022 Update (Attachment 1) as outlined in the staff report titled, “2017–2022 Child Care Needs Assessment and Strategy – 2022 Update,” dated March 16, 2023, from the Director, Community Social Development, be received for information; and |
(2) |
That the 2017–2022 Child Care Needs Assessment and Strategy – 2022 Update be distributed to key community organizations, local Members of Parliament, local Members of the Legislative Assembly and posted on the City website. |
4. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the unadopted Zoning and OCP Amendment Bylaws, as outlined in Attachment 1, of the staff report titled “Housekeeping Request – Abandonment of Unadopted Bylaws” dated April 19, 2023 from the Director, City Clerk’s Office, be abandoned. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued regarding (i) the current outstanding bylaws that are actively in process, (ii) the timeline of applications, (iii) a new owner’s obligation to meet the requirements that were established through the rezoning process, (v) reasons for delays during the development process, and (vi) occupancy permits and neighborhood concerns during construction. |
The question on the motion was then called and CARRIED. |
5. |
(i) |
New BC Building Code |
The new addition of the BC Building Code will be rolled out on December 10, 2023. Changes include higher seismic resistance requirements for taller buildings, carbon emissions requirement, and accessibility requirements in new multi family construction. |
(ii) |
Brighouse United Church Site |
Staff advised that we understand there is a sale pending on the Brighouse United Church site and that the previous rezoning application for this site will likely be withdrawn if the sale proceeds. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (4:51 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, April 18, 2023. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Councillor Bill McNulty |
Raman Grewal |