November 2, 2021 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes


Planning Committee


Tuesday, November 2, 2021


Council Chambers
Richmond City Hall


Councillor Linda McPhail, Chair
Councillor Alexa Loo  
Councillor Carol Day (by teleconference)
Councillor Bill McNulty
Councillor Harold Steves (by teleconference)

Also Present:

Councillor Andy Hobbs
Councillor Michael Wolfe (by teleconference)
Councillor Chak Au (by teleconference)

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.






It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on October 20, 2021, be adopted as circulated.






Application by Tamas Ajtony for a Zoning Text Amendment at 2351 Simpson Road
File Ref. No. ZT 21-938101) (REDMS No. 6763006)



Discussion ensued regarding (i) municipal utilities, (ii) garbage collection, (iii) site safety concerns and (iv) occupancy of the unit.



It was moved and seconded



That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10304, for a Zoning Text Amendment to the “Industrial Business Park (IB1)” zone to allow one residential security/operator unit at 2351 Simpson Road, be introduced and given first reading.






Existing Non-Conforming Two-Unit Housing (Duplexes) Zoning Compliance Options
(File Ref. No. 06-2270-07-02) (REDMS No. 6717610 v. 4)



Staff summarized the report noting that report stems from a 2020 referral requesting staff to investigate how to make non-conforming two-unit dwellings compliant where they already exist. Staff added that if Council chooses to pursue rezoning properties with existing non-conforming two-unit housing, staff recommend a City initiated rezoning process for the 122 selected properties with existing non-conforming two-unit housing. Staff further noted that rezoning applications must be consistent with Official Community Plan.



Discussion ensued with regards to secondary suites in new duplexes and incentives to retain existing duplexes.



It was moved and seconded



That the staff report titled “Existing Non-Conforming Two-Unit Housing (Duplexes) Zoning Compliance Options” dated October 4, 2021 from the Director of Development be received for information.















It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (4:28 p.m.).





Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, November 2, 2021.



Councillor Linda McPhail

Raman Grewal
Legislative Services Associate