April 21, 2021 - Minutes (Special)
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Special Planning Committee
Date: |
Wednesday, April 21, 2021 |
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Councillor Linda McPhail, Chair (by teleconference) |
Also Present: |
Councillor Chak Au (by teleconference) |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on April 7, 2021, be adopted as circulated. |
1. |
Application by Benn Panesar for Rezoning at 11240 Williams Road from the “Single Detached (RS1/E)” Zone to the “Compact Single Detached (RC2)” Zone |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10248, for the rezoning of 11240 Williams Road from the “Single Detached (RS1/E)” zone to the “Compact Single Detached (RC2)” zone, be introduced and given first reading. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to tree retention and tree replacement on-site. In response to queries, staff noted that the current trees on-site are in poor condition and are not recommended for retention. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED. |
2. |
Richmond Advisory Committee on the Environment 2020 Annual Report and 2021 Work Program |
Discussion ensued with regard to potential cost savings from remote meetings of the City’s advisory committees. In response to queries, staff noted that staff can review options to redirect any potential surplus. |
Committee commended the Advisory Committee for their work in the community. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the Richmond Advisory Committee on the Environment 2020 Annual Report, as presented in the staff report titled “Richmond Advisory Committee on the Environment 2020 Annual Report and 2021 Work Program”, dated April 6, 2021 from the Director of Policy Planning, be received for information; and |
(2) |
That the Richmond Advisory Committee on the Environment 2021 Work Program, as presented in the staff report titled “Richmond Advisory Committee on the Environment 2020 Annual Report and 2021 Work Program”, dated April 6, 2021 from the Director of Policy Planning, be approved. |
3. |
Richmond Heritage Commission 2020 Annual Report and 2021 Work Program |
Committee commended the Commission for their work in the community. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the Richmond Heritage Commission 2020 Annual Report, as presented in the staff report titled “Richmond Heritage Commission 2020 Annual Report and 2021 Work Program”, dated March 29, 2021, from the Director, Policy Planning, be received for information; and |
(2) |
That the Richmond Heritage Commission 2021 Work Program, as presented in the staff report titled “Richmond Heritage Commission 2020 Annual Report and 2021 Work Program”, dated March 29, 2021, from the Director, Policy Planning, be approved. |
4. |
Food Security and Agricultural Advisory Committee 2020 Annual Report and 2021 Work Program |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the Food Security and Agricultural Advisory Committee 2020 Annual Report, as presented in the staff report titled “Food Security and Agricultural Advisory Committee 2020 Annual Report and 2021 Work Program”, dated April 6, 2021, from the Director of Policy Planning, be received for information; and |
(2) |
That the Food Security and Agricultural Advisory Committee 2021 Work Program, as presented in the staff report titled “Food Security and Agricultural Advisory Committee 2020 Annual Report and 2021 Work Program”, dated April 6, 2021, from the Director of Policy Planning, be approved. |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued with regard to the structure of the Advisory Committee. It was noted that feedback from the Advisory Committee’s work was positive. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED. |
Committee commended the City’s advisory committees for their work in the community. |
5. |
Agricultural Land Commission Decision on No. 5 Road Backlands Policy |
Staff reviewed the response from the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) on the City’s No. 5 Road Backlands Policy, noting that the ALC has notified Backland property owners on their decision and that related referrals are forthcoming and will be presented at future Committee meetings. |
Discussion ensued regarding (i) permitted uses under the Religious Assembly zoning, (ii) options to encourage farming and increase farming productivity in the Backlands, (iii) long-term Backland leasing options for farming purposes, and (iv) future plans for the front lands of the properties along No. 5 Road. |
In reply to queries from Committee, staff noted that provisions in the Official Community Plan restricts certain non-farm uses, such as schools, in the Backlands. Staff added that the City’s consultations related to optimizing farm uses with Backland property owners will be on-going. |
Staff noted that the above staff report can be forwarded to the ALC for their information. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100 and 9000, Amendment Bylaw 10258, which would revise Section 7.3 of Schedule 1 of the Official Community Plan (No. 5 Road Backlands Policy) and Schedule 2.13A of the Official Community Plan (East Richmond Area McLennan Sub-Area Plan) to clarify permitted uses and related policies for religious assembly use, be introduced and granted first reading. |
(2) |
That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100 and 9000, Amendment Bylaw 10258, having been considered in conjunction with: |
(a) |
the City’s Financial Plan and Capital Program; and |
(b) |
the Greater Vancouver Regional District Solid Waste and Liquid Waste Management Plans; |
is hereby found to be consistent with said programs and plans, in accordance with Section 477(3)(a) of the Local Government Act. |
(3) |
That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100 and 9000, Amendment Bylaw 10258, having been considered in conjunction with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, be referred to the Agricultural Land Commission for approval prior to the Public Hearing. |
(4) |
That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 7100 and 9000, Amendment Bylaw 10258, having been considered in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act and the City’s Official Community Plan Bylaw Preparation Consultation Policy 5043, is found not to require further consultation. |
(5) |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10259, which would revise the “Assembly (ASY)” zoning district to restrict the permitted and secondary uses for areas within the No. 5 Road Backlands Policy area located in the Agricultural Land Reserve, revise the “Religious Assembly (ZIS7) – No. 5 Road” zoning district to restrict permitted and secondary uses in this zone, and revise the religious assembly use definition, be introduced and granted first reading. |
5. |
Planning Activities in 2020-2021 |
Joe Erceg, General Manager, Planning and Development, reviewed the Planning activities in the past year, noting that (i) development activity in the city has remained high, (ii) Planning staff have operated under a hybrid remote and in-office work model, (iii) residential inspections have resumed with health protocols, and (iv) permit application times have been maintained or improved from pre-pandemic levels. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Erceg noted that the City will be applying for grant funding to support and streamline remote services for staff and applicants. He added that a report on the matter will be presented to Council at a future meeting. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (4:44 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, April 21, 2021. |
_________________________________ |
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Councillor Linda McPhail |
Evangel Biason |