November 5, 2019 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes


Planning Committee



Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Councillor Linda McPhail, Chair
Councillor Bill McNulty (entered the meeting at 4:01 p.m.)
Councillor Carol Day
Councillor Alexa Loo
Councillor Harold Steves

Also Present:

Councillor Michael Wolfe

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.






It was moved and seconded



That Fencing Regulations be added to the agenda as Item No. 5A and Update of Tree Protection Bylaw be added to the agenda as Item No. 5B.







Cllr. McNulty entered the meeting (4:01 p.m.).





It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on October 22, 2019, be adopted as circulated.









November 19, 2019, (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room






Application by Vivid Green Architecture Inc. for Rezoning at 5500 Williams Road from the “Single Detached (RS1/E)” Zone to the “Arterial Road Two-Unit Dwellings (RDA)” Zone 
(File Ref. No. RZ 17-790028) (REDMS No. 6226961)



Jordan Rockerbie, Planning Technician – Design, reviewed the application and highlighted that (i) the application is consistent with the Official Community Plan and the Arterial Road Duplex Development Requirements, (ii) the proposed development consists of one duplex on each lot with a two-car garage with side-by-side parking,  (iii) the proposed development consists of one visitor parking stall shared between the two properties, (iv) five trees and a large cedar hedge are to be retained, and (v) refinement of the design and landscape will be done through the development permit process.



In reply to queries from Committee, staff noted that (i) the visitor parking stall is consistent with Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, (ii) the developer has met with the immediate neighbours, (iii) two existing trees within the sanitary sewer right of way are to be retained, (iii) the four trees being removed are due to the health and condition of the trees, (iv)  the sidewalk is being pulled back, allowing for a grass and tree boulevard, and (v) no driveway turning restrictions are being proposed.



Jim McGrath, 10131 Lawson Drive, spoke to the proposed development and expressed concern with (i) increased densification in the area, (ii) massing and setbacks of the development, (iii) infringement on the existing properties, (iv) the eastern wall of the proposed development, noting that it is overbearing and inconsistent with the architecture of the adjacent homes, (v) retention of the trees on his property and at 10133 Lawson Drive, (vi) future assessments of the surrounding properties, (vii) the loss of green space due to pavement, (viii) insufficient parking, resulting in overflow parking along Lassam Road, (ix) land elevation, noting the proposed development will be much higher than the adjacent properties, and (x) less permeable land.



Mr. McGrath suggested that should the application move forward, that Council consider reducing the number of units as a means for more reasonable density.



In response to queries, staff advised that (i) the maximum building height is 9 metres, which is consistent with the height of the single family homes, (ii) perimeter drainage must be installed to ensure all runoff is directed into the city storm sewer system, (iii) fence height can be examined through the development permit process, (iv) all of Williams Road is a minor arterial road, and this section has been identified as suitable for detached duplex and triplex housing, (v) information on shading will be provided during the development permit process, (vi) the 17 cedar trees on the neighbouring properties will be retained, (vii) as the proposed development is on an arterial road it falls outside the lot size policy; therefore there should be no impact to development potential to the surrounding properties, (viii) the proposed development was reviewed by the City’s Transportation Division and it was noted that Williams Road is able to accommodate the traffic, and (ix) a more detailed review of the landscaping and permeable pavers will take place through the development permit process.



It was moved and seconded



That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10091, for the rezoning of 5500 Williams Road from the “Single Detached (RS1/E)” zone to the “Arterial Road Two Unit Dwellings (RDA)” zone, be introduced and given First Reading.



Opposed: Cllr. Day



Application by GRA Greig Holdings Ltd. for a Strata Title Conversion at 11120 Hammersmith Gate 
(File Ref. No. SC 19-850047) (REDMS No. 6126388)



Natalie Cho, Planning Technician, reviewed the application, and noted that (i) the application is to facilitate a Strata Title Conversion of an existing building into two strata title lots, (ii) the building contains two units, and (iii) the owners intent is to retain ownership of Unit #110 and sell Unit #150 to its existing tenant after the Strata Title Conversion is complete.



It was moved and seconded




That the application for a Strata Title Conversion by GRA Greig Holdings Ltd. for the property located at 11120 Hammersmith Gate be approved on fulfilment of the following conditions:





Payment of all City utility charges and property taxes up to and including the year 2019;





Registration of a flood indemnity covenant on Title identifying a minimum habitable elevation of 2.9 m GSC;





Submission of appropriate plans and documents for execution by the Approving Officer within 180 days of the date of this resolution;





Provision of a pedestrian connection from the sidewalk to the building, to the satisfaction of the Director, Development;





Final inspection approval of Building Permit (BB 19-866247) for previous interior works without a permit; and





Final building check of the removal of non-compliant outdoor structures






Application by Pinnacle Living (Capstan Village) Lands Inc. for a Zoning Text Amendment to the “Residential / Limited Commercial and Artist Residential Tenancy Studio Units (ZMU25) – Capstan Village (City Centre)” zone for the properties at 3208, 3211, and 3328 Carscallen Road 
(File Ref. No. ZT 18-827860) (REDMS No. 6152169 v. 4)



John Hopkins, Senior Policy Coordinator, reviewed the application and highlighted that (i) the application consists of a high-rise, high density, mixed-use development, (ii) the ZMU25 zone specifies the maximum floor area for residential uses, including affordable housing, (iii) the first development permit was issued on 2014, the second was issued in 2017, and the third and final development permit is under review by staff, (iv) the applicant is requesting an amendment to ZMU25 to transfer 463.2 m2 of floor area from Area B to Area C and transfer 1,026.6 m2 of floor area for affordable housing from Area D to Area C, and (v) there will be an addition of a one-way kiss and ride route from No. 3 Road to Carscallen Road along the north edge of the City Park.



In reply to queries from Committee, staff noted that (i) the unit mix of  the affordable housing units is consistent with current City policies, (ii) the affordable housing portion will be delivered sooner than anticipated and scattered throughout Area C, (iii) residents will have access to the indoor and outdoor amenity features, (iv) additional family friendly units can be examined through the development permit process, (v) as the affordable housing units are not consolidated within one area, there is no requirement for non-profit management, and (vi)  solar energy can be examined through the development permit process.



It was moved and seconded



That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10107, for a Zoning Text Amendment to the “Residential / Limited Commercial and Artist Residential tenancy Studio Units (ZMU25) – Capstan Village (City Centre)” zone, to transfer 436 m2 of un-built permitted residential floor area from 3328 Carscallen Road (Area B) to 3208 Carscallen Road (Area C), and to transfer the developer’s required Area D affordable housing contribution from 3211 Carscallen Road (Area D) to 3208 Carscallen Road (Area C), be introduced and given first reading.






Application by Cherdu Properties Ltd. for Rezoning at 10671 and 10691 Gilmore Crescent from the “Single Detached (RS1/D)” Zone to the “Single Detached (RS2/B)” Zone 
(File Ref. No. RZ 19-857867) (REDMS No. 6313565)



Jordan Rockerbie, Planning Technician – Design, reviewed the application, and highlighted that (i) this application is consistent with the Bridgeport Area Plan and the Single Family Lot Size Policy, (ii) a secondary suite will be provided in each of the three proposed single-family dwellings, and (iii) frontage improvements will be provided through a Servicing Agreement.



In reply to queries from Committee, staff noted that the applicant has committed to one bedroom secondary suites.



It was moved and seconded



That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10108, for the rezoning of 10671 and 10691 Gilmore Crescent from the “Single Detached (RS1/D)” zone to the “Single Detached (RS2/B)” zone to facilitate the creation of three single-family lots, be introduced and given First Reading.






Application by Mosaic No. 3 Road and Williams Limited Partnership to Amend the 2041 OCP Land Use Map Designation of 8031 Williams Road in Schedule 1 of Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 9000, Create the “Commercial Mixed Use (ZMU44) – Broadmoor” Zone, and Rezone 9900 No. 3 Road and 8031 Williams Road from the “Gas & Service Stations (CG2)” and “Single Detached (RS1/E)” Zones (respectively), to the “Commercial Mixed Use (ZMU44) – Broadmoor” Zone 
(File Ref. No. RZ 18-835532) (REDMS No. 6321188)



Cynthia Lussier, Planner 1, reviewed the application, and highlighted that (i) the application is to rezone a former gas station site and residential single family lot to a new site specific zone, (ii) the application proposes a four-storey mixed use building with commercial uses on the ground floor and 33 secured market rental units above, (iii) the proposed development is consistent with policies in the Official Community Plan, and (iv) servicing and frontage improvements are required, including construction and design of water, storm and sanitary service connections works and upgrades, as well as frontage and transportation infrastructure improvements.



In reply to queries from Committee, staff noted that (i) the applicant has obtained a Certificate of Compliance from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy for use of the site, (ii) floor plans for the proposed development make it difficult to accommodate basic universal housing in all units, (iii) the applicant has reached out to the neighbours and made revisions to the proposed plans to address concerns, (iv) given the economics of the application, it may be difficult to change the design of the building, and (v) there are various ways to remediate the soil, so as not to restrict only commercial use on the ground level for gas station sites.



In reply to further queries from Committee, Elise Spearing, Development Manager, Mosaic Homes, advised that (i) there are no agreements currently in place for the commercial units, (ii) commercial tenants that are compatible with the area are important, such as medical offices, (iii) all residential tenants have access to the rooftop, and (iv) the rooftop accommodates the amenity space for the residents, as well as the mechanical units for the building; therefore, accommodating solar panels would be difficult with such a limited space.  



It was moved and seconded




That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 9000, Amendment Bylaw 10110, to redesignate 8031 Williams Road from “Neighbourhood Residential” to “Neighbourhood Service Centre” in Attachment 1 to Schedule 1 of Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 9000 (2041 OCP Land Use Map), be introduced and given First Reading; and




That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 9000, Amendment Bylaw 10110, having been considered in conjunction with:





the City’s Financial Plan and Capital Program; and





the Greater Vancouver Regional District Solid Waste and Liquid Waste Management Plans;




is hereby found to be consistent with said program and plans, in accordance with Section 477(3)(a) of the Local Government Act; and




That Richmond Official Community Plan Bylaw 9000, Amendment Bylaw 10110, having been considered in accordance with OCP Bylaw Preparation Consultation Policy 5043, is hereby found not to require further consultation; and




That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10111 to create the “Commercial Mixed Use (ZMU44) – Broadmoor” zone, and to rezone 9900 No. 3 Road from the “Gas & Service Stations (CG2)” zone, and 8031 Williams Road from the “Single Detached (RS1/E)” zone, to the “Commercial Mixed Use (ZMU44) – Broadmoor” zone, be introduced and given First Reading.






fencing regulations



It was moved and seconded



That staff review Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500 to examine:




regulations for building fences and walls, including the definition of a fence and a wall;




materials that can be used, including the possible elimination of masonry and iron; and




tree planting restrictions;



and report back.






Discussion ensued regarding neighbourhood service centres, and a result of the discussion the following referral motion was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That staff examine locations for Neighbourhood Service Centres within Richmond, such as Cambie Road and No. 5 Road, and report back.






Update of tree protection bylaw



Materials were distributed (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 1).



Discussion took place on the tree protection bylaw, and as a result the following referral motion was introduced:



That staff provide an update regarding Tree Protection Bylaw No. 8057 to include:




statistics on tree removal, replacement and retention;




information regarding tree bylaw infractions and penalties;




options to enhance the bylaw;



and report back.



The question on the referral motion was not called as discussion ensued regarding requiring native species trees be considered as a priority when replacing trees.



In reply to queries from Committee, James Cooper, Director, Building Approvals, advised that (i) there is a list of recommended species for reference; however some species that are not native are included that may be more suited for the environment, (ii) staff work according to certain standards that are North American wide,  and provide options for tree replacement that have the highest chance of survivability, and (iii) tree preservation staff work diligently to modify development designs to retain as many trees as possible.



Discussion further ensued regarding the options to retain trees, and in response to queries from Committee, staff advised that there is a professional working group amongst the different municipalities to form a unified solution and regulatory environment.



The question on the referral motion was then called and it was CARRIED.






Agriculture Viability Strategy Update



Barry Konkin, Manager, Policy Planning, advised that the Agriculture Viability Strategy Update sessions will take place on November 9, 2019 at Hamilton Community Centre from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., November 14, 2019 at Cambie Secondary School from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and November 21, 2019 at City Hall from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.






It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (5:23 p.m.).





Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, November 5, 2019.



Councillor Linda McPhail

Sarah Goddard
Legislative Services Coordinator