June 18, 2019 - Minutes
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Planning Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, June 18, 2019 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Linda McPhail, Chair |
Also Present: |
Councillor Michael Wolfe |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on June 4, 2019, be adopted as circulated. |
July 3, 2019, (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room |
1. |
Draft Cultural Harmony Plan 2019–2029 |
In reply to queries from Committee, Kim Somerville, Manager, Community Social Development, advised that (i) this strategy is intended to for residents and newcomers to the city, (ii) staff work with other agencies to ensure these groups are included to break down barriers, (iii) as the strategy is refined staff will consider a variety of perspectives and work with other community partners to examine different opportunities that are available, and (iv) staff will collaborate with the school district with regard to youth services and programs. |
In reply to further queries from Committee, Dorothy Jo, Inclusion Coordinator, advised that a diversity inclusion workshop has been implemented for staff and volunteers. |
Ms. Somerville noted that a number of training opportunities are offered to the volunteers and staff and as the program moves forward the needs of staff will be determined. She then advised that staff are working with the Corporate Communications Department and various groups that have connections throughout the city to promote the program to the community. Ms. Somerville remarked that more details will be provided late fall once all data has been collected, refined and the consultation results have been compiled. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the Draft Cultural Harmony Plan 2019–2029, as outlined in the staff report titled “Draft Cultural Harmony Plan 2019–2029”, dated May 23, 2019, for the purpose of seeking public feedback on the Draft Plan be approved; and |
(2) |
That staff report back with the final Cultural Harmony Plan, including a summary of public feedback. |
2. |
Application by Fougere Architecture Inc. to Amend Schedule 2.14 of Official Community Bylaw 9000 (Hamilton Area Plan), Create the “Town Housing - Hamilton (ZT86)” Zone, and Rezone the Site at 23400, 23440, 23460 and 23500 Gates Avenue and a Portion of Gates Avenue from “Single Detached (RS1/F)” to “Town Housing (ZT86) – Hamilton” and “School & Institutional Use (SI)” |
Mark McMullen, Senior Coordinator - Major Projects, reviewed the application and highlighted that (i) the proposed development is consistent with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and designated Neighbourhood Residential, as well as Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) and Neighborhood Residential (Stacked Townhouse) within the Hamilton Area Plan, (ii) there is a minor OCP amendment to make changes to the strollways and shared streets to allow for more pedestrian areas, (iii) the bylaw proposes to designate the proposed City park with the ESA habitat enhancement and compensation areas as a Conservation Area, (iv) Gates Avenue will terminate in a cul de sac with an interim public lane to serve lots to the north, (v) there will be a preservation of 17 existing trees and planting of 33 trees and shrubs within the ESA habitat enhancement, (vi) the townhouse form is three storeys with roof decks, and (vii) 10 of the standard three-storey units will be convertible units. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. McMullen noted that (i) the standard three-story units with convertible units do not have a roof deck, (ii) should this project move forward the applicant can consider creating renderings or virtual tours of units that have convertible units, and (iii) no on-street parking will be provided. |
Joshua Reis, Program Coordinator, Development, advised that Gilley Road is envisioned as a hightstreet and that the density would decrease as you move further out and the proposed development is consistent with that strategy. |
In reply to further queries from Committee, Mr. McMullen noted that the reshaping of the ESA would be of higher value and preserve more trees. |
In response to questions from Committee, Joe Erceg, General Manager, Planning and Development, advised that (i) there was a long planning and consultation process with regard to the Hamilton Area Plan, (ii) the plan before Committee is the one that received the most broad support in Hamilton, and (iii) an amenity contribution component was implemented as part of the Hamilton Area Plan and that development is needed in order to collect amenity contributions. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 10011, to amend Schedule 2.14 of Official Community Plan Bylaw 9000 (Hamilton Area Plan) to amend the “Circulation Map” and the “Parks, Public Realm and Open Space Map” for the area between Gates Avenue and Gilley Road, be introduced and given First Reading; |
(2) |
That Bylaw 10011, having been considered in conjunction with: |
(a) |
the City’s Financial Plan and Capital Program; and |
(b) |
the Greater Vancouver Regional District Solid Waste and Liquid Waste Management Plans; |
is hereby found to be consistent with said program and plans, in accordance with Section 477(3)(a) of the Local Government Act; |
(3) |
That Bylaw 10011, having been considered in accordance with OCP Bylaw Preparation Consultation Policy 5043, is hereby found not to require further consultation; and |
(4) |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9932 to create the “Town Housing (ZT86) - Hamilton” zone, and to rezone 23400, 23440, 23460 and 23500 Gates Avenue and a portion of Gates Avenue from “Single Detached (RS1/F)” to “Town Housing (ZT86) – Hamilton” and “School & Institutional Use (SI)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
3. |
Application by Pakland Developments Ltd. for Rezoning at 7571 Bridge Street from the “Single Detached (RS1/F)” Zone to the “Single Detached (ZS14) – South McLennan (City Centre)” Zone |
Nathaniel Andrews, Planning Technician, reviewed the application and highlighted that (i) this rezoning application is consistent with the McLennan South Sub Area Plan for a subdivision, (ii) each newly created lot along Armstrong Street will be providing a one bedroom secondary suite, (ii) the newly constructed dwelling on the eastern portion of 7571 Bridge Street will provide a voluntary contribution to the Affordable Housing Fund, (iii) the applicant has agreed to provide four trees of on each of the three lots identified in the subdivision plan and a voluntary contribution to the City’s Tree Compensation Fund for trees to be removed, and (iv) frontage improvements along with road dedication for the extension of Armstrong street will be provided. |
In reply to queries from Committee, staff noted that (i) the Service Agreement (SA) for this development will be tied to an SA to lots to the north which will provide for the extension of Armstrong Road to be constructed, (ii) there are two properties to the west of the subject site with applications in circulation and construction of the road will proceed as redevelopment of properties in the area occurs, (iii) the three off-site protected trees have been accounted for in a previous rezoning application, and (iv) the proposed development does comply with the City’s affordable housing strategy and tree replacement strategy. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9939, for the rezoning of the western portion of 7571 Bridge Street from the “Single Detached (RS1/F)” zone to the “Single Detached (ZS14) – South McLennan (City Centre)” zone, be introduced and given First Reading. |
4. |
Application by SNC Lavalin Inc. for Rezoning of portions of 12700 and 12800 Rice Mill Road, 12280 and 12300 No. 5 Road from Agricultural (AG1) and Light Industrial (IL) to a Site Specific Zone |
David Brownlee, Planner 2, reviewed the application and highlighted that (i) the application is to create a custom zone, BC Ferries Fleet Maintenance and Moorage (ZI14), (ii) redevelopment of the site will occur in two phases over 5 years, (iii) redevelopment involves the demolition of a number of buildings, raising portions of the site, construction of two new industrial buildings, installation of a new pier structure, upgrading of utilities, 1 km of new dike to be built in several phases, and Environmentally Sensitive Area and Riparian Management Area (RMA) enhancement compensations, and (iv) approvals have been received for this project from a number of external government agencies. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Brownlee provided the following information: |
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rezoning would only occur to portions of the site south of the existing rail line; |
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this project would not inhibit the widening of Rice Mill Road, however there are certain implications along the south side of Rice Mill Road, and the City holds property on the north side of Rice Mill Road; |
§ |
staff recommend only rezoning the southern portion of the site as there are many unknowns with regard to the George Massey Tunnel enhancement project and connections from Highway 99 through to No. 5 Road; |
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staff consulted with Engineering staff regarding alternatives for placement of the sanitary sewer line to further reduce impacts on trees, however it is a private utility and placing it under Rice Mill Road would pose a liability risk to the City. |
Discussion took place on whether the Provincial Government was consulted and notified of the proposed project and it was noted that BC Ferries’ Board has reviewed this application and given preliminary approvals. |
In reply to a query from Committee, Lloyd Bie, Director, Transportation, advised that the applicant would be required to submit a Construction and Traffic Management Plan to address any potential issues around No. 5 Road. |
In reply to further queries from Committee, Baljinder Mahal, Operations Manager, BC Ferries, David McWalter, SNC Lavalin, and Keith Dunbar, SNC Lavalin, advised that (i) BC Ferries has not been approached by the Province regarding any land appropriation in regards to the tunnel, (ii) Coastal Ferries has a Commissioner that reports to the Province and the BC Ferries Board liaises with that Commissioner who approves this project, (iii) BC Ferries’ approval process runs concurrently with the application with the City, and (iv) the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) has been consulted and given their initial approvals for this project. |
Discussion ensued with regard to the impacts of this application on the future enhancement of the George Massey Tunnel project and staff noted that should this application proceed, it would require final approval from MOTI prior to adoption. |
Discussion further took place with regard to referring this matter back to staff for additional information and consultations with appropriate bodies regarding the George Massey Tunnel enhancement plans including the release of City property. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Mahal further remarked that when this project goes to the BC Ferries’ Commissioner for approval, by law the Commissioner must provide a 60 day consultation period with all affected stakeholders and that the project timeline is tight. |
As a result of the discussion the following motion was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9940 to create the “BC Ferries Fleet Maintenance and Moorage (ZI14)” zone, and to: |
(a) |
Rezone 12300 No. 5 Road and 12800 Rice Mill Road from “Light Industrial (IL)” to “BC Ferries Fleet Maintenance and Moorage (ZI14)”; and |
(b) |
Rezone a portion of 12280 No. 5 Road and 12700 Rice Mill Road from “Agricultural (AG1) and Light Industrial (IL)” to “BC Ferries Fleet Maintenance and Moorage (ZI14)”; |
be introduced and given first reading; and |
(2) |
That staff consult with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and all appropriate bodies for acknowledgement that they understand the implications of this application on the George Massey Tunnel enhancement project and City of Richmond property and report back at the next Council meeting. |
The question on the motion was not called as staff noted that information could be provided prior to the July Public Hearing should the application proceed. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was DEFEATED with Cllrs. Day, McNulty, McPhail and Steves opposed. |
Discussion then took place to refer the application back to staff until further consultation has been conducted with the appropriate bodies and brought back as soon as possible. |
As a result of the discussion, the following referral motion was introduced: |
That the staff report titled “Application by SNC Lavalin Inc. for Rezoning of Portions of 12700 and 12800 Rice Mill Road, 12280 and 12300 No. 5 Road from Agricultural (Ag1) and Light Industrial (Il) to a Site Specific Zone” be referred back to staff to consult with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and all appropriate bodies for acknowledgement that they understand the implications of this application on the George Massey Tunnel enhancement project and City of Richmond property and report back as soon as possible. |
5. |
Application by Matthew Cheng Architect Inc. for Rezoning at 9020 Glenallan Gate, 9460, 9480 & 9500 Garden City Road from Single Detached (RS1/E) to Low Density Townhouses (RTL4) |
Steven De Sousa, Planner 1, reviewed the application and highlighted that the (i) proposed development consists of 13 townhouse units, including two convertible units and one secondary suite, (ii) proposed development is consistent with the Official Community Plan and Arterial Road Policy, (iii) applicant will provide a cash contribution to the Affordable Housing Reserve, (iv) proposed development includes frontage improvements along both streets, and (v) proposed building is to be built to achieve BC Energy Step Code 3. |
In reply to a query from Committee, Mr. De Sousa advised that the change in elevation of the proposed development will be consistent with existing properties in the area. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10047, for the rezoning of 9020 Glenallan Gate, 9460, 9480 & 9500 Garden City Road from the “Single Detached (RS1/E)” zone to the “Low Density Townhouses (RTL4)” zone, in order to permit the development of 13 townhouse units with vehicle access from Garden City Road, be introduced and given first reading. |
6. |
Application by 1116559 B.C. LTD. for Rezoning at 9340 General Currie Road from Single Detached (RS1/F) to Town Housing (ZT45) - Gilbert Road, Acheson - Bennett Sub-Area, St. Albans Sub-Area, South McLennan (City Centre) |
Minhee Park, Planner 2, reviewed the application and highlighted that the (i) proposed development consists of 5 townhouse units in two buildings, (ii) proposed development is consistent with the land use designation and generally consistent with the proposed ZT45 zoning regulation except for the small car parking regulation, (iii) frontage and area of the subject site do not meet the minimum requirements for townhouse developments; however staff support the application as the applicant has demonstrated that efforts have been made to acquire the properties to the east but was not successful, (iv) proposed building is carefully designed to minimize impacts to neighbours, (v) applicant proposes community benefits including a contribution to the City’s affordable housing fund, provision of convertible housing units and a cash contribution for upgrades of existing pedestrian signals to Audible Pedestrian Signals in the neighbourhood. |
In reply to queries from Committee, staff noted that the McLennan South Area Plan does envision a mix of two, two and half and three-storey buildings. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 10048, for the rezoning of 9340 General Currie Road from “Single Detached (RS1/F)” to “Town Housing (ZT45) - Gilbert Road, Acheson - Bennett Sub-Area, St. Albans Sub-Area, South McLennan (City Centre)”, to allow the development of five (5) townhouse units, be introduced and given first reading. |
7. |
(i) |
Third Community Information Session June 13 |
Suzanne Smith, Acting Director, Development, highlighted that the third Community Information Session took place on June 13, 2019, at West Richmond Community centre and that there was an increase in attendance. She advised that staff have been using additional promotion and staff will continue to work with the City’s Corporate Communications Department to encourage more people to attend the final session in October. |
(ii) |
Public Information Session June 26 |
Ms. Smith advised that there is a second Public Information Meeting on June 26, 2019, at Richmond Alliance Church from 5-8 p.m. She noted that the information meeting is open to the public and relates to a proposed development at 10140 – 10180 No. 1 Road and 4051 – 4068 Cavendish Drive that consists of two and three-storey townhouse units and two single family residential lot developments. |
(iii) |
Residential Rental Tenure Public Consultation |
Barry Konkin, Manager, Policy Planning, highlighted that the Residential Rental Tenure public consultation is complete and the last information session was held and Let’s Talk Richmond feedback is closed. He then advised that staff are collating results and more information will be provided in September. |
(iv) |
Metro Vancouver Odour Control for Cannabis |
Mr. Konkin advised that Metro Vancouver is holding consultations on odour control regulations for cannabis production facilities in the region and want to engage with Local Government, specifically Richmond’s Agricultural Advisory Committee and Advisory Committee on the Environment for feedback on proposed regulations. |
(v) |
Signage in Steveston |
Mr. Konkin advised that Planning and Development and Bylaws staff will be reaching out to business owners in Steveston to advise them of signage requirements in that area and encourage compliance with guidelines. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (5:26 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, June 18, 2019. |
Councillor Linda McPhail |
Sarah Goddard |