April 5, 2016 - Minutes
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Date: |
Tuesday, April 5, 2016 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Linda McPhail, Chair |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on March 22, 2016, be adopted as circulated. |
April 19, 2016, (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room |
It was moved and seconded |
That Mylora Golf Course Application Update be added to the agenda as Item No. 3A. |
1. |
Application by Casa Mia Projects Ltd. to rezone the properties at 10231 and 10251 Ruskin Road from Single Detached (RS1/E) to Single Detached (RS2/B) |
Wayne Craig, Director, Development, reviewed the application, noting that the proposed subdivided lots will be approximately 13 metres wide and would be consistent with the Lot Size policy in the area. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Jeff Chalissery, Casa Mia Projects Ltd., noted that the site will have two-car parking along with parking on the driveway. He added that the proposed development will have yard space and retention space for trees. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig advised that the proposed development will comply with setback, lot coverage and landscape coverage requirements. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 Amendment Bylaw 8871 be abandoned; and |
(2) |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 Amendment Bylaw 9519 for the rezoning of the properties at 10231 and 10251 Ruskin Road from Single Family Detached (RS1/E) to Single Detached (RS2/B) be introduced and given first reading. |
2. |
Application by Jan W. Knap for Rezoning at 10420/10440 Odlin Road from Two-Unit Dwellings (RD1) to Single Detached (RS2/B) |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9540 for the rezoning of 10420/10440 Odlin Road from “Two-Unit Dwellings (RD1)” zone to the “Single Detached (RS2/B)” zone, be introduced and given first reading. |
3. |
Application by Tien Sher Chatham Developments Ltd. for a Rezoning at 3735, 3751, 3755 and 3771 Chatham Street from Steveston Commercial (CS3) to Commercial Mixed Use (ZMU32) - Steveston Village and a Related Heritage Alteration Permit |
Mr. Craig and Kevin Eng, Planner 2, reviewed the application, noting that (i) the proposed development will provide a contribution to the Steveston Village Heritage Conservation Grant Program, (ii) the applicant has indicated that the addition of a solar roof is not economically feasible, (iii) staff will report back on a referral related to solar roofs in new developments in the second quarter, and (iv) should the application proceed, staff can discuss options to install a solar roof with the applicant through the Development Permit process. |
Discussion ensued with respect to (i) reallocating developer contributions towards the installation of a solar roof, (ii) the proposed building height in comparison to other buildings in the area, and (iii) the dimensions of the outdoor amenity constrained by structural elements. |
In reply to queries from Committee regarding the long term plan for the adjacent bus stop, Donna Chan, Manager, Transportation Planning, noted that there is increased bus service in the area and limited space for bus layover. She added that there are proposals for a new bus exchange in the area. Mr. Craig further noted that frontage and lane improvements included in the application would address pedestrian safety along Chatham Street. |
Discussion ensued with regard to advocating for a new bus exchange in the Steveston area. It was then suggested that the Chair of the Public Works and Transportation Committee include the proposed Steveston bus exchange on an upcoming Public Works and Transportation Committee agenda. |
Charan Sethi and Ken Chau, applicant representatives, offered comments on the application and provided drawings of the proposed development (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 1). |
In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Sethi and Mr. Chau, noted that adding a solar roof is not currently economically feasible; however options can be discussed with staff. Mr. Chau added that the dimension of the outdoor amenity is constrained by the building’s mechanical elements. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9541 to create the “Commercial Mixed Use (ZMU32) - Steveston Village” zone, and to rezone 3735, 3751, 3755 and 3771 Chatham Street from “Steveston Commercial (CS3)” to “Commercial Mixed Use (ZMU32) - Steveston Village”, be introduced and given first reading; and |
(2) |
That a Heritage Alteration Permit be issued subject to Council granting third reading to Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9541 to authorize the following alterations and works at 3735, 3751, 3755 and 3771 Chatham Street for the proposed redevelopment: |
(a) |
demolition and removal of any existing structures and buildings; |
(b) |
tree and landscaping removal, land clearing, excavation and any necessary site preparation activities; |
(c) |
site investigation and preparation activities related to the proposed redevelopment and necessary City servicing and infrastructure works; and |
(d) |
deposit of a consolidation plan at the Land Title Office for the consolidation of the four lots into one development parcel. |
Discussion ensued regarding options to include a solar roof for the proposed development at Chatham Street. |
As a result of the discussion, the following referral was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That staff: |
(1) |
review options to install a solar roof on the proposed development at 3735, 3751, 3755 and 3771 Chatham Street; and |
(2) |
review utilizing developer contributions as incentives for the installation of a solar roof on the proposed development at 3735, 3751, 3755 and 3771 Chatham Street, in keeping with the forthcoming staff report on solar roofs in new developments, and report back. |
3A. |
Mylora Golf Course Application Update |
Mr. Craig spoke on the proposed non-farm use application for the former Mylora Golf Course, noting that (i) the proposed application is expected to be presented to Committee in May 2016, (ii) the application will be consistent with the recent amendments to the No. 5 Road Backlands Policy, (iii) the revised No. 5 Road Backlands Policy has provisions for property owners to farm the agricultural portion of their site, or transfer the agricultural portion to the City once it has been improved to agricultural standards, (iv) the applicant will be responsible for the cost to remediate the former Mylora Golf Course site for agricultural use, (v) the existing zoning in the former Mylora Golf Course allows farm activities, such as land remediation, on-site, and (vi) staff is working with the applicant regarding the site’s tree retention plan. |
4. |
None. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (4:38 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, April 5, 2016. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Councillor Linda McPhail |
Evangel Biason |