October 7, 2014 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Planning Committee


Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Councillor Bill McNulty, Chair
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Linda Barnes
Councillor Harold Steves


Councillor Chak Au

Also Present:

Councillor Linda McPhail

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.






It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Tuesday, September 16, 2014, be adopted as circulated.









Tuesday, October 21, 2014, (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room






Implementation of Richmond Social Development Strategy
(File Ref. No. 08-4055-20) (REDMS No. 4345217)



John Foster, Manager, Community Social Development, provided Committee with background information on the implementation of the Richmond Social Development Strategy and the priorities related to the Strategy Work Program in the next three years.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Foster noted that the Social Development Strategy document indicated that two positions would be required for the implementation of the Social Development Strategy: an Affordable Housing Analyst and a Social Development Coordinator. The Affordable Housing position was filled earlier this year and the Social Development Coordinator position has yet to be advanced.



The Chair spoke of the budgeting process for the Social Development Strategy and the possible requirements for additional funding. Staff were directed to notify Council of any budget readjustments related to the Social Development Strategy.



Mr. Foster commented on the process to identify and prioritize actions under the Social Development Strategy.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Foster advised that after the previous municipal election new Councillors were briefed on the Social Development Strategy and other key City strategies. He added that staff will follow the same process in briefing new Councillors after the upcoming municipal election, and will continue to update Council on further developments regarding the Social Development Strategy.



Mr. Foster commented on the extensive consultation process used in preparing the Social Development Strategy and noted that a variety of community partners, including Richmond School District No. 38, Vancouver Coastal Health, and the Richmond Community Services Advisory Committee will be updated on any further developments.



Discussion ensued with regard to the staffing requirements and the budget process for the Social Development Strategy. Cathryn Volkering Carlile, General Manager, Community Services advised that an Additional Level request has been prepared to support staffing needs for the Social Development Strategy.  She indicated that a complete list of Additional Level requests, including those being recommended for support and those not being recommended, will be presented to Council for review.



Mr. Foster spoke of the response from community partners with respect to the Social Development Strategy, noting that the Social Development Strategy is a living document which has been widely recognized by the City’s community partners.



Discussion ensued regarding the amount of affordable housing and the cost of homeownership in the city. Joe Erceg, General Manager, Planning and Development, advised that information was provided to Council regarding the state of existing affordable housing in the city. He added that staff are researching possible strategies that the City can adopt to help lower barriers to homeownership.



Discussion then ensued with regard to absentee homeowners in the city and the effects of vacant homes on the real estate market. It was suggested that a tax be levied on absentee homeowners and the revenue received be put towards affordable housing developments in the city.



Staff were then directed to include an analysis of the effects absentee homeowners have on the affordability of housing in future reports regarding affordable housing in the city.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Erceg advised that staff will review the options available to the City to address the issue of absentee homeowners. Also, Mr. Erceg spoke of discussions with developers to reduce the costs of bringing housing units to market as well as coordinating with other levels of government to address the issue of absentee homeowners.




Councillor McPhail left the meeting (4:18 p.m.) and returned (4:21 p.m.).



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Foster noted that Community Services staff consulted with other City departments in a collaborative effort to implement the Social Development Strategy.



It was moved and seconded



That the staff report titled Implementation of the Richmond Social Development Strategy from the General Manager, Community Services, dated September 16, 2014, be received for information and circulated for information to the Richmond School District No. 38 and Vancouver Coastal Health – Richmond.






Canada Health Accord
(File Ref. No. 07-3400-01) (REDMS No. 4353019)



Discussion ensued with respect to the Canada Health Accord and sending copies of the endorsed resolution to the Leader of the Opposition, the Deputy Leader Health, the Richmond Members of Parliament (MPs) and those in adjacent municipalities, Richmond Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) and those in adjacent municipalities, Vancouver Coastal Health, Richmond Community Services Advisory Committee, and Richmond School District No. 38.



It was moved and seconded




That the Richmond Seniors Advisory Committee’s proposed resolution regarding the termination of the Canada Health Accord, presented in Attachment 1 of the staff report titled Canada Health Accord, dated September 18, 2014, from the General Manager, Community Services, be endorsed; and




That a letter conveying the endorsed resolution be sent to the Prime Minister, with copies to the appropriate Ministers, the Leader of the Opposition, Deputy Leader Health, Richmond Members of Parliament (MPs) and those in adjacent municipalities, Richmond Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) and those in adjacent municipalities, Vancouver Coastal Health, Richmond Community Services Advisory Committee, and the Richmond School District No. 38.






Application by Amar Bhullar for Rezoning at 10231 No. 5 Road from Single Detached (RS1/E) to Compact Single Detached (RC2)
(File Ref. No. 12-8060-20-009177; RZ 14-656004) (REDMS No. 4357858)



Wayne Craig, Director, Development, briefed the Committee on the proposed application, noting that the proposed application is consistent with the lot size policy in the area and a servicing agreement will be required for frontage improvements along No. 5 Road and for the rear lane.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig advised that no correspondence has been received regarding the proposed rezoning and an adjacent development proposal.



In reply to queries from Committee, Cynthia Lussier, Planning Technician-Design, commented on the proposed amendments to the Coach House (RCH) zone presented for Council’s consideration last year. Concerns were raised with regard to the designs of the coach houses so the RCH zone is still pending under further review.



Mr. Craig noted that most developers have opted for a legal secondary suite instead of a coach house. He added that staff are working on refining the amendments to the RCH zone.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig advised that coach house proposals will be received by the City; however applicants will be required to provide a design elevation as part of the rezoning submission.



It was moved and seconded



That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9177, for the rezoning of 10231 No. 5 Road from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Compact Single Detached (RC2)”, be introduced and given first reading.






Application by Rav Bains for Rezoning at 7440 Williams Road from Single Detached (RS1/E) to Coach House (ZS12) – Broadmoor
(File Ref. No. 12-8060-20-009175; RZ 13-648179) (REDMS No. 4335973)



Mr. Craig briefed Committee on the proposed application, noting that the proposed development is under a specific Coach House zoning.



In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Craig spoke of the design of the coach home, noting that the structure is not detached from the main building.



It was moved and seconded



That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9175, for the rezoning of 7440 Williams Road from “Single Detached (RS1/E)” to “Coach House (ZS12) - Broadmoor”, be introduced and given first reading.










Minoru Chapel Maintenance



Mr. Craig advised that the Minoru Chapel maintenance and roof replacement will begin in November 2014 and a Heritage Alteration Permit will be required for the renovations.



Discussion ensued regarding public notification of the upcoming Minoru Chapel maintenance. Staff were then directed to provide signage on-site that would notify the public of the planned Minoru Chapel maintenance.




Habitat For Humanity Open House



Mr. Craig briefed Committee on the Open House held by Habitat for Humanity on October 1, 2014 for a proposed affordable housing project along Ash Street. He advised that concerns were raised with regard to traffic access and the building’s design. A formal report from the developer is still pending and all information will be included in the report to the Development Permit Panel.




Provincial Guidelines for Marihuana facilities in the Agricultural Land Reserve



Terry Crowe, Manager, Policy Planning, spoke of the province’s consultation for the management of commercial marihuana facilities in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). Mr. Crowe advised that the City’s participation in the consultation is not required, as the City can provide input through Metro Vancouver.




Award from NAIOP, Commercial Real Estate Development Association



Mr. Erceg advised that the City has received an award for being a business friendly city from NAIOP, Commercial Real Estate Development Association.



Discussion ensued with regard to open public access to Wi-Fi in City Hall. Mr. Crowe advised that requests for Wi-Fi access will be forwarded to the City’s Information Technology department.






It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (4:37 p.m.).





Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, October 7, 2014.



Councillor Bill McNulty

Evangel Biason
Auxiliary Committee Clerk