April 5, 2011 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Planning Committee



Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Anderson Room

Richmond City Hall


Councillor Bill McNulty, Chair

Councillor Greg Halsey-Brandt, Vice-Chair

Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt

Councillor Harold Steves

Mayor Malcolm Brodie (arrived at 4:37 p.m.)


Councillor Linda Barnes

Also Present:

Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.








It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Tuesday, March 22, 2011, be adopted as circulated.











Tuesday, April 19, 2011, (tentative date) at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room








John Parrott, 8960 Lancelot Gate, spoke in opposition to Rezoning application 10-555932, received from Yamamoto Architecture Inc., on December 10, 2010, regarding the properties at 4691, 4731 and 4851 Francis Road.



Mr. Parrott advised that a number of homeowners in the neighbourhood of Francis Road and Railway Avenue were in attendance to demonstrate their opposition to the Rezoning application. Mr. Parrott said that he and his supporters were committed to preserving the single-family residential zoning in their neighbourhood.



Mr. Parrott provided a package of information, including a petition with signatures of those who “say no to the multi-family rezoning of 4691, 4731 and 4851 Francis Road” (on file in the City Clerk’s Office).



Mr. Parrott outlined the concerns he and his supporters had, including, but not limited to: (i) the negative effect of increased density; (ii) three storey residences are higher than the area’s single-family homes; (iii) the reduction of sunshine and the increase of shading; and (iv) the increase in traffic and demand for street parking.



In closing, Mr. Parrott: (i) stated that a comprehensive Impact Study should be completed before the Planning Committee reviews the Rezoning application; and (ii) requested that he and his supporters be fully informed as the Rezoning application moves through the review process.



The Chair noted that the Planning Committee had not yet received staff’s report regarding Rezoning application 10-555932. He then requested that Brian Jackson, Director of Development, advise the delegation regarding the public application process. Mr. Jackson advised that the process includes a staff review of the application, discussion with the applicant, preparation of a Staff Report, and presentations to: (i) Planning Committee; (ii) Council at a Regular Council meeting, and (iii) Council at a Public Hearing



The Chair and Mr. Jackson advised the delegation that a Rezoning application, once made, cannot be denied before it comes forward even if, as in this case, a number of enquiries, opposition letters and petitions have been received, and that it must proceed through the City’s complete review process. The applicant can choose to withdraw their application.



Mr. Jackson advised that staff feel it is important for the applicant to consult with their neighbours and to hear their concerns, and therefore staff has requested that the applicant host an open house meeting to discuss their proposal with their neighbours.



A brief discussion ensued among Committee, Mr. Parrott and Mr. Jackson, and upon its conclusion Mr. Jackson was directed by Committee to communicate with Mr. Parrott regarding: (i) the review process of Rezoning application 10-555932; and (ii) all studies relating to Rezoning application 10-555932.











(File Ref. No. 12-8060-20-8760) (REDMS No.3171124)



Holger Burke, Development Coordinator, provided background information regarding the location of offices of physicians, dentists and other health practitioners.



A brief discussion ensued between Committee and staff, and in particular on the definition of office space as  “health service, minor” and the importance of locating health offices where they are easily accessible for residents. 



(Mayor Malcolm Brodie arrived at 4:37 p.m.)



Further discussion ensued with regard to permitting health service offices in certain Industrial zones.



It was moved and seconded



That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 8760 be introduced and given first reading.


OPPOSED: Cllrs. Greg Halsey-Brandt

Harold Steves





(File Ref. No. 08-4430-03-07) (REDMS No. 3178450)



Mr. Jackson provided background information with regard to the Ministry of Agriculture’s draft discussion paper and the Ministry’s proposal for public consultation with regard to residential uses in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), through an on-line survey.



Mr. Jackson said that the consultation needs to be more meaningful and take into account Richmond’s unique ALR land patterns.



He also advised that the Ministry should consider regulations in the Agricultural Land Commission Act, instead of establishing guidelines that different local governments may, or may not, adopt. 



Discussion ensued regarding how Council could respond to the Ministry of Agriculture’s Draft Discussion Paper regarding bylaw standard for residential uses in the ALR.



Committee expressed concern that: (i) the Ministry should consult effectively; (ii) consultation must be at the provincial, not the municipal level; and (iii) the Agricultural Land Commission has jurisdiction over ALR properties that are larger than two acres. 



In response to a query, Mr. Burke advised that: (i) the Minister of Agriculture has approved the use of an on-line survey tool; (ii) that the details are being worked out; and (iii) that the proposed deadline of April 15, 2011 will be extended.



Staff was directed to communicate with stakeholders regarding the Ministry’s chosen method of an on-line survey for gathering input on the issue.



Roland Hoegler, 6560 No. 4 Road, addressed Committee and remarked that the issue of bylaw standard for residential uses in the ALR is a “mess”, and that he has read Metro Vancouver’s report on the matter, and noted that it recommended a house size that is smaller than that recommended by the Ministry.



Mr. Hoegler noted that Richmond has too many small parcels in the ALR, and that he is dubious regarding the consultation the Ministry will undertake. 



It was moved and seconded







Richmond advise the Minister of Agriculture that it has no further comments on the Ministry’s Draft Discussion Paper entitled “Bylaw Standard for Residential Uses in the Agricultural Land Reserve” until the Ministry undertakes a comprehensive public consultation process in Richmond in addition to the proposed on-line survey tool; and




all delegations and public comments on the Ministry of Agriculture’s Draft Discussion Paper entitled “Bylaw Standard for Residential Uses in the Agricultural Land Reserve” go directly to the Ministry of Agriculture for action or response.







(File Ref. No. 08-4050-12) (REDMS No. 3162291)



Terry Crowe, Manager, Policy Planning, advised that staff and the Richmond Economic Advisory Committee (EAC) jointly developed the terms of reference for the 2041 Official Community Plan Employment Lands Strategy (ELS). He further advised that: (i) Richmond has enough employment lands to meet demand to 2041; (ii) the City has a current employment base of between 130,000 and 140,000, projected to increase to around 180,000 by 2041; and (iii) there is no need to remove land from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) to meet 2041 ELS needs.



Discussion ensued between Committee, staff, ELS consultant Richard Wozny, and EAC member Bob Laurie, and in particular on:




staff has requested of Port Metro Vancouver (PMV) that thir confidential studies that indicate PMV’s specific future port-related land needs be shared with the City, and if and when the sharing of information takes place, staff will bring it to Committee;




PMV’s purchase of the Gilmore Farm land;




non-Vancouver International Airport (YVR) activity on YVR-owned property;




agricultural activities in the ALR, including the possibility of greenhouses; and




an increase in mixed-use development centred on neighbourhood shopping hubs.



A comment was made that to protect the City’s ALR land, Council should emphasize to PMV that the City opposes any change of use of the land in the Agriculture Land Reserve.



Mr. Laurie addressed Committee and stated that the word “industrial” is a misnomer, and can be understood to mean “high tech” activity at one land value extreme, and “warehouse” activity at the bottom of the spectrum.



Mr. Laurie encouraged the City to focus on the most vulnerable, and traditional, kind of industrial activity, including companies that hire blue-collar workers and new Canadians. He described this type of “traditional industrial” activity as the credible backbone of industrial activity.



Mr. Laurie concluded his remarks by stressing that economic and social wellbeing are closely linked with industrial activity.



It was moved and seconded



That the City of Richmond Summary of the Employment Lands Strategy (Attachment 1 to the Staff Report dated March 4, 2011, regarding the 2041 OCP Update - Employment Lands Strategy):




be received for information by Council and used as the basis for preparing the 2041 OCP, as outlined in this report;




be referred to the Vancouver International Airport Authority, Port Metro Vancouver and Metro Vancouver for comment before and after the 2041 OCP is approved; and




emphasize to Port Metro Vancouver that the City of Richmond is opposed to any change of use of the land in the Agricultural Land Reserve.











Joe Erceg, General Manager, Planning and Development, provided information regarding rezoning application reports that staff are working on.




Brian Jackson provided information regarding rezoning application reports that would be coming to Committee at future meetings.








It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (5:46 p.m.).






Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, April 5, 2011.



Councillor Bill McNulty


Sheila Johnston

Committee Clerk