Minutes - September 18, 2007
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Planning Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Harold Steves, Chair |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Thursday, September 6, 2007, be adopted as circulated. |
2. |
The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Tuesday, October 2, 2007, at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room. |
3. |
(RZ 07-362664 - Report: August 28, 2007, File No.: 12-8060-20-8211) (REDMS No. 2257191, 1910680, 2273053) |
In response to queries Wayne Craig, Acting Director of Development, advised that: (i) with regard to the idea of future consolidation of adjacent lots, the developer has not discussed the idea with City staff, although the applicant has had discussions with the adjacent property owner regarding the proposal; and (ii) with regard to the 10 replacement trees on the site, the City requires a landscape plan prepared by a B.C. registered landscape architect and that the cost estimate for the landscape plan includes information on the type of soil to be used to ensure that replacement trees thrive. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Bylaw No. 8211, for the rezoning of 6211 Blundell Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District (R1-0.6)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
4. |
(RZ 06-355463 - Report: September 4, 2007, File No.: 12-8060-20-8280) (REDMS No. 2274841, 2274918) | |
In response to a query regarding parking provisions, Mr. Craig advised that the parking needs for the BCIT Aerospace Technology Campus are based on the campus operating at full capacity upon complete build-out, estimated to be the year 2015. | |
Victor Wei, Director, Transportation, addressed Committee and provided the following information: | |
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TransLink is maintaining its two bus stops, both located on Cessna Drive, which provide service to transit users travelling in both north and south directions; |
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the walking distance from the current TransLink exchange to the new BCIT Campus is reasonable and acceptable to pedestrians; |
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the timing of the construction of the proposed HOV/transit priority lane on Russ Baker Way is dependent on the joint commitment from both TransLink and the Vancouver Airport Authority (YVR), and therefore it was not possible to coordinate the construction of a new HOV/transit priority lane at the same time as the construction of the BCIT campus; |
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City staff is nearing the completion of the study involving a three-party agreement (TransLink, YVR, and the City), and the report will indicate the anticipated timing of the introduction of the HOV/transit priority lane on Russ Baker Way; |
Mr. Wei added that Russ Baker Way falls under the jurisdiction of YVR, not under the City’s jurisdiction, and for that reason the City cannot expedite means to implement the HOV/transit priority lane. | |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Bylaw No. 8280 to create “Comprehensive Development District (CD/193)” and to rezone 3800 Cessna Drive from “Airport District (AIR)" to "Comprehensive Development District (CD/193)” be introduced and given first reading. | |
5. |
(RZ 07-380226 - Report: August 21, 2007, File No.: 12-8060-20-8295) (REDMS No. 2270383, 2270828) |
It was moved and seconded |
That Bylaw No. 8295, for the rezoning of 10180 Cambie Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area F (R1/F)” to “Comprehensive Development District (CD/61)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
6. |
(RZ 07-374318 - Report: August 23, 2007, File No.: 12-8060-20-8296) (REDMS No. 2270944, 1081048, 2271002) |
In response to two queries Mr. Craig advised that: (i) during discussions with the developer, City staff will request that specific species of deciduous and coniferous trees be considered for planting; and (ii) that the City has received a number of other rezoning applications within a specific lot size and that staff believes that some properties in the area of the subject site have redevelopment potential. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Bylaw No. 8296, for the rezoning of 3411/3431 Moresby Drive from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area B (R1/B)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
7. |
(RZ 07-374060 - Report: August 24, 2007, File No.: 12-8060-20-8297) (REDMS No. 2271758, 2271104) |
In response to a query with regard to the corner lot where the subject property fronts a section line road, Mr. Craig advised that it is the practice of City staff to ask the developer for specific plans regarding form and character of structures for corner lots to ensure that corner lot developments respond to both street frontages. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Bylaw No. 8297, to create “Comprehensive Development District (CD/192)” and for the rezoning of 9331 No. 3 Road from “Two-Family District (R5)” to “Comprehensive Development District (CD/192)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
8. |
(RZ 07-360193 Sections 21-4-7 & 22-4-7 - Report: August 22, 2007, File No.: xr 08-4430-00) (REDMS No. 2227929) | |
Terry Crowe, Manager, Policy Planning, advised Committee that one staff member lived in the study area, and to avoid any conflict of interest, that staff person would not be leading the study. | |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That authorization be given for staff to examine the establishment of a single-family lot size policy for the area located between Blundell Road, No. 1 Road, Francis Road, and West Dyke Trail in Sections 21-4-7 & 22-4-7 (as illustrated on the attached map entitled "Attachment 1"). |
(2) |
That staff conduct a public process with property owners and occupants within the study area, and that the findings be reported to Council through the Planning Committee. |
9. |
RIVER ROAD REFERRAL – PROPOSED ACTION PLAN (Report: August 28, 2007, File No.: 08-4040-01, xr 12-8000-02) (REDMS No. 2273276, 2255737) | ||
Before speaking on the item, Holger Burke, Development Coordinator, distributed a memorandum with regard to staff’s recent discussion with representatives of Ocean Spray (on file in the Clerk’s Office). | ||
Mr. Burke prefaced his remarks by advising that Community Bylaws is addressing bylaw infractions in the River Road area, and that the report under discussion, and recommendations contained therein, dealt with issues in the River Road area in conjunction with an examination of rezoning applications being processed. | ||
There are, at present, three separate rezoning applications involving five properties along River Road (between No. 7 Road and the Kartner Road ROW). Mr. Burke outlined some conditions which rezoning applicants would have to meet under the proposed Interim Action Plan: (i) a traffic and engineering assessment of River Road; (ii) a shared driveway and vehicle access; (iii) a 20 metre roadway dedication along the southern property line; (iv) permeable surfaces and limited amount of pavement; (v) a report to demonstrate that fill is acceptable and not contaminated; (vi) the preparation of a landscape and screening plan; and (vii) a Comprehensive Development District, to restrict the land uses permitted (e.g. no large permanent buildings). | ||
Mr. Burke stated that under the proposed Long Term Action Plan: (i) a servicing capacity analysis is required to assess the capacity of sanitary, storm and water systems in the 16000 block of River Road; (ii) the 20 metre road dedication along the southern property lines would have to be constructed; and (iii) access would preferably be from No. 7 Road or the western-most part of River Road (so as to avoid having to use River Road in front of the subject rezoning applications). | ||
Discussion then took place among Committee members and staff on: | ||
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the lack of sewer servicing on the properties west of the study area; | |
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if the properties to the west are developed in the future, the City’s comprehensive development zoning guidelines would require them to be developed effectively and not in a haphazard fashion; | |
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the possibility of the road running parallel to the rail bed and then connecting with the dedicated right of way to the east; | |
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the proposed consultation process would include speaking with the three rezoning applicants, property owners and other residents in the area, as well as any other people who had expressed concerns regarding the issues in the area; | |
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each of the three rezoning applications would come to Committee for consideration, and be subject to the Public Hearing process; | |
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inadequate truck parking and industrial storage availability in Richmond; | |
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the 2008 review of the Official Community Plan (OCP) presents an opportunity for the City to study such issues as the need for, and supply of, areas for truck parking and industrial storage, as well as the need for agricultural, industrial and commercial areas; | |
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the city-wide need for areas for truck parking for Richmond residents involved in the trucking industry and also for transient truck drivers who have to overnight in Richmond; transportation staff was asked to investigate how Surrey handles truckers who park in Surrey overnight; | |
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the objection by area residents that trucks using River Road exceed the 9 tonne weight limit; | |
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the proposed study could establish principles regarding the storage of goods, as well as other issues in the area; | |
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that fill on different sites should be the same elevation, not be excessive to impact unfilled properties, and be used to improve the flood control measures in the area. | |
Mr. Burke advised that staff would be able to present the outcome of the proposed study to the Planning Committee by November 20, 2007. At that time staff would be able to report on Richmond’s industrial zones and allowable outdoor storage. | ||
In response to a query with regard to the progress of enforcing bylaw infractions in the River Road area, Wayne Mercer, Manager, Community Bylaws, reported that Community Bylaws staff, in conjunction with the Law Department, is proceeding with enforcement. | ||
Mr. Harold Lougheed, 19000 River Road, complimented staff on the report and recognized that, before a long-term solution is identified, there will be a lengthy transition period. He then outlined a number of his concerns: (i) his observation of trucks delivering fill to new fill sites that have been established further east, toward Hamilton; (ii) onsite refuelling, onsite oil and filter changes, pressure washing using detergents, permeable surfaces, and effluent are all of concern due to the inadequate storm sewer system; when runoff enters the Fraser River at No. 7 Road water quality suffers, as does fisheries; (iii) Fraser River Estuary Management Program (FREMP) expressed concern when he brought this to their attention and FREMP might require an environmental review; (iv) the review of the road condition and the location of the road presents a problem, the area of concern is east of Nelson Road and he has observed that fire plugs have been sheered off in that area; (v) the idea to divert truck traffic onto No. 7 Road is a concern and the staff report does not mention that residents would be consulted about this item. | ||
In closing Mr. Lougheed cautioned Committee to not presume that people involved in illegal activity in the area have good intentions. | ||
In response to queries, Mr. Burke advised that City staff would consult with FREMP, and Mr. Crowe advised that City staff would consult with residents along No. 7 Road as part of the study consultation area. | ||
Mr. Kiichi Kumagai, 8091 Rosebank Crescent, stated that he represented Virdi Pacific Holdings Ltd., 16540 River Road. Mr. Kumagai stated that his client would meet the conditions necessary to make his site legal before rezoning could take place. He further advised that his client: (i) was in agreement with the report; (ii) had submitted a soil sample of the fill at his site to the City’s law department; (iii) was challenged by the 9 tonne weight limit in that the measure was “gross vehicle weight” not a truck’s empty weight; and (iv) believes No. 7 Road should not be a commuter road because it goes through the ALR, and that a system could be worked out whereby trucks are allowed in the area. | ||
Mr. Kumagai remarked that the proposed study will take time, and if a $13 million extension of the sewer line is involved, changes to the area will take even longer to accomplish. | ||
Mr. Bob Jawanda, 17680 River Road advised that: (i) his company is strictly agri-business and that his trucks haul food; (ii) the 9 tonne weight limit means nothing, and that with a load of cranberries, a truck’s weight increases to 22 tonnes; and (iii) the products he uses to wash his trucks on his property does not damage the environment. | ||
In response to query from the Chair, Mr. Mercer advised that if Community Bylaws stops a truck, the trucker is requested to produce a bill of lading. When the bill indicates the trucker is picking up and/or delivering agriculture produce, the 9 tonne load limit is not enforced. | ||
In response to a query, Mr. Wei advised that the 9 tonne weight limit is a standard weight limit, generally applied to other roads in the Lower Mainland region that are not suitable to accommodate commercial truck traffic. He added that the City is prepared to revisit the City Traffic Bylaw to accommodate legitimate truck activities in the River Road area. | ||
It was moved and seconded | ||
(1) |
That as per the report dated August 28, 2007 from the Acting Director of Development and Manager, Policy Planning regarding the River Road Referral – Proposed Action Plan, the Interim and Long-Term Action Plans be approved for consulting purposes. | |
(2) |
That staff undertake consultation with applicants and residents along impacted portions of River Road regarding the Interim and Long-Term Action Plan and report back on the results. | |
The question on the motion was not called as discussion continued. The Chair stated that he was pleased to hear from Mr. Kumagai that Virdi Pacific Holdings Ltd. was going to meet all conditions to make his site legal before rezoning could take place. | ||
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED | ||
10. |
(Report: September 10, 2007, File No.: 12-8275-30-008) (REDMS No. 2277589) |
In response to a query Amarjeet Rattan, Manager, Business Liaison, confirmed that the only change proposed in the Great Canadian Casino’s application before the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch is to relocate the Liquor Primary licence of Dock Marlin’s Pub from the building located directly behind the hotel/casino to inside the hotel/casino. No other feature of the license will change. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Council support the application before the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch for the relocation of the Liquor Primary licence and that a letter supporting the relocation be forwarded to the Liquor Control & Licensing Branch. |
11. |
(1) |
City Centre Plan |
No report was given. |
(2) |
Steveston Study |
Mr. Crowe reported that progress is being made. |
(3) |
Official Community Plan (OCP) |
Mr. Crowe reported that a city-side staff team has been created and the team will be examining what OCP elements should be kept and what should be changed. |
He further advised that staff is planning a workshop for Council. |
In response to a query with regard to including the voice of youth in the consultation process, Mr. Crowe stated that the consultation would be comprehensive and thorough in nature. |
(4) |
Liveable Region Strategic Plan Review (LRSP) |
Mr. Crowe reported that the GVRD is finalizing an LRSP information package to be sent to municipalities, which Council can expect to receive in November, 2007. The package will lay out options for both major and minor LRSP amendments. |
(5) |
4091 Chatham Street |
In response to a query from the Chair, Mr. Crowe advised that staff is preparing a report on the 4091 Chatham Street heritage building that will include information on: (i) restoration, (ii) use of the building, and (iii) consideration of a new site. |
A brief discussion ensued with regard to a potential new site for the heritage building. Mention was made that the Britannia Shipyard is a possible good site for the building. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (5:45 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, September 18, 2007. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Councillor Harold Steves |
Sheila Johnston |