November 7, 2006 - Minutes

Planning Committee
Date: |
Tuesday, November 7, 2006 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Councillor Harold Steves, Chair |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Tuesday, October 17, 2006, be adopted as circulated. |
2. |
The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Tuesday, November 21, 2006, at 4:00 p.m. in the Anderson Room. |
The Chair advised that an additional item, Cold Weather Response Protocol, would be added under Item 7. |
3. |
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(RZ 06-328429, RZ 06-329052, RZ 06-330156, RZ 06-330492, RZ 06-334343, RZ 06-340380 - Report: October 19, 2006, File No.: 12-8060-20-8128, 8129, 8131, 8132, 8133, 8134, REDMS No. 2018184 , 280087, 1789815, 1903166, 1903059, 1791415, 2022427, 2022428, 2022429, 2022430, 2022432, 2022433) | |||
Jean Lamontagne, Director of Development advised the Committee on the consultation process undertaken by staff. | |||
Discussion ensued during which staff made the following points: | |||
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that developers would be required to pay Neighbourhood Improvement Charge (NIC) fees for future lane improvements, such as the addition of curbs, drainage and lighting, as well as widening, for the lane that currently runs behind homes that front Williams Road; | ||
· |
that sub-division of lots along No. 4 Road, between Dennis Place and Wilkinson Road, would not take place, because during the consultation process there was no support for sub-division; in addition, the appearance of the east side of No. 4 Road should mimic the appearance of the west side so that the streetscape is consistent; | ||
· |
that the idea of sub-dividing more than one lot on No. 4 Road was part of the consultation process, but the idea not supported by residents; | ||
The Chair invited members of the public to address the Committee. | |||
Mr. Mati Laane, 10428 Dennis Crescent, spoke in opposition to the application. He expressed concern that homeowners who are landlords and rent their homes to tenants are allowing the homes to deteriorate. He believes that the quality of life in the neighbourhood is threatened if sub-division is allowed along Williams Road, and in his opinion, it would be a matter of time before the whole neighbourhood undergoes similar change through subdivision of lots. He would like to see the City place a moratorium on future development applications in the area bounded by No. 4 Road, Williams Road, Shell Road and Steveston Highway. Mr. Lane mentioned that five years ago a similar application to sub-divide lots in the area was proposed and he questioned why the neighbourhood had to go through the same consultation process again. | |||
Samuel Yau, 10351 Aragon Road, supported the application and stated that many potential homebuyers cannot afford a large house, but those who wish to live in the neighbourhood could afford to purchase a smaller house on sub-divided lots. | |||
Mr. R. P. Ghosh, 10780 Rochdale Drive, spoke in opposition to the application. He stated that during the consultation process, over 200 residents opposed the proposed sub-division of lots. He commented that other neighbourhoods in the City could be earmarked for sub-division of lots, but that his neighbourhood is peaceful and should be left as it is. He said that when trying to exit his neighbourhood, it is common for him to wait in his vehicle for up to six minutes before he can pull out onto Steveston Highway. | |||
Lisa Mcduff-Richmond, 10060 Swinton Crescent, spoke in opposition to the application. She expressed concern that an increase in residents would increase the number of vehicles in the neighbourhood and this would create problems on the streets and in the lanes. | |||
Don Nordin, 10620 Rochdale Drive, spoke in opposition to the application. He expressed concern that if the City sub-divides lots along Williams Road it could lead to the subdivision of lots in the interior of the neighbourhood. | |||
Mr. R. Kooner, 5680 Colville Road, spoke in support of the application. He would like to see the application go to a Public Hearing in order to give his father, an applicant, the possibility of subdividing his lot, as well as further opportunities to canvas the opinion of neighbours. | |||
Ron Medd, 10880 Southport Road, spoke in opposition to the application. He remarked that the public consultation process created confusion with regard to whether the development application applied to Williams Road and No. 4 Road only, or if further development would take place within the neighbourhood. | |||
In response to the speakers and to queries from Committee members, staff advised that: | |||
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it does not follow that if this development is approved along the arterial road, that further development would ensue; the Planning and Development Department does not recommend any changes to the interior of the neighbourhood; the City’s Single-Family Lot Size Policy stipulates this and would be valid for a period of five years; | ||
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services have been upgraded on Williams Road, but further infrastructure upgrades are not necessary to meet demands of the proposed developments; | ||
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the City’s transportation department has reviewed the lane that runs behind the homes that front Williams Road and has advised that the lane in its present state can handle an increase in traffic; | ||
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the City does not have control over homeowners who allow their homes to become derelict; the City’s Unsightly Premises Regulation Bylaw allows the City to intervene when homeowners allow their lots to become unslightly; | ||
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when the City undertakes a consultation process, material informing the public about the City’s Lane Establishment and Arterial Road Redevelopment Policy Review, as well as other Official Community Plan (OCP) material, is made available; | ||
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the intent of the Single-Family Lot Size Policy is to give a neighbourhood the certainty that, for a period of five years, the lot size will not change; if after five years the City receives development applications, staff begins a consultation process, it submits reports and makes recommendations for Council to consider. | ||
It was moved and seconded | |||
1. |
That the following recommendations be forwarded to Public Hearing: | ||
(a) |
Single-Family Lot Size Policy 5443 for the area bounded by Williams Road, No. 4 Road, Steveston Highway, and Shell Road (Section 35-4-6), adopted by Council on December 17, 1990, be amended to permit: | |
(i) |
properties fronting on Williams Road from No. 4 Road to Shell Road and properties fronting No. 4 Road from Williams Road to Dennis Place, to subdivide in accordance with the provisions of Single-Family Housing District (R1-0.6) or Coach House District (R9), provided that vehicle accesses are to the existing rear laneway only; and |
(ii) |
retention of the Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E) zoning for all other the properties within this quarter-section including properties fronting on No. 4 Road between Dennis Place and Wilkinson Road, and properties fronting on Shell Road between Williams Road and Maddocks Road. |
2. |
That Bylaw No. 8128, for the rezoning of 10020 No. 4 Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District (R1-0.6)”, be introduced and given first reading; | ||
3. |
That Bylaw No. 8129, for the rezoning of 10120 Williams Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District (R1-0.6)”, be introduced and given first reading; | ||
4. |
That Bylaw No. 8131, for the rezoning of 10260 Williams Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District (R1-0.6)”, be introduced and given first reading; | ||
5. |
That Bylaw No. 8132, for the rezoning of 10100 Williams Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District (R1-0.6)”, be introduced and given first reading; | ||
6. |
That Bylaw No. 8133, for the rezoning of 10600 Williams Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District (R1-0.6)”, be introduced and given first reading; and | ||
7. |
That Bylaw No. 8134, for the rezoning of 10280 Williams Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District (R1-0.6)”, be introduced and given first reading. | ||
The question on the motion was not called as the Committee discussed the next step in the process. The Chair advised that if the recommendations were carried, the public would have an opportunity to make presentations at the December 18, 2006 Public Hearing. | |||
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED. |
4. |
(RZ 04-276170 - Report: October 18, 2006, File No.: 12-8060-20-8140) (REDMS No. 1677380, 2020505) | |
In response to Committee queries, staff advised that: | |
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the application does not include a pedestrian walkway, but staff and the applicant will look at the feasibility of future pedestrian access; |
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the landscaped berms along the frontage of Steveston Highway are an element that is incorporated into the area plan which supports the Richmond Gateway concept at Steveston Highway and Highway 99; |
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the developer had made provisions for 15 optional parking stalls on site. |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Bylaw No. 8140, for the rezoning of 11351, 11391, 11411, 11431, 11471 and 11491 Steveston Hwy. from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Townhouse District (R2-0.6)”, be introduced and given first reading. | |
5. |
(RZ 04-272679 - Report: October 13, 2006, File No.: 12-8060-20-8144) (REDMS No. 1790112, 2025965, 2025970) | |
David Cheung, representing applicant Gustavson Wylie Architects, advised that the proposed convenience store would include a drive-through aisle which would allow customers to receive their purchased goods from the store while they remain in their vehicles. The concept has been successful at Canada’s first drive-through aisle, pioneered at the Petro-Canada station in Barrie, Ontario, and Mr. Cheung stated that if the concept works well in Richmond, Petro-Canada would use it at locations throughout Canada. | |
It was moved and seconded | |
(1) |
That Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 7834 be abandoned; |
(2) |
That Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 7835 be abandoned; |
(3) |
That Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 8143, to redesignate 11731 Steveston Highway from “Neighbourhood Residential” to “Neighbourhood Service Centre” in Attachment 1 (Generalized Land Use Map) and from “Low Density Residential” to “Neighbourhood Service Centre” in Attachment 2 (Specific Land Use Map) to Schedule 1 of Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7100, and to amend the Development Permit Area Map in Schedule 2.8A (Ironwood Sub-Area Plan) of Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7100, be introduced and given first reading; | |
(4) |
That Bylaw No. 8143, having been considered in conjunction with: | |
(a) |
The City’s Financial Plan and Capital Program; and |
(b) |
The Greater Vancouver Regional District Solid Waste and Liquid Management Plans; |
is hereby deemed to be consistent with the said program and plans, in accordance with Section 882(3)(a) of the Local Government Act; | |
(5) |
That Bylaw No. 8143, having been considered in accordance with the City’s Policy on Consultation During Official Community Plan (OCP) Development is hereby deemed not to require any further consultation; and | |
(6) |
That Bylaw No. 8144, for the rezoning of 11731 Steveston Highway from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” and 11991 Steveston Highway from “Service Station District (G2)” to “Comprehensive Development District (CD/81)”, be introduced and given first reading. | |
6. |
(RZ 06-342551 - Report: October 16, 2006, File No.: 12-8060-20-8148) (REDMS No. 2027739, 2027892) |
It was moved and seconded |
That Bylaw No. 8148, for the rezoning of 11491 Williams Road from “Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E)” to “Single-Family Housing District (R1-0.6)”, be introduced and given first reading. |
7. |
(1) |
Affordable Housing - Holger Burke, Development Coordinator, advised that after the draft strategy is reviewed, staff would bring it forward, along with a report on the proposed amenity contribution policy, to the Planning Committee’s November 21, 2006 meeting; that in early December, 2006, staff, seeking revisions, would take the draft strategy to the stakeholder group and to the public; and that the final report would be submitted to the Planning Committee by the end of January, 2007. |
(2) |
City Centre Plan – Mr. Burke reported that approximately 80 people had attended the Saturday, November 4, 2006 open house; that staff had made a presentation to the Richmond School Board at the board’s November 6, 2006 meeting; that there was a formal presentation for the public at City Hall on Tuesday, November 7, 2006; and that a stakeholder meeting would be held on Thursday, November 9, 2006. He stated that the Richmond School Board and City staff would continue to work together to share data and other information. |
(3) |
Steveston Study - Terry Crowe, Manager, Policy Planning reported that the Conservation Strategy was progressing, and that such topics as valued heritage buildings and elements would be examined. |
In response to a query regarding potential redevelopment of four retail lots on the south side of Moncton Street, at No. 1 Road, staff advised that a development application has been received, but that staff will not issue any demolition permits in the Steveston neighbourhood without senior staff’s review of the application. Staff further advised that a discussion of the development application would take place at a Heritage Commission meeting. |
Joe Erceg, General Manager, Planning and Development advised that, as part of the Conservation Strategy, the idea of a mechanism to protect buildings would be explored. A “moratorium” could be brought forward before the Strategy is presented to protect buildings in Steveston. |
(4) |
Official Community Plan/Liveable Region Strategic Plan Review – no report was forthcoming. |
(6) |
Cold Weather Response Protocol – The Chair raised the issue of updating Richmond’s Cold Weather Response Protocol. The City’s partners in this endeavour include the Salvation Army, Chimo Crisis Services, local churches, and the Vancouver International Airport, among others. The Committee directed staff to update the protocol as soon as possible. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn ( 6:12 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, November 7, 2006. |
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Councillor Harold Steves |
Sheila Johnston |