June 21, 2010 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Regular Council Meeting for Public Hearings


Monday, June 21, 2010



Council Chambers

Richmond City Hall

6911 No. 3 Road


Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie

Councillor Linda Barnes

Councillor Derek Dang

Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt

Councillor Greg Halsey-Brandt

Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt

Councillor Bill McNulty

Councillor Harold Steves


Gail Johnson, Acting Corporate Officer


Councillor Ken Johnston

Call to Order:

Mayor Brodie opened the proceedings at 7:00 p.m.




Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8603 (RZ 09-499857)

(11591 Williams Road; Applicant: Riso Development Ltd and Raman Kooner)



Applicant’s Comments:



The applicant was available to respond to questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:






It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8603 be given second and third readings.







Zoning Amendment Bylaws 8604 and 8605 (RZ 07-380222)

(6951 Elmbridge Way; Applicant: Onni 6951 Elmbridge Development Corp.)



Applicant’s Comments:



With the aid of artist renderings, as well as a model, Alex Orr, Development Manager, Onni Developments, accompanied by Martin Bruckner, IBI Architects, provided background information and reviewed the proposed high-rise development fronting River Road, across from the Richmond Oval plaza.



Written Submissions:



Memorandum dated June 16, 2010 from Brian J. Jackson, Director of Development (Schedule 1)



Submissions from the floor:






It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaws 8604 and 8605 each be given second and third readings.







Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8607 (RZ 09-497385)

(13091, 13131, 13080, 13120 Bathgate Place and the northern 1.66 hectares (4.1 acres) of 3810 Jacombs Road (addressed as 3760 and 3820 Jacombs Road), the existing Bathgate Place surplus City Road Right-of-Way and portions of the existing Jacombs Road surplus City Road Right-of-Way; Applicant:  Brook & Associates Inc. on behalf of IKEA Properties Limited)



Applicant’s Comments:



With the aid of artist renderings Chuck Brook, Brook & Associates, on behalf of IKEA Properties Limited, provided background information regarding the proposed new IKEA store to replace the existing store in the Bridgeport/East Cambie neighbourhood. Mr. Brook provided orientation to the site plan, a description of the proposed new store, and the public benefit package included in the applicant’s proposal.



Mr. Peter Joyce, the applicant’s transportation engineer, provided information regarding the quantity of IKEA-bound traffic, as well as other traffic, along the new one-way westbound public road from Knight Street to Jacombs Road.  In addition Mr. Rod Moriamo, the applicant’s landscape architect, explained the proposed landscaping scheme, and Mr. David O’Sheehan, Principal, Abbarch Architecture Inc., responded to queries regarding: (i) storm water management; (ii) the nature of the green roof; (iii) the $132,799 public art component; and (iv) the applicant’s commitment to design a geothermal system for future use.



Mr. Brooks also provided information on: (i) IKEA’s willingness to work with retail neighbours to enhance pedestrian and vehicular access in the area during and after the construction period; (ii) the location, and height, of IKEA’s proposed pylon/navigation sign; and (iii) the size of IKEA’s current Richmond store and the proposed new store.



Written Submissions:



Memorandum dated June 14, 2010 from Brian J. Jackson, Director of Development (Schedule 2)



Correspondence from Isaac Khoo, HOMEdelight Furnishings, 3331 Jacombs Road (Schedule 3)



Correspondence from Jon Stovell, President, Reliance Properties, Suite 305-111 Water Street, Vancouver (Schedule 4)



Submissions from the floor:



Harvey Mavens, owner of an import business on Sweden Way, sought and received clarification regarding potential changes to the road pattern where Bridgeport Road meets Sweden Way, and about IKEA’s new entrance to the parking lot.



Isaac Khoo, HOMEdelight Furnishings, 3331 Jacombs Road, expressed the following concerns: (i) IKEA’s construction period would impact negatively on his business, located at the north-west corner of the Jacombs Road cul-de-sac; (ii) IKEA’s chain link fence is detrimental and discourages customers from visiting his and other neighbouring businesses; (iii) the loss of street parking; and (iv) inadequate circulation of traffic from Jacombs Road onto Sweden Way.



Mr. Khoo remarked that he had been pleased to hear Mr. Brooks state that IKEA is willing to work with area businesses, especially regarding the chain-link fence.



Jon Stovell, President, Reliance Properties, Vancouver, explained that he represented neighbouring property owners and business owners in the Jacombs Road area and he distributed a letter (Schedule 4) that expressed support for IKEA’s rezoning application, but outlined the following concerns: (i) loss of street parking related to construction; (ii) disruption of access to Jacombs Road stores during construction; and (iii) the removal of trees or fences now, in order to enhance awareness of other retailers during the IKEA construction period.



Jerry Dixon, resident, requested and received information regarding IKEA’s proposed start date for construction, which at this time is not known exactly.



It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8607 be given second and third readings.






It was moved and seconded



That the concerns outlined in the letters dated June 21, 2010 from Isaac Khoo, Homedelight Furnishings, and June 20, 1010 from Reliance Properties, related to rezoning applications 09-497385 and the effect on the property at 3331 Jacombs Road, be referred to staff for review during the Development Permit process.







Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8608 (RZ 09-504936)

(5051 Williams Road; Applicant:  Rick and Gary Aujla)



Applicant’s Comments:



The applicant was available to respond to question.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:






It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 8608 be given second and third readings.







Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 8479

(2651, 2671, 2711, 2811, 2831, 2851, 2911, 2931, 2951, 2971, and 2991 No. 3 Road, 2680, 2700, 2720, 2760, 2780, 2800, and 2900 Smith Street, and Portions of Smith Street; Applicant: City of Richmond)



Applicant’s Comments:



Terry Crowe, Manager, Policy Planning and Serena Lusk, Manager, Parks  Planning and Design, with the aid of visuals, provided an overview of the reasons for the proposed amendment and the effect on the adjacent properties. It was noted that park use located adjacent to a large City-owned lot fronting on Great Canadian Way, on the east side of Smith Street, would facilitate the creation of a large multi-purpose open space. Ms. Lusk further advised that there is no current plan or concept design, and the proposed park space is dependent on the pace of overall development in the area.



Written Submissions:



Memorandum dated June 1, 2010 from Serena Lusk, Manager, Parks – Planning and Design, and Suzanne Carter-Huffman, Senior Planner, Policy Planning (Schedule 5)



Letter dated June 12, 2009 from Anne Murray, Vice President, Community & Environmental Affairs, Vancouver Airport Authority (Schedule 6)



Submissions from the floor:



Powell Pavich, 2680 Smith Street, referenced the history of his family in the neighbourhood since his parents purchased the family home in 1960. He spoke of a previous zoning change that prevented his parents from taking full advantage of their investment in their home.



Mr. Pavich advised that he and his two siblings plan to sell the family property at 2680 and 2700 Smith Street, but that the family believes the proposed Official Community Plan Amendment could be an impediment to their plan.



David Wallace, 2800 Smith Street, advised that he spoke on behalf of himself, and his father, Gene Wallace, and remarked that his family took pride in the neighbourhood, where they had lived and worked since 1992.



Mr. Wallace is the owner of three lots on Smith Street and his plan is to develop the storefront potential of his furniture design and building business. He wondered about the impact of the City’s proposal for parkland on future development of the area.



Lane Pavich, co-owner of 2680 and 2700 Smith Street, stated that after the City changed zoning in the area in 1961, from residential to industrial, the neighbourhood was forever changed. He opposed the park plan, and believed that Costco could afford to develop a park in the area.



Peter Mitchell, 6271 Nanika Crescent, remarked that the City Centre Area Plan (CCAP) was developed around transit corridors. He sought clarification on the location of TransLink owned sites in the area and questioned the purpose of the new park.



Brian Williams, 2711 Smith Street, explained that he owns a plumbing and heating business in the area, and stated his concern that a park would limit access to his property to the back lane. Mr. Williams noted that the description of the plan was not concrete and was therefore confusing to people who lived and worked in the area.



Jack Chan advised that he runs a manufacturing business at 8500 River Road, and had just upgraded his building and paved the driveway. He questioned the timetable for future development, and stated that if he needs to relocate his business from its present location, that he requires lead-time to do so.



It was moved and seconded



That Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 8479 be given second and third readings.



The question on Resolution PH10/5-6 was not called as Council discussed the idea for park space in this neighbourhood.



Comments were made that: (i) a park for the area did not make sense, and was not needed; (ii) the City requires an area like the one under discussion that provides small lots where business people can get a start; (iii) consultation with the area’s residents and businesses is required to ascertain their vision for the area’s future; (iv) the City should be prepared to bid on, and purchase, properties at their market value in order to realize plans for parks; and (v) the timing of the presentation of this amendment to the Official Community Plan may be wrong.



As a result of the discussion the motion to give second and third readings to the Bylaw was referred back to staff as follows:



It was moved and seconded



That Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 8479 be referred back to staff for further review of the location of any future parks and the manner of acquisition of any affected properties, as well to provide a more concrete plan for the Bridgeport Village area.




OPPOSED: Councillor Linda Barnes








It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (9:50 p.m.).







Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting for Public Hearings of the City of Richmond held on Monday, June 21, 2010.




Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie)


Acting Corporate Officer

City Clerk’s Office (Gail Johnson)