January 22, 2007 - Preliminary Agenda

Preliminary Public Hearing Agenda
Council Chambers, City Hall
6911 No. 3 Road
Monday, January 22, 2007
7:00 p.m.
Note: The following staff reports, available in Adobe Acrobat pdf format, will form part of the final Public Hearing agenda. Additional material which is received in time for publication, such as written submissions from the public and/or additional requested information from staff will also be included in the final Public Hearing agenda. Submissions received after the final agenda has been compiled will be distributed and made available at the Public Hearing. A copy of the proposed Bylaw, supporting staff and Committee reports and other background materials may also be inspected at the Planning & Development Department, between the hours of 8:15 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays, commencing ten days prior to the Public Hearing date. |
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Location: 6080 River Road Applicant: City of Richmond |