May 17, 2004 Minutes


Regular Council Meeting for Public Hearings

Monday, May 17th, 2004



Council Chambers
Richmond City Hall
6911 No. 3 Road


Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie
Councillor Linda Barnes
Councillor Derek Dang
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Kiichi Kumagai
Councillor Bill McNulty

Councillor Harold Steves

David Weber, Acting City Clerk


Councillor Rob Howard


Call to Order:

Mayor Brodie opened the proceedings at 7:00 p.m.




Temporary Commercial Use Permit 04-264071

(12631 Vulcan Way; Applicant:  Target Event Productions Ltd.)



Applicants Comments:



Mr. Raymond Chu, the applicant, advised that he had provided a full traffic and management plan to staff.  He stated that he had hired 2 RCMP officers as well as six other security staff for the duration of the event, as well, he had submitted a Fire Safety Plan to the Fire Department and was awaiting acceptance of this plan.  He noted that the policing costs associated with last years event had been paid to the City.  In response to a query from Council, he advised that he had a cell phone and his staff had walkie talkies so that they can easily be reached in the event of an emergency, or any other problem.



Written Submissions:



Carla Bilojelic, 12751 Vulcan Way, Richmond (attached as Schedule 1 and forms a part of these minutes).



Submissions from the floor:




PH 04/5-1


It was moved and seconded



That a Temporary Commercial Use Permit be approved to Target Event Production Ltd. for property at 12631 Vulcan Way to permit the operation of a summer night market during the months of June to September, 2004 and June to September, 2005, upon fulfillment of the following conditions:




Submission of a Traffic and Parking Management Plan to the satisfaction of the Director of Transportation;




Submission of a Fire Safety Plan to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief




Payment of $30,000 for policing costs associated with last years market; and




Deposit of a Letter of Credit for $50,000, as security for terms outlined in the Undertaking attached to the Permit as Schedule B.







Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7689 (RZ 04-265929)

(7111/7131 Lucas Road; Applicant:  Les Cohen & Azim Bhimani)



Applicants Comments:



The applicant was not present.



Written Submissions:



Mrs. Gisela Meier, 74 East 40th Avenue, Vancouver (attached as Schedule 2 and forms a part of these minutes)



Submissions from the floor:




PH 04/5-2


It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7689 be given second and third readings.




PH 04/5-3


It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7689 be adopted.







Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7690 (RZ 04-265452)

(4891 Duncliffe Road; Applicant:  Woodcrest Development/Top Profit Enterprise)




Applicants Comments:




The applicant was not present.




Written Submissions:








Submissions from the floor:






PH 04/5-4


It was moved and seconded




That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7690 be given second and third readings.







PH 04/5-5


It was moved and seconded




That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7690 be adopted.









Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7691 (RZ 04-266769)

(7611 Eperson Road; Applicant:  Rav Bains)




Applicants Comments:




The applicant stated that he was available to answer questions.




Written Submissions:








Submissions from the floor:




Mr. Brian Avent, 7831 Willowfield Drive, was concerned that the lots were too narrow and that six houses were sharing 3 driveways.  He stated that this would seriously impact parking in the area.




Councillor McNulty requested that staff monitor parking in this area during construction.




Mr. Murray Iseli , 7591 Eperson Road, stated his concerns that 3 driveways were being shared by six houses, the size of the lots, and the impact this development would have on parking in the neighbourhood.  He queried whether the proposed roadworks would occur before or after the development of the site.  In response to this query, Mr. Allueva, Director of Development, advised that the roadwork would occur concurrently.




Mrs. Audrey Iseli, 7591 Eperson Road, was concerned about six homes being crowded onto 3 lots.  She stated that she was also concerned about parking during construction.  She advised that there was a school zone at the end of the street, and that previously, during construction periods, cars were parked in ditches, and double parked on boulevards, which had been wrecked and were covered in mud. 




Mr. Brian Avent, speaking for a second time, stated that he was concerned about parking in the area on an ongoing basis, not just during the construction period.  He noted that this was a relatively tight corner of the subdivision and parking spilled over on the remainder of the street.




Mr. Rav Bains, the applicant, advised that each of the six houses would have their own driveways and would share three access driveway outlets.  The issue of parking for trades people, would be addressed and the development of the proposed cul de sac would provide more off-street parking.  Each home had a 10 metre setback which would also provide on site parking.  He would ensure that roads were cleaned and garbage picked up during the construction period.  He also stated that he would install, at his expense, sidewalks up to the point where Willowfield Drive and Eperson Road meet.  In response to a query from Council, he advised that the three joint access driveways created more street parking in between these driveways.  The longer driveways would provide more parking and should lessen the need for on street parking.  The houses were approximately 2600-2700 sq.ft , and there would be no rental suites.


PH 04/5-6


It was moved and seconded




That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7691 be given second and third readings.






PH 04/5-7


It was moved and seconded




That staff look at similar pie shaped lots with cul de sacs to see if these could be addressed differently if and when they were developed; and




that staff monitor the site during the course of construction to see if there were problems in the area and how they were resolved.







PH 04/5-8


It was moved and seconded





That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7691 be adopted.











Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7693 (RZ 04-265089)

(4711 Dunfell Road; Applicant:  Nobuye Ohara)



Applicants Comments:



The applicant was not present.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:




PH 04/5-9


It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7693 be given second and third readings.





PH 04/510


It was moved and seconded




That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7693 be adopted.









Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7694 (RZ 03-236509)

(8171 and 8191 No. 2 Road; Applicant:  Harminder Sian)



Applicants Comments:



The applicant stated that he was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:



Mrs. Dorothy Norton, 8200 Cantley Road, queried exactly where the proposed lane would exit on Cantley Road.

PH 04/5-11


It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7694 be given second and third readings.







Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7695 (RZ 03-250878)

(9491 No. 3 Road; Applicant:  Rocky Sethi)



Applicants Comments:



The applicant advised that he was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:




PH 04/5-12


It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7695 be given second and third readings.




PH 04/5-13


That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7695 be adopted.







Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 7696 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7684 (RZ 03-246394)

(6111, 6225 and 6233 London Road; Applicant:  Oris Development (London Landing) Corporation



Applicants Comments:



The applicant advised that he was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:




PH 04/5-14


It was moved and seconded



That Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 7696 and Zoning and Amendment Bylaw 7684  be given second and third readings.






In response to a query from Councillor McNulty, Mr. Crowe advised that staff had been meeting with developers, as well as other stakeholders concerning Light Industrial/commercial land uses in this area.




Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7697 (RZ 03-252558)

(7311, 7331, 7351, 7371, 7391 Heather Street and 9111, 9131, 9151 General Currie Road; Applicant:  Ledingham McAllister Homes Ltd.)



Applicants Comments:



Mr. Paul Fabish, the applicant, introduced the members of his team.  He advised that the site was within the MacLennan South sub-area plan, and stated that he was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:




PH 04/5-15


It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7697 be given second and third readings.







Zoning Amendment Bylaws 7698 AND 7699 (RZ 03-254763)

(6180 and 6200 Garden City Road and 9020, 9040, 9060, 9100, 9140 and 9200 Ferndale Road.; Applicant:  Ledingham McAllister Homes Ltd).



Applicants Comments:



The applicant advised that he was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:




PH 04/5-16


It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaws 7698 and 7699 be given second and third readings.







Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7700 (RZ 04-010768)

(All Existing or Potential Two-Family Housing District (R5) zoned lots.; Applicant:  Jan W. Knap/City of Richmond



Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7702 (RZ 04-010768)

(10420 and 10440 Odlin Road; Applicant:  Jan W. Knap)



Applicants Comments:



The applicant advised that he was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:




PH 04/5-17


It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaws 7700 and 7702 be given second and third readings.




PH 04/5-18


It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7700 be adopted.







Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7703 (RZ 03-251948)

(9251 General Currie Road; Applicant:  William R. Rhone)



Applicants Comments:



The applicant advised that he was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:




PH 04/5-19


It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7703 be given second and third readings.







Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7704 (RZ 04-267174)

(9411 No. 1 Road; Applicant:  Khalid Hasan)



Applicants Comments:



The applicant was not present.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:




PH 04/5-20


It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7704 be given second and third readings.




PH 04/5-21


It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7704 be adopted.







Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7705 (RZ 02-207795)

(9051, 9111, 9151 and 9171 No. 1 Road; Applicant:  Charan Sethi)



Applicants Comments:



The applicant advised that he was available to answer questions.



Written Submissions:






Submissions from the floor:




PH 04/5-22


It was moved and seconded



That Zoning Amendment Bylaw 7705 be given second and third readings.










PH 04/5-23


It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (8:00 p.m.).






Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting for Public Hearings of the City of Richmond held on Monday, May 17th, 2004.



Mayor (Malcolm D. Brodie)

Acting City Clerk (David Weber)