Public Hearing Agenda - June 18, 2001


City of Richmond



Public Notice is hereby given of a Regular Council Meeting for Public Hearings being held on:

Monday, June 18, 2001 - 7 pm
Council Chambers, 1st Floor
Richmond City Hall
6911 No. 3 Road
Richmond, BC V6Y 2C1


1 1. ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW 7217 (RZ 96-000113)
Location/s: 8131 and 8151 General Currie Road

Applicant/s: Creekside Architects

Purpose: To rezone the subject property from Townhouse and Apartment District (R3) to Comprehensive Development District (CD/118), to permit development of seventeen (17) townhouse units.
First Reading: April 9, 2001
Order of Business:
1. Presentation from the applicant.
2. Acknowledgement of written submissions received by the City Clerk since first reading.
3. Submissions from the floor.
Council Consideration:
1. Action on Second & Third Readings of Bylaw 7217.
15 2. ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW 7228 (RZ 01-115799)
Location/s: 7160 St. Albans Road
Applicant/s: S-248 Holdings Ltd.
Purpose: To rezone the subject property from Townhouse and Apartment District (R3) to Comprehensive Development District (CD/120), to permit development of four detached townhouse units.
First Reading: May 14, 2001
Order of Business:
1. Presentation from the applicant.
2. Acknowledgement of written submissions received by the City Clerk since first reading.
3. Submissions from the floor.
Council Consideration:
1. Action on Second & Third Readings of Bylaw 7228
26 3. ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW 7229 (RZ 00-184150)
Location/s: 6731 and 6751 Cooney Road
Applicant's: Platinum Management Inc.
Purpose: To rezone the subject property from Townhouse District (R2) to Comprehensive Development District (CD/121), to permit a larger scale, nine (9) unit, townhouse development.
First Reading: May 14, 2001
Order of Business:
1. Presentation from the applicant.
2. Acknowledgement of written submissions received by the City Clerk since first reading.
3. Submissions from the floor.
Council Consideration:
1. Action on Second & Third Readings of Bylaw 7229
37 4. ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW 7232 (RZ 01-116068)
Location/s: 7751 and 7771 Lucas Road
Applicant's: Les Cohen
Purpose: To rezone the subject property from Two-Family Housing District (R5) to Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area B (R1/B), in order to permit the development of two single family lots.
First Reading: May 14, 2001
44 Note: Additional information as requested by Council are included in a memorandum dated June 1, 2001 from staff.
Order of Business:
1. Presentation from the applicant.
2. Acknowledgement of written submissions received by the City Clerk since first reading.
(a) Tsi Choi Leung, 7831 Lucas Road
3. Submissions from the floor.
Council Consideration:
1. Action on Second & Third Readings of Bylaw 7232
2. Adoption of Bylaw 7232
Location/s: 20471, 20491, 20531, 20551, 20571, 20591 Westminster Highway
Applicant/s: Kabel Atwall
Purpose of OCP Designation Amendment:
To amend the designation of the subject properties from "Agriculture" to "Business and Industry" in order to permit principal uses which involve the production or distribution of goods or business services.
Purpose of Zoning Amendment:
To rezone the subject properties from "Agriculture District (AG1)" to "Business Development Park Industrial District (I3)" in order to permit development of light industrial and/or office uses.
First Reading: May 28, 2001
Opposed: Cllr. Steves
63 Note: Additional information as requested by Council are included in a memorandum dated June 11, 2001 from staff.
Order of Business:
1. Presentation from the applicant.
2. Acknowledgement of written submissions received by the City Clerk since first reading.
3. Submissions from the floor.
Council Consideration:
1. Action on Second & Third Readings of Bylaws 7235 and 7236
Note: This application was considered by Council at the Public Hearing on May 22, 2001 and referred to the Public Hearing scheduled for June 18, 2001, in order that time be allowed for the applicant to place a new sign on the property that evidenced the current proposal and for staff to respond to a number of issues.
Location/s: 12831 No. 4 Road
Applicant's: Stefan Wiedemann
Purpose: To vary the maximum setback in the Agricultural District (AG1) from 50 m to 260 m from No. 4 Road in order to permit the construction of a new single-family dwelling outside and east of the Woodward Slough Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA).
Development Permit Panel Recommendation:
That a Development Variance Permit (DV 00-184600) be issued to vary the maximum setback in the Agricultural District (AG1) from 50 m to 260 m from No. 4 Road in order to permit the construction of a new single-family dwelling outside and east of the Woodward Slough Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA).
110 Note: Additional information as requested by Council are included in memoranda dated June 11, 2001 and May 25th, 2001 from staff.
Order of Business:
1. Presentation from the applicant.
2. Acknowledgement of written submissions received by the City Clerk.
(a) Terrance Richardson
3. Submissions from the floor.
Council Consideration:
1. Motion to act on the Panel recommendation.

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