Public Hearing Agenda - May 22, 2001


City of Richmond



Public Notice is hereby given of a Regular Council Meeting for Public Hearings being held on:

Monday, May 22, 2001 - 7 pm
Council Chambers, 1st Floor
Richmond City Hall
6911 No. 3 Road
Richmond, BC V6Y 2C1


1 1. ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW 7200 (RZ 00-175758)

Note: Bylaw 7200 was originally submitted to a Public Hearing on February 19th, 2001, and was referred to staff by Council to explore options for a reduced number of lots on the subject property. A separate information report (dated April 5th, 2001) accompanies the staff report that was considered by council on April 9th, 2001.

Location/s: 4591 No. 5 Road

Applicant/s: Dava Developments

Purpose: To rezone the subject property from Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E) to Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area C (R1/C) and Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area A (R1/A), in order to permit ian eight lot residential subdivision.
First Reading: January 22, 2001
Order of Business:
1. Presentation from the applicant.
2. Acknowledgement of written submissions received by the City Clerk since first reading.
- Patrick Li, 4760 Deerfield Crescent, Richmond
3. Submissions from the floor.
Council Consideration:
1. Action on Second & Third Readings of Bylaw 7200.
27 2. ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW 7221 (RZ 01-115083)
Location/s: 7860 Bennett Road
Applicant/s: Lawrence Construction Ltd.
Purpose: To rezone the subject property from Single-Family Housing District, Subdivision Area E (R1/E) to Comprehensive Development District (CD/28), to permit a two-lot subdivision.
First Reading: April 23, 2001
Order of Business:
1. Presentation from the applicant.
2. Acknowledgement of written submissions received by the City Clerk since first reading.
3. Submissions from the floor.
Council Consideration:
1. Action on Second & Third Readings of Bylaw 7221
Location/s: 12831 No. 4 Road
Applicant's: Stefan Wiedemann
Purpose: To vary the maximum setback in the Agricultural District (AG1) from 50 m to 260 m frmo No. 4 Road in order to permit the construction of a new single-family dwelling outside and east of the Woodward Slough Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA).
Development Permit Panel Recommendation:
That a Development Variance Permit (DV 00-184600) be issued to vary the maximum setback in the Agricultural District (AG1) from 50 m to 260 m from No. 4 Road in order to permit the construction of a new single-family dwelling outside and east of the Woodward Slough Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA).
Order of Business:
1. Presentation from the applicant.
2. Acknowledgement of written submissions received by the City Clerk.
3. Submissions from the floor.
Council Consideration:
1. Motion to act on the Panel recommendation.

07.16.04 14:39