March 23, 2020 - Minutes (Special)

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Special General Purposes Committee


Monday, March 23, 2020


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie, Chair
Councillor Chak Au
Councillor Carol Day
Councillor Alexa Loo
Councillor Bill McNulty
Councillor Linda McPhail
Councillor Michael Wolfe


Councillor Kelly Greene (participating via teleconference) 
Councillor Harold Steves (participating via teleconference)


Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.






It was moved and seconded



That Enhanced Enforcement Measures To Support Provincial Health Orders be added as Item No. 5 and that Discussion on Teleconference and Public Participation be added as Item No. 6.









Credit Card Payment Service Fee Bylaw No. 9536, Amendment Bylaw No. 10166 
(File Ref. No. 03-0900-01) (REDMS No. 6433095 v. 2)



Staff spoke on the proposed bylaw amendment, noting that (i) the proposed amendments will facilitate a lower transaction fee rate of 1.00% from the current 1.75% for credit card users to encourage non-cash bill payments to the City during the closure of City facilities. Staff added that the City has other alternative non-cash payment options such as by cheque and online banking.



Discussion ensued with regard to (i) the estimated marginal benefit of lowering credit card transaction fees, (ii) the impact to individuals who have already paid their bills prior to the proposed reduction in credit card user fees, (iii) exploring alternative non-cash bill payment options in order to maintain current credit card transaction fee rates, (iv) exploring options with banking partners to temporarily reduce or waive credit card transaction fees, (v) encouraging early and on-time bill payment, and (vi) the potential financial impact of the proposed reduction of the City’s credit card transaction fee rate.



As a result of the discussion, the following referral motion was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That the staff report titled, “Credit Card Payment Service Fee Bylaw No. 9536, Amendment Bylaw No. 10166” dated March 16, 2020 from the Director, Finance be referred back to staff for more information on the financial impact of the reduction in credit card user fees and to discuss approaches in the reduction or elimination of credit card transaction fees with banking partners, and report back.






cessation of Cash transactions during covid-19 outbreak 
(File Ref. No. 03-1240-01) (REDMS No. 6434866)



It was moved and seconded



That the City of Richmond ceases to accept cash transactions at City Hall until September 30, 2020.






Utility Amendment Bylaws – Utility Billing Due Date Amendment 
(File Ref. No. 10-6000-01) (REDMS No. 6435639)



It was moved and seconded




That each of the following bylaws be introduced and given first, second, and third readings:





Waterworks and Water Rates Bylaw No. 5637, Amendment Bylaw No. 10168;





Drainage, Dyke and Sanitary Sewer System Bylaw No. 7551, Amendment Bylaw No. 10169; and





Solid Waste & Recycling Regulation Bylaw No. 6803, Amendment Bylaw No. 10170; and




That staff be authorized to advertise the proposed bylaw amendments and a corresponding extension to the 2020 flat rate utility bill due date in anticipation of bylaw adoption.



The question on the motion was not called as staff noted that property tax deadlines are firm, as per the Community Charter and that it is up to the Province to amend legislation in order to defer property tax deadlines. Staff added that the June 30, 2020 deadline for utility bills was chosen to coincide with upcoming property tax deadline of July 2, 2020,



The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED.






Amendments to the Council Procedure Bylaw – Electronic Meetings and Participation by Members 
(File Ref. No. 12-8060-20-010167) (REDMS No. 6433396)



It was moved and seconded



That Council Procedure Bylaw No. 7560, Amendment Bylaw No. 10167, which introduces amendments relating to electronic meetings and participation by members, be introduced and given first, second and third readings.






Enhanced Enforcement Measures to Support Provincial Health Orders 
(File Ref. No. 12-8275-01) (REDMS No. 6435999)



Staff briefed Committee on the proposed enhanced enforcement measures to support Provincial health orders, noting that bylaw officers are currently able to issue suspensions and fines up to $10,000 to non-compliant businesses and that once proposed bylaw amendments are in place, fines for violations can be increased to $50,000. Staff added that auxiliary bylaw officers can be added to support the City’s enforcement capacity if required.



Discussion ensued with regard to (i) frequent checks of non-compliant businesses, (ii) educating businesses on the current Provincial health orders, and (iii) scheduling bylaw patrols after City business hours.



It was moved and seconded




That Business Licence Bylaw No. 7360, Amendment Bylaw No. 10171, to increase fines for businesses not in compliance with the terms of Business Licence Bylaw No. 7360, be introduced and given first, second and third readings;




That Business Regulation Bylaw No. 7538, Amendment Bylaw No. 10172, to increase fines for businesses not in compliance with the terms of Business Regulation Bylaw No. 7538, be introduced and given first, second and third readings;




That Council endorse, as reasonable in the current circumstances, a notice procedure for these bylaw amendments as follows, which deviates from that set out in Council Policy 9311:





Following third reading, notice be made via news release and posted on the City's website;and





Such notice will invite those who believe they are affected by the proposed bylaws to send written representations to the City Clerk by email or mail so that they are received on or before noon on Friday, April 3, 2020; and:





The anticipated date of adoption for the bylaws is Monday, April 6, 2020.




That Council endorse the Chief Licence Inspector to suspend the licence of any business found to be not in compliance with health orders, as outlined in the report titled, “Enhanced Enforcement Measures to Support Provincial Health Orders”, from the General Manager, Community Safety, dated March 23, 2020.






Discussion on teleconference and public participation 
(File Ref. No.) (REDMS No.)



Discussion ensued with regard to (i) streaming and teleconference options for public participation on Council and Committee meetings, (ii) reviewing current procedures to distribute public input on agenda items prior to the meeting, (iii) discouraging the public from physically attending Council and Committee meetings during City Hall’s closure, (iv) exploring options to acknowledge the receipt of public input on agenda items, and (v) researching the use of technology to encourage public participation through alternative media.



As a result of the discussion, the following referral motion was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That the matter of public participation by electronic means at Council meetings be referred back to staff to review and report back with options.









It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (4:58 p.m.).





Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, March 23, 2020.



Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie

Evangel Biason
Legislative Services Coordinator