November 16, 2015 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes


General Purposes Committee



Monday, November 16, 2015


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie, Chair
Councillor Chak Au
Councillor Derek Dang
Councillor Carol Day
Councillor Ken Johnston
Councillor Alexa Loo
Councillor Bill McNulty
Councillor Linda McPhail
Councillor Harold Steves

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.






It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on November 2, 2015, be adopted as circulated.









2016 Japan National Sail Training Institute Visit and 2017 Canada 150 Planning
(File Ref. No. 06-2345-01) (REDMS No. 4803582 v. 2)



It was moved and seconded



That the report titled “2016 Japan National Sail Training Institute Visit and 2017 Canada 150 Planning,” from Councillor Bill McNulty be approved for implementation.









Richmond Comments: Proposed Ministry of Agriculture Bylaw Standards for Agri-tourism and Farm Retail Sales in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) and Related Matters (ALR Wineries, Monitoring and Enforcement)
(File Ref. No. 08-4430-03-07) (REDMS No. 4768773)



It was moved and seconded




That regarding the proposed Ministry of Agriculture Bylaw Standards for Agri-tourism and Farm Retail Sales in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), the Minister of Agriculture be requested to:





specify how agri-tourism is to be subordinate to the principal active farm operation and only augment a farmer’s regular farm income, not exceed or replace it;





provide specific guidelines to determine the appropriate amount to be considered “small-scale (agri-tourism)” based on the size of the farm operation;





provide more detailed criteria to determine the appropriate size and siting of agri-tourism structures (e.g., the maximum building area and site coverage);





provide clarification on what types of uses can be permitted in an agri-tourism structure;





provide specific guidance on the adequate amount of parking necessary for farm retail sales, to avoid excessive paving and minimize negative impacts on farmland;




That regarding ALR wineries, the Minister of Agriculture be requested to:





amend the Agricultural Land Use, Subdivision and Procedure Regulation of the Agricultural Land Commission Act, to enable Richmond and other municipalities:






to allow only Type 1 Wineries which grow at least 50% of the farm product used to make the wine on the farm where the winery is located; and






to not allow Type 2 Wineries which are industrial-scaled operations with limited ALR farming activity;





monitor all ALR farm-based wineries, to ensure that they comply with the 50% on site grow rule and enforce all related Ministry and ALR regulations;





where specific winery operators are already approved to enter into three year contracts with offsite BC farmers, allow them to enter into year to year contracts; not only the current Provincially required three year contracts, to provide more flexibility; and




That regarding ALR regulation monitoring and enforcement, the Minister of Agriculture and the Agricultural Land Commission, as the case may be, be requested:





to monitor and enforce all Ministry and ALR regulations and requirements, as municipalities have limited resources; and





to more frequently review the ALR regulations and requirements, in consultation with municipalities, for their effectiveness, practicality and ease of enforceability; and




That the above recommendations and this report be forwarded to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Agricultural Land Commission for a response, as well as Metro Vancouver and Richmond MLAs.



The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued on the importance of ensuring that breweries, distilleries and meaderies in Richmond are designated farm uses if at least 50% of the farm crops used to make their products are grown on the same farm.  Also, it was suggested that the staff report be forwarded to Metro Vancouver members.



In reply to queries from Committee, Terry Crowe, Manager, Policy Planning, commented on the Ministry of Agriculture’s and the Agricultural Land Commission’s (ALC) potential activities as it relates to monitoring and enforcing their agri-tourism regulations on Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) lands.  Mr. Crowe noted that the City does not have the authority to regulate neither the Ministry’s nor the ALC’s regulations.



Discussion then took place on existing businesses that do not meet the 50% threshold, and it was noted that these businesses would be grandfathered.



With regard to protecting farmland throughout BC, it was noted that much of Richmond’s ALR lands are categorized as class 1 soil, meaning that they are suitable for food production, whereas much of the soil in the Okanagan is not; thus it is imperative that Richmond’s food producing ALR lands be protected.



The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. Au and Loo opposed.






It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (4:18 p.m.).





Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, November 16, 2015.



Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie

Hanieh Berg
Legislative Services Coordinator