February 2, 2015 - Minutes
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General Purposes Committee
Date: |
Monday, February 2, 2015 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie, Chair |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on Monday, January 19, 2015, be adopted as circulated. |
1. |
2015 Arts and Culture Grant Program |
Liesl Jauk, Manager, Community Cultural Development, advised that the aggregate score for the Tickle Me Pickle Theatre Sports Improv Society should read 46.3 as oppose to 33.8. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Andrew Nazareth, General Manager, Finance and Corporate Services, spoke on a referral made at the October 6, 2014 General Purposes Committee meeting, noting that the referral to staff was to review the City’s policy for casino funds expenditures. Also, he advised that staff anticipate reporting back on the referral next month. |
Discussion took place regarding the potential to utilize casino funds to increase funding for grants. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Ms. Jauk commented on the grant application review process, noting that an adjudication panel evaluated the applications on three key areas: (i) merit, (ii) organizational capacity, and (iii) impact. Also, she spoke on potential reasons as to why a particular organization may not have received as much funding as in previous years. |
Discussion further took place regarding specific organizations’ grant disbursals, and Ms. Jauk stated that the aggregate score for each application determined the amount an organization is recommended to receive. She advised that staff offer workshops on grant writing and liaise with grant applicants with regard to their applications. Also, Ms. Jauk advised that the three key areas of evaluation (merit, organizational capacity, and impact) are weighted equally; many factors are considered when reviewing the applications such as the impact a project may have on the community, and whether the project matches the organization’s mandate. Ms. Jauk advised that the application process, including the assessment criteria is detailed in the application guidelines. |
The Chair requested that staff provide a memorandum on the criteria used to score each application and provide any additional information that may be of value to Council. |
As a result of the discussion, a motion was introduced to increase the proposed disbursal amount for a total of $105,120 in order to match the amount previously disbursed to several organizations; however it failed to receive a seconder. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the 2015 Arts and Culture Grants be awarded for the recommended amounts and cheques disbursed for a total of $105,080, as outlined in the staff report titled 2015 Arts and Culture Grant Program, dated January 8, 2015, from the Director, Arts, Culture and Heritage Services. |
2. |
2015 Child Care Grants |
In reply to queries from Committee, Coralys Cuthbert, Child Care Coordinator, advised that, as part of the 2014 Capital budget process, Council approved the expenditure of $50,000 from the Child Care Development Reserve to be used for child care capital grants; this funding was not spent as 2014 grants were disbursed utilizing unspent 2013 approved expenditures. She noted that funding has accumulated from previous years as grants were not offered in 2012. Also, Ms. Cuthbert noted that the Child Care Development Advisory Committee reviewed each grant application, discussing their respective projects, and recommended that all the applicants receive a portion of their request as oppose to disbursing the full amount requested by some applicants while others are declined. |
The Chair requested that staff provide a memorandum on the criteria used to score each application and provide any additional information that may be of value to Council. Also, Committee commented on the presentation of the 2015 Arts and Culture Grant Program staff report, and suggested that it be used as a model for presenting such reports in the future. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That, as outlined in the staff report titled 2015 Child Care Grants, dated January 15, 2015, from the General Manager of Community Services, the Child Care Capital Grants be awarded for the recommended amounts, and cheques be disbursed for a total of $50,000; and |
(2) |
That, as outlined in the staff report titled 2015 Child Care Grants, dated January 15, 2015, from the General Manager of Community Services, the Child Care Professional and Program Development Grants be awarded for the recommended amounts, and cheques be disbursed for a total of $15,000. |
3. |
2015 Health, Social and Safety Grants |
In reply to queries from Committee, Lesley Sherlock, Social Planner, spoke of the various programs offered by mental health groups, noting that their programs do not overlap one another. |
Discussion ensued and it was noted that it would be valuable to know how many Richmond residents are served by regional organizations. Also, discussion took place regarding the importance of the Drug Awareness Resistance Education (D.A.R.E) program; it was noted that it would be worthwhile to examine the program’s funding circumstances in an effort to continue offering it to Richmond students. |
Discussion took place regarding the Parish of St. Alban’s request for funding for its extreme weather shelter and the Richmond Women’s Resource Centre, and it was noted that there is an outstanding staff referral on both matters. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Ms. Sherlock stated that the proposed recommended allocations mirror those of last year’s; however, when an increased demand was demonstrated, additional funding is recommended. She advised that it is not favourable to decrease funds from one applicant in order to increase funds to another as the allocation of consistent funds allows for programs to solidify in the community. Also, Ms. Sherlock remarked that the health, social and safety grants program guidelines recognizes prevention programs as a preferred service to offer due to their long-term cost benefits. |
The Chair requested that staff provide a memorandum on the criteria used to score each application and provide any additional information that may be of value to Council, and in particular the number of Richmond residents served by regional organizations. |
Mary Scott, Vice-President, Richmond Women’s Resource Centre, stated that the Centre’s financials have been deteriorating for the past three years. She stated that the Centre has attempted to balance their finances by increasing fundraising efforts; however this has not proven to be a solution. Also, she remarked that the Centre has cut back operating hours and limited the days the Centre is open in an effort to address their deficit. Ms. Scott noted that despite the increasing demand for the Centre’s programs, funding has been inadequate. As a result of cutbacks from both the federal and provincial governments, Ms. Scott requested that the City increase their funding allocation. |
Colleen Glynn, President, Richmond Women’s Resource Centre, advised that the Centre needs $30,000 in order to maintain its programs. She remarked that if the Centre received $1 for every woman in Richmond, the Centre would collect $100,000. Ms. Glynn spoke of the Centre’s mandate as it relates to educating and empowering women, and noted that these efforts have been thwarted due to their focus on fundraising. |
Elaine Lin, Board member, Richmond Women’s Resource Centre, provided background information regarding the Centre, highlighting that it has been operating in Richmond since 1976. She spoke on the Centre’s clientele, noting that many of them face challenges related to poverty, mental illness, unemployment, integration, and English as a second language to name a few; also, she commented on the broad range of services offered by the Centre, |
The Chair queried the Centre’s efforts with regard to lobbying the provincial government for funding, as it was noted that the Province terminated funding for all women’s centres throughout BC in 2004. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Ms. Glynn stated that $30,000 would address the Centre’s immediate need for funding; however, the root of their financial problem is that the Centre expends more than it takes in. Also, she noted that Vancouver Coastal Health has never contributed financially to the Centre, and that the majority of the Centre’s funding is from gaming grants. |
Discussion took place and the delegation was encouraged to lobby Richmond Member’s of the Legislative Assembly for funding and to appear before the provincial Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services. Also, it was noted that the forthcoming referral on staff’s review of the City’s policy for expenditures of casino funds may provide an opportunity to increase funds allocated for grants. |
It was moved and seconded |
That, as per the staff report titled 2015 Health, Social and Safety Grants, dated January 15, 2015, from the General Manager of Community Services: |
(1) |
Health, Social and Safety Services Grants be awarded for the recommended amounts, and cheques disbursed for a total of $562,449; |
(2) |
The following applicants be approved for the first year of a three-year funding cycle, based on Council approval of each subsequent year of funding, for: |
(a) |
Canadian Mental Health Association, Richmond Branch; |
(b) |
Chimo Community Services; |
(c) |
Family Services of Greater Vancouver; |
(d) |
Richmond Addiction Services Society; |
(e) |
Richmond Family Place Society; |
(f) |
Richmond Multicultural Community Services; |
(g) |
Richmond Youth Service Agency; and |
(h) |
Volunteer Richmond Information Services Society; |
(3) |
The following applicants be approved for the second year of a three-year funding cycle, based on Council approval of each subsequent year of funding, for: |
(a) |
Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver; |
(b) |
Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland; and |
(c) |
Turning Point Recovery Society; and |
(4) |
The following applicants be approved for the third year of a three-year funding cycle: |
(a) |
Chinese Mental Wellness Association of Canada; |
(b) |
Heart of Richmond AIDS Society; |
(c) |
Richmond Mental Health Consumer and Friends Society; |
(d) |
Richmond Society for Community Living; and |
(e) |
Richmond Women’s Resource Centre. |
The question on the motion was not called as Committee commented on the importance of the services and programs offered by all of the organizations. |
Discussion took place regarding the potential for organizations to partner with one another in an effort to save costs, and it was noted that the Richmond Community Foundation has collaborated with Volunteer Richmond on a project called Richmond Cares, Richmond Gives. |
The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED. |
As a result of the discussion, the following referral was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That the Drug Awareness Resistance Education program’s request for funding be referred to staff for input and discussion with the Richmond School Board, and be referred to the Council / School Board Liaison Committee. |
4. |
2015 Parks, Recreation and Community Events Grants |
In reply to queries from Committee, Serena Lusk, Senior Manager, Recreation and Sport Services, provided the following information: |
§ |
the decrease in the Steveston Community Society’s funding was made in consultation with their staff, and it will not affect subsidy levels for the Richmond Summer Project; |
§ |
staff realized some efficiencies with regard to the delivery of the Richmond Summer Project; as a result, services will not be impacted; |
§ |
the Vancouver Foundation’s small grants program is limited to individuals, and therefore, organizations are not eligible to receive said grant funding; |
§ |
each grant application is reviewed and a rated against specific criteria; and |
§ |
a number of regular grant applicants may not have applied potentially due to their favourable financial positions; this presented an opportunity for other organizations to receive increased grant funding. |
The Chair requested that staff provide a memorandum on the criteria used to score each application and provide any additional information that may be of value to Council. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That Parks, Recreation and Community Events Grants be allocated and cheques disbursed for a total of $99,750 as identified in Attachment 1 of the 2015 Parks, Recreation and Community Events City Grants report dated January 14, 2015, from the Senior Manager, Parks and the Senior Manager, Recreation and Sport Services; and |
(2) |
That Steveston Community Society–Richmond Summer Projects be recommended for the first year of a three-year funding cycle based on Council approval of each subsequent year of funding. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (5:25 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, February 2, 2015. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie |
Hanieh Berg |