October 6, 2014 - Minutes
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General Purposes Committee
Date: |
Monday, October 6, 2014 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie, Chair |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Casino Funding be added to the agenda as Item No. 5. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on Monday, September 15, 2014, be adopted as circulated. |
1. |
With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation (copy on file, City Clerk’s Office), Robert Kiesman, Chair of the Steveston Harbour Authority (SHA), accompanied by Paul Edgett, incoming Director, provided an update on the SHA’s activities. He highlighted the success of the pilot navigation school, noting that approximately 110 students have attended since its inauguration in 2013. |
In reply to queries from Committee, Mr. Kiesman provided the following information: |
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the SHA is financially self-reliant for its operational needs; however, Fisheries and Oceans Canada contributes some funding towards major infrastructure projects; |
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the SHA has seven board members comprising of representatives from City Council, the community, and the industry; and |
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the SHA continues to foster a positive relationship with Port Metro Vancouver (PMV) and is working with PMV on the creation of the eastern tidal marsh. |
Discussion ensued regarding (i) two large commercial vessels, with Anacortes, Washington registration, moored at the Steveston habour during the past week, and (ii) the unsightly conditions and safety concerns related to the waste oil area in the fishermen’s parking lot at the Gulf of Georgia site. Committee requested that Mr. Kiesman email Council as to the reason for the moorage of the two vessels in the habour. With regard to the unsightly conditions and safety concerns at the Gulf of Georgia site, Mr. Kiesman advised that the comments will be taken back to staff for action. |
In response to further queries from Committee, Mr. Kiesman provided the following additional information: |
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general site improvements (i.e., fencing along the Britannia/Paramount property lines and along the parking area at the Gulf of Georgia site between 6th and 7th Avenue) will continue over the next two years; |
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the SHA anticipates implementing focused brainstorming sessions with the City, industry representatives, and other stakeholders to explore site improvements and uses that will (i) better serve the industry, (ii) ensure Steveston’s viability as an active commercial fishing hub, and (iii) preserve Steveston’s historical roots; |
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approximately half of the Steveston channel was dredged in 2012-13 through partnership funding between the City and the provincial and federal governments; however work was suspended due to the lack of federal funding; |
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the SHA has solicited letters from the Province and the City for further financial commitment to complete the balance of the dredging work; the funds are pending matching federal funds; |
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a consultant has been hired to assist in soliciting federal funding for the remainder of the dredging works; and |
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the SHA is interested in encouraging other businesses (i.e., the Deep Sea Trawlers Association and similar associations, Mutual Marine Insurance, and the BC Salmon Marketing Council, etc.) at the Gulf of Georgia and Paramount sites that would meet the objective to promote Steveston as an active fishing hub and maintain its historical character. |
Committee commented that, prior to the construction of Steveston Island, 30-foot ships used to dock in front of the cannery buildings in the Steveston harbour. Also, Committee requested that the SHA involve the City in any discussions for improvements to the Gulf of Georgia and Paramount sites. |
2. |
Minoru Civic Precinct Public Art Plan |
In reply to a query from Committee, Eric Fiss, Public Art Planner, advised that artwork opportunities, which may commence in 2014, include (i) artwork for the entries and arrival zones of the Older Adults’ Centre and the Aquatic Centre, (ii) artwork within the Aquatic Centre, (iii) artwork within the public realm of the complex (i.e., interior building circulation, street edges, and parking areas), and (iv) artwork for the exterior of Brighouse Fire Hall No. 1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the staff report titled Minoru Civic Precinct Public Art Plan, dated September 17, 2014, from the Director of Arts, Culture and Heritage Services, be endorsed as the guiding plan for public art opportunities in the Minoru Civic Precinct, including the proposed Minoru Complex and Brighouse Fire Hall No. 1. |
3. |
Cambie Fire Hall No. 3 Public Art Plan |
In response to a query from Committee, Mr. Fiss spoke to the importance of the artist being on board early in the design phase in order to obtain community and stakeholder input and to facilitate the seamless integration of the artwork into the construction phase. |
Committee commended staff on the results of the public art display at the Cranberry Children’s Centre. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the staff report titled Cambie Fire Hall No. 3 Public Art Plan, dated September 11, 2014, from the Director, Arts, Culture and Heritage Services, be endorsed as the guiding plan for public art opportunities for Cambie Fire Hall No. 3. |
4. |
Richmond Sports Wall of Fame |
In reply to queries from Committee, Serena Lusk, Senior Manager, Recreation and Sport Services, provided the following information: |
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nominations of an official or pioneer will be considered under the ‘Builder’ category; |
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non-resident (provided other criteria has been met) and other ‘Hall of Fame’ inductee nominations will be eligible for consideration by the Nominating Committee; and |
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an annual Induction Ceremony can be considered; the proposed minimum of every three years will allow for a broader base of nominations with several inductees attending the ceremony. |
In view of the discussion regarding the ambiguity of the ‘Builder’ category, the Chair directed staff to (i) consider adding another category for the officials and pioneers, or (ii) provide an explanatory note for the ‘Builder’ category, prior to consideration at a future Council meeting. |
It was moved and seconded |
That: |
(1) |
the proposed Richmond Sports Wall of Fame Policy, as described in the staff report titled Richmond Sports Wall of Fame, from the Senior Manager, Recreation and Sport Services, dated September 17, 2014, be approved; |
(2) |
Richmond Sports Council be requested to establish and nominate non-council members as a Nominating Committee in accordance with the parameters identified in the staff report titled Richmond Sports Wall of Fame, from the Senior Manager, Recreation and Sport Services, dated September 17, 2014, and report back to Council with proposed nominations for the Richmond Sports Wall of Fame no later than November 17, 2014. |
5. |
casino funding |
Discussion ensued regarding the City’s policy for the expenditure of Casino funding. |
As a result of the discussion, the following referral was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That the policy for the expenditure of Casino Funding be referred to staff for review. |
The question on the referral was not called as discussion ensued regarding staff examining (i) how the funds are distributed, (ii) whether additional categories are required, and (iii) the capital expenditure schedule and future facility needs. Also, Committee requested that information on how the funds have been used for one-time expenditures toward capital projects, social programming, and to build the City’s reserve account for future growth, rather than towards the operating budget, be included in the staff report. |
In reply to a query from Committee, Robert Gonzalez, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works, advised that a staff report on the major facilities scheduling will be presented at an upcoming meeting. |
The question on the referral was then called and it was CARRIED. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (4:44 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, October 6, 2014. |
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Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie |
Heather Howey |