July 3, 2012 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

General Purposes Committee




Tuesday, July 3, 2012



Anderson Room

Richmond City Hall



Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie, Chair

Councillor Chak Au

Councillor Derek Dang

Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt

Councillor Ken Johnston

Councillor Bill McNulty

Councillor Linda McPhail

Councillor Harold Steves



Councillor Linda Barnes


Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.








It was moved and seconded



That Item No. 2, Partnership with FortisBC to Utilize and Promote Renewable Natural Gas from the Lulu Island Waste Treatment Plant, be deleted from the agenda.











It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, be adopted as circulated.







2012 City Grant Program Review

(File Ref. No. 03-1085-01/2012-Vol 01) (REDMS No. 3520616)



A brief discussion ensued concerning applicants who apply for more than one of the three grant programs per year on the understanding that applicants may be eligible to receive only one City Grant.



Discussion also took place about grant writing, and requests for emergency funding.  It was noted that applicants may submit an application to City Council at any time should an emergency need develop. 



It was moved and seconded



That the City Grant Policy 3712 be amended as indicated in Attachment 4 of the staff report dated June 20, 2012 titled 2012 City Grant Program Review, with a further amendment so that Part (8) reads “Applicants may receive only one grant per year”.







Partnership with FortisBC to Utilize and Promote Renewable Natural Gas from the Lulu Island Waste Treatment Plant

(File Ref. No. 10-6600-10-01/2012-Vol 01) (REDMS No. 3495055)



This matter was deleted from the agenda.




Referral Report on River Road Truck Parking and Application by Virdi Pacific Holdings Ltd. For a Zoning Text Amendment to the Light Industrial (IL) Zoning District at 16540 River Road

(File Ref. No.:  12-8060-20-8908, ZT 12-610945) (REDMS No. 3562603, 2303774, 3527767, 3562603, 3563297)



Brian J. Jackson, Director of Development, provided a detailed history associated with the application by Virdi Pacific Holdgings Ltd.  A discussion then ensued about: 




the rationale for the recommendation to remove the restrictions previously placed on commercial vehicle parking at 16540 River Road, to a maximum cap of 40 trucks, which had to be comprised of trucks that transported agricultural produce from a farm operation in Richmond;




the existing restriction that does not permit parking of truck trailers with integrated heating/cooling units.  It was noted that this restriction will remain in place;




specific traffic and access control measures to restrict vehicle movements to and from the subject site; and




the need for suitable locations to park dump trucks in Richmond.



It was moved and seconded




That Bylaw No. 8908, to amend the “Light Industrial (IL)” zoning district to remove commercial vehicle parking and storage restrictions related to maximum number of vehicles, linkage to a Richmond agricultural operation and prohibition of dump trucks, be introduced and given first reading; and




That Bylaw No. 8908 be considered at Public Hearing to be held on July 16, 2012 at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers of Richmond City Hall, and the area of notification be expanded to include the 17000 and 18000 blocks of River Road.



The question on the motion was not called, as Committee members provided their comments on: (i) the historical designation of the site as agricultural land; (ii) traffic in the area; and (iii) the commercial value of the trucking industry. 



The question on the motion was then called and it was CARRIED with Cllr. Harold Steves opposed.









It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (4:43 p.m.).







Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, July 3, 2012.



Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie


Shanan Dhaliwal

Executive Assistant

City Clerk’s Office