June 7, 2010 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

General Purposes Committee





Monday, June 7, 2010


Anderson Room

Richmond City Hall


Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie, Chair

Councillor Linda Barnes

Councillor Derek Dang

Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt

Councillor Greg Halsey-Brandt

Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt

Councillor Ken Johnston

Councillor Bill McNulty

Councillor Harold Steves

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:39 p.m.









It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on Monday, May 17, 2010, be adopted as circulated.











Belinda Boyd, Chair of the Richmond Caring Place Society, acknowledged her fellow board members and staff members sitting in the audience.  She spoke of the Caring Place’s history and highlighted that the City played a key role in its development in 1994.



Ms. Boyd advised that fourteen agencies currently utilize the building, and the Caring Place Society Board hopes to expand the facility at the south end.  She distributed additional letters of support and conceptual plans for the proposed additional building (copy on file, City Clerk’s Office).



She spoke of the proposed building’s business and capital campaign plans.  Ms. Boyd then requested that the City support the Board’s next phase.



In reply to queries from Committee, Ms. Boyd provided the following information:




the City’s support of 25% of the total $18 million (approximately $4.5 million) would hopefully result in a matching donation from a major donor;




currently, tenant rents include building maintenance and ongoing capital costs but not building replacement costs;




the proposed building would add 75,000 square feet and this space could be utilized well into the community’s future needs;




the additional proposed space would allow the facility to house new tenants and allow current tenants to expand; and




it is key that the services provided by the tenants remain in the City Centre, approximate to other services and facilities, and public transit.



Discussion ensued and Committee suggested that (i) the Board consider a taller building that could accommodate seniors affordable housing on top of the proposed new facility; and (ii) private-public partnerships be considered.  Also, Committee questioned whether social service agencies, such as those occupying the Caring Place, are viable entering the proposed project given all the funding cuts by the Province.



In response to comments made by Committee, Ms. Boyd advised that housing could potentially be integrated in the proposed project, however the Board was cognizant of zoning limitations when developing the concept for the new building.



As a result of the discussion, the following referral was introduced:



It was moved and seconded



That the Caring Place Expansion Project be referred to staff to investigate and bring back in Fall 2010.



The question on the referral motion was not called as Committee questioned how the proposed project fits in with other City priorities.



The question on the referral motion was then called and it was CARRIED.










(File Ref. No.:  01-0100-20-RANC1-01/2010) (REDMS No. 2880934)



Victor Wei, Director, Transportation, provided background information and summarized staff’s proposed recommendations.



In response to queries from Committee, Mr. Wei advised the following:




the Vancouver Airport Authority’s (VAA) proposed run-up centre is not a committed project and it is anticipated that it be included in their 2010 capital program;




airplane noise is measured during landing, take off, and taxiing;  whether or not an airplane is Chapter 3 or Chapter 4 depends on the accumulated sum of dbA at all three sources;




the majority of VAA’s night flights are cargo related operations;




staff are confident that the VAA, NAV CANADA, and Transport Canada will continue to work with the City; and




Toronto’s Lester B. Pearson International Airport has an Aviation Enforcement Specialist who conducts approximately 400 investigations a year in relation to potential night time violations.



In response to a query from Committee, Howard Jampolsky, Chair of the Richmond Airport Noise Citizens Advisory Task Force, was of the opinion that approximately three years would be needed to completely phase out night-time movements of Chapter 3 aircraft.  However, he noted that should this occur, many night carriers could potentially take their operations elsewhere.



Mr. Jampolsky commented on issues not addressed by the Task Force such as float planes and stated that he would like to see the Task Force’s non-controversial recommendations be endorsed.



Doug Louth, east Richmond resident, distributed material regarding night operations (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 1).



Mr. Louth reviewed his material and was of the opinion that the staff report presented a status quo view.  He drew Committee’s attention to his recommendation on page 8 of his submission.  He stated that change needs to occur at the highest level of government and thus, urged Committee to endorse his recommendation on page 9 of his submission.



The staff recommendation as presented was moved and seconded.




That the final report of the Richmond Airport Noise Citizens Advisory Task Force, as presented in Attachment 1 of the attached report dated June 3, 2010, be endorsed with the following amendments:





That Recommendation 10 of the final report of the Richmond Airport Noise Citizens Advisory Task Force (Attachment 1) be revised as described in Option 3 of Section 1.3.3 of the attached report such that the Vancouver Airport Authority (VAA) may continue to grant exemptions for night-time arrivals and departures in order to avoid providing a competitive advantage to other international airports on the west coast of North America, but subject to a defined transition period to allow for the eventual phasing out of night-time movements of Chapter 3 aircraft;





That Recommendation 21 of the Task Force report be deferred at this time and the role of the City’s representatives to the YVR Aeronautical Noise Management Committee (ANMC) be strengthened as described in Option 1 of Section 2 of the attached report such that:






for the Advisory Committee on the Environment to establish the reporting to General Purposes Committee of the City’s representatives to the YVR ANMC at least twice per year;






VAA be requested to modify the YVR ANMC meeting procedures and regularly report back to the YVR ANMC regarding how the deliberations of the Committee are considered by the VAA Board and/or senior VAA management as described in Sections 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 of Attachment 1;






the Task Force be retained through to Fall 2010 to allow for the opportunity to provide comment on discussions of the Task Force report with the relevant federal agencies as per Recommendation 2 below;




That the final report of the Task Force, as amended per Recommendation 1 above, be endorsed for purposes of further consultation and forwarded to the relevant federal agencies including VAA, Transport Canada and NAV CANADA with a request to meet to discuss its implementation or the development of mutually acceptable alternative solutions that meet the intended objectives of each of the report recommendations;




That Council reiterate its request to the VAA to incorporate the comments previously submitted by the City on the YVR 2009-2013 Noise Management Plan, along with the above Task Force recommendations, as amended, or alternatives to achieve their intended objectives, into its aeronautical noise management action plan to be developed later this year; and




Per Recommendation 2, that the relevant federal agencies be requested to provide formal responses by September 30, 2010 as to how each of the Task Force recommendations, as amended, was or will be addressed and that staff be directed to report back in Fall 2010 on the status of the implementation of the recommendations of the Task Force.



The question on the motion was not called as discussion ensued regarding night time operations and Committee agreed to strike Part 1(a) from the motion. 



Further Discussion took place on the future of the Richmond Airport Noise Citizens Advisory Task Force.  Committee agreed to strike the words “through to Fall 2010” and add “that staff review, with the City’s representatives, the effectiveness of the recommendations after one year” to Part 1(a)(iii).



Committee commented on costs associated with retaining the Task Force and Mr. Wei advised that he could work with the Finance division to locate funds as it is a small amount.



Committee spoke of the Aviation Enforcement Specialist at Toronto’s Lester B. Pearson International Airport, and as a result agreed to add “That YVR be recommended to put a person in place to investigate and enforce noise complaints” as Part 1(b).



Committee agreed to add “with a copy to the City’s representative to YVR Board and the BC Aviation Council” to the end of Part 2.



Discussion ensued regarding the federal government’s role in regulating how airport agencies liaise with the public.  Committee discussed Mr. Louth’s suggested recommendation on this matter as indicated on page 9 of his submission (Schedule 1).  As a result of this discussion, Committee agreed to add the following as Part 5 to the motion:



That the Government of Canada be requested to prepare new legislation and/regulations governing NAV CANADA, Transport Canada, and YVR to require these agencies to be more open and transparent to the public.  Public and annual meetings shall be regularly held by these organizations and convened during hours when the public could be expected to be able to attend (as in the evening).  Questions from the public and other governments, and agencies and groups shall be answered in writing if requested, and that a copy of the correspondence to the Government of Canada be sent to the local MPs.”



The motion, as amended reads as follows,




That the final report of the Richmond Airport Noise Citizens Advisory Task Force, as presented in Attachment 1 of the attached report dated June 3, 2010, be endorsed with the following amendments:





That Recommendation 21 of the Task Force report be deferred at this time and the role of the City’s representatives to the YVR Aeronautical Noise Management Committee (ANMC) be strengthened as described in Option 1 of Section 2 of the attached report such that:






for the Advisory Committee on the Environment to establish the reporting to General Purposes Committee of the City’s representatives to the YVR ANMC at least twice per year;






VAA be requested to modify the YVR ANMC meeting procedures and regularly report back to the YVR ANMC regarding how the deliberations of the Committee are considered by the VAA Board and/or senior VAA management as described in Sections 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 of Attachment 1;






the Task Force be retained to allow for the opportunity to provide comment on discussions of the Task Force report with the relevant federal agencies as per Recommendation 2 below and that staff review, with the City’s representatives, the effectiveness of the recommendations after one year;





That YVR be recommended to put a person in place to investigate and enforce noise complaints;




That the final report of the Task Force, as amended per Recommendation 1 above, be endorsed for purposes of further consultation and forwarded to the relevant federal agencies including VAA, Transport Canada and NAV CANADA with a request to meet to discuss its implementation or the development of mutually acceptable alternative solutions that meet the intended objectives of each of the report recommendations, with a copy to the City’s representative to YVR Board and the BC Aviation Council;




That Council reiterate its request to the VAA to incorporate the comments previously submitted by the City on the YVR 2009-2013 Noise Management Plan, along with the above Task Force recommendations, as amended, or alternatives to achieve their intended objectives, into its aeronautical noise management action plan to be developed later this year;




Per Recommendation 2, that the relevant federal agencies be requested to provide formal responses by September 30, 2010 as to how each of the Task Force recommendations, as amended, was or will be addressed and that staff be directed to report back in Fall 2010 on the status of the implementation of the recommendations of the Task Force; and




That the Government of Canada be requested to prepare new legislation and/regulations governing NAV CANADA, Transport Canada, and YVR to require these agencies to be more open and transparent to the public.  Public and annual meetings shall be regularly held by these organizations and convened during hours when the public could be expected to be able to attend (as in the evening).  Questions from the public and other governments, and agencies and groups shall be answered in writing if requested, and that a copy of the correspondence to the Government of Canada be sent to the local MPs.”



The question on Part 1(a) of the motion was then called and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. S. Halsey-Brandt, McNulty, and Steves opposed.



The question on the remainder of the motion was then called and it was CARRIED.








It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (6: 36 p.m.).








Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, June 7, 2010.



Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie


Hanieh Floujeh

Acting Executive Assistant

City Clerk's Office