April 6, 2010 - Agenda
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General Purposes Committee
Anderson Room, City Hall
6911 No. 3 Road
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Immediately Following the Special Council Meeting
Pg. # |
GP-1 |
Motion to adopt the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on Monday, March 15, 2010. |
GP-7 |
1. |
(File Ref. No.: ) (REDMS No. 2858794) | |||
Designated Speaker: Glenn McLaughlin | |||
(1) |
That the report from the Chief Licence Inspector dated March 16, 2010, entitled Staff Referral - J & B Investment Ltd. doing business as Zodiac Karaoke Unit 155 - 8291 Alexandra Road be received for information; | ||
(2) |
That the application by J & B Investment Ltd., doing business as Zodiac Karaoke, for an amendment to increase the hours of liquor service under Liquor Primary License No. 162535 from Monday to Saturday 7:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. and Sunday 7:00 p.m. to Midnight to Monday to Sunday 7:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m., be supported and that a letter be sent to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch advising that: | ||
(a) |
Council recommends the amendment of the increase in liquor service hours as no negative comments have been received from the community and the increase will not have a significant impact on the community; | |
(b) |
Council’s comments on the prescribed criteria (set out in section 53 of the Liquor Control and Licensing Regulations) are as follows: | |
(i) |
The potential for additional noise and traffic in the area if the application is approved was considered; |
(ii) |
The impact on the community if the application is approved was assessed through a community consultation process and considered; |
(c) |
As the operation of a licensed establishment may affect nearby residents the City gathered the views of the residents as follows: | |
(i) |
Property owners and businesses within a 100 metre radius of the subject property were contacted by letter detailing the application and provided instructions on how community comments or concerns could be submitted; |
(ii) |
In addition, signage was posted at the subject property and three public notices were published in a local newspaper. This signage and notice provided information on the application and instructions on how community comments or concerns could be submitted; |
(d) |
Council’s comments and recommendations respecting the views of the residents are as follows: | |
That based on the number of letters sent and the lack of response received from all public notifications, Council considers that the amendment is acceptable to the majority of the residents in the area and the community. |
GP-19 |
2. |
(File Ref. No.:) (REDMS No. 2873040) | |
Designated Speaker: Alastair Moore | |
(1) |
That a letter from the Mayor, outlining the City of Richmond’s intent to become a Solar Community, be sent to the SolarBC Program (SolarBC) in support of the City’s application to be selected as a new BC Solar Community; and |
(2) |
That a copy of the Solar Community Application Form be forwarded to Richmond School District No. 38 for information. |
GP-23 |
3. |
Richmond Council Submission to the BC Local Government Elections Task Force (File Ref. No.: 12-8125-01/2010-Vol 01) (REDMS No. 2843426) | |||
Designated Speaker: David Weber | |||
Local Government Elections Task Force Topics | |||
(1) |
That in response to the January 29, 2010 request for comments on specific election-related topics, the Local Government Elections Task Force be advised that Richmond City Council: | ||
(a) |
supports moving toward a four year election cycle for local government elections, provided that the time frame during which a council may decide that a by-election is not to be held is extended; | |
(b) |
does not support the reinstatement of the corporate vote; | |
(c) |
does not support the concept of election campaign expenses being reimbursed from public funding sources; | |
(d) |
supports the implementation of a system of tax benefits for contributors to local government election campaigns, provided that the source of funding for such a system comes from provincial income taxes, however, if the source of funding cannot come from provincial income taxes, that no tax benefit system be implemented at all; | |
(e) |
supports, in relation to the topic of third party advertising, | |
(i) |
legislative changes that would require all election advertising to include a statement which identifies the sponsor of local election campaign ads, whether sponsored by a candidate, elector organization or by a third party; |
(ii) |
a change to the term “campaign organizer” to a more understandable term such as “third party advertiser;” and |
(iii) |
a province-wide public education campaign outlining the responsibilities and obligations of third party advertisers once they become active in local government elections; and |
(f) |
supports expanded election enforcement provisions, including new powers of investigation and enforcement, and that the provincial chief electoral officer be made responsible for exercising these new powers on behalf of the public in relation to local government elections; | |
Local Government Elections Task Force Topic 3 – Campaign Financing – Contribution and Expense Limits – Council Consideration of the Following Options Required | |||
Option 1: | |||
That the Local Government Elections Task Force be advised that Richmond City Council supports the establishment of: | ||
(a) |
restrictions on who can contribute to election campaigns; | |
(b) |
limits on the amount that can be contributed by any single source; and | |
(c) |
limits on election expenses / election campaign spending. | |
Option 2: | |||
That the Local Government Elections Task Force be advised that Richmond City Council does not support any form of contribution or expense limits. | ||
Richmond Council Election Topics For Submission to the Elections Task Force | |||
(2) |
That the following election-related recommendations be submitted to the Local Government Elections Task Force for consideration: | ||
(a) |
That the Provincial Government address the legislated disparity and unequal treatment of independent candidates versus elector organization endorsed candidates with a view to establishing one set of rules for the disposition of surplus election campaign funds that would apply to all; | |
(b) |
That electors be required to prove their identity and residential address by presenting identification prior to receiving a ballot at a local government election voting opportunity, provided that solemn declarations or “vouching” could be used to accommodate people of no fixed address or people who may not have adequate identification; | |
(c) |
That the signature requirement for local government election advance elector registration be eliminated so that local governments may explore the implementation of on-line and phone-in municipal voter registration mechanisms; | |
(d) |
That the Local Government Act provide for the possibility of voting by electronic means and establish the parameters and requirements for an electronic voting system; | |
(e) |
That local governments be permitted to establish, by bylaw, whether the non-resident property elector registration process will be available at every voting place or whether it will be available only at the Election Office, provided that such registration opportunity is available at the Election Office during regular office hours, during all advance voting opportunities, and until the close of voting on General Voting Day; | |
(f) |
That the apparent discrepancy in the reporting period for election expenses and contributions be addressed and clarified; | |
(g) |
That the requirement to record in a campaign financial disclosure the names and addresses of two directors or principals of contributing numbered companies or unincorporated organizations be considered satisfied if the information is otherwise publicly available; | |
(h) |
That campaign financial disclosures emphasize the net financial benefits flowing from fund-raisers, with the gross costs (expenses) and gross price of tickets sold (contributions) disclosed in a separate schedule which reports the overall net financial benefit of the fund-raiser as part of the main campaign financing disclosure document; and | |
(i) |
That the timing for the processing and receipt of mail-in ballots be reviewed with a view to possibly extending or otherwise providing a longer period of time for the receipt of mail-in ballots so that rigid timelines do not pose an undue restriction on the voting opportunity afforded to electors who are away from the municipality and who choose to vote by mail-in ballot. | |
Referral to Staff | |||
(3) |
That prior to the next election, staff bring forward options for a new oath of office. | ||