March 19, 2007 Minutes

City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

General Purposes Committee





Monday, March 19th, 2007


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie, Chair
Councillor Cynthia Chen
Councillor Derek Dang
Councillor Evelina Halsey-Brandt
Councillor Rob Howard
Councillor Bill McNulty
Councillor Harold Steves


Councillor Linda Barnes
Councillor Sue Halsey-Brandt

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.









It was moved and seconded



That the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on Monday, March 5th, 2007, be adopted as circulated.












(Report:  Mar. 6/07, File No.:  12-8060-20-8215/Vol 01) (REDMS No. 2082002, 2088067)



It was moved and seconded



That Officer and General Manager Bylaw No. 8215, which introduces housekeeping changes and  provides authority to staff to execute routine agreements and other documents necessary to implement Council decisions, be introduced and given first, second and third readings.



The question on the motion was not called, as discussion took place among Committee members and the Director, City Clerk’s Office, David Weber, regarding the proposal to give staff the authority to execute routine documents which were necessary to implement Council decisions.



Advice was given during the discussion that due to an increased level of diligence on the part of the Law Department with respect to the execution of agreements and documents, the proposed amendment would eliminate the need in future to specifically reference the anticipated execution of documents which could be required as part of a recommendation being submitted to Council for approval.  Further advice was given that the amendment would formalize an administrative process which had been in place for many years.  As well, advice was given that the amendment was not intended to circumvent the normal Council process, and was intended to address only those documents which were routinely executed after Council approval.



Discussion continued, with clarification being provided in response to questions, that the amendment would allow (i) City staff to execute those agreements and documents which were required to be entered into with different authorities; and (ii) the execution of documents which had not been specifically named in recommendations adopted by Council. 



Reference was made to an amendment proposed for clause of the new bylaw, which added the words ‘and to execute agreements and legal instruments with respect thereto, in accordance with the annual budget and any applicable policies and procedures adopted by Council’.  Advice was given that the amendment would apply to those items which had already been approved by Council and that the spending authority would only apply to those projects which had been adopted by Council.  It was noted that the spending limits within the proposed bylaw already exist and had previously been approved by Council.



Discussion continued, with comments being made that the proposed amendment did not mean that Council would be bypassed in any future decision making processes as this amendment only dealt with those matters which had already been approved by Council.  However, concern was voiced that the amendment could include routine transactions up to the maximum spending limit.  In clarification, information was provided that the amendment dealt with normal administrative routines for example where the Chief Administrative Officer or another member of senior staff would execute an agreement with another authority, such as BC Hydro. 



Further clarification was provided that these documents and agreements would deal with matters which had already been through Committee and approved by Council, with the only new issue being the explicit execution of an agreement in relation to spending authority.  Reference was made to wording included in recommendations in previous reports to Council, such as the report dealing with the recent Winterfest Celebration, which authorized staff to execute any necessary documents and agreements relating to this project.  Advice was given that staff were endeavouring to avoid the problem of an agreement being overlooked and having to return the matter to Council to obtain approval to execute the document.



A suggestion was made during the discussion that a template be included in the report to Council which would indicate whether explicit authority was required to execute all documents necessary to implement the proposed recommendation.  The comment was made that this could eliminate the need for the proposed amendment.  The suggestion was also made that Council be provided with a list of the documents which must be executed by the Mayor. 



Discussion took place briefly on the suggestion, with a comment being made that the report could contain standard wording as part of the recommendation that Council gives explicit authority to staff to execute any necessary documents. 



In concluding the discussion, the Chair advised that he was convinced that the proposed amendment was a housekeeping matter, and suggested that any Committee member who was not satisfied with the procedure or the established spending limits should not support the proposal.



The question on the motion was called, and it was CARRIED with Cllr. McNulty opposed.









(Report:  Mar. 5/07, File No.:  08-4150-04-01) (REDMS No. 2078875)



It was moved and seconded



That the City make use of funds available through UBCM to develop a comprehensive Community Tourism/Sport Tourism Strategy.



The question on the motion was not called, as Committee members spoke in support of the proposed recommendation.  In response to questions, advice was given by the Manager, Economic Development, Lee Malleau, that staff would be meeting with various stakeholders throughout the City, including the Sports Council, in order to develop the new strategy.  Information was provided that the strategy would address the gateways to the community, as well as capital projects related to tourism promotion, such as the Britannia Heritage Shipyard.



In response to further questions, advice was given that the recommendation now being considered represented the first phase of the project, and that the second phase would be released later in the spring or early summer.  Information was also provided that Tourism Richmond would be one of the four critical stakeholders to be included in the process as their involvement would be instrumental in the development of the strategy; and that the funds remaining from the development of the strategy would be used to implement the strategy.



During the discussion, staff were requested to amend Page 3 of the staff report to include an additional bullet, to address the aspect of ‘heritage and cultural tourism’.  As well, the request was made that the recommendation be amended to include the words ‘and implementation’ to ensure that any remaining funds could be utilized for the implementation of the strategy.  As all members of the Committee were in favour of the amendment, the Chair directed that the recommendation now on the floor would be amended to add the words ‘and implementation’ after the word ‘develop’.



Discussion continued, with comments being made about the importance of including festivals and events in the strategy.  Further suggestions were made that environmental tourism should also be included.



The question on the motion, which now reads as follows, “That the City make use of funds available through UBCM to develop and implement a comprehensive Community Tourism/Sport Tourism Strategy”, was then called, and it was CARRIED.








It was moved and seconded



That the meeting adjourn (4:54 p.m.).






Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, March 19th, 2007.



Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie

Fran J. Ashton
Executive Assistant, City Clerk’s Office