February 19, 2007 Minutes
![City of Richmond Meeting Minutes](/__shared/assets/Header_Meeting_Minutes6032.gif)
General Purposes Committee
Date: |
Monday, February 19th, 2007 |
Place: |
Anderson Room |
Present: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie, Chair |
Absent: |
Councillor Linda Barnes |
Call to Order: |
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on Monday, February 5th, 2007, be adopted as circulated. |
2. |
Ahlay Chin, Executive Director, The Chinese Mental Wellness Association of Canada, regarding their application for a grant. |
Ms. Chin was not in attendance, but the Chair referred to correspondence (copies of which had been circulated to all members of the Committee) from Ms. Chin on behalf of The Chinese Wellness Association of Canada, which contained additional information in support of the Association’s grant application. (A copy of this correspondence is on file in the City Clerk’s Office.) (File No.: 03-1085-01) |
3. |
(Report: Feb. 14/07, File No.: 03-1085-01) (REDMS No. 2078587, 160199, 2068317) | ||
The Manager, Policy Planning, Terry Crowe, accompanied by Social Planner Lesley Sherlock, provided information on a change to the grant application for the Women’s Resource Centre, indicating that the reference to Volunteer Coordinator had been corrected to read Centre Coordinator. | ||
With reference to the grant application from the Kajaks Track and Field Club, a question was raised about whether other similar groups had submitted grant applications. In response, Ms. Sherlock briefly reviewed pages 8 and 9 of the staff report, which provided information on other sports groups which had submitted grant applications prior to 2007. | ||
Reference was made to a statement in the staff report that “Funds remaining at year-end are returned to General Revenue”, and staff were questioned as to why the remaining funds did not stay in the Grants Budget. Advice was given that the current City Grants policy required that any remaining funds be returned to general revenue. Further advice was given that staff would be reviewing the policy for the 2008 grant process. | ||
Mr. Ryan Lake, Director, Richmond Responsible Dog Owners Group (RRDOG), spoke about an upcoming presentation to the upcoming Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee regarding a proposal which would result in the RRDOG entering into an active working partnership with the City to deal with dog-related issues. Mr. Lake referred to his organization’s grant application and asked that if the Committee was going to deny the application, that a decision be deferred until after the presentation to the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee. | ||
In response to questions about how RRDOG would reach out to all dog owners, Mr. Lake expressed the belief that while RRDOG could not satisfy the extreme fringe element which were at either end of the spectrum, his organization could represent a broad majority of citizens ‘in the middle’. He added that RRDOG represented a wide variety of dog owners and two individuals who were not dog owners. | ||
Reference was made to a request made at a meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee in 2005, at which time staff were directed to meet with Mr. Lake of the Richmond Responsible Dog Owners Group concerning dog-related issues in the City and to report to Committee regarding the outcome of these discussions. In response to questions about whether Mr. Lake had met with City staff, Mr. Lake advised that City staff had not met with him. He stated that RRDOG had established working relationships with various individuals in Bylaw Enforcement to resolve dangerous dog issues, however these relationships had not been legitimatized by the City. | ||
As a result of the information provided by Mr. Lake, staff were requested to report to the next meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Committee with information on the status of the referral. | ||
Discussion continued briefly with Mr. Lake, during which he advised that the organization was already working to address dog issues, but because of continual fundraising efforts being undertaken in order to continue to function, RRDOG was only able to do so much. In concluding his presentation, Mr. Lake voiced the opinion that RRDOG could save the City thousands of dollars. | ||
Mr. Michael McCoy, Touchstone Family Services, spoke about the Restorative Justice Initiative and the Richmond Youth Restorative Justice Program, indicating that his organization was prepared to find a way to keep this program operating for the next short while. He voiced concern about the recommendations, that a grant of $15,000 be approved while other funding options were explored, and that a letter be written to the BC Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development, to request that these ministries fully fund the program. He commented that there would be no direct benefit to the Provincial Government to fund this program. Mr. McCoy added that ‘the clock was ticking’ on this program, and that as an organization, Touchstone was at a loss as to which way to turn. In response to questions, Mr. McCoy stated that with respect to direct benefit, the City was the closest source and not the Provincial Government, and that any outcome ‘went back to the community’. A brief discussion then took place on whether there was any interest within the Provincial Government to fund the Restorative Justice Initiative, and on the benefits of the program to the City. | ||
In response to further questions, Mr. McCoy briefly explained how the program functioned, and advised that Touchstone would most likely continue to operate this program for one more year. | ||
Ms. Linda McNab, representing the Women’s Resource Centre, referred to the staff recommendation that the Centre receive the same grant as had been approved in 2006. She referred to the fact that the Centre now had a ‘Centre Coordinator’, and asked that consideration be given to providing funding for staffing. She noted that the Women’s Resource Centre was the only women’s centre in the City. | ||
It was moved and seconded | ||
(1) |
That, (as per Attachment 2 to the report dated February 14th, 2007, from the Manager of Policy Planning), the 2007 City Grants be allocated as follows: | |
(a) |
The organizations in the Health, Social and Safety Services category be awarded the recommended grant amounts and cheques disbursed for a total of $414,750. |
(b) |
The organizations in the Cultural and Community Events category be awarded the recommended grant amounts and cheques disbursed for a total of $69,500. |
for a total expenditure of $484,250; and | |
(2) |
That grants be allocated to the following organizations: | |
(a) |
the Multicultural Helping House Society, in the amount of $10,000; |
(b) |
the Visually Impaired People’s Club, in the amount of $1,500; and |
(c) |
the Richmond Responsible Dog Owner’s Group, in the amount of $1,000. |
The question on the motion was not called, as the following amendment was introduced: | ||
It was moved and seconded | ||
That the main motion be amended by adding the following as Part (3), | ||
“That the balance remaining of $3,250 be left in tact in the Grants Budget.” | ||
OPPOSED: Cllr. Howard |
The question on the main motion, as amended, was not called, as Committee members voiced their concerns about the recommended grant to the Richmond Responsible Dog Owner’s Group. Concern was expressed that it was premature to make a decision before determining the model of any relationship which might be developed between the City and the RRDOG. |
With respect to the Restorative Justice Initiative, staff advised in response to questions, that Council could be provided with a memorandum in approximately two week’s time regarding the status of the process to be initiated to identify potential sources of funding for this program. |
With regard to the Multicultural Helping House Society, advice was given that this organization was now included in Category 1 of the grant application process. |
Reference was made to the late applications received, and the suggestion was made that a strong letter should be sent to each organization, reminding them of the need to submit their applications prior to the deadline. |
The question on the main motion, as amended, as not called, as the request was made that the recommendations be dealt with separately. |
The question on Part (1)(a) and (b) of the main motion, as amended, was called, and it was CARRIED. |
The question on Part (2)(a) of the main motion, as amended, was called, and it was CARRIED. |
The question on Part (2)(b) of the main motion, as amended, was called, and it was CARRIED. |
The question on Part (2)(c) of the main motion, as amended, was called, and it was CARRIED with Cllrs. Evelina Halsey-Brandt and Howard opposed. |
The question on Part (3) of the main motion, as amended, was called, and it was CARRIED. |
Discussion continued briefly on the situation facing the Restorative Justice Initiative, with comments being made that it was important that the responsibility for this program be returned to the Provincial Government as soon as possible. Questions were raised about how realistic it might be to determine if other sources of funding were available, as the operating figure of $95,000 was not necessarily sustainable on grants alone. As a result, staff were requested to (i) make recommendations on whether additional funds should be taken from the casino revenue, and (ii) report on all referrals relating to this matter, at the same time. |
4. |
RIVER ROAD RELOCATION – BRIDGE CROSSING HOLLYBRIDGE WAY CANAL (Report: Jan. 25/07, File No.: 10-6340-20-P.05208/Vol 01) (REDMS No. 2071721, 2070882) |
It was moved and seconded |
That the design concept by internationally recognized public artist, Buster Simpson, for the Skate Blades on the bridge crossing Hollybridge Way Canal be approved. |
The question on the motion was not called, as, in response to questions, advice was given by the Engineer, Major Projects, Scott Groves, that the lighting would be white in colour, and would be cast onto the glass of the ‘skate blade’ pylons. He further advised that the tube to which the glass of the ‘skate blade’ would be attached would be circular in shape; that the glass would glow from the casting of the light, and that this light was intended to provide an accent only for the ‘skate blades’. Further information was provided that there would be lighting placed around the plaza to provide an additional lighting feature; that seating in the area was still being considered, and that small directional lights would be placed in the concrete base of the bridge, which could be aimed in the direction of the Oval building. |
The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED. |
5. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the report (dated January 23rd, 2007, from the Acting Director, Olympic Business Office), regarding the Olympic Oval And Olympic Business Resource Allocation For The Fourth Quarter Ended December 31, 2006 be received for information. |
The question on the motion was not called, as, in response to questions, advice was given by the Acting Director, Olympic Business Office, Gary Young, that staff would be reporting to Committee within the next two months approximately, on possible sponsorship opportunities. |
The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED. |
6. |
TEMPORARY WATER SUPPLY ALTERATIONS – CANADA LINE (Report: Feb. 12/07, File No.: 10-6650-01; xr: 10-6525-08-03/2007-Vol 01) (REDMS No. 2079661) |
The Director, Engineering, Robert Gonzalez, reported on the success of the first water supply alteration event which took place on Saturday, February 17th, 2007. He explained that Richmond would be obtaining its water through a different source during the alterations to the GVRD water transmission main lines, which would take place each Saturday evening for the next five weekends. He stated that Richmond residents would still have water during the alteration process. |
Mr. Gonzalez talked about the response of the City’s water system, noting that there had been very little increase in turbidity as City water crews had been flushing the water mains prior to the implementation of the initial alteration process taking place. He added that steps have been taken to ensure that there would be sufficient water to deal with any catastrophic events which might occur. |
In response to questions, he advised that the Canada Line had been advised that it would be responsible for any issues which arose as a result of this particular project. He further reported that Richmond Coastal Health and Vancouver Health were monitoring the quality of the water and would address any health-related issues if they arose. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the report (dated February 12th, 2007, from the Director, Engineering), regarding Temporary Water Supply Alterations – Canada Line, be received for information. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (5:07 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, February 19th, 2007. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie |
Fran J. Ashton |