September 15, 2021 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Development Permit Panel

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


3:30 p.m.


Remote (Zoom) Meeting


John Irving, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works, Chair 
Cecilia Achiam, General Manager, Community Safety 
Peter Russell, Director, Sustainability and District Energy

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.




It was moved and seconded


That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on August 25, 2021 be adopted.




(REDMS No. 6737354) (REDMS No. 6561344)



CSC Interior Services




8011 Leslie Road






Permit renovations to the existing building at 8011 Leslie Road on a site zoned “Auto Oriented Commercial (CA);” and



Vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to:




reduce the minimum side yard setback from 3.0 m to 0 m;




permit two small vehicle parking spaces;




reduce the required medium on-site loading spaces from 1 to 0;




reduce the minimum setback between parking spaces and side lot lines from 1.5 m to 0.8 m; and




reduce the minimum setback between parking spaces and the rear lot line from 1.5 m to 0 m.


Applicant’s Comments


Linda Valter, Architect, with the aid of a visual presentation (copy on file, City Clerk’s office), briefed the Panel on the proposed changes to the existing building for the conversion from office to hotel uses, noting that (i) there will be two additions under the building; however, there will be no changes to the existing building footprint, (ii) existing windows would be rearranged and reduced in size, and (iii) business signage will be installed on the front (i.e., south elevation) of the hotel building.


In addition, Ms. Valter noted that three Japanese Maple trees will be planted in the front yard setback. 


Staff Comments


Wayne Craig, Director, Development, reviewed the proposed variances, noting that staff support these variances as (i) majority of the proposed variances are a result of existing conditions in the site, (ii) the provision of two small parking spaces underneath the building would provide more on-site parking spaces, (iii) the proposed loading area for the site does not meet the technical requirements for a medium-size loading area in the Zoning Bylaw; however, the City’s Transportation Department had reviewed and supported the proposed loading arrangement and noted its functionality for the intended use of the building, (iv) the proposed landscape setbacks are an improvement to the existing conditions, and (v) no landscaping is proposed along the north property line due to its interface with the service lane of the adjacent development.


Gallery Comments








Panel Discussion


In reply to queries from the Panel, Ms. Valter noted that (i) no exterior lighting is proposed along the east and west sides of the building, (ii) low-growth planting is proposed along the landscaped area on the west property line as it is located on an existing City utility corridor, (iii)  the existing exterior cladding on the building elevations will be retained, (iv) the new windows will be of the same material as the existing windows that will be replaced, and (v) on-site vehicle and bicycle parking is provided.


Discussion ensued regarding the size of trees proposed to be installed in the front yard setback. As a result of the discussion, staff was directed to work with the applicant for the choice of appropriate tree species to be planted that could grow taller and provide more canopy and shading. 


The Panel then expressed support for the project, noting the improvement on the quality of the presentation materials provided by the applicant.


Panel Decision


It was moved and seconded


That a Development Permit be issued which would:



permit renovations to the existing building at 8011 Leslie Road on a site zoned “Auto Oriented Commercial (CA);” and



vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to:




reduce the minimum side yard setback from 3.0 m to 0 m;




permit two small vehicle parking spaces;




reduce the required medium on-site loading spaces from 1 to 0;




reduce the minimum setback between parking spaces and side lot lines from 1.5 m to 0.8 m; and




reduce the minimum setback between parking spaces and the rear lot line from 1.5 m to 0 m.




Date of Next Meeting:    September 29, 2021




It was moved and seconded


That the meeting be adjourned at 3:47 p.m.




Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, September 15, 2021.



John Irving 

Rustico Agawin 
Committee Clerk