July 12, 2017 - Minutes
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Development Permit Panel
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Time: |
3:30 p.m. |
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Joe Erceg, Chair
The meeting was called to order at 3:32 p.m.
Minutes |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on June 28, 2017, be adopted. |
1. |
Development Permit 17-760368 |
Westmark Developments (Camosun) Ltd. |
9240/9248/9260 Cambie Road |
1. |
Permit the construction of a 59-unit townhouse project at 9240, 9248, 9260 Cambie Road on a site zoned “Town Housing (ZT79) - Alexandra Neighbourhood (West Cambie)”; and |
2. |
Vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to increase the maximum lot coverage for buildings to 43%. |
Applicant’s Comments |
Ken Chow, Interface Architecture Inc., provided background information on the proposed development and highlighted the following: |
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the subject site fronts onto Cambie Road and the future Dubbert Street extension and will be bisected by the future east-west McKim Way extension, providing street frontages for over half of the site; |
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the proposed 14 townhouse buildings are sited to create openness to the site which can be accessed through three vehicle and three communal pedestrian entries; |
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two separate outdoor amenity areas are proposed: one for the northern site and one for the southern site; |
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electrical closets have been moved away from street frontages to the extent possible; |
§ |
end units fronting the street are well articulated to provide visual interest; |
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the rear yards of townhouse units adjacent to the east and south property lines of the subject site will be raised to approximately the same height of an apartment parking podium to provide a reasonable interface with future adjacent developments; |
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a neo-Victorian rowhouse character is proposed for the project; |
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an open air, covered neo-Victorian gazebo is proposed at the northern outdoor amenity area in lieu of the original amenity building to improve visual permeability to the outdoor amenity space; and |
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three convertible units are proposed and as per recommendation of the Advisory Design Panel, two additional units will be provided with wider stairs to allow future installation of stair mounted chairlifts. |
Jonathan Losee, Jonathan Losee Ltd. Landscape Architecture, briefed the Panel on the main landscaping features for the proposed development and noted the following: |
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existing on-site trees will be removed to accommodate the project and will be replaced with size specific trees; |
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formal landscaping consistent with the English garden concept is proposed for the subject site; |
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wood picket fences, arbours, and entry gates are proposed for street frontages, complemented with neat layers of planting with variation in sizes and colours; |
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the two separate outdoor amenity areas will incorporate, among others, a children’s play area with play structures, benches and tables; |
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significant patio spaces are proposed to be treated with permeable pavers and landscaped to provide visual privacy; |
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final landscaping for the east and south edges of the subject site will need to be negotiated with adjacent future developments; and |
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an irrigation system will be installed in the proposed development. |
Panel Discussion |
In response to a query from the Panel, Mr. Loose confirmed that separate mailboxes are provided for the northern and southern portions of the development. |
In response to a further query from the Panel, Mr. Chow acknowledged that stamped concrete is proposed for the visitor parking stalls as opposed to permeable pavers due to potential maintenance issues if permeable pavers are installed on a high traffic area. He added, however, that the proposal for installing permeable pavers on visitor parking stalls could be considered by the applicant. |
Staff Comments |
Wayne Craig, Director, Development, noted that (i) the original amenity building at the northern outdoor amenity area proposed at rezoning has been removed as per Advisory Design Panel recommendation and the applicant will provide cash-in-lieu for indoor amenity space as per Council policy, (ii) the proposed development will be connected to the Alexandra District Energy Utility (DEU), (iii) the project has been designed to achieve the City’s aircraft noise acoustical standards, (iv) the proposed variance to increase the maximum lot coverage of buildings is related to the installation of DEU equipment in the project, and (v) the increase in building lot coverage is offset by a reduction of lot coverage for hard surfaces. |
In response to a query from the Panel, Mr. Craig confirmed that (i) the Zoning Bylaw allows a maximum of 70 percent non-porous surfaces for developments, and (ii) the subject development falls below the maximum permitted amount of impermeable surfaces. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Correspondence |
Jim Lau, (no specific address provided), letter (Schedule 1) |
Jim Lau, (no specific address provided), email (Schedule 2) |
Mr. Craig noted that Mr. Lau expressed concern in his letter and email that (i) there is a potential for shadowing during winter months on the north side of Cambie Road from the proposed development as noted in the shadowing impacts from the existing six-storey building at the corner of Cambie Road and Stolberg Street, (ii) the finished grade on the subject site may have a potential impact on shadowing on the north side of Cambie Road, and (iii) dust control during the construction process needs to be addressed. |
In response to the concerns expressed by Mr. Lau, Mr. Craig noted that (i) the proposed project is a three-storey townhouse development and potential shadowing impacts on the north side of Cambie Road would be limited, (ii) there will be a minimal increase in the subject site’s elevation relative to Cambie Road as the average finished site grade for the northern portion of the subject site is approximately 2.4 meters as opposed to the 2-meter elevation of Cambie Road, and (iii) dust control will be monitored by the City’s Building Approvals and Community Bylaws during the construction stage of the project. |
In response to the same concern, the applicant acknowledged that a construction barrier and other dust control measures will be provided to control the dust generated from construction activities in the subject site. |
Panel Discussion |
The Panel expressed support for the proposed development, noting that the applicant could install permeable paving on the visitor parking stalls to enhance the permeability of the project’s surface areas. |
In response to the Panel’s comment, the applicant advised that the Panel’s recommendation would be considered. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Development Permit be issued which would |
1. |
Permit the construction of a 59-unit townhouse project at 9240, 9248, 9260 Cambie Road on a site zoned “Town Housing (ZT79) - Alexandra Neighbourhood (West Cambie)”; and |
2. |
Vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to increase the maximum lot coverage for buildings to 43%. |
2. |
Development Permit 17-775005 |
Christopher Bozyk Architects Ltd. |
10780 Cambie Road |
Permit the construction of a 198.81 m2 (2,140 ft2) addition and a weather protection canopy to the existing building at 10780 Cambie Road on a site zoned “Auto-Oriented Commercial (CA)”. |
Applicant’s Comments |
Ernst Loots, Christopher Bozyk Architects Ltd., provided background information on the proposed addition to the existing building which currently contains a BMW automobile dealership and highlighted the following: |
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the proposed expansion includes an addition to the lounge on the main floor with additional office spaces on the second floor and a new canopy for weather protection at the building’s vehicle service entrance; |
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the design and materials for the proposed expansion will follow BMW corporate standards and guidelines; |
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the character and materials for the proposed addition are intended to integrate with the rectangular box-like character of the middle portion of the existing building and not conflict with the curved elements of the existing building; |
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the proposed bay window at the base of the additional lounge is the only strong element to the proposed expansion; and |
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glazing will not be provided on the second floor of the building addition; however, two large skylights will be installed to provide natural lighting. |
Jonathan Losee, Jonathan Losee Ltd. Landscape Architecture, briefed the Panel on the main landscaping features for the proposed expansion, noting that the six non-bylaw sized Ginkgo trees which will be impacted by the proposed expansion will be relocated to the prominent southeast corner of the site. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Development Permit be issued which would permit the construction of a 198.81 m2 (2,140 ft2) addition and a weather protection canopy to the existing building at 10780 Cambie Road on a site zoned “Auto-Oriented Commercial (CA)”. |
3. |
Date of Next Meeting: July 26, 2017 |
4. |
Adjournment |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting be adjourned at 4:11 p.m. |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, July 12, 2017. |
_______________________________ |
_____________________________ |
Joe Erceg |
Rustico Agawin |