June 11, 2014 - Minutes
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Development Permit Panel
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Time: |
3:30 p.m. |
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Joe Erceg, Chair |
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.
1. |
Minutes |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on Wednesday, May 14, 2014, be adopted. |
The Chair advised that the order of the agenda would be varied to consider Item No. 3 first. |
3. |
Development Variance 14-657986 |
Clive Alladin |
3800 Georgia Street |
1. |
To vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce the minimum exterior setback for a principal dwelling (Zoning Bylaw Section from 3.0 m to 1.2m and reduce the minimum setback for a detached accessory building (Zoning Bylaw Section from 3.0 m to 2.4 m. |
Applicant’s Comments |
Clive Alladin, 1176 Keil Crescent, White Rock, B.C., advised that he is planning to construct a single family home on the subject site. |
Staff Comments |
Wayne Craig, Director, Development, advised that the subject site fronts an undeveloped City road right-of-way, and as a result, required additional setbacks. He added that staff have worked with the applicant on house and landscape designs. Also, he added that there are currently no plans to upgrade the road and long-term options could include closure of the road should Council decide closing the road was appropriate. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Development Variance Permit be issued which would vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce the minimum exterior setback for a principal dwelling (Zoning Bylaw Section from 3.0 m to 1.2 m and reduce the minimum setback for a detached accessory building (Zoning Bylaw Section from 3.0 m to 2.4 m. |
2. |
Development Permit 13-650988 |
First Richmond North Shopping Centres Ltd., (SmartCentres) |
4660, 4680, 4700, 4720, 4740 Garden City Road and 9040, 9060, 9080, 9180, 9200, 9260, 9280, 9320, 9340, 9360, 9400, 9420, 9440, 9480, 9500 Alexandra Road |
1. |
To permit the construction of a neighbourhood commercial centre at 4660, 4680, 4700, 4720, 4740 Garden City Road and 9040, 9060, 9080, 9180, 9200, 9260, 9280, 9320, 9340, 9360, 9400, 9420, 9440, 9480, 9500 Alexandra Road on a site zoned "Neighbourhood Commercial (ZC32) – West Cambie Area"; and |
2. |
To Vary the provisions of Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500 to reduce the building setback for Building N on May Drive from 5.0 m to 1.5 m. |
Applicant’s Comments |
With the aid of a visual presentation, (attached to and forming part of these minutes as Schedule 1) Christopher Block, Architect, Chandler Associates Architecture Inc., and Mary Chan Yip, Landscape Architect, PMG Landscape Architects, gave a brief overview of the proposed development with respect to (i) urban design; (ii) architectural form and character; and (iii) landscaping and open space design. They highlighted the following: |
§ |
incorporating a modern design of the buildings into the natural surroundings; |
§ |
incorporating lantern elements into the corner locations of the proposed development; |
§ |
using native plant species in the landscaping; |
§ |
creating an agricultural screen/buffer; |
§ |
installing a least three rows of trees and plants along the site’s frontage to act as a visual buffer; |
§ |
using high quality building materials on the façade of the development; |
§ |
the screening of the parking garage; |
§ |
installing a green deck above the surface parking area and using the deck as an open flex space; and |
§ |
incorporating a water feature on the east side of the development that would detain roof rain water. |
Panel Discussion |
In reply to queries from the Panel regarding the High Street portion of the proposed development, Mr. Block advised that design features will include (i) additional glazing on the buildings; (ii) additional access to retail units; (iii) lantern elements along the entrance to the plaza; (iv) bicycle stalls; and (v) pedestrian access from the street. |
Mr. Block noted that Building L will incorporate a similar design to other buildings in the proposed development, including the lantern elements. He added that the retail units will be single-sided. |
In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Block noted that recommendations from the Advisory Design Panel have been incorporated into the current design. |
The Chair spoke of the differences in design between the ends and middle sections of the buildings. Mr. Block noted that landscaping will help screen the buildings. |
Mr. Block commented on Building H and noted that the building could be occupied by a restaurant and added that glazing will be incorporated in the front and wrapped along the sides. |
Discussion ensued regarding the density of the landscaping. In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Block advised that landscaping will not completely restrict visibility of the buildings. Ms. Yip noted that landscaping will include a mix of evergreen and deciduous tree species. Ms. Yip added that the landscaping will open up along the entrances to the plaza. |
Discussion then ensued with regard to having an agricultural buffer. Ms. Yip noted that the landscaping will use native plant species and cultivars to prevent the spread of seeds and invasive plant species. |
In reply to queries from the Panel, Ms. Yip advised that the landscape design incorporates a natural design and complements the architectural design of the proposed development. |
Discussion ensued regarding incorporating native species on the proposed landscaping design. |
Mr. Block commented on the design and architectural form and character of the Garden City Road portion of the proposed development. Ms. Yip noted that there will be four rows of plants and trees along the Garden City Road side of the proposed development. |
Mr. Block then commented on the design and architectural form and character of the Alexandra Road portion of the proposed development which includes a four-level parking garage. He noted that the parking garage will use tinted glass and perforated metal panels to screen the parking area and allow for ventilation. He added that the parking garage will feature softer lighting at night. |
Ms. Yip commented on the landscaping for the Alexandra Road portion of the proposed development and noted that the same species of trees proposed to be planted across the road will be incorporated into the landscaping. |
In reply to queries from the Panel, Ms. Yip spoke of the pedestrian elements along Alexandra Road and noted that pedestrians will be separated from the road and building by canopy trees. She added that there will be shrubs planted along the base of the building and that the sidewalk will be two metres wide. |
Discussion ensued with regard to the loading area of the proposed development along High Street. Mr. Block commented on the design and materials used on the buildings and loading area along High Street. He added that a trellis structure encapsulating the loading area, together with barriers will be installed to provide screening. |
Discussion then ensued with regard to the delivery schedule and potential noise from the deliveries. In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Block anticipates that there will be approximately 14 deliveries per week and delivery staff will use hand carts to minimize noise. |
In reply to queries from the Panel, Mike Gilman, Senior Land Developer Manager, SmartCentres Inc., commented on the possible delivery schedules and noted that he anticipates that deliveries will occur during regular business hours. |
In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Block commented on possible noise sources in the loading bay and advised that a solid roof was not feasible due to the requirement of additional elements such as the addition of fire suppression and ventilation equipment. |
Discussion ensued regarding the planted deck flex space and in reply to queries from the Panel, Ms. Yip noted that the deck will include (i) a grading slope; (ii) short plant species; (iii) irrigating elements; and (iv) parking under the deck. Ms. Yip advised that the deck could be used as a green space for shoppers and residents in the neighbourhood. |
In reply to queries from the Panel, Ms. Yip advised that the planted deck space will not include any natural play elements. Also, she noted that the planted deck will include lighting and will be maintained by the development. |
Mr. Block then commented on the design and architectural form and character of the May Drive portion of the proposed development. |
Discussion ensued with regard to transit access to the proposed development and in reply to queries from the Panel, Ms. Yip advised that the bus stop will be located on the Garden City Road side of the site. |
In reply to queries from the Panel with regard to the sustainability features of the proposed development, Mr. Block noted that the development will be rated as a Leed Silver equivalent development and will include (i) a district energy connection; (ii) a green roof system on the parking deck; (iii) reflective roofing surfaces; (iv) bicycle parking facilities; (v) accessible shower facilities; (vi) rain water recycling; (vii) permeable paving; (viii) low-flow washrooms; (ix) use of local building materials; and (x) use of low VOC paints. |
In reply to queries from the Panel, Ms. Yip noted that some plant species in the proposed development will be dormant during the winter time but will regenerate in the spring months. She added that the plants will be maintained and that any dead plant material will be replaced by the development. |
In reply to queries from the Panel, Mr. Block advised that the location of the district energy connection on the subject site has not been finalized. |
Staff Comments |
Mr. Craig spoke of the proposed development and highlighted the following: |
§ |
the western portion of the site will include a continuation of the Alexandra Road Greenway and will connect to other greenways in the area; |
§ |
a comprehensive transportation demand management package will be included; |
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there will be a 25% increase over the minimum bicycle parking space and storage requirement; |
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a cash contribution for bus shelter upgrades in the area will be included; |
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four electric vehicle charging stations will be included; and |
§ |
10% of the total parking spaces will have rough-in provisions for electric vehicle charging. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Panel Decision |
Discussion ensued with regard to the application process and the approval process timeline. |
Discussion then ensued with regard to (i) the potential for excessive noise from the loading bay; (ii) design and architectural from of building L; (iii) sustainability features; and (iv) play elements of the planted deck flex space. |
As a result of the discussion the following referral was introduced: |
It was moved and seconded |
That the staff report titled, Application by First Richmond North Shopping Centres Ltd., (SmartCentres) for a Development Permit at 4660, 4680, 4700, 4720, 4740 Garden City Road and 9040, 9060, 9080, 9180, 9200, 9260, 9280, 9320, 9340, 9360, 9400, 9420, 9440, 9480, 9500 Alexandra Road, dated June 11, 2014, from the Director of Development, be referred to staff to examine: |
(1) |
design improvements to buildings A and L, and the parking structure; |
(2) |
design improvements and noise mitigation for the loading bay; and |
(3) |
the location for the district energy related infrastructure; |
and report back to the June 25, 2014 Development Permit Panel meeting. |
2. |
New Business |
3. |
Date Of Next Meeting: June 25, 2014 |
4. |
Adjournment |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting be adjourned at 5:05 p.m. |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, June 11, 2014. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Joe Erceg |
Evangel Biason |