November 16, 2011 - Minutes

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City of Richmond Meeting Minutes

Development Permit Panel

Wednesday, November 16, 2011



3:30 p.m.


Council Chambers

Richmond City Hall


Joe Erceg, Chair

Robert Gonzalez, General Manager, Engineering and Public Works

Dave Semple, General Manager, Parks and Recreation

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.





It was moved and seconded


That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on Wednesday, October 26, 2011, be adopted.





Development Permit 11-573871
(File Ref. No.:  DP 11-573871)   (REDMS No. 3322238)



Yamamoto Architecture Inc.




7251 St. Albans Road






To permit the construction of four (4) townhouse units at 7251 St. Albans Road on a site zoned High Density Townhouses (RTH1).



Applicant’s Comments


Yoshi Mikamo, Yamamoto Architecture Inc., spoke on behalf of the applicant and provided the following details regarding the four proposed townhouse units on a site on St. Albans Road, a site he described as small and narrow:



the proposed townhouse units are contemporary looking, in keeping with the eight-unit townhouse complex to the north of the subject site, the three-story apartment building (over parking) to the south, and the three-story apartment building (over parking) to the west of the subject site;



the outdoor amenity space is proposed at the center of the site;



there is a short east-west drive aisle that provides: (i) access to the site from St. Albans Road, and (ii) access to adjacent properties; and



two on-site trees will be removed due to overall poor condition, and structural damage to one of the trees.


In response to a query from the Chair, Mr. Mikamo advised that holly trees at the eastern corner of the subject site are to be retained. Mr. Mikamo then provided the following further information:



the building forms include projections and recesses to create visual interest;



proposed neutral colours, and earth tones are in keeping with existing residences in the area;



the choice to use a contemporary design optimizes the interior living spaces and is in keeping with the neighbouring development;



large bedrooms and generous living rooms are a feature of the proposed residences;



there is one convertible unit and its alternate floor plans include simple conversion potential to accommodate a person who uses a wheelchair;



energy efficient appliances are provided in order to conserve water and energy; and



no variances are being sought, and the proposed design meets all Official Community Plan guidelines.


Masa Ito, Ito Associates Landscape Architects, addressed the Panel and provided the following details regarding the landscape design:



existing trees are being retained on adjacent properties to the north and south of the subject site;



substantial landscaping is planned along the street frontage of St. Albans Road;



permeable paving is at the entrance, in the drive aisle and extending into the outdoor amenity area, which visually extends the amenity area into the drive aisle;



the children’s play area in the small amenity area features a surface suitable for play; and



proposed for inclusion in the children’s play area is play equipment intended more for social and creative play, than physical play.



Panel Discussion


A brief discussion ensued between the Panel and Mr. Ito regarding the play area set aside for children, and Mr. Ito advised that the area is designed so that children, and their parents, can use the space for social engagement.


In response to a query regarding the type of trees planned for the subject site, and in reply to a suggestion that he work with staff to ensure that, ten or 15 years in the future, the chosen type of trees will not grow to excessive heights, Mr. Ito stated that he had chosen smaller tree species, which will be most appropriate.


The Chair clarified that the species chosen for the proposed development are acceptable, but that staff and Mr. Ito would discuss the appropriateness of tree species for future development proposals.


In response to a query regarding the property line shared by the subject site and the townhouse unit immediately to the north of the subject site, Mr. Ito advised that a well-detailed fence is proposed for the property line.



Staff Comments


Brian J. Jackson, Director of Development, stated that the applicant had done his best architecturally on a narrow site. He added that staff supports the application.



Gallery Comments


Corrado Bujliarisi, 7271 St. Albans Road, stated that he lived next door to the subject site, and expressed his concern that the fencing around the subject site is inadequate, unattractive, and incomplete.


Seeking clarification on behalf of Mr. Bujliarisi, the Chair received advice that while some fencing that surrounds the site is still in place, replacement fencing will be erected and will be both attractive and effective. 








Panel Decision


It was moved and seconded


That a Development Permit be issued which would permit the construction of four (4) townhouse units at 7251 St. Albans Road on a site zoned High Density Townhouses (RTH1).





New Business



Date Of Next Meeting:     Wednesday, November 30, 2011





It was moved and seconded


That the meeting be adjourned at 4:47 p.m.





Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, November 16, 2011.



Joe Erceg


Sheila Johnston

Committee Clerk