May 16, 2006 Minutes

Development Permit Panel
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Time: |
3:30 p.m. |
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Joe Erceg, Chair |
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. |
1. |
Minutes |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel held on Wednesday, April 25, 2007, be adopted. |
2. |
DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 06-350946 | ||||
MingLian Holdings Ltd. |
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6040 No. 3 Road and 8060, 8080 Westminster Highway |
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1. |
To permit the construction of a mixed-use commercial/residential development consisting of approximately 131 dwelling units (including 5 seniors housing units), approximately 750 m2 (8,070 ft2) of commercial space and associated parking in a 16 storey building fronting on Westminster Highway and a 4 storey building fronting on No. 3 Road on a site zoned “Downtown Commercial District (C7)”; and | |||
2. |
To vary the provisions of the Zoning and Development Bylaw No. 5300 to: | |||
a) |
Reduce the required number of parking spaces for each seniors’ housing unit from 1.7 (resident and visitor) parking spaces per dwelling unit to 0.4 (resident and visitor) parking spaces per dwelling unit; | ||
b) |
Permit six (6) parking stalls in a tandem arrangement; and | ||
c) |
Reduce the minimum off-street manoeuvring aisle width for commercial use from 7.5 m (25 ft.) to 6.7 m (22 ft.). | ||
Applicant’s Comments | |
Wing Leung, of W.T. Leung Architects, spoke on behalf of the applicant and advised that the project was an L-shaped development with a 16-story mixed-use tower with 126 residential units in the tower, 5 seniors rental-housing units, and a 3-story parkade. In addition there is a fourth floor rooftop landscaped courtyard amenity space. A new north-south lane, parallel to No. 3 Road is provided for, and all vehicle access will be provided from this lane. Retail units on the ground floor are double-height. | |
Mr. Leung stated that in addition to being the architect for MingLian Holdings Ltd. he is the architect for Clarry Enterprises, which owns the site at 6020 No. 3 Road, which is currently under application (DP 07-363082). However, the client is not prepared to proceed concurrently with the subject application due to Clarry’s concerns associated with the building of the Canada Line. | |
The Chair noted that the applicant was presenting an integrated development but based on the architect’s comments, it appeared that the key corner component was, at the eleventh hour, not going to be included. | |
In response to queries from the Panel, Mr. Leung stated that: | |
· |
landscaping improvements have been made including: (i) the fourth floor courtyard level including the combination of hard and soft landscaping features to create two outdoor areas; (ii) a proposed green roof on top of the low rise portion of the project; (iii) trees lining the Westminster Highway façade; further, the applicant is awaiting confirmation of design treatment information from the Canada Line with regard to how to landscape within proximity of the pillars and the elevated guideway; |
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since the 3-dimensional model was created, it was decided to not use the burgundy material for the exterior cladding, but to replace it with 2 tones of a more muted shade of burgundy; |
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tree lined garden areas are introduced at the fourth level within large planters; |
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all bicycle requirements, including lockup provisions, have been met, and in addition chargers for electric scooters are located along the fourth floor corridor; |
· |
with regard to segregated parking for visitors and residents, there are two sets of gates: the first gate, located off the north-south lane, will be locked after business hours to secure the commercial and visitor parking area; a second gate leading to the upper floor residential parking spaces will be secured, and residents will use a computerized fob to gain access to their designated parking level. |
Staff Comments |
Jean Lamontagne, Director of Development, advised that the 5 seniors housing units were designed according to the City’s published guidelines. The project includes a 25-year housing agreement so that the applicant can target the clientele that would meet the criteria for occupation of seniors rental housing units. Mr. Lamontagne further advised that legal agreements are required to secure parking, access, garbage and recycling, and loading requirements for the corner site at 6020 No. 3 Road. |
Correspondence |
Clarry Enterprises Ltd., c/o Mr. Dan Buller, Suite 100 – 555 Davie Street, Vancouver |
Gallery Comments | |
Dan Buller, representing Clarry Enterprises Ltd., owner of the property at the south-east corner of No. 3 Road and Westminster Highway, addressed the Panel with regard to Development Application for 6020 No. 3 Road (DP 07-363082) and reiterated the concerns he outlined in his letter to the Panel, dated May 16, 2007 (Schedule 1): | |
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MingLian Holdings Ltd. has created a fantastic project, and has been cooperative in providing Clarry with 35 parking spaces; Clarry had attempted a consolidation with MingLian, but was unsuccessful in doing so; |
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challenges have been imposed on the Clarry-owned site by the Canada Line including: the challenge of maximizing the site density due to the required setbacks from the Canada Line, on-site vehicle manoeuvrability challenges, and geotechnical concerns; |
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the site development will be restricted to a narrow, tall structure and the economic viability is uncertain due to specific site constraints; |
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if the corner property is not part of a larger consolidation it is not economically feasible to develop the site at this time; |
· |
Clarry hopes to overcome the complications so that the prospect of development for the corner lot becomes a reality. |
In response to queries from the Chair, Mr. Buller stated that: | |
· |
with regard to geotechnical concerns, the introduction of the Canada Line will impose certain construction constraints and limit the building footprint which impacts the on-site manoeuvrability and the marketing of the residential units; |
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the impact of the Canada Line is not the only reason for Clarry not presenting its project to the Development Permit Panel at this time; |
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there is no agreement with MingLian to acquire parking spaces; |
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with regard to a timeline for the Clarry project if it proceeds, Clarry has to return to the drawing board with the architect and re-examine zoning issues and density concerns, as well as explore the challenges presented by the Canada Line; |
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in terms of Clarry being willing to sell the corner property, discussions have taken place, but those discussions have failed. |
In conclusion, Mr. Buller stated that Clarry would like to see the MingLian project proceed, provided that elements that impact the Clarry project are reduced. | |
The Chair expressed concern that an integrated project at a key City Centre intersection would include only two thirds of the development if constructed. The Chair asked staff if there were any rental units included in the Clarry development permit application, and Mr. Lamontagne advised that there were no rental units included. The Chair requested that the architect address some of the issues raised by Mr. Buller. | |
Mr. Leung advised that he would like to see the project proceed. From a design perspective the project as presented is attractive and efficient. He added that provisions have been included in the subject application to provide parking, access and other benefits for the corner site. He has met with representatives of Richmond Fire Rescue and the City’s Building Division and he is confident all safety measures and Building Code stipulates can be addressed, and he was advised that no cross-exiting was required. | |
The Chair noted that if the project moved forward without the Clarry component, a concrete wall would be visible at the high profile, high traffic corner of No. 3 Road and Westminster Highway. | |
Mr. Leung suggested that in order to mitigate the appearance of such a concrete wall, it could be treated with a textured finish, public art, or with a 3-dimensional painted mural to suggest the exterior of a completed building, something that is done in cities in Europe and as he had undertaken on a previous project during Expo ‘86. | |
Masa Ito, 3180 Hunt Street, Richmond, addressed the panel and expressed his concern that the project under discussion does not appear to have sufficient urban open space along the Westminster Highway frontage. He asked the Panel to consider a wider setback from Westminster Highway in order to potentially accommodate pedestrian-oriented open space in this high-density area of the City. | |
In response to a query from the Panel, Mr. Lamontagne advised that the development allowed for patios, as well as for canopies, and that the canopy projection depth would be further reviewed through the servicing agreement process. |
Panel Discussion |
The Panel expressed the belief that it should refer the application to the May 30, 2007 meeting of the Development Permit Panel. |
The Chair commented that he sensed there was unfinished business between MingLian Holdings Ltd. and Clarry Enterprises Ltd. that it was not the Development Permit Panel, or City staff’s role or responsibility, to mediate or solve issues between the applicants. |
He stated that it would be inappropriate for the Panel to recommend proceeding with the application when the issue of the corner lot remained unclear. He encouraged Clarry to move quickly through the process of re-considering the development of 6020 No. 3 Road. |
Other issues the Chair wanted addressed were: (i) clarification from Clarry on the timing if it decided to proceed with DP 07-363082; (ii) a strategy for an interim treatment of the subject application’s building elevations if Clarry was not involved in a consolidated project; (iii) Planning staff to speak with Major Projects staff to discuss how the project fits into the No. 3 Road Street Study, taking into consideration Mr. Ito’s comment that there appeared to be a lack of a public space included in the proposed project, and (iv) Transportation staff to review the parking variance for the seniors rental units. |
Mr. Lamontagne clarified the issue of a parking and access agreement between MingLian and Clarry by advising the Panel that an agreement signed by Mr. Bullar, and dated April 12, 2007, is on file with the City. |
The Chair granted the request of the owner to address the Panel. Mr. Frank Gu stated that: (i) MingLian owns three pieces of land, consolidated to form one piece; (ii) that efforts have been made to acquire the corner parcel; (iii) that MingLian is receptive to providing parking, access, garbage & recycling agreements to secure the development potential of the corner site; and (iv) that if the Development Permit was rejected, it would be difficult for either MingLian or Clarry to proceed. |
The Chair responded that the Panel was not willing to take the risk inherent in deciding to issue a Development Permit for DP 06-350946, and that the Panel would refer the item to the May 30, 2007 Panel meeting. |
The Chair commented that information on the design of the project had been clear, but that staff was directed to inform the Panel of the agreements on file, as the discussion had produced contradictory information in that regard. |
Panel Decision | |
It was moved and seconded | |
That Development Permit DP 06-350946 for property at 6040 No. 3 Road and 8060, 8080 Westminster Highway be referred to the next meeting of the Development Permit Panel, to be held in the Council Chambers on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 3:30 p.m., in order to allow the applicant to: | |
(a) |
provide information on (i) whether the adjacent corner parcel, 6020 No. 3 Road (DP 07-363082) intends to proceed with the currently proposed Development Permit, which has been designed to be fully integrated with the subject Development Permit proposal, and on (ii) a proposed timeframe for submitting to the Development Permit Panel a report on the status of the plan for the corner parcel; |
(b) |
provide detailed information on an interim treatment of the interface between the subject site and the corner parcel; |
(c) |
respond to a staff review of the proposed parking plan and parking requirement variance for the proposed seniors’ housing units to ensure appropriate parking is available on-site; and |
(d) |
review the provision of publicly accessible space along the Westminster Highway and No. 3 Road frontages to ensure that appropriate areas are set aside in accordance with the City’s vision for publicly accessible areas within the City Centre along the Canada Line. |
3. |
Jacken Investments Inc. |
11351, 11391, 11411, 11431, 11471, & 11491 Steveston Hwy. |
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To permit the construction of 41 townhouse units on a site zoned Townhouse District (R2-0.6). |
Applicant’s Comments |
Mr. Taizo Yamamoto of Yamamoto Architects advised that the site of the project is to the north of the Ironwood Shopping Centre. The townhouse complex includes a centrally located amenity space that includes a children’s play area, benches and a mail structure as part of the design. Mr. Yamamoto noted that the roof forms in the rear units have been altered to create additional architectural emphasis and variety. |
Staff Comments |
Mr. Lamontagne advised that the development meets the Ironwood Sub-Area Plan. He reported that staff had worked with the applicant to address issues that had arisen at the December 18, 2006 Public Hearing. |
Correspondence |
None. |
Gallery Comments |
None. |
Panel Discussion | |
In response to the Panel’s queries, the applicant advised that: | |
· |
safety for children playing on the site is addressed by a proposed fence adjacent to Steveston Highway, a proposed landscaped berm for the Steveston Highway frontage, a dedicated children’s play area, an arbour structure, and a gate on the walkway; |
· |
the unauthorized removal of 25 trees in late 2006 and early 2007 was due to a misunderstanding; the owner did not realize that the trees were not to be downed until after the Development Permit had been approved; compensation has since been paid; there are trees remaining on the site, and more trees are proposed to be planted on the site; |
· |
there is only one direct access for vehicles onto Steveston Highway; alternative accesses are provided via cross access arrangements to the east and west. |
Panel Decision |
It was moved and seconded |
That a Development Permit be issued which would permit the construction of 41 townhouse units at 11351, 11391, 11411, 11431, 11471 and 11491 Steveston Hwy. on a site zoned Townhouse District (R2-0.6). |
4. |
Adjournment | |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting be adjourned at 4:49 p.m. |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Development Permit Panel of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, May 16, 2007. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Joe Erceg |
Sheila Johnston |