September 22, 2014 - Minutes
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Regular Council
Monday, September 22, 2014
Place: |
Council Chambers |
Present: |
Acting Mayor Chak Au |
Absent: |
Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie |
Call to Order: |
Acting Mayor Au called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. |
R14/16-1 |
1. |
It was moved and seconded |
That the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on Monday, September 8, 2014, be adopted as circulated. |
Suzanne Bycraft, Manager, Fleet and Environmental Programs, accompanied by Linh Huynh, Waste Reduction and Recycling Coordinator, presented the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Bronze Quill Award of Excellence for the City’s Green Cart Program. |
She stated that thanks to the combination of responsive, customer-based recycling services and targeted, clear communication, residents in single-family homes have already achieved the goal to divert 70% of waste from landfills. Ms. Bycraft highlighted that this was achieved it in 2013, two years ahead of the target for 2015. |
Ms. Bycraft then presented the IABC Bronze Quill Award of Excellence for the City’s Green Cart Program to Acting Mayor Au. |
R14/16-2 |
2. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to hear delegations on agenda items (7:06 p.m.). |
3. |
Delegations from the floor on Agenda items – None. |
R14/16-3 |
4. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Committee rise and report (7:07 p.m.). |
R14/16-4 |
5. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Items 6 through 13, with the removal of Item No. 8 – “Shelter Island Restaurants Ltd., Doing Business as Tugboat Annie's Pub, 6911 Graybar Road Unit 100,” be adopted by general consent. |
6. |
That the minutes of: |
(1) |
the Community Safety Committee meeting held on Tuesday, September 9, 2014; |
(2) |
the General Purposes Committee meeting held on Monday, September 15, 2014; |
(3) |
the Planning Committee meeting held on Tuesday, September 16, 2014; |
be received for information. |
7. |
Single Source Procurement – Fire Engine with Pump |
(1) |
That a single source procurement, for a Fire Engine with Pump be negotiated to contract award with Wholesale Fire & Rescue Ltd. (WFR), at a total cost to be determined within the approved capital expenditure budget of $812,670, which was included in the City’s 2014 Capital Budget for one new fire engine with pump; |
(2) |
That the Chief Administrative Officer, General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and General Manager of Law and Community Safety be authorized to award a single source contract as a result of the negotiation with WFR for the purchase of a Fire Engine with Pump; and |
(3) |
Should negotiations with WFR result in a failure to achieve best value for the City and a contract is not awarded, the City shall go to the marketplace by means of competitive bid for this requirement. |
8. |
Please see Page 7 for action on this matter. |
9. |
Update on PMV’s Approval of Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility |
That: |
(1) |
the staff report titled Update on PMV’s Approval of Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility, dated September 3, 2014, from the Director, Intergovernmental Relations and Protocol Unit be received for information; and |
(2) |
letters be sent to Fraser Surrey Docks, Port Metro Vancouver, Metro Vancouver, and local MPs and MLAs reiterating Richmond City Council’s outstanding concerns on the Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility. |
10. |
Application by Urban Design Group Architects Ltd. for Rezoning at 3011 No. 5 Road from “Gas Station Commercial (ZC12) – Bridgeport Road and Ironwood Area” to “Car Wash & Service Station (ZC35) – Bridgeport” |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9174, to create “Car Wash & Service Station (ZC35) – Bridgeport” and for the rezoning of 3011 No. 5 Road from “Gas Station Commercial (ZC12) – Bridgeport Road and Ironwood Area” to “Car Wash & Service Station (ZC35) – Bridgeport”, be introduced and given first reading. |
11. |
Application by the City of Richmond for a Zoning Text Amendment to the Office and Education (ZIS5) – City Hall West (Thompson Area) Zoning District at 6931 Granville Avenue |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw 8500, Amendment Bylaw 9165, to amend the “Office and Education (ZIS5) – City Hall West (Thompson Area)” zoning district for the property at 6931 Granville Avenue to add “emergency service” as a permitted use under Section 24.5.2, be introduced and given first reading. |
12. |
Application by Firework Productions Ltd. for a Temporary Commercial Use Permit Renewal at 8351 River Road, Duck Island (Lot 87 Section 21 Block 5 North Range 6 West Plan 34592) and 8411/8431/8451 West Road for 2015, 2016 and 2017 |
(1) |
That the application by Firework Productions Ltd. for a Temporary Commercial Use Permit renewal for the properties at 8351 River Road, Duck Island (Lot 87 Section 21 Block 5 North Range 6 West Plan 34592) and 8411/8431/8451 West Road be considered at Public Hearing to be held on October 20, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers of Richmond City Hall, and that the following recommendation be forwarded to that meeting for consideration: |
“That a Temporary Commercial Use Permit be issued to Firework Productions Ltd. for the properties at 8351 River Road, Duck Island (Lot 87 Section 21 Block 5 North Range 6 West Plan 34592) and 8411/8431/8451 West Road for the purposes of permitting an evening night market event between May 15, 2015 to November 1, 2015 (inclusive), May 13, 2016 to October 30, 2016 (inclusive) and May 12, 2017 to October 29, 2017 (inclusive) subject to the fulfillment of all terms, conditions and requirements outlined in the Temporary Commercial Use Permit and attached Schedules.” |
(2) |
That the Public Hearing notification area include all properties to the north of Bridgeport Road and west of Great Canadian Way as shown in Attachment 4 to the staff report dated September 9, 2014 from the Director of Development. |
13. |
Referral: Comparison of Richmond and Metro Vancouver Proposed Responses the BC Ministry of Agriculture Consultation on Potential Changes to the Agricultural Land Reserve Use, Subdivision and Procedure Regulation |
Richmond Response to BC Ministry of Agriculture Consultation on Potential Changes to the Agricultural Land Reserve Use, Subdivision and Procedure Regulation |
(1) |
That the memorandum titled Referral: Comparison of Richmond and Metro Vancouver Proposed Responses the BC Ministry of Agriculture Consultation on Potential Changes to the Agricultural Land Reserve Use, Subdivision and Procedure Regulation dated September 10, 2014 from the Manager, Policy Planning, be received for information; |
(2) |
That the attached Richmond response (Attachment 2), which was submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture prior to the deadline of August 22, 2014 regarding potential changes to the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) Use, Subdivision and Procedure Regulation be ratified; |
(3) |
That the Ministry of Agriculture be requested to extend the deadline for comments to September 30, 2014 to enable all stakeholders to have reasonable time to provide feedback; |
(4) |
That the Ministry of Agriculture be requested to provide a detailed analysis of the potential impacts and implications (including taxation implications) of each proposed change, enable local governments to also regulate the proposed changes, and allow the local governments and stakeholders the opportunity to review the draft regulations prior to their adoption; |
(5) |
That the Ministry of Agriculture and Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) staff and funding be increased to properly enforce the existing and proposed ALR regulations; and |
(6) |
That this report and recommendations be forwarded to Richmond MPs, MLAs, the Metro Vancouver Board and all Metro Vancouver local governments. |
In accordance with Section 100 of the Community Charter, Councillor Linda McPhail declared herself to be in a conflict of interest as her husband is the principal owner of the company making the application and left the meeting (8:02 p.m.). |
8. |
R14/16-5 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the application from Shelter Island Restaurants Ltd., doing business as Tugboat Annie’s Pub, for an amendment to increase the occupant load to 194 patron capacity (78 interior and 116 exterior) under Liquor Primary Licence No. 110707, be supported and that a letter be sent to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch advising that: |
(1) |
Council supports the amendment for an increase in occupant load as the increase will not have a significant impact on the community; |
(2) |
Council’s comments on the prescribed criteria (set out in Section 53 of the Liquor Control and Licensing Regulations) are as follows: |
(a) |
The potential for additional noise and traffic in the area was considered; and |
(b) |
The impact on the community was assessed through a community consultation process. |
(3) |
As the operation of a licenced establishment may affect nearby residents the City gathered the view of the residents as follows: |
(a) |
Property owners and businesses within a 50 metre radius of the subject property were contacted by letter detailing the application, providing instructions on how community comments or concerns could be submitted; and |
(b) |
Signage was posted at the subject property and three public notices were published in a local newspaper. This signage and notice provided information on the application and instructions on how community comments or concerns could be submitted. |
(4) |
Council’s comments and recommendations respecting the views of the residents are as follows: |
(a) |
That based on the letters sent and the lack of response received from all public notifications, Council considers that the amendment is acceptable to the majority of the residents in the area and the community. |
Cllr. McPhail returned to the meeting (8:03 p.m.). |
14. |
Business Regulation Bylaw 7538, Amendment Bylaw 9171 |
R14/16-6 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Business Regulation Bylaw No. 7538, Amendment Bylaw No. 9171 which amends Schedule A of Bylaw 7538 to include the premises at 7992 Alderbridge Way among the sites, which permit an Amusement Centre to operate with more than 4 amusement machines, be introduced and given first, second and third readings. |
R14/16-7 |
15. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to hear delegations on non‑agenda items (8:05 p.m.). |
Bill Thornton, Chief Executive Officer, accompanied by Anita Cymet, Manager, Development and Communications, BC & Alberta Guide Dog Services, spoke on BC Guide Dog Services and the following information was highlighted: |
§ |
BC Guide Dog Services was established in 1996 and is a registered charity that operates in BC and Alberta; |
§ |
BC Guide Dog Services breeds, raises, and trains dogs as guide dogs for the visually impaired and support dogs for children with autism; |
§ |
all services provided are at no cost to clients and funding for services is provided through generous voluntary contributions; |
§ |
BC Guide Dog Services are important as there are approximately 111,000 blind and visually impaired British Columbians, and autism effects one in 65 children; |
§ |
to date, BC Guide Dog Services has provided 108 guide dogs and 31 autism support dogs; and |
§ |
the Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever breeds are primarily utilized for guide dogs and autism support dogs due to their training ability. |
In reply to queries from Council, Ms. Thornton advised that anyone interested in BC Guide Dog Services, including contact information is available on their website – |
R14/16-8 |
16. |
It was moved and seconded |
That Committee rise and report (8:20 p.m.). |
R14/16-9 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the following bylaws be adopted: |
5 Year Financial Plan (2014-2018) Bylaw No. 9100, Amendment Bylaw No. 9166 |
Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 8967 |
Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 9117 |
R14/16-10 |
It was moved and seconded |
That Richmond Zoning Bylaw No. 8500, Amendment Bylaw No. 8979 |
CARRIED Opposed: Cllrs. Barnes |
R14/16-11 |
17. |
It was moved and seconded |
(1) |
That the minutes of the Development Permit Panel meeting held on Wednesday, September 10, 2014, the Chair’s report for the Development Permit Panel meetings held on Wednesday, September 10, 2014, Wednesday, July 16, 2014, and Wednesday, January 29, 2014, and the Chair’s report for the Development Permit Panel meeting held on Wednesday, August 27, 2014, be received for information; and |
(2) |
That the recommendations of the Panel to authorize the issuance of: |
(a) |
a Development Variance Permit (DV 14-665249) for the property at 6951 Elmbridge Way; |
(b) |
a Development Permit (DP 14-662568) for the property at 4220 Vanguard Road; |
(c) |
a Development Permit (DP 13-630032) for the property at 6711, 6771 and 6791 Williams Road; |
(d) |
a Development Permit (DP 13-638853) for the property at 9671 Alberta Road; |
be endorsed, and the Permits so issued. |
R14/16-12 |
It was moved and seconded |
That the meeting adjourn (8:31 p.m.). |
Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Regular meeting of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Monday, September 22, 2014. |
_________________________________ |
_________________________________ |
Acting Mayor (Chak Au) |
Acting Corporate Officer (Michelle Jansson) |